Lines Matching refs:width

8 <WRAP classes #id width :language>
13 <block classes #id width :language>
18 <div classes #id width :language>
26 <wrap classes #id width :language>"small" content</wrap>
29 <inline classes #id width :language>"small" content</inline>
32 <span classes #id width :language>"small" content</span>
65 You can have columns easily by adding the class ''column'' and a width, e.g.
100 ^''px''|''420px''|makes sense if your container contains images with a certain width|
107 With certain width keywords you can fit your columns automatically to fill the available horizontal space. Those columns will also react to the screen size, so will be responsive and wrap underneath each other on mobile devices.
109 There are four width keywords. These should not be combined with any other width, only ''third'' can be combined with ''twothirds''.
116 :!: Attention: In order to work properly, wraps with width keywords need an **additional ''%%<WRAP group>%%'' around a set** of them. If you mix several types in one group, you might need a ''%%<WRAP clear/>%%'' after a row.
124 :!: Attention: What is the difference between widths and width keywords and when is it best to use which? **Widths** can cause problems and will never fully add up, therefore will break the layout under some circumstances. (See [[|box model]] for a technical explanation.) So, getting widths right will need some fiddling around and testing in various browsers. **Width keywords** on the other hand fit automatically and work better on mobile devices. But the drawback is that they need an extra wrap around them and don't work properly in older browsers (IE8 and under).
140 Just use **''%%colsmall%%''** for small width columns, **''%%colmedium%%''** for medium width columns and **''%%collarge%%''** for large width columns.
142 The former type of column is determined by its width, the latter by its amount. The width-based columns are ideal for different layouts and device widths.
307 === Table width ===
309 You can set the width of a table via ''tablewidth'' as every table inside that wrap will always be 100% wide. This makes it possible to give tables any width by adding an additional width to the wrap (or none for 100%).