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39 if the according wrap isn't floated as well.
85 Normally you would only need the class ''column'', but for more sophisticated uses (not only for columns, but for any other classes, like [[#boxes and notes]] as well) you can have several kinds of "floats":
87 * **''column''** is the same as ''left'' in LTR languages and the same as ''right'' in RTL languages
122 You can use the same options with spans (as each element that floats is automatically a block level element), but it probably doesn't make too much sense. :!: Widths on spans normally do not work (by design), but can make sense, when it is floating.
130 When the ''emulatedHeadlines'' config option is enabled, every ''%%//**__text like this__**//%%'' or ''%%//**like that**//%%'' will create an "emulated headline" within a wrap. This feature is deprecated and will be removed at some point as standard headlines within wraps are supported for a while now.
138 Multi-columns work best in modern browsers (no IE9 and below) but should still be considered experimental as some browser behaviour is still inconsistent and buggy.
185 * ''box'' creates a box around the container and uses the colours from the template's ''style.ini'' as default colours (''%%__background_alt__%%'' and ''%%__text__%%'')
275 You can mark text as <wrap hi>highlighted</wrap>, <wrap lo>less significant</wrap> and <wrap em>especially emphasised</wrap>.
277 You can mark text as <wrap hi>highlighted</wrap>, <wrap lo>less significant</wrap> and <wrap em>especially emphasised</wrap>.
309 You can set the width of a table via ''tablewidth'' as every table inside that wrap will always be 100% wide. This makes it possible to give tables any width by adding an additional width to the wrap (or none for 100%).