Lines Matching +full:box +(+path:plugin +path:wrap) -(+path:plugin +path:wrap +path:lang)

124 :!: Attention: What is the difference between widths and width keywords and when is it best to use which? **Widths** can cause problems and will never fully add up, therefore will break the layout under some circumstances. (See [[|box model]] for a technical explanation.) So, getting widths right will need some fiddling around and testing in various browsers. **Width keywords** on the other hand fit automatically and work better on mobile devices. But the drawback is that they need an extra wrap around them and don't work properly in older browsers (IE8 and under).
182 <WRAP round box 500px center>
183 === round box 500px center ===
185 * ''box'' creates a box around the container and uses the colours from the template's ''style.ini'' as default colours (''%%__background_alt__%%'' and ''%%__text__%%'')
270 <wrap info>info</wrap>, <wrap help>help</wrap>, <wrap alert>alert</wrap>, <wrap important>important</wrap>, <wrap tip>tip</wrap>, <wrap download>download</wrap>, <wrap todo>todo</wrap> and <wrap round box>round box</wrap> and <wrap danger>danger</wrap>, <wrap warning>warning</wrap>, <wrap caution>caution</wrap>, <wrap notice>notice</wrap>, <wrap safety>safety</wrap>.
353 Just select the text in the spoiler box to be able to read its content.
402 <WRAP box 350px right :en>
403 ===Outer box floats right ===
406 Inner nested box floats left and is partly <wrap em hi>__em__phasized and __hi__ghlighted with a nested <wrap notice>__notice__</wrap> inside</wrap>.
409 Text inside outer right box, but beneath inner left box.
414 Round tip box underneath, after a ''clear''.
421 <WRAP box 350px right :en>
422 === Outer box floats right ===
425 Inner nested box floats left and is partly <wrap em hi>__em__phasized and __hi__ghlighted with a nested <wrap notice>__notice__</wrap> inside</wrap>.
428 Text inside outer right box, but beneath inner left box.
433 Round tip box underneath, after a ''clear''.