Lines Matching refs:in

7 * #465: Add TZ in iTip REPLY iTip messages
8 * #486: Add PHONE-NUMBER value type (used for TEL in vCard 3.0)
14 * #443: prevent running in indefinte loop
17 * #459: fixed typo in VCalendar which resulting in usage of the wrong TimeZone
23 * #432: DTSTAMP must be specified in UTC
36 * #406, #407, #408, #409: Another round of performance improvements in serialization of properties …
37 * #410: Fixes in iTip for handling `BYDAY=SA,SO` (@gharlan)
38 * #381: Fixes in iTip handling of `SCHEDULE-FORCE-SEND` (@alecpl)
48 * #383: Fix possible infinite loop in RRuleIterator, when the RRule FREQ
51 unneeded update emails in scheduling systems. (@alecpl).
75 * #355: Support `DateTimeInterface` in more places where only `DateTime` was
84 * #327: Throwing `InvalidDataException` in more cases where invalid iCalendar
88 * #333: Fix endless loop on invalid `BYMONTH` values in recurrence.
103 * #312: Correctly extracing timezone in the iTip broker, even when we don't
119 * #303: `COUNT` is now encoded as an int in jCal instead of a string. (@strokyl)
127 in any other document, we must ignore it.
157 object, instead of editing the existing `VCalendar` in-place. This is a BC
159 * #265: Using the new `InvalidDataException` in place of
160 `InvalidArgumentException` and `LogicException` in all places where we fail
171 * #185: Fix encoding/decoding of `TIME` values in jCal/jCard.
197 before in arguments. This means that either `DateTime` or
259 * This package now specifies in composer.json that it does not support PHP 7.
280 * #250: Recurring all-day events are incorrectly included in time range
281 requests when not using UTC in the time range. (@armin-hackmann)
294 * #228: Fixed a 'party crasher' bug in the iTip broker. This would break
295 scheduling in some cases.
304 * #211: Fix `BYDAY=-5TH` in recurrence iterator. (@lindquist)
319 * A minor change to ensure that unittests work correctly in the sabre/dav
329 * #195: PHP 5.3 compatibility in 'generatevcards' script. (@rickdenhaan)
403 * #128: `ATTACH` in iCalendar is `URI` by default, not `BINARY`.
423 * #114: Support for 'MAILTO:' style email addresses (in uppercase) in the iTip
433 that was used to be in the `lib/Sabre/VObject` directory is now moved to
442 * #75, #58, #18: Fixes related to overriding the first event in recurrences.
443 * Added: VCalendar::getBaseComponent to find the 'master' component in a
456 * Fixed: PHP 5.3 support was broken in the cli tool.
462 * Validator now checks if DUE and DTSTART are of the same type in VTODO, and
473 * Minor tweak in unittests to make it run on PHP 5.5.12. Json-prettifying
494 * Changed: The timezone maps are now loaded in from external files, in
497 * Fixed: Issue #68. Couldn't decode properties ending in a colon.
498 * Fixed: Issue #72. RecurrenceIterator should respect timezone in the UNTIL
506 * Added: Support for DateTime objects in the VCard DATE-AND-OR-TIME property.
517 changes in PHP 5.5.10.
529 * Added: VCardConverter removed properties that are no longer supported in vCard
535 * Added: Some support for vCard 2.1 in the VCard converter, to upgrade to vCard
541 * Fixed: Compound properties such as ADR were not correctly split up in vCard
556 * Fixed: Issue #53. A regression in RecurrenceIterator.
562 * Added: bad-ass new cli debugging utility (in bin/vobject).
566 PHOTO and others. BINARY no longer exists in vCard 4.
568 * Added: You can now add() multiple parameters to a property in one call.
575 events are out of order in the iCalendar file.
576 * Fixed: Issue #48. Overridden events in the recurrence iterator that were past
600 * Added: OPTION_FORGIVING now also allows slashes in property names.
616 * Fixed: Recursive loop in ICalendar\DateTime property.
628 * Fixed: Parameter values containing a comma are now enclosed in double-quotes.
653 * Fixed: \r is properly stripped in text values.
701 * Fixed: Issue #94, a workaround for bad escaping of ; and , in compound
703 stuck in the 2.1 versions.
723 changes in PHP 5.5.10.
736 * Fixed: Issue #53. A regression in RecurrenceIterator.
743 events are out of order in the iCalendar file.
744 * Fixed: Issue #48. Overridden events in the recurrence iterator that were past
793 * Added: Support for 'GMT+????' format in TZID's.
794 * Added: Support for formats like SystemV/EST5EDT in TZID's.
796 * Added: Support for BYHOUR in FREQ=DAILY (@hollodk).
797 * Added: Support for BYHOUR and BYDAY in FREQ=WEEKLY.
803 * Added: includes.php file, to load the entire library in one go.
823 properties with incorrect characters in the name (at this time, it just allows
827 * Fixed: A bug in Windows timezone-id mappings for times created in Greenlands