Lines Matching refs:Issue

446 * Fixed: Issue #101: RecurrenceIterator::nextMonthly() shows events that are
453 * Added: Issue #98. The VCardConverter now takes `X-APPLE-OMIT-YEAR` into
455 * Fixed: Issue #96. Some support for Yahoo's broken vcards.
497 * Fixed: Issue #68. Couldn't decode properties ending in a colon.
498 * Fixed: Issue #72. RecurrenceIterator should respect timezone in the UNTIL
500 * Fixed: Issue #67. BYMONTH limit on DAILY recurrences.
501 * Fixed: Issue #26. Return a more descriptive error when coming across broken
503 * Fixed: Issue #28. Incorrect timezone detection for some timezones.
504 * Fixed: Issue #70. Casting a parameter with a null value to string would fail.
508 * Fixed: Issue #83. Creating new VALUE=DATE objects using php's DateTime.
509 * Fixed: Issue #86. Don't go into an infinite loop when php errors are
516 * Fixed: Issue #87: Several compatibility fixes related to timezone handling
523 * Fixed: Support from properties from draft-daboo-valarm-extensions-04. Issue
525 * Fixed: Issue #54. Parsing a stream of multiple vcards separated by more than
537 * Fixed: Issue 60 Use Document::$componentMap when instantiating the top-level
539 * Fixed: Issue 62: Parsing iCalendar parameters with no value.
543 * Fixed: Issue 64: Encoding of binary properties of converted vCards. Thanks
556 * Fixed: Issue #53. A regression in RecurrenceIterator.
574 * Fixed: Issue #50. RecurrenceIterator gives incorrect result when exception
576 * Fixed: Issue #48. Overridden events in the recurrence iterator that were past
580 * Fixed: Issue #52. vCard 2.1 parameters with no name may lose values if there's
602 * Fixed: Issue 36: Workaround for the recurrenceiterator and caldav events with
701 * Fixed: Issue #94, a workaround for bad escaping of ; and , in compound
722 * Fixed: Issue #87: Several compatibility fixes related to timezone handling
729 * Fixed: Issue #55. \r must be stripped from property values.
730 * Fixed: Issue #65. Putting quotes around parameter values that contain a colon.
736 * Fixed: Issue #53. A regression in RecurrenceIterator.
742 * Fixed: Issue #50. RecurrenceIterator gives incorrect result when exception
744 * Fixed: Issue #48. Overridden events in the recurrence iterator that were past