Lines Matching refs:now

60 * Added support for sharing in the CalDAV PDO backend! Users can now invite
62 * #397: Support for PSR-3. You can now log exceptions with your favourite
66 version you now first need to update to sabre/dav 3.1.
75 * #812 #814: ICS/VCF exporter now includes a more useful filename in its
78 now changed a bit, and `LocalHref` was added to replace the old, default
85 the place now, reducing the amount of boilerplate.
86 * Plugins can now control the "Supported Privilege Set".
89 * The `{DAV:}all` privilege is now no longer abstract, so it can be assigned
90 directly. We're using the `{DAV:}all` privilege now in a lot of cases where
105 * #759: DAV\Client is now able to actually correctly resolve relative urls.
153 * #793: The Sqlite schema is now more strict and more similar to the MySQL
183 * #726: Better error reporting in `Client::propPatch`. We're now throwing
185 * #608: When a HTTP error is triggered during `Client:propFind`, we're now
188 * #721: Events are now handled in the correct order for `COPY` requests.
194 * #512: The client now has it's own `User-Agent`.
319 * Fixed example files to no longer use now-deprecated realm argument.
385 * `migrate22.php` is now called `migrate30.php`.
405 * It's now possible to get all property information from files using the
407 * Browser plugin will now show a 'calendar export' button when the
410 modification time, now no longer has a last modification time.
412 * #646: Properties can now control their own HTML output in the browser plugin.
428 * Complete rewrite of the XML system. We now use our own [sabre/xml][xml],
440 * `Sabre\DAV\IExtendedCollection` now receives a `Sabre\DAV\MkCol` object as
443 * `MKCOL` now integrates better with propertystorage plugins.
472 * The browser plugin now has a new page with information about your sabredav
475 * #191: The Authentication system can now support multiple authentication
478 deprecated, but has now been fully removed. All of these have been replaced
489 * Removed: `Sabre\DAV\Plugin::getPlugin()` can now no longer return plugins
492 * #560: GuessContentType plugin will now set content-type to
499 * #582: `Sabre\DAV\Auth\Plugin::getCurrentUser()` is now deprecated. Use
590 * Browser plugin now shows quota properties.
630 * #555: The `calendar-timezone` property is now respected for floating times
656 backends are now deprecated. They still work, but will be removed in the
657 next major sabredav version. Every argument that is now deprecated can now
672 now receive both vCard 3.0 and 4.0.
673 * Added: #444. Collections can now opt-in to support high-speed `MOVE`.
674 * Changed: PropertyStorage backends now have a `move` method.
687 `Sabre\CalDAV\Schedule\IMipPlugin`, which can now send emails for clients
691 * Changed: PrincipalBackend now has a findByUri method.
704 * #486: It's now possible to return additional properties when an 'allprop'
709 * Changed: `PUT` requests with a `Content-Range` header now emit a 400 status
711 * Added: Browser plugin can now display the contents of the
715 * Changed: CalDAV plugin is now responsible for reporting
721 * Changed: CardDAV plugin is now responsible for reporting
724 * When a REPORT is not supported, we now emit HTTP error 415, instead of 403.
725 * #348: `HEAD` requests now work wherever `GET` also works.
727 * Added: #523 Custom CalDAV backends can now mark any calendar as read-only.
786 * #487: Locks are now automatically removed after a node has been deleted.
867 * jCal transformation for calendar-query REPORT now works again.
875 Sabre_DAV_PartialUpdate_IFile interface is now deprecated and will be
884 * Added: Browser can now inspect any node, if ?sabreaction=browser is appended.
899 this method is now required.
900 * BC Break: XML property classes now receive an extra argument in their
904 authors this means Server::subscribeEvent is now Server::on, and
905 Server::broadcastEvent is now Server::emit.
908 * Changed: Sabre\HTTP now moved into a dedicated sabre/http package.
924 * Added: ICSExportPlugin can now generate jCal, filter on time-ranges and expand
931 * Added: Browser plugin now marks a carddav directory as type Directory, and a
939 * Added: Sabre\DAV\Client now has support for complex properties for PROPPATCH.
942 * Added: Sabre\DAV\Client now has support for sending objects as streams.
944 * Added: Addressbooks or backends can now specify custom acl rules when creating
951 * Added: If header now gets checked (with ETag) all the time. Before the dealing
954 * Added: Issue 333: It's now possible to override the calendar-home in the
975 * #516: The DAV client will now only redirect to HTTP and HTTPS urls.
1031 * Fixed: organizer email-address for shared calendars is now prefixed with
1055 * BC Break: Every backend package (CalDAV, CardDAV, Auth, Locks, Principals) now
1060 * BC Break: Sabre_CalDAV_ISharedCalendar now also has a getShares method, so
1066 * Added: Sharee's can now also read out the list of invites for a shared
1068 * Added: The Proxy principal classes now both implement an interface, for
1076 * Changed: Removed phing and went with a custom build script for now.
1084 Sabre_DAV_PartialUpdate_IFile interface is now deprecated and will be removed
1123 * Changed: Sabre\DAV\Client::verifyPeer is now a protected property (instead of
1145 * Fixed: vcardurl in database schema can now hold 255 characters instead of 80
1171 * Fixed: Range requests now work for non-seekable streams. (Thanks Alfred
1189 * Fixed: SharingPlugin now plays nicer with other plugins with similar
1210 * Fixed: setGroupMemberSet argument now correctly receives relative principal
1215 Code tickets. We're using github now.
1230 * BC Break: The ICalendar interface now has a new method: calendarQuery.
1232 been previously deprecated. Namely: - Sabre_DAV_Directory (now:
1233 Sabre_DAV_Collection) - Sabre_DAV_SimpleDirectory (now:
1235 * BC Break: Sabre_CalDAV_Schedule_IMip::sendMessage now has an extra argument.
1240 * Removed: Sabre.includes.php was deprecated, and is now removed.
1241 * Removed: Sabre_CalDAV_Server was deprecated, and is now removed. Please use
1243 * Changed: The Sabre_VObject library now spawned into it's own project! The
1255 * Changed: Responsibility for dealing with the calendar-query is now moved from
1257 * Changed: The CalDAV PDO backend is now a lot faster for common calendar
1259 * Changed: We are now using the composer autoloader.
1260 * Changed: The CalDAV backend now all implement an interface.
1261 * Changed: Instead of Sabre_DAV_Property, Sabre_DAV_PropertyInterface is now the
1271 * Added: Sabre_DAV_Client now throws more specific exceptions in cases where we
1277 * Fixed: Uploaded VCards without a UID are now rejected. (thanks Dominik!)
1280 * Fixed: Issue 219: serialize() now reorders correctly.
1309 * Fixed: vcardurl in database schema can now hold 255 characters instead of 80
1361 * Fixed: Issue 228: DTEND is now non-inclusive for all-day events in the
1368 * Added: It's now possible to specify in Sabre_DAV_Client which type of
1380 * Fixed: All uri fields are now a maximum of 200 characters. The Bynari outlook
1391 * Fixed: Recurrence rules of events are now taken into consideration when doing
1410 * Added: createFile and put() can now return an ETag.
1430 * BC Break: Any node that implemented Sabre_DAVACL_IACL must now also implement
1434 * BC Break: The Sabre_DAVACL_IPrincipalCollection now has two new methods:
1438 * BC Break: Sabre_DAV_Exception_FileNotFound is now deprecated in favor of
1441 * BC Break: Sabre_CalDAV_Server is now deprecated, check out the documentation
1443 * BC Break: Default Principals PDO backend now needs a new field in the
1452 * Changed: beforeCreateFile event now passes data argument by reference.
1453 * Changed: The 'propertyMap' property from Sabre_VObject_Reader, must now be
1472 * Changed: The calendar-proxy-[read|write] principals will now only appear in
1475 * Changed: Sabre_VObject_Element_* classes are now renamed to
1485 * Added: The contentlength for calendar objects can now be supplied by a CalDAV
1488 * Fixed: {DAV:}getcontentlength may now be not specified.
1490 clients. This means that + will now be treated as a literal rather than a
1499 * Changed: Properties are now also automatically mapped to their appropriate
1501 * Changed: Cloning VObject objects now clones the entire tree, rather than just
1505 * Changed: CalDAV PDO backend now sorts calendars based on the internal
1514 * Added: VObject now support Windows Timezone names correctly (thanks mrpace2).
1542 * Fixed: VObject properties are now always encoded before components.
1545 * Fixed: The Browser plugin will now trigger the correct events when creating
1547 * Fixed: The ICSExportPlugin now considers ACL's.
1573 * Fixed: GuessContentType plugin now supports mixed case file extensions.
1578 * Added: All VObject elements now have a reference to their parent node.
1598 * Fixed: carddata and calendardata MySQL fields are now of type 'mediumblob'.
1600 * Fixed: {DAV:}supported-report-set is now correctly reporting the reports for
1619 * Fixed: addressbook-query is now correctly returned from the
1632 * BC Break: Adding parameters with the VObject libraries now overwrites the
1635 * BC Break: lib/Sabre.autoload.php is now removed in favor of
1637 * Deprecated: Sabre_DAV_Directory is now deprecated and will be removed in a
1639 * Deprecated: Sabre_DAV_SimpleDirectory is now deprecated and will be removed in
1649 * Fixed: VObject bug: Parameters now behave more like Properties.
1650 * Fixed: VObject bug: Parameters with no value are now correctly parsed.
1653 * Changed: Browser plugin now uses POST variable 'sabreAction' instead of
1663 * Fixed: Issue 124: 'File' authentication backend now takes realm into
1665 * Fixed: Sabre_DAV_Property_HrefList now properly deserializes. This allows
1668 * Added: VObject library can now automatically map iCalendar properties to
1678 * Change: Sabre_DAV_Property_Principal is now renamed to
1719 * Deprecated: Sabre_DAV_Locks_Backend_FS is now deprecated and will be removed
1721 * Deprecated: The Sabre_CalDAV_ICalendarUtil class is now marked deprecated, and
1730 * Added: Plugins can now specify a pluginname, for easy access using
1734 * Added: Principal listings and calendar-access can now be done privately,
1736 * Added: You can now pass arrays to the Sabre_DAV_Server constructor. If it's an
1739 * Added: The principal base uri is now customizable. It used to be hardcoded to
1746 * Fixed: Issue 90: lockdiscovery property and LOCK response now include a
1768 * Changed: Almost all HTTP method implementations now take a uri argument,
1772 * Changed: All getETag methods MUST now surround the etag with double-quotes.
1780 * Added: Browser plugin now uses {DAV:}displayname if this property is
1783 * Added: Tree classes now have a delete and getChildren method.
1789 * Fixed: Issue 65: Invalid dates are now ignored.
1823 * Updated: SabreDAV now attempts to guess the BaseURI if it's not set.
1837 is now corrected.
1846 * Fixed: Browser plugin now displays international characters.
1847 * Changed: More properties in CalDAV classes are now protected instead of
1888 * Changed: The Allow: header is now more accurate, with appropriate HTTP methods
1909 * Added: Calendars are now private and can only be read by the owner.
1911 * Added: MySQL database dumps. MySQL is now also supported next to SQLite.
1915 * Changed: Authentication backend is now aware of current user.
1935 * Changed: Sabre_DAV_Server::getCopyAndMoveInfo is now a public method.
1943 * Added: naturalselection script now allows the user to specify a 'minimum
1959 unittested now.
1963 datadirectory must always be specified from now on.
1966 * Changed: Sabre_DAV_IDirectory is now Sabre_DAV_ICollection.
1967 * Changed: Sabre_DAV_Exception_PermissionDenied is now
1994 * Changed: Any non-null resourceType now gets a / appended to the href value.
1995 Before this was just for {DAV:}collection's, but this is now also the case for
1997 * Changed: The Href property class can now optionally create non-relative uri's.
1998 * Changed: Sabre_HTTP_Response now returns false if headers are already sent and
2122 * Changed: Custom complex properties and exceptions now get an instance of
2124 * Changed: Href complex property now prepends server's baseUri
2125 * Changed: delete before an overwriting copy/move is now handles by server class
2127 * Changed: events must now explicitly return false to stop execution. Before,
2129 * Changed: the getPropertiesForPath method now takes a different set of
2131 return statuses for properties other than 200 and 404. The hrefs are now also
2133 * Changed: generatePropFindResponse is renamed to generateMultiStatus, and now
2138 * Changed: PROPPATCH also used generateMultiStatus now.
2151 * Fixed: Copy and Move could fail in the root directory. This is now fixed.
2152 * Added: Plugins can now be retrieved by their classname. This is useful for
2154 * Added: The Auth backend can now return usernames and user-id's.
2156 * Added: Sabre_DAV_FSExt_Directory now returns quota info
2168 * Updated: Browser plugin now shows multiple {DAV:}resourcetype values if
2184 * Added: generatePropfindResponse now takes a baseUri argument
2185 * Added: ResourceType property can now contain multiple resourcetypes.
2199 * Fixed: TemporaryFileFilter plugin now intercepts HTTP LOCK requests to
2203 * Added: now a PEAR-compatible package again, thanks to Michael Gauthier
2215 The Server class now directly works with the INode, IFile and IDirectory
2220 * Changed: TemporaryFileFilter is now a plugin.
2226 * Added: When subscribing to events, it is now possible to supply a priority.
2242 Exception now follows Sabre_DAV_Exception_FileNotFound convention instead of
2244 * Added: Browser plugin now allows uploading and creating directories straight
2263 * Added: Server class now sends back standard pre-condition error xml bodies.
2270 * Changed: Sabre_DAV_FilterTree is now Sabre_DAV_Tree_Filter
2271 * Changed: Sabre_DAV_TemporaryFileFilter is now called
2277 * Fixed: auth-int is now properly supported within HTTP Digest.
2280 * Fixed: TemporaryFileFilter now lets through GET's if they actually exist on
2283 * Fixed: LockManager is now slightly more complex, Tree classes slightly less.
2297 * Added: The API can now return ETags and override the default Content-Type
2303 * Fixed: HTTP_BasicAuth class now works as expected.
2306 * Fixed: PROPFIND now sends back information about the requestUri even when
2320 removed from all the files. It is now recommended to use autoloading of
2324 * Updated: Sabre_DAV_Tree can now work with Sabre_DAV_LockManager.
2329 * Fixed: examples are now actually included in the pear package.
2363 * Added: PROPFIND now reads the request body and only supplies the requested