Lines Matching refs:a

36   about nodes that don't have their own ACL defined. This was a security
72 privileges. This allows you to assign a privilege to a resource, allowing
74 to create a public read-only collection.
75 * #812 #814: ICS/VCF exporter now includes a more useful filename in its
78 now changed a bit, and `LocalHref` was added to replace the old, default
81 Instead, you can provide a set of default ACL rules with
83 * Introduced `Sabre\DAVACL\ACLTrait` which contains a default implementation
90 directly. We're using the `{DAV:}all` privilege now in a lot of cases where
96 * Added a new `getPrincipalByUri` plugin event. Allowing plugins to request
97 quickly where a principal lives on a server.
118 * Fixed: Creating a new calendar on some MySQL configurations caused an error.
154 schema. This solves a problem within Baikal.
175 * Added a super minimal server example.
178 * #710: Provide an Auth backend that acts as a helper for people implementing
185 * #608: When a HTTP error is triggered during `Client:propFind`, we're now
187 This new exception contains a LOT more information about the problem.
191 cases where no other plugin set a correct HTTP status.
204 * Massive calendars and addressbooks should see a big drop in peak memory
206 * Fixed a privilege bug in the availability system.
207 * #697: Added a "tableName" member to the PropertyStorage PDO backend. (@Frzk).
214 fixes issues when using sabre/dav as a client.
224 * Upgraded to vobject 4, which is a lot faster.
280 * #734: Return `418 I'm a Teapot` when generating a multistatus response that
306 fixes issues when using sabre/dav as a client.
328 * #657: Migration script would break when coming a cross an iCalendar object
331 * Fixed a whole bunch of incorrect php docblocks.
342 `Depth: infinity` in a `PROPFIND` request.
363 * Fixed deserializing `{DAV:}propstat` without a `{DAV:}prop`.
389 * #665: Fix a bug in serialization of complex properties in the proppatch
407 * Browser plugin will now show a 'calendar export' button when the
410 modification time, now no longer has a last modification time.
414 * Browser plugin no longer shows a few properties that take up a lot of space,
416 * #654: Added a collection, `Sabre\DAVACL\FS\HomeCollection` for automatically
417 creating a private home collection per-user.
419 * Improved older migration scripts a bit to allow easier testing.
429 which has a much smarter XML Reader and Writer.
431 a locks backend. I'm not sure why this ever made sense.
432 * Simplified the Locking system and fixed a bug related to if tokens checking
440 * `Sabre\DAV\IExtendedCollection` now receives a `Sabre\DAV\MkCol` object as
464 `challenge`, which is a more correct and better sounding name.
472 * The browser plugin now has a new page with information about your sabredav
493 `application/octet-stream` if a better content-type could not be determined.
494 * #568: Added a `componentType` argument to `ICSExportPlugin`, allowing you to
533 * #729: Fixed a caching problem in the Tree object.
552 * #657: Migration script would break when coming a cross an iCalendar object
563 `Depth: infinity` in a `PROPFIND` request.
571 * #651: Double-encoded path in the browser plugin. Should fix a few broken
575 disabling it until there's a better fix.
583 * #586: `SCHEDULE-STATUS` should not contain a reason-phrase.
584 * #539: Fixed a bug related to scheduling in shared calendars.
587 * #611: Escaping a bit more HTML output in the browser plugin. (@LukasReschke)
591 * #612: PropertyStorage didn't delete properties from nodes when a node's
606 a `E_NOTICE`.
607 * #572: `HEAD` requests trigger a PHP warning.
608 * #579: Browser plugin can throw exception for a few resourcetypes that didn't
636 as a result doesn't return an etag for common cases.
647 to a new plugin: `Sabre\CalDAV\Notifications\Plugin`. If you want to use
658 be accessed as a public property on the respective backends.
674 * Changed: PropertyStorage backends now have a `move` method.
678 * Changed: CalDAV backends have a new method: `getCalendarObjectByUID`. This
679 method MUST be implemented by all backends, but the `AbstractBackend` has a
691 * Changed: PrincipalBackend now has a findByUri method.
692 * Changed: `PrincipalBackend::searchPrincipals` has a new optional `test`
697 * Changed: Restructured the zip distribution to be a little bit more lean
707 on a uri that's not a vcard. This should help with debugging this common
709 * Changed: `PUT` requests with a `Content-Range` header now emit a 400 status
724 * When a REPORT is not supported, we now emit HTTP error 415, instead of 403.
747 `Depth: infinity` in a `PROPFIND` request.
766 * #497: Making sure we're initializing the sync-token field with a value after
786 * #487: Locks are now automatically removed after a node has been deleted.
799 * #475: Href properties in the browser plugin sometimes included a backslash.
810 * #467: Fixed a problem in `examples/calendarserver.php`.
812 * Fixed: An error would be thrown if a client did a propfind on a node the
822 * #459: PROPFIND requests on Files with no Depth header would return a fatal
846 document][mi20] for more information. This allows for creation of a generic
852 * Updated: Brand new browser plugin with more debugging features and a design
858 files. Not really a chance for data-loss, but incorrect nevertheless.
859 * Fixed: Issue #428: Etag check with `If:` fails if the target is a collection.
865 * Moved all precondition checking into a central place, instead of having to
866 think about it on a per-method basis.
869 * Fixed: #175. Returning ETag header upon a failed `If-Match` or
876 removed in a future version.
896 * BC Break: The CardDAV and CalDAV BackendInterface each have a new method:
906 * BC Break: Almost all core functionality moved into a CorePlugin.
908 * Changed: Sabre\HTTP now moved into a dedicated sabre/http package.
911 clients to manage a list of subscriptions on the server.
918 * Fixed: If event handlers modify the request body from a PUT request, an ETag
923 the multiget and sync reports quite a bit!
931 * Added: Browser plugin now marks a carddav directory as type Directory, and a
936 Now that there's no separate packages anymore, this makes a bit more sense.
937 * Added: Generalized the multistatus response parser a bit more, for better
952 with the If-header was a responsibility of the Locking plugin.
957 * Fixed: Issue 349: Denying copying or moving a resource into it's own subtree.
959 * Added: Issue #358, adding a component=vevent parameter to the content-types
1056 has consistent naming conventions. There's a BackendInterface, and an
1058 * BC Break: Changed a bunch of constructor signatures in the CalDAV package, to
1060 * BC Break: Sabre_CalDAV_ISharedCalendar now also has a getShares method, so
1061 sharees can figure out who is also on a shared calendar.
1064 * Added: Simple console script to fire up a fileserver in the current directory
1066 * Added: Sharee's can now also read out the list of invites for a shared
1076 * Changed: Removed phing and went with a custom build script for now.
1085 in a future version.
1088 files. Not really a chance for data-loss, but incorrect nevertheless.
1090 * Fixed: Issue #428: Etag check with If: fails if the target is a collection.
1116 * Added: Issue #367: Automatically adding a UID to vcards that don't have them.
1123 * Changed: Sabre\DAV\Client::verifyPeer is now a protected property (instead of
1166 * Changed: To be compatible with MS Office 2011 for Mac, a workaround was
1168 Indeed! We needed a crazy workaround to work with one MS product in the past,
1176 'urn:DAV' when parsing files. Issues were reported with libxml 2.6.32, on a
1187 * Change: Marked a few more properties in the CardDAV as protected, instead of
1203 * Fixed: Made a bunch of properties protected, where they were private before.
1213 returned. This means the implementor of the IProperty class can be a bit
1227 * BC Break: The calendarobjects database table has a bunch of new fields, and a
1230 * BC Break: The ICalendar interface now has a new method: calendarQuery.
1231 * BC Break: In this version a number of classes have been deleted, that have
1238 * BC Break: The DAV: namespace is no longer converted to urn:DAV. This was a
1239 workaround for a bug in older PHP versions (pre-5.3).
1252 * Added: Support for PATCH using a SabreDAV format, to live-patch files.
1257 * Changed: The CalDAV PDO backend is now a lot faster for common calendar
1264 and performance for a number of heavy requests.
1266 especially speeding up a bunch of REPORT queries.
1270 "text/x-vcard; charset=utf-8" for a contenttype.
1274 to update parts of a file.
1277 * Fixed: Uploaded VCards without a UID are now rejected. (thanks Dominik!)
1284 a file as a child of something that's not a collection.
1328 * Fixed: Backported a fix for broken XML serialization in error responses.
1338 * Fixed: Directory indexes with lots of nodes should be a lot faster.
1339 * Fixed: Issue 235: E_NOTICE thrown when doing a propfind request with
1355 a timerange if the start of the time-range exceeds the start of the instance
1358 on the start of a time-range.
1374 forcing every component to have a UID.
1378 * Fixed: Issue 211: A time-limit query on a non-relative alarm trigger in a
1380 * Fixed: All uri fields are now a maximum of 200 characters. The Bynari outlook
1382 * Fixed: Added a workaround for a bug in KDE 4.8.2 contact syncing. See
1393 * Fixed: Added a workaround for the fact that php's DateInterval cannot parse
1401 time of a subsequent event in the recurrence set.
1402 * Fixed: There was a problem with recurrence rules, for example the 5th tuesday
1413 * Fixed: Fixed a bug where an infinite loop could occur in the recurrence
1414 iterator if the recurrence was YEARLY, with a BYMONTH rule, and either BYDAY
1423 * Fixed: Calendardata would be destroyed when performing a MOVE request.
1439 Sabre_DAV_Exception_NotFound. The former will be removed in a later version.
1442 on how to setup a caldav server with just Sabre_DAV_Server.
1443 * BC Break: Default Principals PDO backend now needs a new field in the
1461 * Added: Sabre_VObject_Component::getComponents() to return a list of only
1485 * Added: The contentlength for calendar objects can now be supplied by a CalDAV
1490 clients. This means that + will now be treated as a literal rather than a
1515 * Added: If a timezonename could not be detected, we fall back on the default
1517 * Added: Now a Composer package (thanks willdurand).
1518 * Fixed: Support for \N as a newline character in the VObject reader.
1575 * Changed: Sending back HTTP 204 after a PUT request on an existing resource
1578 * Added: All VObject elements now have a reference to their parent node.
1607 of a file.
1637 * Deprecated: Sabre_DAV_Directory is now deprecated and will be removed in a
1640 a future version. Use Sabre_DAV_SimpleCollection instead.
1692 * Fixed: Changed a few properties in CalDAV classes from private to protected.
1694 the server was running on the root of the domain and a user tried to access a
1695 file ending in .php. This is a slight BC break.
1696 * Fixed: Issue 118: Lock tokens in If headers without a uri should be treated as
1699 where there were similar named locked files in a directory.
1707 on apache, so a few workarounds were added.
1717 * BC break: In order to fix Issue 99, a new argument had to be added to
1720 in a later version. Use PDO or the new File class instead.
1722 will be removed in a future version. Please use Sabre_VObject instead.
1725 * Added: VObject library, for easy vcard/icalendar parsing using a natural
1730 * Added: Plugins can now specify a pluginname, for easy access using
1737 array with node-objects, a Root collection will automatically be created, and
1746 * Fixed: Issue 90: lockdiscovery property and LOCK response now include a
1753 * Fixed: Issue 111: Properly catching the ownername in a lock (if it's a string)
1759 * Update: Issue 97: Looser time-range checking if there's a recurrence rule in
1768 * Changed: Almost all HTTP method implementations now take a uri argument,
1773 This was a mistake made in all previous SabreDAV versions. If you don't do
1783 * Added: Tree classes now have a delete and getChildren method.
1790 * Updated: Refactoring in Sabre_CalDAV to make everything a bit more ledgable.
1809 * Fixed: Issue 62: Guessing baseUrl fails when url contains a query-string.
1856 * Changed: Removed CalDAV items from includes.php, and added a few missing ones.
1885 Sabre_HTTP, Sabre_DAV and Sabre_CalDAV packages. In addition to that a new
1890 * Changed: Now throwing back Sabre_DAV_Exception_MethodNotAllowed on a few
1935 * Changed: Sabre_DAV_Server::getCopyAndMoveInfo is now a public method.
1943 * Added: naturalselection script now allows the user to specify a 'minimum
1962 * Changed: default argument for Sabre_DAV_Locks_Backend_FS. This means a
1981 * Removed: Sabre_PHP_Exception. PHP has a built-in ErrorException for this.
1994 * Changed: Any non-null resourceType now gets a / appended to the href value.
2087 * Fixed: Fatal error when a malformed url was used for unlocking, in conjuction
2088 with Sabre.autoload.php due to a incorrect filename.
2105 * Added: naturalselection. A tool to keep cache directories below a specified
2129 * Changed: the getPropertiesForPath method now takes a different set of
2130 arguments, and returns a different response. This allows plugin developers to
2134 takes a list of properties similar to the response of getPropertiesForPath.
2137 quality, so they will probably be reintroduced in a later version.
2155 * Added: The Auth backend got a getUsers method
2184 * Added: generatePropfindResponse now takes a baseUri argument
2203 * Added: now a PEAR-compatible package again, thanks to Michael Gauthier
2206 0.9a-alpha (2009-07-21)
2218 * Changed: Moved all the Locking logic from the Tree and Server classes into a
2220 * Changed: TemporaryFileFilter is now a plugin.
2224 * Added: script. This will quickly get a fileserver up and
2226 * Added: When subscribing to events, it is now possible to supply a priority.
2234 * Fixed: Digest auth for non-apache servers had a bug (still not actually tested
2241 * Changed: Renamed all exceptions! This is a compatibility break. Every
2274 class, and using a public property instead.
2278 * Fixed: Using application/xml for a mimetype vs. text/xml as per RFC4918 sec
2304 * Fixed: DAV_Server uses / for a default baseUrl.
2313 * Added: Added a very simple example for implementing a mapping to PHP file
2314 streams. This should allow easy implementation of for example a WebDAV to FTP
2318 a start towards the creating of a testing framework.
2325 * Updated: Fixes a shared-lock bug.