Lines Matching refs:Issue

835 * Fixed: #456: Issue in sqlite migration script.
857 * Fixed: Issue #422 Preconditions were not being set on PUT on non-existent
859 * Fixed: Issue #428: Etag check with `If:` fails if the target is a collection.
874 * Updated: Issue #439. Lots of updates in PATCH support. The
885 * Fixed: Issue #178. Support for multiple items in the Timeout header.
886 * Fixed: Issue #382. Stricter checking if calendar-query is allowed to run.
940 (Issue #299).
954 * Added: Issue 333: It's now possible to override the calendar-home in the
957 * Fixed: Issue 349: Denying copying or moving a resource into it's own subtree.
959 * Added: Issue #358, adding a component=vevent parameter to the content-types
1083 * Updated: Issue #439. Lots of updates in PATCH support. The
1087 * Fixed: Issue #422: Preconditions were not being set on PUT on non-existent
1089 * Fixed: Issue #427: Now checking preconditions on DELETE requests.
1090 * Fixed: Issue #428: Etag check with If: fails if the target is a collection.
1091 * Fixed: Issue #393: PATCH request with missing end-range was handled
1100 * Fixed: Issue #407: large downloads failed.
1101 * Fixed: Issue #414: XXE security problem on older PHP versions.
1107 * Fixed: Issue #374: Don't urlescape colon (:) when it's not required.
1115 * Fixed: Issue #365. Incorrect output when principal urls have spaces in them.
1116 * Added: Issue #367: Automatically adding a UID to vcards that don't have them.
1128 * Fixed: Issue 335: Client only deserializes properties with status 200.
1129 * Fixed: Issue 341: Escaping xml in 423 Locked error responses.
1130 * Added: Issue 339: beforeGetPropertiesForPath event.
1191 * Fixed: Issue 174. Sending back HTTP/1.0 for requests with this version.
1280 * Fixed: Issue 219: serialize() now reorders correctly.
1285 * Fixed: Issue 237: xml-encoding values in SabreDAV error responses.
1296 * Fixed: Issue 341: Escaping xml in 423 Locked error responses.
1339 * Fixed: Issue 235: E_NOTICE thrown when doing a propfind request with
1341 * Fixed: Issue with filtering on alarms in tasks.
1347 * Fixed: Issue 220: Calendar-query filters may fail when filtering on alarms, if
1350 * Fixed: Issue 222: beforeWriteContent shouldn't be called for lock requests.
1361 * Fixed: Issue 228: DTEND is now non-inclusive for all-day events in the
1370 * Fixed: Issue 206: Sabre_DAV_Client PUT requests are fixed.
1371 * Fixed: Issue 205: Parsing an iCalendar 0-second date interval.
1372 * Fixed: Issue 112: Stronger validation of iCalendar objects. Now making sure
1376 * Fixed: Issue 213: Workaround for an Evolution bug, that prevented it from
1378 * Fixed: Issue 211: A time-limit query on a non-relative alarm trigger in a
1384 * Fixed: Issue 217: Sabre_DAV_Tree_FileSystem was pretty broken.
1400 * Fixed: Issue 203: A problem with overridden events hitting the exact date and
1422 * Fixed: Issue 195: Sabre_CardDAV pear package had an incorrect dependency.
1482 * Fixed: Issue 97: Correctly handling RRULE for the calendar-query REPORT.
1483 * Fixed: Issue 154: Encoding of VObject parameters with no value was incorrect.
1489 * Fixed: Issue 66: Using rawurldecode instead of urldecode to decode paths from
1496 * Fixed: Issue 94: Sending back Last-Modified header for 304 responses.
1507 * Added: Issue 181: Carddav backends may no optionally not supply the carddata
1522 * Fixed: Issue 182: Removed backticks from sql queries, so it will work with
1529 * Fixed: Issue with parsing timezone identifiers that were surrounded by quotes.
1536 * Fixed: Issue 95: Another timezone parsing issue, this time in calendar-query.
1551 * Fixed: Issue 187: Sabre_DAV_UUIDUtil was missing from includes file.
1552 * Fixed: Issue 191: beforeUnlock was triggered twice.
1558 * Fixed: Issue 174: VObject could break UTF-8 characters.
1577 * Fixed: Issue 95: Parsing X-LIC-LOCATION if it's available.
1585 * Fixed: Issue 152. iOS 1.4.2 apparantly requires HTTP/1.1 200 OK to be in
1587 * Fixed: Issue 153: Support for files with mixed newline styles in
1589 * Fixed: Issue 159: Automatically converting any vcard and icalendardata to
1592 * Added: Issue 158: Support for the CARDDAV:supported-address-data property.
1604 * Added: Issue 151: Sabre_CalDAV_ICalendar and Sabre_CalDAV_ICalendarObject
1606 * Fixed: Issue 140: Not returning 201 Created if an event cancelled the creation
1608 * Fixed: Issue 150: Faster URLUtil::encodePath() implementation.
1609 * Fixed: Issue 144: Browser plugin could interfere with
1618 * Fixed: Issue 137. Hiding action interface in HTML browser for non-collections.
1621 * Fixed: Issue 142: Bugs in groupwareserver.php example.
1622 * Fixed: Issue 139: Rejecting PUT requests with Content-Range.
1660 * Fixed: Issue 131: Custom CalDAV backends could break in certain cases.
1662 (Issue 60).
1663 * Fixed: Issue 124: 'File' authentication backend now takes realm into
1675 * Fixed: Issue 123: Added workaround for Windows 7 UNLOCK bug.
1693 * Fixed: Issue 119: Terrible things could happen when relying on guessBaseUri,
1696 * Fixed: Issue 118: Lock tokens in If headers without a uri should be treated as
1698 * Fixed: Issue 120: PDO backend was incorrectly fetching too much locks in cases
1717 * BC break: In order to fix Issue 99, a new argument had to be added to
1744 * Fixed: Issue 99: Locks on child elements were ignored when their parent nodes
1746 * Fixed: Issue 90: lockdiscovery property and LOCK response now include a
1748 * Fixed: Issue 96: support for 'default' collation in CalDAV text-match filters.
1749 * Fixed: Issue 102: Ensuring that copy and move with identical source and
1751 * Fixed: Issue 105: Supporting MKCALENDAR with no body.
1752 * Fixed: Issue 109: Small fixes in Sabre_HTTP_Util.
1753 * Fixed: Issue 111: Properly catching the ownername in a lock (if it's a string)
1757 * Fixed: Issue 59: Allowing the user to override the authentication realm in
1759 * Update: Issue 97: Looser time-range checking if there's a recurrence rule in
1775 incorrectly. (Issue 85).
1788 * Fixed: Issue 67: Non-seekable stream support in ::put()/::get().
1789 * Fixed: Issue 65: Invalid dates are now ignored.
1791 * Fixed: Issue 88, Issue 89: Fixed compatibility for running SabreDAV on
1793 * Fixed: Issue 86: Fixed Content-Range top-boundary from 'file size' to 'file
1800 * Fixed: Issue 73: guessBaseUrl fails for some servers.
1801 * Fixed: Issue 67: SabreDAV works better with non-seekable streams.
1809 * Fixed: Issue 62: Guessing baseUrl fails when url contains a query-string.
1811 * Fixed: Issue 64: Only returning calendar-data when it was actually requested.
1817 * Fixed: Issue 57: Supporting quotes around etags in If-Match and If-None-Match
1825 * Fixed: Issue 56: Incorrect behaviour for If-None-Match headers and GET
1827 * Fixed: Issue with certain encoded paths in Browser Plugin.
1833 * Fixed: Issue 50, patch by Mattijs Hoitink.
1834 * Fixed: Issue 51, Adding windows 7 lockfiles to TemporaryFileFilter.
1835 * Fixed: Issue 38, Allowing custom filters to be added to TemporaryFileFilter.
1836 * Fixed: Issue 53, ETags in the If: header were always failing. This behaviour
1855 * Fixed: Issue 49, incorrect parsing of PROPPATCH, affecting Office 2007.
1862 * Fixed: Issue 46: Fatal error for some non-existent nodes.
1898 * Fixed: Issue 16, automatically adding trailing / to baseUri.
1902 * Added: Issue 31: Hiding exception information by default. Can be turned on
1914 * Added: Issue 25: Throwing error on broken Finder behaviour.
1921 * Fixed: Issue 26: Workaround for broken GVFS behaviour with encoded special
1923 * Fixed: Issue 34: Incorrect Lock-Token response header for LOCK. Fixes Office
1925 * Added: Issue 35: SabreDAV version to header to OPTIONS response to ease
1927 * Fixed: Issue 36: Incorrect variable name, throwing error in some requests.
1928 * Fixed: Issue 37: Incorrect smultron regex in temporary filefilter.
1929 * Fixed: Issue 33: Converting ISO-8859-1 characters to UTF-8.
1930 * Fixed: Issue 39 & Issue 40: Basename fails on non-utf-8 locales.
1942 * Fixed: Issue 27: encoding entities in property responses.
1950 * Fixed: Issue 29: Added TIMEOUT_INFINITE constant
2000 * Fixed: Issue 19: HEAD requests on Collections
2001 * Fixed: Issue 21: Typo in Sabre_DAV_Property_Response
2002 * Fixed: Issue 18: Doesn't work with Evolution Contacts
2008 * Added: Issue 31: Hiding exception information by default. Can be turned on
2023 * Fixed: Issue 40: Last references to basename/dirname
2029 * Fixed: Issue 37: Incorrect smultron regex in temporary filefilter.
2030 * Fixed: Issue 26: Workaround for broken GVFS behaviour with encoded special
2032 * Fixed: Issue 33: Converting ISO-8859-1 characters to UTF-8.
2033 * Fixed: Issue 39: Basename fails on non-utf-8 locales.
2050 * Fixed: Issue 34: Invalid Lock-Token header response.
2051 * Added: Issue 35: Adding SabreDAV version to HTTP OPTIONS responses.
2057 * Fixed: Issue 27: Entities not being encoded in PROPFIND responses.
2058 * Fixed: Issue 29: Added missing TIMEOUT_INFINITE constant.
2064 * Fixed: Issue 21: typos causing errors
2065 * Fixed: Issue 23: Comma's between methods in Allow header.
2075 * Fixed: Issue 19 regression for MS Office
2081 * Fixed: Issue 19: HEAD requests on Collections
2113 * Fixed: Issue 15: typos in examples
2186 * Fixed: Issue 13.
2197 authentication. (Issue 11)
2200 non-existent files. (Issue 12)