Lines Matching refs:CalDAV

57 * Database changes for CalDAV. If you are using the CalDAV PDO backends, you
60 * Added support for sharing in the CalDAV PDO backend! Users can now invite
94 * Corrected the CalDAV-scheduling related privileges.
103 * #798: Added an index on `firstoccurence` field in MySQL CalDAV backend. This
181 * #727: Added another workaround to make CalDAV work for Windows 10 clients.
245 * #727: Added another workaround to make CalDAV work for Windows 10 clients.
481 * `Sabre\CalDAV\CalendarRootNode`
482 * `Sabre\CalDAV\UserCalendars`
627 * #541: CalDAV PDO backend didn't respect overridden PDO table names.
635 * #547: CalDAV system too aggressively 'corrects' incoming iCalendar data, and
646 * Changed: Moved all 'notifications' functionality from `Sabre\CalDAV\Plugin`
647 to a new plugin: `Sabre\CalDAV\Notifications\Plugin`. If you want to use
668 * Added: Support for [rfc6638][rfc6638], also known as CalDAV Scheduling.
676 * Changed: A few database changes for the CalDAV PDO backend. Make sure you
678 * Changed: CalDAV backends have a new method: `getCalendarObjectByUID`. This
681 * Changed: `Sabre\CalDAV\UserCalendars` has been renamed to
682 `Sabre\CalDAV\CalendarHome`.
683 * Changed: `Sabre\CalDAV\CalendarRootNode` has been renamed to
684 `Sabre\CalDAV\CalendarRoot`.
685 * Changed: The IMipHandler has been completely removed. With CalDAV scheduling
687 `Sabre\CalDAV\Schedule\IMipPlugin`, which can now send emails for clients
715 * Changed: CalDAV plugin is now responsible for reporting
727 * Added: #523 Custom CalDAV backends can now mark any calendar as read-only.
763 * Added `Sabre\CalDAV\CalendarRoot` as an alias for
764 `Sabre\CalDAV\CalendarRootNode`. The latter is going to be deprecated in 2.1,
775 * #514: CalDAV PDO backend didn't work when overriding the 'calendar changes'
787 * #496: Improve CalDAV and CardDAV sync when there is no webdav-sync support.
896 * BC Break: The CardDAV and CalDAV BackendInterface each have a new method:
913 CalDAV.
922 * Added: MultiGet support to default CalDAV and CardDAV backends, speeding up
935 * Removed: Got rid of the Version classes for CalDAV, CardDAV, HTTP, and DAVACL.
955 CalDAV plugin.
1055 * BC Break: Every backend package (CalDAV, CardDAV, Auth, Locks, Principals) now
1058 * BC Break: Changed a bunch of constructor signatures in the CalDAV package, to
1256 the CalDAV plugin to the CalDAV backends. This allows for heavy optimizations.
1257 * Changed: The CalDAV PDO backend is now a lot faster for common calendar
1260 * Changed: The CalDAV backend now all implement an interface.
1451 CalDAV client, using Sabre_CalDAV_Schedule_IMip.
1463 * Added: An includes.php file in every sub-package (CalDAV, CardDAV, DAV,
1485 * Added: The contentlength for calendar objects can now be supplied by a CalDAV
1505 * Changed: CalDAV PDO backend now sorts calendars based on the internal
1565 * Fixed: CalDAV time-range filter workaround for recurring events.
1641 * Fixed: Problem with overriding tablenames for the CalDAV backend.
1644 * Fixed: Refactored CalDAV property fetching to be faster and simpler.
1645 * Added: Central string-matcher for CalDAV and CardDAV plugins.
1660 * Fixed: Issue 131: Custom CalDAV backends could break in certain cases.
1692 * Fixed: Changed a few properties in CalDAV classes from private to protected.
1708 * Change: Slightly changed CalDAV Backend API's, to allow for heavy
1748 * Fixed: Issue 96: support for 'default' collation in CalDAV text-match filters.
1847 * Changed: More properties in CalDAV classes are now protected instead of
1856 * Changed: Removed CalDAV items from includes.php, and added a few missing ones.
1957 * Fixed: Evolution support for CalDAV.
1980 * Added: CalDAV - RFC 4791
2382 [rfc6638]: "CalDAV Scheduling"