Lines Matching refs:two

52 Porkchops and bacon, my two favorite animals.
143 When choosing between two evils, select the newer one.
147 Peace, n.: In international affairs, a period of cheating between two periods of fighting. <BR>…
180 A person needs only two tools in life: WD-40 and duct tape. If it doesn't move and it should, use W…
267 Lawyers on opposite sides of a case are like the two parts of shears; they cut what comes between t…
281 There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as t…
321 In a museum in Havana, there are two skulls of Christopher Columbus, "one when he was a boy and one…
341 My old man taught me two things: 'Mind own business' and 'Always cut cards'. <BR> -- R.A. Heinlein
345 The two most common things in the Universe are hydrogen and stupidity. <BR> -- Harlan Ellison
384 There are only two industries that refer to their customers as "users". <BR> -- Edward Tufte
436 There are only two theories about why one should argue with women. Through thorough field-testing, …
446 … described his own inner struggles in this manner: 'Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the do…
511 A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure.
521 A seminar on time travel will be held in two weeks ago.
527 Copy from one its plagiarism. Copy from two its research.
621 One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor. <BR> -- George Carlin
659 If two things don't fit, but you believe both of them, thinking that somewhere, hidden, there must …
693 Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. …
720 When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before. <BR> -- Mae …
769 Copy from one, it's plagiarism; copy from two, it's research. <BR> -- Wilson Mizner (1876-1933)
781 Wisdom has two parts: 1) having a lot to say; and 2) not saying it.
814 All schools, all colleges have two great functions: to confer, and to conceal valuable knowledge. <…
855 If we were supposed to talk more than we listen, then we would have two mouths and only one ear. <B…
857 If you invent two or three people and turn them loose in your manuscript, something is bound to hap…
909 There are two times in a man's life when he should not speculate: when he can't afford it, and when…
952 The two most common taxpayer mistakes, states the IRS booklet, are (1) 'failure to include a curren…
994 We wanted to have a relaxing family vacation, so we got together with two other families and rented…
995 …urs, during which he demonstrated that he could drink six of our beers and two large direct-from-t…
1076 But an even more important thing happened in on Dec. 17, 1903, in Kitty Hawk, N.C.: two bicycle mec…
1089 …n Solo (Indiana Jones), Chewbacca (Sonny Bono), Princess Leia (Prince) and two quirky, lovable rob…
1126 We see that testosterone can lead to some very destructive forms of male behavior, the two worst be…
1149 …ic II." I have been working on it, without sleeping or eating, except for two grilled-cheese sand…
1174 There are two theories to arguing with women. Neither one works.
1178 There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a…
1182 The two Testaments are interesting, each in its own way. The Old one gives us a picture of these pe…
1206 Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use. <BR> -- Wendell Johnson (19…
1292 Of two evils, choose neither. <BR> -- Charles H. Spurgeon (1834-1892), English Baptist preacher/wri…
1337 I refuse to admit I'm more than fifty-two even if that does make my sons illegitimate. <BR> -- Lady…
1347 Middle age is having a choice between two temptations and choosing the one that'll get you home ear…
1391 …is country are decent, hardworking, honest Americans. It's the other lousy two percent that get al…
1445 …aining procedure with cats was difficult. It's not. Mine had me trained in two days. <BR> -- Bill …
1490 The factory of the future will have only two employees, a man and a dog. The man will be there to f…
1516 …BR> -- Phyllis McGinley (1905-1978), U.S. poet A hair in the head is worth two in the brush. <BR> …
1535 There are only two kinds of Chinese -- those who give bribes and those who take them. <BR> -- Russi…
1653 …nt himself with the three early warning signs of death: one, rigor mortis; two, a rotting smell; t…
1705 Don't be afraid to take a big step. You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps. <BR> -- David Lloyd…
1841 A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time -- pills or stairs. <BR> -- Joan Welsh
1868 There are only two kinds of people who predict the [stock] market on a day-to-day basis. Those who …
1870 There are two kinds of statistics, the kind you look up and the kind you make up. <BR> -- Rex Stout…
1902 I've been on a diet for two weeks and all I've lost is fourteen days. <BR> -- Totie Fields (-1978),…
1950 When I was a kid, I had two friends, and they were imaginary and they would only play with each oth…
1990 If I was two-faced, would I be using this one? <BR> -- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), US President
2099 There may be said to be two classes of people in the world: those who constantly divide the people …
2118 A countryman between two lawyers is like a fish between two cats. <BR> -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1…
2126 If half the lawyers would become plumbers, two of man's biggest problems would be solved. <BR> -- F…
2224 There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart's desire. The other is to get it. <BR…
2313 One good husband is worth two good wives; for the scarcer things are, the more they're valued. <BR>…
2320 The bonds of wedlock are so heavy that it takes two to carry them -- sometimes three. <BR> -- Alexa…
2382 All men are forced into one of two categories; those with eleven fingers and those without. <BR> --…
2401 I like two kinds of men: domestic and foreign. <BR> -- Mae West (1892-1980), U.S. actress
2469 Money and women are the most sought after and the least known of any two things we have. <BR> -- Wi…
2508 If evolution really works, how come mothers still have only two hands? <BR> -- Ed Dussault, Reader…
2530 The sound of a harpsichord -- two skeletons copulating on a tin roof in a thunderstorm. <BR> -- Sir…
2565 There are two motives for reading a book: one, that you enjoy it; the other, that you can boast abo…
2586 We have, in fact, two kinds of morality side by side: one which we preach but do not practice, and …
2610 England and America are two countries separated by a common language. <BR> -- George Bernard Shaw (…
2612 Few people think more than two or three times a year; I have made an international reputation for m…
2635 There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart's desire. The other is to get it. <BR…
2849 My mother buried three husbands, and two of them were just napping. <BR> -- Rita Rudner, U.S. comed…
2904 I am at two with nature. <BR> -- Woody Allen (1935 - )
3114 …f computer for your individual needs is one that comes on the market about two days after you actu…
3141 If you surveyed a hundred typical middle-aged Americans, I bet you'd find that only two of them cou…
3199 There are two kinds of solar-heat systems: "passive" systems collect the sunlight that hits your ho…
3218 A male chauvinist is a man who thinks that "harass" is two words. <BR> -- The proprietor, Ballandea…
3253 If there are only two shows worth watching they will be on at the same time. <BR> -- Law of TV Prog…
3330 There are two types of people: those who divide people into two types, and those who don't. <BR> --…
3379 A shortcut is the longest distance between two points. <BR> -- Issawi's Law of Progress
3460 If you park 6 blocks away, you'll find two spaces right outside the building. <BR> -- Lemar's Parki…
3464 If you hit two keys on the typewriter, the one you don't want hits the paper. <BR> -- Devrie's Dile…
3561 The only thing that I'd rather own than Windows is English, because then I could charge you two hun…
3562 …hypochondriac is like a wheelbarrow designed by Microsoft. He has constant two-way communication b…
3655 Clones are people two.
3781 If two wrongs don't make a right, try three.
3914 The shortest distance between two points is under construction.
3933 Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.
4058 There are two kinds of cookies - chocolate-chip cookies - cookies deficient in chocolate chips
4072 It's rare that you're presented with a knob whose only two positions are Make History and Flee Your…
4073 One only needs two tools in life: WD-40 to make things go, and duct tape to make them stop. <BR> --…
4096 I can't understand why a person will take a year or two to write a novel when he can easily buy one…
4130 There are two kinds of people in this world: those who are intensely, obsessively, driven to have s…
4132 …OSes are, and why people use them, they could crush Microsoft in a year or two. <BR> --Neal Stephe…
4136 There are three principal ways to lose money: wine, women, and engineers. While the first two are m…
4147 In the GNU/Linux world there are two major text editing programs: the minimalist vi...and the maxim…
4157 On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament], "Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into …
4175 Any sufficiently advanced read/write technology will get used for two purposes: pornography and act…
4183 There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-o…