Lines Matching refs:this

236         $this->hlgn = "(?:\<(?!>)|(?<!<)\>|\<\>|\=|[()]+(?! ))";
237 $this->vlgn = "[\-^~]";
238 $this->clas = "(?:\([^)]+\))";
239 $this->lnge = "(?:\[[^]]+\])";
240 $this->styl = "(?:\{[^}]+\})";
241 $this->cspn = "(?:\\\\\d+)";
242 $this->rspn = "(?:\/\d+)";
243 $this->a = "(?:{$this->hlgn}|{$this->vlgn})*";
244 $this->s = "(?:{$this->cspn}|{$this->rspn})*";
245 $this->c = "(?:{$this->clas}|{$this->styl}|{$this->lnge}|{$this->hlgn})*";
247 $this->pnct = '[\!"#\$%&\'()\*\+,\-\./:;<=>\?@\[\\\]\^_`{\|}\~]';
248 $this->urlch = '[\w"$\-_.+!*\'(),";\/?:@=&%#{}|\\^~\[\]`]';
250 $this->url_schemes = array('http','https','ftp','mailto');
252 $this->btag = array('bq', 'bc', 'notextile', 'pre', 'h[1-6]', 'fn\d+', 'p');
254 $this->glyph = array(
272 $this->hu = hu;
281 $this->rel = ' rel="'.$rel.'" ';
282 $this->lite = $lite;
283 $this->noimage = $noimage;
286 $text = $this->incomingEntities($text);
292 $text = $this->cleanWhiteSpace($text);
295 $text = $this->getRefs($text);
298 $text = $this->block($text);
301 $text = $this->retrieve($text);
313 $this->restricted = true;
314 $this->lite = $lite;
315 $this->noimage = $noimage;
317 $this->rel = ' rel="'.$rel.'" ';
320 $text = $this->encode_html($text, 0);
322 $text = $this->cleanWhiteSpace($text);
323 $text = $this->getRefs($text);
326 $text = $this->blockLite($text);
329 $text = $this->block($text);
332 $text = $this->retrieve($text);
359 if (preg_match("/($this->vlgn)/", $matched, $vert))
360 $style[] = "vertical-align:" . $this->vAlign($vert[1]) . ";";
389 if (preg_match("/($this->hlgn)/", $matched, $horiz))
390 $style[] = "text-align:" . $this->hAlign($horiz[1]) . ";";
397 if ($this->restricted)
425 …return preg_replace_callback("/^(?:table(_?{$this->s}{$this->a}{$this->c})\. ?\n)?^({$this->a}{$th…
426 array(&$this, "fTable"), $text);
432 $tatts = $this->pba($matches[1], 'table');
435 if (preg_match("/^($this->a$this->c\. )(.*)/m", ltrim($row), $rmtch)) {
436 $ratts = $this->pba($rmtch[1], 'tr');
444 if (preg_match("/^(_?$this->s$this->a$this->c\. )(.*)/", $cell, $cmtch)) {
445 $catts = $this->pba($cmtch[1], 'td');
449 $cell = $this->graf($this->span($cell));
463 … return preg_replace_callback("/^([#*]+$this->c .*)$(?![^#*])/smU", array(&$this, "fList"), $text);
472 if (preg_match("/^([#*]+)($this->a$this->c) (.*)$/s", $line, $m)) {
479 $atts = $this->pba($atts);
480 $line = "\t<" . $this->lT($tl) . "l$atts>\n\t\t<li>" . $this->graf($content);
482 $line = "\t\t<li>" . $this->graf($content);
488 $line .= "\n\t</" . $this->lT($k) . "l>";
509 return preg_replace_callback('@<(p)([^>]*?)>(.*)(</\1>)@s', array(&$this, 'doBr'), $in);
522 $find = $this->btag;
532 if (preg_match("/^($tre)($this->a$this->c)\.(\.?)(?::(\S+))? (.*)$/s", $line, $m)) {
538 … list($o1, $o2, $content, $c2, $c1) = $this->fBlock(array(0,$tag,$atts,$ext,$cite,$graf));
550 … list($o1, $o2, $content, $c2, $c1) = $this->fBlock(array(0,$tag,$atts,$ext,$cite,$line));
552 if ($tag == 'p' and !$this->hasRawText($content)) {
560 $line = $this->graf($line);
564 $line = $this->doPBr($line);
590 $atts = $this->pba($atts);
596 $fnid = empty($this->fn[$fns[1]]) ? $fns[1] : $this->fn[$fns[1]];
604 $cite = $this->checkRefs($cite);
616 $content = $this->shelve($this->encode_html(rtrim($content, "\n")."\n"));
619 $content = $this->shelve($content);
624 $content = $this->shelve($this->encode_html(rtrim($content, "\n")."\n"));
634 $content = $this->graf($content);
643 if (!$this->lite) {
644 $text = $this->noTextile($text);
645 $text = $this->code($text);
648 $text = $this->links($text);
649 if (!$this->noimage)
650 $text = $this->image($text);
652 if (!$this->lite) {
653 $text = $this->lists($text);
654 $text = $this->table($text);
657 $text = $this->span($text);
658 $text = $this->footnoteRef($text);
659 $text = $this->glyphs($text);
673 ({$this->c})
679 /x", array(&$this, "fSpan"), $text);
702 $atts = $this->pba($atts);
719 (' . $this->c . ') # $atts
724 ('.$this->urlch.'+) # $url
728 /Ux', array(&$this, "fLink"), $text);
736 $url = $this->checkRefs($url);
738 $atts = $this->pba($atts);
739 $atts .= ($title != '') ? ' title="' . $this->encode_html($title) . '"' : '';
741 if (!$this->noimage)
742 $text = $this->image($text);
744 $text = $this->span($text);
745 $text = $this->glyphs($text);
747 $url = $this->relURL($url);
749 …$out = '<a href="' . $this->encode_html($url . $slash) . '"' . $atts . $this->rel . '>' . $text . …
752 return $this->shelve($out);
760 array(&$this, "refs"), $text);
767 $this->urlrefs[$flag] = $url;
774 return (isset($this->urlrefs[$text])) ? $this->urlrefs[$text] : $text;
784 $url = $this->hu.$url;
785 if ($this->restricted and !empty($parts['scheme']) and
786 !in_array($parts['scheme'], $this->url_schemes))
798 ($this->c) # optional style,class atts
806 /Ux", array(&$this, "fImage"), $text);
813 $atts = $this->pba($atts);
814 $atts .= ($algn != '') ? ' align="' . $this->iAlign($algn) . '"' : '';
820 $href = (isset($m[5])) ? $this->checkRefs($m[5]) : '';
821 $url = $this->checkRefs($url);
823 $url = $this->relURL($url);
837 $text = $this->doSpecial($text, '<code>', '</code>', 'fCode');
838 $text = $this->doSpecial($text, '@', '@', 'fCode');
839 $text = $this->doSpecial($text, '<pre>', '</pre>', 'fPre');
847 if ($this->restricted)
849 return $before.$this->shelve('<code>'.$text.'</code>').$after;
851 return $before.$this->shelve('<code>'.$this->encode_html($text).'</code>').$after;
858 if ($this->restricted)
860 return $before.'<pre>'.$this->shelve($text).'</pre>'.$after;
862 return $before.'<pre>'.$this->shelve($this->encode_html($text)).'</pre>'.$after;
868 $this->shelf[$i] = $val;
875 if (is_array($this->shelf))
878 $text = strtr($text, $this->shelf);
896 ? $this->encode_high($text)
923 array(&$this, $method), $text);
931 return $before.$this->shelve($this->encode_html($text)).$after;
937 $text = $this->doSpecial($text, '<notextile>', '</notextile>', 'fTextile');
938 return $this->doSpecial($text, '==', '==', 'fTextile');
947 return $before.$this->shelve($notextile).$after;
960 if (empty($this->fn[$id]))
961 $this->fn[$id] = uniqid(rand());
962 $fnid = $this->fn[$id];
991 extract($this->glyph, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'txt');
1056 return mb_encode_numericentity($text, $this->cmap(), $charset);
1063 return mb_decode_numericentity($text, $this->cmap(), $charset);
1095 …p://' . $helpvar . '" onclick=", \'popupwindow…
1129 $this->btag = array('bq', 'p');
1130 return $this->block($text."\n\n");