Lines Matching refs:port
55 protected $port = null; variable in Swift_Connection_SMTP
98 public function __construct($server="localhost", $port=null, $encryption=null) argument
102 $this->setPort($port);
145 public function setPort($port) argument
147 if ($port == self::AUTO_DETECT)
149 $port = @ini_get("SMTP_PORT");
151 …if (!$port) $port = ($this->getEncryption() == self::ENC_OFF) ? self::PORT_DEFAULT : self::PORT_SE…
152 $this->port = (int) $port;
160 return $this->port;
278 if ($this->port === null)
283 $this->port = 465;
286 $this->port = 25;
298 $log->add("Trying to connect to SMTP server at '" . $server . ":" . $this->port);
301 if (!$this->handle = @fsockopen($server, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout))
303 …$error_msg = "The SMTP connection failed to start [" . $server . ":" . $this->port . "]: fsockopen…