Lines Matching refs:relations

142 … and also after that, when the sons of the [true] God continued to have relations with the daughte…
384 …Please now! Jehovah has shut me off from bearing children. Please, have relations with my maidserv…
386 Accordingly he had relations with Ha'gar, and she became pregnant. When she became aware that she w…
489 …er woman: "Our father is old and there is not a man in the land to have relations with us accordin…
817 Then Jacob said to La'ban: "Give over my wife, because my days are up, and let me have relations wi…
819 …esorted to taking Le'ah his daughter and bringing her to him that he might have relations with her.
826 Then he had relations also with Rachel and also expressed more love for Rachel than for Le'ah, and …
834 So she said: "Here is my slave girl Bil'hah. Have relations with her, that she may give birth upon …
835 With that she gave him Bil'hah her maidservant as wife, and Jacob had relations with her.
847 … on out to meet him and then said: "It is with me you are going to have relations, because I have …
1122 …ughter of a certain Ca'naan·ite, and his name was Shu'a. So he took her and had relations with her.
1128 In view of that Judah said to O'nan: "Have relations with your brother's wife and perform brother-i…
1129 …e offspring would not become his; and it occurred that when he did have relations with his brother…
1136 …ave relations with you." For he did not know that she was his daughter-in-law. However, she said: …
1138 …rd and your rod that is in your hand." Then he gave them to her and had relations with her, so tha…
4473 Now Israel was dwelling in Shit'tim. Then the people started to have immoral relations with the dau…
5461 …ther and her mother a whole lunar month; and after that you should have relations with her, and yo…
5484 "In case a man takes a wife and actually has relations with her and has come to hate her,
6869 …ried out his vow that he had made toward her. As for her, she never had relations with a man. And …
7204 Accordingly Bo'az took Ruth and she became his wife and he had relations with her. So Jehovah grant…
8089 …r of A'iah. Later Ish-bo'sheth said to Ab'ner: "Why was it that you had relations with the concubi…
8448 Then A·hith'o·phel said to Ab'sa·lom: "Have relations with the concubines of your father, whom he l…
8449 Accordingly they pitched a tent for Ab'sa·lom upon the roof, and Ab'sa·lom began to have relations
8475 …ma'sa was the son of a man whose name was Ith'ra the Israelite, who had relations with Ab'i·gail t…
8558 …ut he kept on supplying food to them. And with them he did not have any relations, but they contin…
9525 And Je·hosh'a·phat kept peaceful relations with the king of Israel.
10328 And afterward Hez'ron had relations with the daughter of Ma'chir the father of Gil'e·ad. And he him…
10559 Afterward he had relations with his wife, so that she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. But …
14692 …elody of David. When Nathan the prophet came in to him after he had had relations with Bath-she'ba.
16453 None of those having relations with her will come back, nor will they regain the paths of those liv…
16570 Likewise with anyone having relations with the wife of his fellowman, no one touching her will rema…