Lines Matching refs:re

337 So A'bram continued to live in tents. Later on he came and dwelt among the big trees of Mam're, whi…
350 …old A'bram the Hebrew. He was then tabernacling among the big trees of Mam're the Am'or·ite, the b…
361 …y eaten, and the share of the men who went with me, A'ner, Esh'col and Mam're-let them take their …
426 Afterward Jehovah appeared to him among the big trees of Mam're, while he was sitting at the entran…
589 Thus the field of E'phron that was in Mach·pe'lah, which is in front of Mam're, the field and the c…
591 …ied Sarah his wife in the cave of the field of Mach·pe'lah in front of Mam're, that is to say, He'…
668 …e of Mach·pe'lah in the field of E'phron the son of Zo'har the Hit'tite that is in front of Mam're,
1039 At length Jacob came to Isaac his father to Mam're, to Kir'i·ath-ar'ba, that is to say, He'bron, wh…
1077 When Ha'dad died, Sam'lah from Mas·re'kah began to reign instead of him.
1403 And the sons of Gad were Ziph'i·on and Hag'gi, Shu'ni and Ez'bon, E'ri and Ar·o'di and A·re'li.
1504 in the cave that is in the field of Mach·pe'lah that is in front of Mam're in the land of Ca'naan, …
1520 …am had purchased for the possession of a burial place from E'phron the Hit'tite in front of Mam're.
4374 …this Og the king of Ba'shan came out to meet them, he and all his people, to the battle of Ed're·i.
4507 of Ar'od the family of the Ar'od·ites; of A·re'li the family of the A·re'lites.
4897 … was dwelling in Hesh'bon, and Og the king of Ba'shan, who was dwelling in Ash'ta·roth, in Ed're·i.
4977 …At this Og the king of Ba'shan came on out, he and all his people, to meet us in battle at Ed're·i.
4986 all the cities of the tableland and all Gil'e·ad and all Ba'shan as far as Sal'e·cah and Ed're·i, t…
6116 …hey went striking them and pursuing them as far as populous Si'don and Mis're·photh-ma'im and the …
6135 … the king of Ba'shan, of what was left over of the Reph'a·im, who dwelt in Ash'ta·roth and Ed're·i,
6161 all the inhabitants of the mountainous region, from Leb'a·non to Mis're·photh-ma'im, all the Si·do'…
6167 all the royal realm of Og in Ba'shan, who reigned in Ash'ta·roth and in Ed're·i-he it was who remai…
6186 And half of Gil'e·ad, and Ash'ta·roth and Ed're·i, the cities of the royal realm of Og in Ba'shan, …
6247 and Kei'lah and Ach'zib and Ma·re'shah; nine cities and their settlements.
6259 and Jez're·el and Jok'de·am and Za·no'ah,
6292 …se who are in Beth-she'an and its dependent towns and those who are in the low plain of Jez're·el."
6340 And their boundary came to be to Jez're·el and Che·sul'loth and Shu'nem,
6359 and Ke'desh and Ed're·i and En-ha'zor,
6688 …erners gathered together as one and proceeded to cross over and camp in the low plain of Jez're·el.
7022 … all to do with mankind; and it was in the low plain that belonged to Beth-re'hob. Then they built…
7905 David had also taken A·hin'o·am from Jez're·el; and the women came to be, even both of them, his wi…
7934 …, each one with his household, David and his two wives, A·hin'o·am the Jez're·el·i·tess and Ab'i·g…
7969 …ir camps together at A'phek, while the Israelites were camping by the spring that was in Jez're·el.
7979 …and return to the land of the Phi·lis'tines; and the Phi·lis'tines themselves went up to Jez're·el.
7984 And David's two wives had been carried off captive, A·hin'o·am the Jez're·el·i·tess and Ab'i·gail t…
8052 Accordingly David went up there and also his two wives, A·hin'o·am the Jez're·el·i·tess and Ab'i·ga…
8059 and to make him king over Gil'e·ad and the Ash'ur·ites and Jez're·el and over E'phra·im and Benjami…
8084 …e born to David in He'bron, and his firstborn came to be Am'non by A·hin'o·am the Jez're·el·i·tess.
8087 And the sixth was Ith're·am by Eg'lah, David's wife. These were the ones born to David in He'bron.
8125 … he happened to be when the report about Saul and Jon'a·than came from Jez're·el; and his nurse be…
8247 …o David, and the sons of Am'mon proceeded to send and hire Syrians of Beth-re'hob and Syrians of Z…
8600 And war arose once again with the Phi·lis'tines at Gob, and El·ha'nan the son of Ja'a·re-or'e·gim t…
8857 …ch and Me·gid'do and all Beth-she'an, which is beside Zar'e·than below Jez're·el, from Beth-she'an…
9387 … and wind and a great downpour began to occur. And A'hab kept riding and made his way to Jez're·el.
9388 …n E·li'jah, so that he girded up his hips and went running ahead of A'hab all the way to Jez're·el.
9453 …re was a vineyard that happened to belong to Na'both the Jez're·el·ite, which was in Jez're·el, be…
9456 Consequently A'hab came into his house, sullen and dejected over the word that Na'both the Jez're·e…
9458 At that he spoke to her: "Because I proceeded to speak to Na'both the Jez're·el·ite and say to him,…
9459 …ad and let your heart be merry. I myself shall give you the vineyard of Na'both the Jez're·el·ite."
9467 …aid to A'hab: "Rise up, take possession of the vineyard of Na'both the Jez're·el·ite, which he ref…
9468 … dead, A'hab at once rose up to go down to the vineyard of Na'both the Jez're·el·ite, to take poss…
9475 … Jehovah has spoken, saying, 'The very dogs will eat up Jez'e·bel in the plot of land of Jez're·el.
9757re·el from the wounds that the Syrians got to inflict upon him at Ra'mah when he fought Haz'a·el t…
9767 And Jez'e·bel the dogs will eat up in the tract of land at Jez're·el, and there will be no one bury…
9772re·el from the wounds that the Syrians got to inflict upon him when he fought Haz'a·el the king of…
9773 And Je'hu began to ride and go to Jez're·el; for Je·ho'ram was lying there, and A·ha·zi'ah the king…
9774 And the watchman was standing upon the tower in Jez're·el, and he got to see the heaving mass of Je…
9778 …inued on out to meet Je'hu, they got to find him in the tract of land of Na'both the Jez're·el·ite.
9782 …nt: "Lift him up; throw him into the tract of the field of Na'both the Jez're·el·ite; for remember…
9787 At length Je'hu came to Jez're·el, and Jez'e·bel herself heard of it. And she proceeded to paint he…
9793 …f his servant E·li'jah the Tish'bite, saying, 'In the tract of land of Jez're·el the dogs will eat…
9794 …ly become as manure upon the face of the field in the tract of land of Jez're·el, that they may no…
9795 …fore Je'hu wrote letters and sent them to Sa·mar'i·a to the princes of Jez're·el, the older men an…
9800 …men that are sons of YOUR lord and come to me tomorrow at this time at Jez're·el."Now the sons of …
9801 …[them], seventy men, after which they put their heads in baskets and sent them to him at Jez're·el.
9805 Moreover, Je'hu went on to strike down all who were left over of the house of A'hab in Jez're·el an…
10246 …ah, that is, Ish'ma·el the son of Neth·a·ni'ah and Jo·ha'nan the son of Ka·re'ah and Se·rai'ah the…
10300 Eventually Ha'dad died, and Sam'lah from Mas·re'kah began to reign in place of him.
10349 … were Me'sha his firstborn, who was the father of Ziph, and the sons of Ma·re'shah the father of H…
10363 …t were born to him in He'bron: the firstborn Am'non, of A·hin'o·am the Jez're·el·i·tess, the secon…
10365 the fifth, Sheph·a·ti'ah, of A·bi'tal, the sixth, Ith're·am, of Eg'lah his wife.
10389 And these were [the sons of] the father of E'tam: Jez're·el and Ish'ma and Id'bash, (and the name o…
10407 The sons of She'lah the son of Judah were Er the father of Le'cah and La'a·dah the father of Ma·re'…
10603 and Ja·a·re·shi'ah and E·li'jah and Zich'ri, the sons of Je·ro'ham.
10611 And the sons of Mi'cah were Pi'thon and Mel'ech and Ta·re'a and A'haz.
10635 And Shal'lum the son of Ko're the son of E·bi'a·saph the son of Ko'rah and his brothers of the hous…
11049 Of the sons of A'saph, Zac'cur and Joseph and Neth·a·ni'ah and Ash·a·re'lah, the sons of A'saph und…
11061 the seventh for Jesh·a·re'lah, his sons and his brothers, twelve;
11079 For the divisions of gatekeepers: Of the Ko'rah·ites, Me·shel·e·mi'ah the son of Ko're of the sons …
11423 and Gath and Ma·re'shah and Ziph,
11485 …m with a military force of a million men and three hundred chariots, and came as far as Ma·re'shah.
11486 …nt out against him and they drew up in battle formation in the valley of Zeph'a·thah at Ma·re'shah.
11625 However, E·li·e'zer the son of Dod·av'a·hu of Ma·re'sha spoke prophetically against Je·hosh'a·phat,…
11651re·el from the wounds that they had inflicted upon him at Ra'mah when he fought Haz'a·el the king …
11869 And Ko're the son of Im'nah the Levite was the gatekeeper to the east, in charge of the voluntary o…
12025 And Cyrus the king of Persia proceeded to bring them forth under the control of Mith're·dath the tr…
12118 Also, in the days of Ar·ta·xerx'es, Bish'lam, Mith're·dath, Tab'e·el and the rest of his colleagues…
12220 …om the sons of Mah'li the grandson of Le'vi the son of Israel, namely, She·re·bi'ah and his sons a…
12226 I now separated from the chiefs of the priests twelve, namely, She·re·bi'ah, Hash·a·bi'ah, and with…
12501 And Jesh'u·a and Ba'ni and She·re·bi'ah, Ja'min, Ak'kub, Shab'be·thai, Ho·di'ah, Ma·a·sei'ah, Ke·li…
12516 And Jesh'u·a and Ba'ni, Kad'mi·el, Sheb·a·ni'ah, Bun'ni, She·re·bi'ah, Ba'ni [and] Che·na'ni procee…
12517 And the Levites Jesh'u·a and Kad'mi·el, Ba'ni, Hash·ab·nei'ah, She·re·bi'ah, Ho·di'ah, Sheb·a·ni'ah…
12562 Zac'cur, She·re·bi'ah, Sheb·a·ni'ah,
12633 And the Levites were Jesh'u·a, Bin'nu·i, Kad'mi·el, She·re·bi'ah, Judah, Mat·ta·ni'ah, over the giv…
12649 And the heads of the Levites were Hash·a·bi'ah, She·re·bi'ah and Jesh'u·a the son of Kad'mi·el and …
19950 …ma·el the son of Neth·a·ni'ah and Jo·ha'nan and Jon'a·than, the sons of Ka·re'ah, and Se·rai'ah th…
19955 As for Jo·ha'nan the son of Ka·re'ah and all the chiefs of the military forces who were in the fiel…
19957 And Jo·ha'nan the son of Ka·re'ah himself said to Ged·a·li'ah, in a place of concealment in Miz'pah…
19958 But Ged·a·li'ah the son of A·hi'kam said to Jo·ha'nan the son of Ka·re'ah: "Do not do this thing, f…
19969 In time Jo·ha'nan the son of Ka·re'ah and all the chiefs of the military forces who were with him g…
19971 …oon as all the people that were with Ish'ma·el saw Jo·ha'nan the son of Ka·re'ah and all the chief…
19972 …d captive from Miz'pah proceeded to turn around and return and go to Jo·ha'nan the son of Ka·re'ah.
19974 Jo·ha'nan the son of Ka·re'ah and all the chiefs of the military forces who were with him now took …
19977 Then all the chiefs of the military forces and Jo·ha'nan the son of Ka·re'ah and Jez·a·ni'ah the so…
19984 So he called for Jo·ha'nan the son of Ka·re'ah and for all the chiefs of the military forces who we…
20000 Az·a·ri'ah the son of Ho·shai'ah and Jo·ha'nan the son of Ka·re'ah and all the presumptuous men pro…
20002 And Jo·ha'nan the son of Ka·re'ah and all the chiefs of the military forces and all the people did …
20003 So Jo·ha'nan the son of Ka·re'ah and all the chiefs of the military forces took all the remnant of …
22099 …y to him: "Call his name Jez're·el, for yet a little while and I must hold an accounting for the a…
22100 And it must occur in that day that I must break the bow of Israel in the low plain of Jez're·el."
22106 …t up for themselves one head and go up out of the land, because great will be the day of Jez're·el.
22128 … and the sweet wine and the oil; and they, for their part, will answer Jez're·el ['God will sow se…
22595 The dispossessor I shall yet bring to you, O inhabitress of Ma·re'shah. As far as A·dul'lam the glo…
23686 Now when he had come into the parts of Caes·a·re'a Phi·lip'pi, Jesus went asking his disciples: "Wh…
23791 Jesus said to them: "Truly I say to YOU, In the re-creation, when the Son of man sits down upon his…
24162 As they were going out they found a native of Cy·re'ne named Simon. This man they impressed into se…
24528 Jesus and his disciples now left for the villages of Caes·a·re'a Phi·lip'pi, and on the way he bega…
24848 Also, they impressed into service a passerby, a certain Simon of Cy·re'ne, coming from the country,…
25962 Now as they led him away, they laid hold of Simon, a certain native of Cy·re'ne, coming from the co…
26960 and Phryg'i·a and Pam·phyl'i·a, Egypt and the parts of Lib'y·a, which is toward Cy·re'ne, and sojou…
27111 But certain men rose up of those from the so-called Synagogue of the Freedmen, and of the Cy·re'ni·…
27217 …gh the territory and kept on declaring the good news to all the cities until he got to Caes·a·re'a.
27247 When the brothers detected this, they brought him down to Caes·a·re'a and sent him off to Tarsus.
27261 Now in Caes·a·re'a there was a certain man named Cornelius, an army officer of the Italian band, as…
27284 On the day after that he entered into Caes·a·re'a. Cornelius, of course, was expecting them and had…
27319 …ree men standing at the house in which we were, they having been dispatched from Caes·a·re'a to me.
27328 However, out of them there were some men of Cy'prus and Cy·re'ne that came to Antioch and began tal…
27357 …hem to be led off [to punishment]; and he went down from Ju·de'a to Caes·a·re'a and spent some tim…
27364 …on, Bar'na·bas as well as Sym'e·on who was called Ni'ger, and Lucius of Cy·re'ne, and Man'a·en who…
27542 But certain ones of both the Ep·i·cu·re'an and the Sto'ic philosophers took to conversing with him …
27580 and came down to Caes·a·re'a. And he went up and greeted the congregation, and went down to Antioch.
27673 The next day we set out and arrived in Caes·a·re'a, and we entered into the house of Philip the eva…
27681 But some of the disciples from Caes·a·re'a also went with us, to bring us to the man at whose home …
27758 …fficers and said: "Get two hundred soldiers ready to march clear to Caes·a·re'a, also seventy hors…
27768 The [horsemen] entered into Caes·a·re'a and delivered the letter to the governor and also presented…
27798 …ring upon the [government of the] province, went up three days later to Jerusalem from Caes·a·re'a;
27801 However, Festus answered that Paul was to be kept in Caes·a·re'a and that he himself was about to d…
27803 So when he had spent not more than eight or ten days among them, he went down to Caes·a·re'a, and t…
27810 Now when some days had passed, A·grip'pa the king and Ber·ni'ce arrived in Caes·a·re'a for a visit …
29022 In Damascus the governor under A·re'tas the king was guarding the city of the Dam·a·scenes' to seiz…
30668 I wrote something to the congregation, but Di·ot're·phes, who likes to have the first place among t…