Lines Matching refs:portion

1325 …rtions carried from before him to them, but he would increase Benjamin's portion five times the si…
2363 …r Aaron, and wave it to and fro as a wave offering before Jehovah, and it must become your portion.
2364 And you must sanctify the breast of the wave offering and the leg of the sacred portion that was wa…
2365 …acred portion; and it will become a sacred portion to be rendered by the sons of Israel. From thei…
2417 …s and onycha and perfumed galbanum and pure frankincense. There should be the same portion of each.
2894 And out of it he must present one of each offering as a sacred portion to Jehovah; as for the pries…
2912 "'And YOU will give the right leg as a sacred portion to the priest from YOUR communion sacrifices.
2913 …ents the blood of the communion sacrifices and the fat, the right leg will become his as a portion.
2914 For the breast of the wave offering and the leg of the sacred portion I do take from the sons of Is…
2947 … a wave offering before Jehovah. From the installation ram it became the portion for Moses, just a…
2992 And YOU will eat the breast of the wave offering and the leg of the sacred portion in a clean place…
2993 They will bring the leg of the sacred portion and the breast of the wave offering along with the of…
4266 …ngs of the sons of Israel I have given them to you and to your sons as a portion, as an allowance …
7218 but to Han'nah he gave one portion. Nonetheless it was Han'nah that he loved, and, as for Jehovah, …
7415 Later Samuel said to the cook: "Do give the portion that I have given to you, of which I said to yo…
11858 And there was a portion of the king from his own goods for the burnt offerings, for the burnt offer…
11859 Furthermore, he said to the people, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to give the portion of the priest…
11972 …se of the forefathers for YOUR brothers, the sons of the people, and the portion of a paternal hou…
13591 And what portion is there from God above,Or inheritance from the Almighty from on high?
14066 He will rain down upon the wicked ones traps, fire and sulphurAnd a scorching wind, as the portion
14098 Jehovah is the portion of my allotted share and of my cup.You are holding fast my lot.
14814 God himself has spoken in his holiness:"I will exult, I will give out She'chem as a portion;And the…
14850 They will be delivered over to the power of the sword;They will become a mere portion for foxes.
14924 In order that you may wash your foot in blood,That the tongue of your dogs may have its portion fro…
15750 God himself has spoken in his holiness:"I will exult, I will give out She'chem as a portion;And the…
17300 …le it is still night, and gives food to her household and the prescribed portion to her young wome…
17344 … my heart was joyful because of all my hard work, and this came to be my portion from all my hard …
17355 … but to a man that has not worked hard at such a thing will be given the portion of that one. This…
17382 …ng better than that the man should rejoice in his works, for that is his portion; because who will…
17416 … for the number of the days of his life that the [true] God has given him, for that is his portion.
17417 …ssessions, he has even empowered him to eat from it and to carry off his portion and to rejoice in…
17482 Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion
17485 …s given you under the sun, all the days of your vanity, for that is your portion in life and in yo…
17516 Give a portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what calamity will occur on the eart…
18724 For that reason I shall deal him a portion among the many, and it will be with the mighty ones that…
18772 "With the smooth stones of the torrent valley was your portion. They-they were your lot. Moreover, …
18851portion, and instead of humiliation they will cry out joyfully over their share. Therefore in thei…
19292 This is your lot, your measured portion from me," is the utterance of Jehovah, "because you have fo…
19887 …o go forth from Jerusalem to go to the land of Benjamin and to get [his] portion from there in the…
21632 … a holy portion out of the land; as to length, twenty-five thousand [cubits] in length, and as to …
21635 As a holy portion out of the land it will come to be for the priests themselves, the ministers of t…
21704 … side of Ha'math; and it must prove to have an eastern border [and] the western, Dan one [portion].
21726 …ards the rest of the tribes, from the eastern border to the western border, Benjamin one [portion].
21853 …nd with the dew of the heavens let it be wet, and with the beast let its portion be among the vege…
21861 … the heavens let it become wet, and with the beasts of the field let its portion be until seven ti…
22600 …tion. One will have to say: "We have positively been despoiled! The very portion of my people he a…
22748 … dragnet and makes sacrificial smoke to his fishing net; for by them his portion is well oiled, an…
22912 And Jehovah will certainly take possession of Judah as his portion upon the holy ground, and he mus…
23012 … of the hope."Also, today [I am] telling [you], 'I shall repay to you, [O woman,] a double portion.
25406 A few things, though, are needed, or just one. For her part, Mary chose the good portion, and it wi…
28505 Only, as Jehovah has given each one a portion, let each one so walk as God has called him. And thus…
28554 …things of the temple, and those constantly attending at the altar have a portion for themselves wi…
28914 Further, what harmony is there between Christ and Be'li·al? Or what portion does a faithful person …
31062 …rs and those practicing spiritism and idolaters and all the liars, their portion will be in the la…
31100 …ng away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take his portion away from the tre…