Lines Matching refs:pe

581 that he may give me the cave of Mach·pe'lah, which is his, which is at the extremity of his field. …
589 Thus the field of E'phron that was in Mach·pe'lah, which is in front of Mam're, the field and the c…
591 And after that Abraham buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the field of Mach·pe'lah in front of Ma…
668 So Isaac and Ish'ma·el his sons buried him in the cave of Mach·pe'lah in the field of E'phron the s…
1504 in the cave that is in the field of Mach·pe'lah that is in front of Mam're in the land of Ca'naan, …
1520 So his sons carried him into the land of Ca'naan and buried him in the cave of the field of Mach·pe
4780 Next they pulled away from Rith'mah and took up camping in Rim'mon-pe'rez.
4781 Then they pulled away from Rim'mon-pe'rez and went camping in Lib'nah.
5005 All this while we were dwelling in the valley in front of Beth-pe'or.
5051 in the region of the Jordan in the valley in front of Beth-pe'or, in the land of Si'hon the king of…
5846 And he proceeded to bury him in the valley in the land of Mo'ab in front of Beth-pe'or, and nobody …
6175 and Beth-pe'or and the slopes of Pis'gah and Beth-jesh'i·moth,
6321 and Re'kem and Ir'pe·el and Tar'a·lah,
8153pe·ra'zim, and David got to strike them down there. At that he said: "Jehovah has broken through m…
9128 …oh, so much that he gave him a wife, the sister of his own wife, the sister of Tah'pe·nes the lady.
9129 In time the sister of Tah'pe·nes bore him Ge·nu'bath his son, and Tah'pe·nes got to wean him right …
10780 and Ib'har and E·li'shu·a and El'pe·let,
10786pe·ra'zim and there got to strike them down. At that David said: "The [true] God has broken throug…
12428 …e·he·mi'ah, Az·a·ri'ah, Ra·a·mi'ah, Na·ham'a·ni, Mor'de·cai, Bil'shan, Mis'pe·reth, Big'vai, Ne'hu…
21741 Then the king said to Ash'pe·naz his chief court official to bring some of the sons of Israel and o…