Lines Matching refs:panel

2251 "And you must make the panel frames for the tabernacle of acacia wood, standing on end.
2252 Ten cubits is the length of a panel frame, and a cubit and a half is the width of each panel frame.
2253 Each panel frame has two tenons joined one to the other. That is the way you will do with all the p…
2254 And you must make the panel frames for the tabernacle, twenty panel frames for the side toward the …
2255 … the twenty panel frames; two socket pedestals under the one panel frame with its two tenons, and …
2256 And for the other side of the tabernacle, the northern side, twenty panel frames,
2257 … of silver, two socket pedestals under the one panel frame and two socket pedestals under the othe…
2258 And for the rear sections of the tabernacle to the west you will make six panel frames.
2259 And you will make two panel frames as corner posts of the tabernacle on its two rear sections.
2261panel frames and their socket pedestals of silver, sixteen pedestals, two socket pedestals under t…
2262 "And you must make bars of acacia wood, five for the panel frames of the one side of the tabernacle,
2263 and five bars for the panel frames of the other side of the tabernacle and five bars for the panel
2264 And the middle bar at the center of the panel frames is running through from end to end.
2265 "And you will overlay the panel frames with gold, and their rings you will make of gold as supports…
2543 namely, the tabernacle with its tent and its covering, its hooks and its panel frames, its bars, it…
2587 Then he made the panel frames for the tabernacle out of acacia wood, standing on end.
2588 Ten cubits was the length of a panel frame, and one cubit and a half the width of each panel frame.
2589 Each panel frame had two tenons fitted one to the other. That is the way he did to all the panel fr…
2590 So he made the panel frames for the tabernacle, twenty panel frames for the side toward the Neg'eb,…
2591 …the twenty panel frames, two socket pedestals beneath the one panel frame with its two tenons and …
2592 And for the other side of the tabernacle, the northern side, he made twenty panel frames
2593 … silver, two socket pedestals beneath the one panel frame and two socket pedestals beneath the oth…
2594 And for the rear sections of the tabernacle to the west he made six panel frames.
2595 And he made two panel frames as corner posts of the tabernacle on its two rear sections.
2597 …d to eight panel frames and their socket pedestals of silver to sixteen, two socket pedestals next…
2598 And he went on to make bars of acacia wood, five for the panel frames of the one side of the tabern…
2599 and five bars for the panel frames of the other side of the tabernacle and five bars for the panel
2600 Then he made the middle bar to run through at the middle of the panel frames from one end to the ot…
2601 And he overlaid the panel frames with gold, and he made their rings of gold as supports for the bar…
2698 …ng the tabernacle to Moses, the tent and all its utensils, its hooks, its panel frames, its bars a…
2726 …the tabernacle, he went putting its socket pedestals down and placing its panel frames and putting…
3729 And the oversight for which the sons of Me·rar'i were obligated was over the panel frames of the ta…
3775 …n, their load, according to all their service in the tent of meeting: the panel frames of the tabe…