Lines Matching refs:lum
9936 Then Shal'lum the son of Ja'besh conspired against him and struck him down at Ib'le·am and put him …
9939 As for Shal'lum the son of Ja'besh, he became king in the thirty-ninth year of Uz·zi'ah the king of…
9940 … of Ga'di came up from Tir'zah and came to Sa·mar'i·a and struck down Shal'lum the son of Ja'besh …
9941 As for the rest of the affairs of Shal'lum and his conspiracy with which he conspired, there they a…
10160 … and Sha'phan and A·sai'ah went to Hul'dah the prophetess the wife of Shal'lum the son of Tik'vah …
10347 El·e·a'sah, in turn, became father to Sis'mai. Sis'mai, in turn, became father to Shal'lum.
10348 Shal'lum, in turn, became father to Jek·a·mi'ah. Jek·a·mi'ah, in turn, became father to E·lish'a·ma.
10377 …re the firstborn Jo·ha'nan, the second, Je·hoi'a·kim, the third, Zed·e·ki'ah, the fourth, Shal'lum.
10411 Shal'lum his son, Mib'sam his son, Mish'ma his son.
10467 A·hi'tub, in turn, became father to Za'dok. Za'dok, in turn, became father to Shal'lum.
10468 Shal'lum, in turn, became father to Hil·ki'ah. Hil·ki'ah, in turn, became father to Az·a·ri'ah.
10549 The sons of Naph'ta·li were Jah'zi·el and Gu'ni and Je'zer and Shal'lum, the sons of Bil'hah.
10633 And the gatekeepers were Shal'lum and Ak'kub and Tal'mon and A·hi'man and their brother Shal'lum th…
10635 And Shal'lum the son of Ko're the son of E·bi'a·saph the son of Ko'rah and his brothers of the hous…
10647 And Mat·ti·thi'ah of the Levites, who was the firstborn of Shal'lum the Ko'rah·ite, was in the offi…
11777 …, Ber·e·chi'ah the son of Me·shil'le·moth and Je·hiz·ki'ah the son of Shal'lum and A·ma'sa the son…
11956 … whom the king [had said] went to Hul'dah the prophetess, the wife of Shal'lum the son of Tik'vah …
12070 The sons of the gatekeepers, the sons of Shal'lum, the sons of A'ter, the sons of Tal'mon, the sons…
12176 the son of Shal'lum the son of Za'dok the son of A·hi'tub
12277 and of the singers, E·li'a·shib; and of the gatekeepers, Shal'lum and Te'lem and U'ri.
12295 Shal'lum, Am·a·ri'ah, Joseph;
12340 And at his side Shal'lum the son of Hal·lo'hesh, a prince of half the district of Jerusalem, did re…
12466 The gatekeepers, the sons of Shal'lum, the sons of A'ter, the sons of Tal'mon, the sons of Ak'kub, …
19466 For this is what Jehovah has said concerning Shal'lum the son of Jo·si'ah, the king of Judah who is…
19739 'Here is Han'a·mel the son of Shal'lum your paternal uncle coming in to you, saying: "Buy for yours…
19828 …om of the princes that was above the dining room of Ma·a·sei'ah the son of Shal'lum the doorkeeper.