Lines Matching refs:li

239 And the sons of Ja'van were E·li'shah and Tar'shish, Kit'tim and Do'da·nim.
363 … that I am going childless and the one who will possess my house is a man of Damascus, E·li·e'zer?"
839 …gs I have wrestled with my sister. I have also come off winner!" So she called his name Naph'ta·li.
1037 And the sons by Bil'hah, Rachel's maidservant, were Dan and Naph'ta·li.
1403 And the sons of Gad were Ziph'i·on and Hag'gi, Shu'ni and Ez'bon, E'ri and Ar·o'di and A·re'li.
1411 And the sons of Naph'ta·li were Jah'ze·el and Gu'ni and Je'zer and Shil'lem.
1495 "Naph'ta·li is a slender hind. He is giving words of elegance.
1537 Dan and Naph'ta·li, Gad and Ash'er.
1675 And the sons of Me·rar'i were Mah'li and Mu'shi.These were the families of the Levites, according t…
1679 Now Aaron took E·li'she·ba, Am·min'a·dab's daughter, the sister of Nah'shon, as his wife. Later she…
2004 and the name of the other was E·li·e'zer, "because," to quote him, "the God of my father is my help…
2427 As for me, look! I do put with him O·ho'li·ab the son of A·his'a·mach of the tribe of Dan, and in t…
2566 And he has put it into his heart that he should teach, he and O·ho'li·ab the son of A·his'a·mach of…
2568 "And Bez'al·el must work, also O·ho'li·ab and every wise-hearted man to whom Jehovah has given wisd…
2569 And Moses proceeded to call Bez'al·el and O·ho'li·ab and every wise-hearted man into whose heart Je…
2657 And with him was O·ho'li·ab the son of A·his'a·mach of the tribe of Dan, a craftsman and embroidere…
3610 And these are the names of the men who will stand with YOU: Of Reu'ben, E·li'zur the son of Shed'e·…
3614 of Zeb'u·lun, E·li'ab the son of He'lon;
3615 of the sons of Joseph: of E'phra·im, E·lish'a·ma the son of Am·mi'hud; of Ma·nas'seh, Ga·ma'li·el t…
3619 of Gad, E·li'a·saph the son of Deu'el;
3620 of Naph'ta·li, A·hi'ra the son of E'nan.
3647 Of the sons of Naph'ta·li, their births according to their families in the house of their fathers b…
3648 those registered of them of the tribe of Naph'ta·li were fifty-three thousand four hundred.
3666 And the tribe of Zeb'u·lun; and the chieftain for the sons of Zeb'u·lun is E·li'ab the son of He'lo…
3669 … the south in their armies, and the chieftain for the sons of Reu'ben is E·li'zur the son of Shed'…
3673 And the tribe of Gad; and the chieftain for the sons of Gad is E·li'a·saph the son of Reu'el.
3679 …tribe of Ma·nas'seh, and the chieftain for the sons of Ma·nas'seh is Ga·ma'li·el the son of Pe·dah…
3688 And the tribe of Naph'ta·li; and the chieftain for the sons of Naph'ta·li is A·hi'ra the son of E'n…
3713 And the sons of Me·rar'i by their families were Mah'li and Mu'shi.These were the families of the Le…
3717 And the chieftain of the paternal house for the Ger'shon·ites was E·li'a·saph the son of La'el.
3723 And the chieftain of the paternal house for the families of the Ko'hath·ites was E·li·za'phan the s…
3875 On the third day there was the chieftain for the sons of Zeb'u·lun, E·li'ab the son of He'lon.
3880 …five he-goats, five male lambs each a year old. This was the offering of E·li'ab the son of He'lon.
3881 On the fourth day there was the chieftain for the sons of Reu'ben, E·li'zur the son of Shed'e·ur.
3886 …five he-goats, five male lambs each a year old. This was the offering of E·li'zur the son of Shed'…
3893 On the sixth day there was the chieftain for the sons of Gad, E·li'a·saph the son of Deu'el.
3898 …five he-goats, five male lambs each a year old. This was the offering of E·li'a·saph the son of De…
3905 On the eighth day there was the chieftain for the sons of Ma·nas'seh, Ga·ma'li·el the son of Pe·dah…
3910 … he-goats, five male lambs each a year old. This was the offering of Ga·ma'li·el the son of Pe·dah…
3929 On the twelfth day there was the chieftain for the sons of Naph'ta·li, A·hi'ra the son of E'nan.
4005 And over the army of the tribe of the sons of Zeb'u·lun there was E·li'ab the son of He'lon.
4007 And the [three-tribe] division of the camp of Reu'ben pulled away in their armies, and E·li'zur the…
4009 And over the army of the tribe of the sons of Gad there was E·li'a·saph the son of Deu'el.
4012 And over the army of the tribe of the sons of Ma·nas'seh there was Ga·ma'li·el the son of Pe·dah'zu…
4016 And over the army of the tribe of the sons of Naph'ta·li there was A·hi'ra the son of E'nan.
4088 of the tribe of Dan, Am'mi·el the son of Ge·mal'li;
4090 of the tribe of Naph'ta·li, Nah'bi the son of Voph'si;
4196 …'vi, proceeded to get up, together with Da'than and A·bi'ram the sons of E·li'ab, and On the son o…
4207 Later Moses sent to call Da'than and A·bi'ram the sons of E·li'ab, but they said: "We are not going…
4498 And the son of Pal'lu was E·li'ab.
4499 And the sons of E·li'ab: Nem'u·el and Da'than and A·bi'ram. This Da'than and A·bi'ram were summoned…
4507 of Ar'od the family of the Ar'od·ites; of A·re'li the family of the A·re'lites.
4538 The sons of Naph'ta·li by their families were: Of Jah'ze·el the family of the Jah'ze·el·ites; of Gu…
4540 These were the families of Naph'ta·li by their families, and their registered ones were forty-five …
4838 of the tribe of Benjamin, E·li'dad the son of Chis'lon;
4839 and of the tribe of the sons of Dan a chieftain, Buk'ki the son of Jog'li;
4842 and of the tribe of the sons of Zeb'u·lun a chieftain, E·li·za'phan the son of Par'nach;
4845 and of the tribe of the sons of Naph'ta·li a chieftain, Ped·ah'el the son of Am·mi'hud."
5215 nor what he did to Da'than and A·bi'ram the sons of E·li'ab the son of Reu'ben, when the earth open…
5599 …tand for the malediction on Mount E'bal: Reu'ben, Gad and Ash'er and Zeb'u·lun, Dan and Naph'ta·li.
5834 And as to Naph'ta·li he said:"Naph'ta·li is satisfied with the approvalAnd full of the blessing of …
5842 and all Naph'ta·li and the land of E'phra·im and Ma·nas'seh and all the land of Judah as far as the…
6347 And their boundary came to be Hel'kath and Ha'li and Be'ten and Ach'shaph,
6354 It was for the sons of Naph'ta·li that the sixth lot came out, for the sons of Naph'ta·li by their …
6361 This was the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Naph'ta·li by their families, the cities and t…
6380 …sacred status to Ke'desh in Gal'i·lee in the mountainous region of Naph'ta·li, and She'chem in the…
6388 … Is'sa·char and out of the tribe of Ash'er and out of the tribe of Naph'ta·li and out of the half …
6414 And out of the tribe of Naph'ta·li, the city of refuge for the manslayer, namely, Ke'desh in Gal'i·…
6543 Naph'ta·li did not drive out the inhabitants of Beth-she'mesh and the inhabitants of Beth-a'nath, b…
6606li and to say to him: "Has not Jehovah the God of Israel given the command? 'Go and you must sprea…
6610 And Ba'rak began to call Zeb'u·lun and Naph'ta·li together to Ke'desh, and ten thousand men went on…
6642 Zeb'u·lun was a people that scorned their souls to the point of death;Naph'ta·li also, on the heigh…
6690 … him. He also sent out messengers through Ash'er and Zeb'u·lun and Naph'ta·li, and they came on up…
6718 Meantime the men of Israel were called together from Naph'ta·li and Ash'er and all of Ma·nas'seh, a…
6954 …that that he fell in love with a woman in the torrent valley of So'rek, and her name was De·li'lah.
6956 Later De·li'lah said to Samson: "Do tell me, please, In what is your great power and with what can …
6960 Subsequently De·li'lah said to Samson: "Look! You have trifled with me that you might speak lies to…
6962 So De·li'lah took new ropes and tied him with them and said to him: "The Phi·lis'tines are upon you…
6963 After that De·li'lah said to Samson: "Up till now you have trifled with me that you might speak lie…
6968 When De·li'lah got to see that he had disclosed to her all his heart, she immediately sent and call…
7214 … E'phra·im, and his name was El·ka'nah, the son of Je·ro'ham, the son of E·li'hu, the son of To'hu…
7216 …fice to Jehovah of armies in Shi'loh. And there is where the two sons of E'li, Hoph'ni and Phin'e·…
7222 Then Han'nah got up after they had eaten in Shi'loh and after the drinking, while E'li the priest w…
7225 And it occurred that while she prayed extendedly before Jehovah, E'li was watching her mouth.
7226 … her heart; only her lips were quivering, and her voice was not heard. But E'li took her for drunk.
7227 So E'li said to her: "How long will you behave drunk? Put away your wine from upon you."
7230 Then E'li answered and said: "Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant your petition that you h…
7238 Then they slaughtered the bull and brought the boy to E'li.
7252 …to Ra'mah to his house; and as for the boy, he became a minister of Jehovah before E'li the priest.
7253 Now the sons of E'li were good-for-nothing men; they did not acknowledge Jehovah.
7261 And E'li blessed El·ka'nah and his wife and said: "May Jehovah appoint to you an offspring from thi…
7263 And E'li was very old, and he had heard of all that his sons kept doing to all Israel and how they …
7268 And a man of God proceeded to come to E'li and say to him: "This is what Jehovah has said, 'Did I n…
7278 All the while the boy Samuel was ministering to Jehovah before E'li, and word from Jehovah had beco…
7279 Now it came about on that day that E'li was lying in his place, and his eyes had begun to grow dim;…
7282 And he went running to E'li and saying: "Here I am, for you called me." But he said: "I did not cal…
7283 And Jehovah went on to call yet again: "Samuel!" At this Samuel got up and went to E'li and said: "…
7285 …e: "Samuel!" At that he got up and went to E'li and said: "Here I am, for you must have called me.…
7286 Consequently E'li said to Samuel: "Go, lie down, and it must occur that, if he should call you, you…
7289 On that day I shall carry out toward E'li all that I have said respecting his house, from beginning…
7291 And that is why I have sworn to the house of E'li that the error of the house of E'li will not be b…
7292 …. Then he opened the doors of Jehovah's house. And Samuel was afraid to tell E'li of the appearing.
7293 But E'li called Samuel and said: "Samuel, my son!" At this he said: "Here I am."
7302 … Jehovah of armies, who is sitting upon the cherubs. And the two sons of E'li were there with the …
7309 And the ark of God itself was captured, and the two sons of E'li, Hoph'ni and Phin'e·has, died.
7311 When he arrived, there was E'li sitting on the seat by the roadside, watching, because his heart ha…
7312li got to hear the sound of the outcry. So he said: "What does the sound of this turmoil mean?" An…
7313 (Now E'li was ninety-eight years old, and his eyes had set so that he was unable to see.)
7314 And the man proceeded to say to E'li: "I am the one coming from the battle line, and I-it is from t…
7512 (And A·hi'jah the son of A·hi'tub, the brother of Ich'a·bod, the son of Phin'e·has, the son of E'li
7602 And it came about that, as they came in and he caught sight of E·li'ab, he at once said: "Surely hi…
7623 And a champion began to go out from the camps of the Phi·lis'tines, his name being Go·li'ath, from …
7632 … to the war, and the names of his three sons that went into the war were E·li'ab the firstborn, an…
7642 While he was speaking with them, why, here the champion, his name being Go·li'ath the Phi·lis'tine …
7647 And E·li'ab his oldest brother got to hear as he spoke to the men, and E·li'ab's anger grew hot aga…
7782 To this the priest said: "The sword of Go·li'ath the Phi·lis'tine, whom you struck down in the low …
7798 And he proceeded to inquire of Jehovah for him; and provisions he gave him, and the sword of Go·li'…
8148 and Ib'har and E·li'shu·a and Ne'pheg and Ja·phi'a,
8149 and E·lish'a·ma and E·li'a·da and E·liph'e·let.
8263 …out the woman and someone said: "Is this not Bath-she'ba the daughter of E·li'am the wife of U·ri'…
8600 …'nan the son of Ja'a·re-or'e·gim the Beth'le·hem·ite got to strike down Go·li'ath the Git'tite, th…
8679 Sham'mah the Ha'rod·ite, E·li'ka the Ha'rod·ite,
8686li'ah·ba the Sha·al'bo·nite, the sons of Ja'shen, Jon'a·than,
8688 E·liph'e·let the son of A·has'bai the son of the Ma·ac'a·thite, E·li'am the son of A·hith'o·phel th…
8798 …iest of Jehovah, to fulfill Jehovah's word that he had spoken against the house of E'li in Shi'loh.
8860 A·him'a·az, in Naph'ta·li (he, too, took Bas'e·math, Sol'o·mon's daughter, as a wife);
8949 He was the son of a widowed woman from the tribe of Naph'ta·li, and his father was a Tyr'i·an man, …
9132 And God proceeded to raise up to him another resister, namely, Re'zon the son of E·li'a·da, who had…
9270 …n I'jon and Dan and A'bel-beth-ma'a·cah and all Chin'ne·reth, as far as all the land of Naph'ta·li.
9319 And E·li'jah the Tish'bite from the inhabitants of Gil'e·ad proceeded to say to A'hab: "As Jehovah …
9331 Then E·li'jah said to her: "Do not be afraid. Go in, do according to your word. Only from what is t…
9333 So she went and did according to E·li'jah's word; and she continued to eat, she together with him a…
9334 …ar of oil itself did not fail, according to Jehovah's word that he had spoken by means of E·li'jah.
9336 At this she said to E·li'jah: "What do I have to do with you, O man of the [true] God? You have com…
9340 Finally Jehovah listened to E·li'jah's voice, so that the soul of the child came back within him an…
9341li'jah now took the child and brought him down from the roof chamber into the house and gave him …
9342 Upon that the woman said to E·li'jah: "Now, indeed, I do know that you are a man of God and that Je…
9343 And it came about [after] many days that Jehovah's own word came to E·li'jah in the third year, say…
9344 Accordingly E·li'jah went to show himself to A'hab, while the famine was severe in Sa·mar'i·a.
9349 …e way, why, there was E·li'jah to meet him. At once he recognized him and fell upon his face and s…
9350 At this he said to him: "It is I. Go, say to your lord, 'Here is E·li'jah.'"
9353 And now you are saying, 'Go, say to your lord: "Here is E·li'jah."'
9356 And now you are saying, 'Go, say to your lord: "Here is E·li'jah."' And he will be bound to kill me…
9357 However, E·li'jah said: "As Jehovah of armies before whom I do stand is living, today I shall show …
9358 Accordingly O·ba·di'ah went off to meet A'hab and told him; and so A'hab went to meet E·li'jah.
9359 And it came about that, as soon as A'hab saw E·li'jah, A'hab immediately said to him: "Is this you,…
9363 Then E·li'jah approached all the people and said: "How long will YOU be limping upon two different …
9364 And E·li'jah went on to say to the people: "I myself have been left as a prophet of Jehovah, I alon…
9367li'jah now said to the prophets of Ba'al: "Choose for yourselves one young bull and dress it firs…
9369 And it came about at noon that E·li'jah began to mock them and say: "Call at the top of YOUR voice,…
9372 At length E·li'jah said to all the people: "Approach me." So all the people approached him. Then he…
9373 So E·li'jah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom…
9378 And it came about at the time that the grain offering goes up that E·li'jah the prophet began to ap…
9382 Then E·li'jah said to them: "Seize the prophets of Ba'al! Do not let a single one of them escape!" …
9383li'jah now said to A'hab: "Go up, eat and drink; for there is the sound of the turmoil of a downp…
9384 And A'hab proceeded to go up to eat and drink. As for E·li'jah, he went up to the top of Car'mel an…
9388 And the very hand of Jehovah proved to be upon E·li'jah, so that he girded up his hips and went run…
9389 Then A'hab told Jez'e·bel all that E·li'jah had done and all about how he had killed all the prophe…
9390 At that Jez'e·bel sent a messenger to E·li'jah, saying: "So may the gods do, and so may they add to…
9397 …e was Jehovah's word for him, and it went on to say to him: "What is your business here, E·li'jah?"
9401li'jah heard it, he immediately wrapped his face in his official garment and went out and stood at…
9404 And Je'hu the grandson of Nim'shi you should anoint as king over Israel; and E·li'sha the son of Sh…
9405 …sword, Je'hu will put to death; and the one escaping from Je'hu's sword, E·li'sha will put to deat…
9407 …om there and found E·li'sha the son of Sha'phat while he was plowing with twelve spans before him,…
9408 At that he left the bulls and went running after E·li'jah and said: "Let me, please, kiss my father…
9409 …ple, and they proceeded to eat. After that he rose up and went following E·li'jah and began to min…
9469 And Jehovah's word came to E·li'jah the Tish'bite, saying:
9472 And A'hab proceeded to say to E·li'jah: "Have you found me, O enemy of mine?" to which he said: "I …
9480 And Jehovah's word came to E·li'jah the Tish'bite, saying:
9537 As for the angel of Jehovah, he spoke to E·li'jah the Tish'bite: "Rise up, go up to meet the messen…
9538 …up, you will not come down off it, because you will positively die."'" With that E·li'jah went off.
9542 … with a leather belt girded about his loins." Immediately he said: "It was E·li'jah the Tish'bite."
9544 But E·li'jah answered and spoke to the chief of the fifty: "Well, if I am a man of God, let fire co…
9546 But E·li'jah answered and spoke to them: "If I am a man of the [true] God, let fire come down from …
9547 …chief of fifty went up and came and bent down upon his knees in front of E·li'jah and began to imp…
9549 At that the angel of Jehovah spoke to E·li'jah: "Go down with him. Do not be afraid because of him.…
9551 And he gradually died, according to the word of Jehovah that E·li'jah had spoken; and Je·ho'ram beg…
9553 … it came about that when Jehovah was to take E·li'jah in a windstorm up to the heavens, E·li'jah a…
9554 And E·li'jah began to say to E·li'sha: "Sit here, please, because Jehovah himself has sent me clear…
9555 Then the sons of the prophets that were at Beth'el came out to E·li'sha and said to him: "Do you re…
9556li'jah now said to him: "E·li'sha, sit here, please, because Jehovah himself has sent me to Jer'i…
9557 Then the sons of the prophets that were at Jer'i·cho approached E·li'sha and said to him: "Do you r…
9558li'jah now said to him: "Sit here, please, because Jehovah himself has sent me to the Jordan." Bu…
9560 Then E·li'jah took his official garment and wrapped it up and struck the waters, and gradually they…
9561 … they had gone across E·li'jah himself said to E·li'sha: "Ask what I should do for you before I am…
9563 …y horses, and they proceeded to make a separation between them both; and E·li'jah went ascending i…
9564 All the while E·li'sha was seeing it, and he was crying out: "My father, my father, the war chariot…
9565 After that he picked up the official garment of E·li'jah that had fallen off him, and went back and…
9566li'jah that had fallen off him and struck the waters and said: "Where is Jehovah the God of E·li'j…
9567 …o saw him some way off, they began to say: "The spirit of E·li'jah has settled down upon E·li'sha.…
9571 In time the men of the city said to E·li'sha: "Here, now, the situation of the city is good, just a…
9574 And the water continues healed down to this day, according to E·li'sha's word that he spoke.
9588 …rael answered and said: "There is here E·li'sha the son of Sha'phat, who poured out water upon the…
9590 And E·li'sha proceeded to say to the king of Israel: "What do I have to do with you? Go to the prop…
9591 To this E·li'sha said: "As Jehovah of armies before whom I do stand is living, if it were not that …
9605 Now there was a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets that cried out to E·li'sha, …
9606 At this E·li'sha said to her: "What shall I do for you? Tell me; what do you have in the house?" To…
9612 And it came about one day that E·li'sha went passing along to Shu'nem, where there was a prominent …
9621 …nt and gave birth to a son at this appointed time the next year, just as E·li'sha had spoken to he…
9636 At last E·li'sha came into the house, and there the boy was dead, being laid upon his couch.
9642 And E·li'sha himself returned to Gil'gal, and there was famine in the land. As the sons of the prop…
9656 And it came about that, as soon as E·li'sha the man of the [true] God heard that the king of Israel…
9657 …a·man came with his horses and his war chariots and stood at the entrance of the house of E·li'sha.
9658 However, E·li'sha sent a messenger to him, saying: "Going there, you must bathe seven times in the …
9668 Then Ge·ha'zi the attendant of E·li'sha the man of the [true] God said: "Here my master has spared …
9673 And he himself came in and then stood by his master. E·li'sha now said to him: "Where [did you come…
9676 And the sons of the prophets began to say to E·li'sha: "Look, now! The place where we are dwelling …
9687 Then one of his servants said: "None, my lord the king, but it is E·li'sha the prophet who is in Is…
9692li'sha began to pray and say: "O Jehovah, open his eyes, please, that he may see." Immediately Jeh…
9693 …·li'sha went on to pray to Jehovah and say: "Please, strike this nation with blindness." So he str…
9694li'sha now said to them: "This is not the way, and this is not the city. Follow me, and let me co…
9695 And it came about that as soon as they arrived at Sa·mar'i·a, E·li'sha then said: "O Jehovah, open …
9696 The king of Israel now said to E·li'sha as soon as he saw them: "Shall I strike [them] down, shall …
9706 And he went on to say: "So may God do to me, and so may he add to it, if the head of E·li'sha the s…
9707 And E·li'sha was sitting in his own house, and the older men were sitting with him, when he sent a …
9709li'sha now said: "Listen, YOU men, to the word of Jehovah. This is what Jehovah has said, 'Tomorr…
9729 And E·li'sha himself had spoken to the woman whose son he had revived, saying: "Rise up and go, you…
9732 … of the [true] God, saying: "Do relate to me, please, all the great things that E·li'sha has done."
9733 …ce Ge·ha'zi said: "My lord the king, this is the woman, and this is her son whom E·li'sha revived."
9735 And E·li'sha proceeded to come to Damascus; and Ben-ha'dad the king of Syria was sick. Accordingly …
9738 Then E·li'sha said to him: "Go, say to him, 'You will positively revive,' and Jehovah has shown me …
9741 …ur servant, [who is a mere] dog, that he could do this great thing?" But E·li'sha said: "Jehovah h…
9742 After that he went from E·li'sha and came to his own lord, who then said to him: "What did E·li'sha…
9754 … and for one year he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Ath·a·li'ah the granddaughter…
9758 And E·li'sha the prophet, for his part, called one of the sons of the prophets and then said to him…
9793 …to say: "It is the word of Jehovah that he spoke by means of his servant E·li'jah the Tish'bite, s…
9804 …t the house of A'hab; and Jehovah himself has done what he spoke by means of his servant E·li'jah."
9811 …mar'i·a, until he had annihilated them, according to Jehovah's word that he had spoken to E·li'jah.
9831 Now as regards Ath·a·li'ah the mother of A·ha·zi'ah, she saw that her son had died. So she rose up …
9832 …r room for the couches, and they kept him concealed from the face of Ath·a·li'ah, and he was not p…
9833 And he continued with her at the house of Jehovah in hiding for six years, while Ath·a·li'ah was re…
9843 When Ath·a·li'ah heard the sound of the people running, she at once came to the people at the house…
9844 …e people of the land rejoicing and blowing the trumpets. Immediately Ath·a·li'ah ripped her garmen…
9850 …nued to rejoice; and the city, for its part, had no disturbance, and Ath·a·li'ah herself they had …
9886 As regards E·li'sha, he had taken sick with the sickness with which he was to die. So Je·ho'ash the…
9887 And E·li'sha proceeded to say to him: "Take a bow and arrows." So he took to himself a bow and arro…
9888 …ut your hand to the bow." Accordingly he put his hand to it, after which E·li'sha laid his hands u…
9889 Then he said: "Open the window to the east." So he opened it. Finally E·li'sha said: "Shoot!" So he…
9892 After that E·li'sha died and they buried him. And there were marauding bands of the Mo'ab·ites that…
9893 …and. At once they threw the man into E·li'sha's burial place and went off. When the man touched th…
9928 …nd for fifty-two years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Je·co·li'ah of Jerusalem.
9951 Then Pe'kah the son of Rem·a·li'ah his adjutant conspired against him and struck him down in Sa·mar…
9953 In the fifty-second year of Az·a·ri'ah the king of Judah, Pe'kah the son of Rem·a·li'ah became king…
9955 …and Ke'desh and Ha'zor and Gil'e·ad and Gal'i·lee, all the land of Naph'ta·li, and to carry them i…
9956 Finally Ho·she'a the son of E'lah formed a conspiracy against Pe'kah the son of Rem·a·li'ah and str…
9958 In the second year of Pe'kah the son of Rem·a·li'ah the king of Israel, Jo'tham the son of Uz·zi'ah…
9963 …s Jehovah started to send against Judah Re'zin the king of Syria and Pe'kah the son of Rem·a·li'ah.
9965 In the seventeenth year of Pe'kah the son of Rem·a·li'ah, A'haz the son of Jo'tham the king of Juda…
9969 It was then that Re'zin the king of Syria and Pe'kah the son of Rem·a·li'ah the king of Israel proc…
10043 And they began to call out to the king, but there came out to them E·li'a·kim the son of Hil·ki'ah,…
10051 At this E·li'a·kim the son of Hil·ki'ah and Sheb'nah and Jo'ah said to Rab'sha·keh: "Speak with you…
10062 But E·li'a·kim the son of Hil·ki'ah, who was over the household, and Sheb'nah the secretary and Jo'…
10064 Further, he sent E·li'a·kim, who was over the household, and Sheb'nah the secretary and the older m…
10149 …ghteenth year of King Jo·si'ah that the king sent Sha'phan the son of Az·a·li'ah the son of Me·shu…
10200 Furthermore, Phar'aoh Ne'choh made E·li'a·kim the son of Jo·si'ah king in place of Jo·si'ah his fat…
10245 …'zar the king of Babylon had left behind, he now appointed over them Ged·a·li'ah the son of A·hi'k…
10246 …men, heard that the king of Babylon had appointed Ged·a·li'ah, they immediately came to Ged·a·li'a…
10247 Then Ged·a·li'ah swore to them and their men and said to them: "Do not be afraid of [being] servant…
10248 …fspring came, and also ten men with him, and they got to strike down Ged·a·li'ah, so that he died,…
10260 And the sons of Ja'van were E·li'shah and Tar'shish, Kit'tim and Ro'da·nim.
10309 Dan, Joseph and Benjamin, Naph'ta·li, Gad and Ash'er.
10320 Jes'se, in turn, became father to his firstborn E·li'ab, and A·bin'a·dab the second, and Shim'e·a t…
10370 and E·lish'a·ma and E·li'a·da and E·liph'e·let, nine,
10386 And the sons of Eli·o·e'nai were Hod·a·vi'ah and E·li'a·shib and Pe·la'iah and Ak'kub and Jo·ha'nan…
10453 And these were the heads of the house of their forefathers: E'pher and Ish'i and E'li·el and Az'ri·…
10474 The sons of Me·rar'i were Mah'li and Mu'shi.And these were the families of the Levites by their for…
10482li'ab his son, Je·ro'ham his son, El·ka'nah his son.
10484 The sons of Me·rar'i were Mah'li, Lib'ni his son, Shim'e·i his son, Uz'zah his son,
10489 the son of El·ka'nah, the son of Je·ro'ham, the son of E'li·el, the son of To'ah,
10502 the son of Mah'li, the son of Mu'shi, the son of Me·rar'i, the son of Le'vi.
10517 …e of Is'sa·char and from the tribe of Ash'er and from the tribe of Naph'ta·li and from the tribe o…
10531 and from the tribe of Naph'ta·li, Ke'desh in Gal'i·lee with its pasture grounds and Ham'mon with it…
10544 And the sons of Be'cher were Ze·mi'rah and Jo'ash and E·li·e'zer and Eli·o·e'nai and Om'ri and Jer'…
10549 The sons of Naph'ta·li were Jah'zi·el and Gu'ni and Je'zer and Shal'lum, the sons of Bil'hah.
10594 and Ish'me·rai and Iz·li'ah and Jo'bab, the sons of El·pa'al,
10596 and E·li·e'nai and Zil'le·thai and E'li·el,
10598 and Ish'pan and E'ber and E'li·el,
10602 and Sham'she·rai and She·ha·ri'ah and Ath·a·li'ah,
10603 and Ja·a·re·shi'ah and E·li'jah and Zich'ri, the sons of Je·ro'ham.
10707 Az'ma·veth the Ba·ha'rum·ite, E·li'ah·ba the Sha·al'bo·nite,
10709 A·hi'am the son of Sa'car the Har'a·rite, E·li'phal the son of Ur,
10720 E'li·el the Ma'ha·vite, and Jer'i·bai and Josh·a·vi'ah the sons of El'na·am, and Ith'mah the Mo'ab·…
10721 E'li·el and O'bed and Ja·a·si'el the Me·zo'ba·ite.
10726 E·lu'zai and Jer'i·moth and Be·a·li'ah and Shem·a·ri'ah and Sheph·a·ti'ah the Har'i·phite,
10730 E'zer was the head, O·ba·di'ah the second, E·li'ab the third,
10732 At'tai the sixth, E'li·el the seventh,
10741 …'seh Ad'nah and Jo'za·bad and Je·di'a·el and Mi'cha·el and Jo'za·bad and E·li'hu and Zil'le·thai, …
10755 And of Naph'ta·li there were a thousand chiefs, and with them with the large shield and the spear t…
10761 And also those near to them, as far as Is'sa·char and Zeb'u·lun and Naph'ta·li, were bringing food …
10780 and Ib'har and E·li'shu·a and El'pe·let,
10782 and E·lish'a·ma and Be·e·li'a·da and E·liph'e·let.
10800 of the sons of E·li·za'phan, She·mai'ah the chief and his brothers, two hundred;
10801 of the sons of He'bron, E'li·el the chief and his brothers, eighty;
10803 …r the priests, and the Levites U·ri'el, A·sai'ah and Joel, She·mai'ah and E'li·el and Am·min'a·dab,
10810 …h·a·ri'ah, Ben and Ja·a'zi·el and She·mir'a·moth and Je·hi'el and Un'ni, E·li'ab and Be·nai'ah and…
10812 and Zech·a·ri'ah and A'zi·el and She·mir'a·moth and Je·hi'el and Un'ni and E·li'ab and Ma·a·sei'ah …
10816 …sh'a·phat and Ne·than'el and A·ma'sai and Zech·a·ri'ah and Be·nai'ah and E·li·e'zer the priests lo…
10826 …'ah, [and] Je·i'el and She·mir'a·moth and Je·hi'el and Mat·ti·thi'ah and E·li'ab and Be·nai'ah and…
10932 …and El·ha'nan the son of Ja'ir got to strike down Lah'mi the brother of Go·li'ath the Git'tite, th…
10999 The sons of Moses were Ger'shom and E·li·e'zer.
11001 And the sons of E·li·e'zer came to be Re·ha·bi'ah the head; and E·li·e'zer did not come to have oth…
11005 The sons of Me·rar'i were Mah'li and Mu'shi. The sons of Mah'li were El·e·a'zar and Kish.
11007 The sons of Mu'shi were Mah'li and E'der and Jer'e·moth, three.
11028 for E·li'a·shib the eleventh, for Ja'kim the twelfth,
11042 The sons of Me·rar'i were Mah'li and Mu'shi; the sons of Ja·a·zi'ah, Be'no.
11044 Of Mah'li, El·e·a'zar, who did not come to have any sons.
11046 And the sons of Mu'shi were Mah'li and E'der and Jer'i·moth.These were the sons of the Levites by t…
11050 Of Je·du'thun: the sons of Je·du'thun, Ged·a·li'ah and Ze'ri and Je·sha'iah, [and Shim'e·i,] Hash·a…
11051 …Mat·ta·ni'ah, Uz'zi·el, Sheb'u·el and Jer'i·moth, Han·a·ni'ah, Ha·na'ni, E·li'a·thah, Gid·dal'ti a…
11056 And the lot proceeded to come out: the first belonging to A'saph for Joseph, for Ged·a·li'ah the se…
11074 for the twentieth, for E·li'a·thah, his sons and his brothers, twelve;
11085 …h'ni and Reph'a·el and O'bed, El·za'bad, whose brothers were capable men, E·li'hu and Sem·a·chi'ah.
11089 Hil·ki'ah the second, Teb·a·li'ah the third, Zech·a·ri'ah the fourth. All the sons and brothers of …
11099 …nging to La'dan; the heads of the paternal houses belonging to La'dan the Ger'shon·ite, Je·hi'e·li.
11100 The sons of Je·hi'e·li, Ze'tham and Joel his brother, were over the treasures of the house of Jehov…
11103 As regards his brothers, of E·li·e'zer there was Re·ha·bi'ah his son and Je·sha'iah his son and Jo'…
11126 And over the tribes of Israel, of the Reu'ben·ites, E·li·e'zer the son of Zich'ri was leader; of th…
11128 of Judah, E·li'hu, one of David's brothers; of Is'sa·char, Om'ri the son of Mi'cha·el;
11129 of Zeb'u·lun, Ish·ma'iah the son of O·ba·di'ah; of Naph'ta·li, Jer'i·moth the son of Az'ri·el;
11433 …ughter of Jer'i·moth the son of David, and of Ab'i·ha·il the daughter of E·li'ab the son of Jes'se.
11514 …t they struck I'jon and Dan and A'bel-ma'im and all the storage places of the cities of Naph'ta·li.
11541 And out of Benjamin there was the valiant, mighty man E·li'a·da, and with him there were two hundre…
11625 However, E·li·e'zer the son of Dod·av'a·hu of Ma·re'sha spoke prophetically against Je·hosh'a·phat,…
11637 Eventually there came a writing to him from E·li'jah the prophet, saying: "This is what Jehovah the…
11647 … and for one year he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Ath·a·li'ah the granddaughter…
11655 As regards Ath·a·li'ah the mother of A·ha·zi'ah, she saw that her son had died. So she rose up and …
11656 …pened to be the sister of A·ha·zi'ah,) kept him concealed because of Ath·a·li'ah, and she did not …
11657 And he continued with them in the house of the [true] God hidden for six years, while Ath·a·li'ah w…
11658 … and Az·a·ri'ah the son of O'bed and Ma·a·sei'ah the son of A·dai'ah and E·li·sha'phat the son of …
11669 When Ath·a·li'ah heard the sound of the people running and praising the king, she at once came to t…
11670 …of song and those giving the signal for offering praise. Immediately Ath·a·li'ah ripped her garmen…
11678 …nd continued to rejoice; and the city itself had no disturbance, and Ath·a·li'ah they had put to d…
11685 For as regards Ath·a·li'ah the wicked woman, her sons themselves had broken into the house of the […
11736 …nd for fifty-two years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Je·co·li'ah of Jerusalem.
11771 Accordingly Pe'kah the son of Rem·a·li'ah killed in Judah a hundred and twenty thousand in one day,…
11805 and from the sons of E·li·za'phan, Shim'ri and Je·u'el; and from the sons of A'saph, Zech·a·ri'ah a…
11868 And Je·hi'el and Az·a·zi'ah and Na'hath and As'a·hel and Jer'i·moth and Jo'za·bad and E'li·el and I…
11940 Also, in the cities of Ma·nas'seh and E'phra·im and Sim'e·on and clear to Naph'ta·li, in their deva…
11942 …n he had cleansed the land and the house, he sent Sha'phan the son of Az·a·li'ah and Ma·a·sei'ah t…
11998 Furthermore, the king of Egypt made E·li'a·kim his brother king over Judah and Jerusalem and change…
12209 and of the sons of E'lam, Je·sha'iah the son of Ath·a·li'ah, and with him seventy males;
12218 Accordingly I sent for E·li·e'zer, Ar'i·el, She·mai'ah and El·na'than and Ja'rib and El·na'than and…
12220 …the good hand of our God upon us, a man of discretion from the sons of Mah'li the grandson of Le'v…
12259 …of the [true] God and went to the dining hall of Je·ho·ha'nan the son of E·li'a·shib. Although he …
12271 …·a the son of Je·hoz'a·dak and his brothers, Ma·a·sei'ah and E·li·e'zer and Ja'rib and Ged·a·li'ah.
12274 and of the sons of Ha'rim, Ma·a·sei'ah and E·li'jah and She·mai'ah and Je·hi'el and Uz·zi'ah;
12276 …evites, Jo'za·bad and Shim'e·i and Ke·lai'ah (that is, Ke·li'ta), Peth·a·hi'ah, Judah and E·li·e'z…
12277 and of the singers, E·li'a·shib; and of the gatekeepers, Shal'lum and Te'lem and U'ri.
12279 and of the sons of E'lam, Mat·ta·ni'ah, Zech·a·ri'ah and Je·hi'el and Ab'di and Jer'e·moth and E·li
12280 and of the sons of Zat'tu, Eli·o·e'nai, E·li'a·shib, Mat·ta·ni'ah and Jer'e·moth and Za'bad and A·z…
12284 and [of] the sons of Ha'rim, E·li·e'zer, Is·shi'jah, Mal·chi'jah, She·mai'ah, Shim'e·on,
12289 Va·ni'ah, Mer'e·moth, E·li'a·shib,
12298 The words of Ne·he·mi'ah the son of Hac·a·li'ah: Now it came about in the month Chis'lev, in the tw…
12329 And E·li'a·shib the high priest and his brothers, the priests, proceeded to get up and build the Sh…
12348 …asured section, from the Buttress as far as the entrance of the house of E·li'a·shib the high prie…
12349 …ther measured section, from the entrance of the house of E·li'a·shib as far as the end of E·li'a·s…
12501 And Jesh'u·a and Ba'ni and She·re·bi'ah, Ja'min, Ak'kub, Shab'be·thai, Ho·di'ah, Ma·a·sei'ah, Ke·li
12551 Now attesting it by seal there were:Ne·he·mi'ah the Tir·sha'tha, the son of Hac·a·li'ah,And Zed·e·k…
12560 and their brothers Sheb·a·ni'ah, Ho·di'ah, Ke·li'ta, Pe·la'iah, Ha'nan,
12601 …hundred and twenty-two; and A·dai'ah the son of Je·ro'ham the son of Pel·a·li'ah the son of Am'zi …
12635 …came father to Joi'a·kim, and Joi'a·kim himself became father to E·li'a·shib, and E·li'a·shib to J…
12647 The Levites in the days of E·li'a·shib, Joi'a·da and Jo·ha'nan and Jad'du·a were recorded as heads …
12648 … the book of the affairs of the times, even down till the days of Jo·ha'nan the son of E·li'a·shib.
12666 and the priests E·li'a·kim, Ma·a·sei'ah, Mi·ni'a·min, Mi·cai'ah, Eli·o·e'nai, Zech·a·ri'ah, Han·a·n…
12676 Now before this, E·li'a·shib the priest in charge of a dining hall of the house of our God was a re…
12679 Then I came to Jerusalem and got to notice the badness that E·li'a·shib had committed for To·bi'ah …
12700 And one of the sons of Joi'a·da the son of E·li'a·shib the high priest was a son-in-law of San·bal'…
12843 and Po·ra'tha and A·da'li·a and A·ri·da'tha
13631 But the anger of E·li'hu the son of Bar'a·chel the Buz'ite of the family of Ram came to be hot. Aga…
13633 And E·li'hu himself had waited for Job with words, because they were older than he was in days.
13634 And E·li'hu gradually saw that there was no answer in the mouth of the three men, and his anger kep…
13635 And E·li'hu the son of Bar'a·chel the Buz'ite proceeded to answer and say:"Young I am in daysAnd YO…
13685 And E·li'hu continued to answer and say:
13722 And E·li'hu continued answering and saying:
13738 And E·li'hu proceeded to say further:
14928 …The princes of Judah with their shouting crowd,The princes of Zeb'u·lun, the princes of Naph'ta·li.
17784 …e king of Judah, that Re'zin the king of Syria and Pe'kah the son of Rem·a·li'ah, the king of Isra…
17787 …nds of these smoking logs, because of the hot anger of Re'zin and Syria and the son of Rem·a·li'ah,
17788 for the reason that Syria [with] E'phra·im and the son of Rem·a·li'ah has advised what is bad again…
17792 And the head of E'phra·im is Sa·mar'i·a, and the head of Sa·mar'i·a is the son of Rem·a·li'ah. Unle…
17814 …he Shi·lo'ah that are going gently, and there is exultation over Re'zin and the son of Rem·a·li'ah;
17831 …en one treated with contempt the land of Zeb'u·lun and the land of Naph'ta·li and when at the late…
17966 … himself. The runaways thereof are as far along as Zo'ar [and] Eg'lath-she·li'shi·yah. For on the …
18073 "'And it must occur in that day that I will call my servant, namely, E·li'a·kim the son of Hil·ki'a…
18334 Then there came out to him E·li'a·kim the son of Hil·ki'ah, who was over the household, and Sheb'na…
18342 At this E·li'a·kim and Sheb'na and Jo'ah said to Rab'sha·keh: "Speak, please, to your servants in t…
18353 But E·li'a·kim the son of Hil·ki'ah, who was over the household, and Sheb'na the secretary and Jo'a…
18355 Further, he sent E·li'a·kim, who was over the household, and Sheb'na the secretary and the older me…
19828 …ouse of Jehovah, to the dining room of the sons of Ha'nan the son of Ig·da·li'ah, a man of the [tr…
19897 And Sheph·a·ti'ah the son of Mat'tan and Ged·a·li'ah the son of Pash'hur and Ju'cal the son of Shel…
19938 …take Jeremiah out of the Courtyard of the Guard and give him over to Ged·a·li'ah the son of A·hi'k…
19947 And he was yet not one that would return, when [Neb·u'zar·ad'an said]: "Do return to Ged·a·li'ah th…
19948 Accordingly Jeremiah came to Ged·a·li'ah the son of A·hi'kam at Miz'pah and took up dwelling with h…
19949 …and their men, got to hear that the king of Babylon had commissioned Ged·a·li'ah the son of A·hi'k…
19950 So they came to Ged·a·li'ah at Miz'pah, even Ish'ma·el the son of Neth·a·ni'ah and Jo·ha'nan and Jo…
19951 And Ged·a·li'ah the son of A·hi'kam the son of Sha'phan proceeded to swear to them and to their men…
19953 … had given a remnant to Judah and that he had commissioned over them Ged·a·li'ah the son of A·hi'k…
19954 …y had been dispersed, and they kept coming into the land of Judah to Ged·a·li'ah at Miz'pah. And t…
19955 …d all the chiefs of the military forces who were in the field, they came to Ged·a·li'ah at Miz'pah.
19956 …nt Ish'ma·el the son of Neth·a·ni'ah to strike you to the soul?" But Ged·a·li'ah the son of A·hi'k…
19957 And Jo·ha'nan the son of Ka·re'ah himself said to Ged·a·li'ah, in a place of concealment in Miz'pah…
19958 But Ged·a·li'ah the son of A·hi'kam said to Jo·ha'nan the son of Ka·re'ah: "Do not do this thing, f…
19959 …of the] principal men of the king and ten other men with him came to Ged·a·li'ah the son of A·hi'k…
19960 …and the ten men that happened to be with him rose up and struck down Ged·a·li'ah the son of A·hi'k…
19961 And all the Jews who happened to be with him, that is, with Ged·a·li'ah, in Miz'pah, and the Chal·d…
19962 And it came about on the second day of the putting of Ged·a·li'ah to death, when there was no one a…
19964 …as soon as he encountered them he proceeded to say to them: "Come to Ged·a·li'ah the son of A·hi'k…
19968 …Neb·u'zar·ad'an the chief of the bodyguard had put in the custody of Ged·a·li'ah the son of A·hi'k…
19974 …a·el the son of Neth·a·ni'ah, from Miz'pah, after he had struck down Ged·a·li'ah the son of A·hi'k…
19976 …use of them, since Ish'ma·el the son of Neth·a·ni'ah had struck down Ged·a·li'ah the son of A·hi'k…
20004 …ul that Neb·u'zar·ad'an the chief of the bodyguard had let stay with Ged·a·li'ah the son of A·hi'k…
20115 …e given forth their voice, from Zo'ar clear to Hor·o·na'im, to Eg'lath-she·li'shi·yah; for even th…
21129 … your sail. Blue thread and wool dyed reddish purple from the islands of E·li'shah are what your d…
21706 And on the boundary of Ash'er, from the eastern border even to the western border, Naph'ta·li one.
21707 And on the boundary of Naph'ta·li, from the eastern border to the western border, Ma·nas'seh one.
21737 …here being three gates, the gate of Gad, one; the gate of Ash'er, one; the gate of Naph'ta·li, one.
22789 The word of Jehovah that occurred to Zeph·a·ni'ah the son of Cush'i the son of Ged·a·li'ah the son …
23144 "Look! I am sending to YOU people E·li'jah the prophet before the coming of the great and fear-insp…
23158 Ze·rub'ba·bel became father to A·bi'ud;A·bi'ud became father to E·li'a·kim;E·li'a·kim became father…
23159 A'zor became father to Za'dok;Za'dok became father to A'chim;A'chim became father to E·li'ud;
23160li'ud became father to El·e·a'zar;El·e·a'zar became father to Mat'than;Mat'than became father to …
23223 … and took up residence in Ca·per'na·um beside the sea in the districts of Zeb'u·lun and Naph'ta·li,
23225 "O land of Zeb'u·lun and land of Naph'ta·li, along the road of the sea, on the other side of the Jo…
23474 and if YOU want to accept it, He himself is 'E·li'jah who is destined to come.'
23687 They said: "Some say John the Baptist, others E·li'jah, still others Jeremiah or one of the prophet…
23704 And, look! there appeared to them Moses and E·li'jah, conversing with him.
23705 …e. If you wish, I will erect three tents here, one for you and one for Moses and one for E·li'jah."
23711 However, the disciples put the question to him: "Why, then, do the scribes say that E·li'jah must c…
23712 In reply he said: "E·li'jah, indeed, is coming and will restore all things.
23713 However, I say to YOU that E·li'jah has already come and they did not recognize him but did with hi…
24176 About the ninth hour Jesus called out with a loud voice, saying: "E'li, E'li, la'ma sa·bach·tha'ni?…
24177 At hearing this, some of those standing there began to say: "This man is calling E·li'jah."
24179 But the rest of them said: "Let him be! Let us see whether E·li'jah comes to save him." [[Another m…
24423 But others were saying: "It is E·li'jah." Still others were saying: "It is a prophet like one of th…
24529 They said to him: "John the Baptist, and others, E·li'jah, still others, One of the prophets."
24543 Also, E·li'jah with Moses appeared to them, and they were conversing with Jesus.
24544 …or us to be here, so let us erect three tents, one for you and one for Moses and one for E·li'jah."
24550 And they began to question him, saying: "Why do the scribes say that first E·li'jah must come?"
24551 He said to them: "E·li'jah does come first and restore all things; but how is it that it is written…
24552 But I say to YOU, E·li'jah, in fact, has come, and they did to him as many things as they wanted, j…
24861 And at the ninth hour Jesus called out with a loud voice: "E'li, E'li, la'ma sa·bach·tha'ni?" which…
24862 And some of those standing near, on hearing it, began to say: "See! He is calling E·li'jah."
24863 … and began giving him a drink, saying: "LET [him] be! Let us see whether E·li'jah comes to take hi…
24911 Also, he will go before him with E·li'jah's spirit and power, to turn back the hearts of fathers to…
25049 …[his work], was about thirty years old, being the son, as the opinion was,of Joseph,[son] of He'li,
25051 [son] of Mat·ta·thi'as,[son] of A'mos,[son] of Na'hum,[son] of Es'li,[son] of Nag'ga·i,
25055 [son] of Jesus,[son] of E·li·e'zer,[son] of Jo'rim,[son] of Mat'that,[son] of Le'vi,
25056 [son] of Sym'e·on,[son] of Judas,[son] of Joseph,[son] of Jo'nam,[son] of E·li'a·kim,
25089 For instance, I tell YOU in truth, There were many widows in Israel in the days of E·li'jah, when t…
25090 yet E·li'jah was sent to none of those [women], but only to Zar'e·phath in the land of Si'don to a …
25091 Also, there were many lepers in Israel in the time of E·li'sha the prophet, yet not one of them was…
25310 but by others that E·li'jah had appeared, but by still others that a certain one of the ancient pro…
25321 In reply they said: "John the Baptist; but others, E·li'jah, and still others, that one of the anci…
25332 Also, look! two men were conversing with him, who were Moses and E·li'jah.
25335 …, so let us erect three tents, one for you and one for Moses and one for E·li'jah," he not realizi…
26066 And they asked him: "What, then? Are you E·li'jah?" And he said: "I am not." "Are you The Prophet?"…
26070 … to him: "Why, then, do you baptize if you yourself are not the Christ or E·li'jah or The Prophet?"
27094 But a certain man rose in the San'he·drin, a Pharisee named Ga·ma'li·el, a Law teacher esteemed by …
27111 …he Freedmen, and of the Cy·re'ni·ans and Alexandrians and of those from Ci·li'cia and Asia, to dis…
27440 and, after speaking the word in Perga, they went down to At·ta·li'a.
27466 …and the older men, brothers, to those brothers in Antioch and Syria and Ci·li'cia who are from the…
27484 But he went through Syria and Ci·li'cia, strengthening the congregations.
27570 Now while Gal'li·o was proconsul of A·cha'ia, the Jews rose up with one accord against Paul and led…
27572 But as Paul was going to open his mouth, Gal'li·o said to the Jews: "If it were, indeed, some wrong…
27575 …e synagogue and went to beating him in front of the judgment seat. But Gal'li·o would not concern …
27704 Then Paul said: "I am, in fact, a Jew, of Tarsus in Ci·li'cia, a citizen of no obscure city. So I b…
27708 "I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Ci·li'cia, but educated in this city at the feet of Ga·ma'li·el, ins…
27769 So he read it and inquired from what province he was, and ascertained that he was from Ci·li'cia.
27861 and we navigated through the open sea along Ci·li'cia and Pam·phyl'i·a and put into port at My'ra i…
27907 Now in the neighborhood of that place the principal man of the island, named Pub'li·us, had lands; …
27908 But it happened that the father of Pub'li·us was lying down distressed with fever and dysentery, an…
27913 …Rhe'gi·um. And a day later a south wind sprang up and we made it into Pu·te'o·li on the second day.
28212 …ognized. Why, do YOU not know what the Scripture says in connection with E·li'jah, as he pleads wi…
28914 Further, what harmony is there between Christ and Be'li·al? Or what portion does a faithful person …
29079 After that I went into the regions of Syria and of Ci·li'cia.
30372li'jah was a man with feelings like ours, and yet in prayer he prayed for it not to rain; and it …
30817 out of the tribe of Ash'er twelve thousand;out of the tribe of Naph'ta·li twelve thousand;out of th…