Lines Matching refs:ke

238 And the sons of Go'mer were Ash'ke·naz and Ri'phath and To·gar'mah.
6075 …rsuing them by way of the ascent of Beth-ho'ron and slaying them as far as A·ze'kah and Mak·ke'dah.
6081 Meantime these five kings fled and went hiding themselves in the cave at Mak·ke'dah.
6082 …port was made to Joshua, saying: "The five kings have been found hidden in the cave at Mak·ke'dah."
6086 all the people then began to return to the camp, to Joshua, at Mak·ke'dah in peace. Not a man moved…
6093ke'dah on that day and went striking it with the edge of the sword. As for its king, he devoted hi…
6094 Then Joshua and all Israel with him passed on from Mak·ke'dah to Lib'nah and warred against Lib'nah.
6147 the king of Mak·ke'dah, one; the king of Beth'el, one;
6158 …xis lords of the Phi·lis'tines, the Ga'zites and the Ash'dod·ites, the Ash'ke·lon·ites, the Git'ti…
6214 … the slope of Ek'ron to the north, and the boundary was marked out to Shik'ke·ron and passed over …
6244 and Ge·de'roth, Beth-da'gon and Na'a·mah and Mak·ke'dah; sixteen cities and their settlements.
6315 …of the sons of Benjamin by their families proved to be Jer'i·cho and Beth-hog'lah and E'mek-ke'ziz,
6405 And from the tribe of Dan, El'te·ke and its pasture ground, Gib'be·thon and its pasture ground,
6528 After that Judah captured Ga'za and its territory and Ash'ke·lon and its territory and Ek'ron and i…
6929 And Jehovah's spirit became operative upon him, so that he went down to Ash'ke·lon and struck down …
7349 …ed as a guilt offering to Jehovah: for Ash'dod one, for Ga'za one, for Ash'ke·lon one, for Gath on…
8043 Do not, YOU people, tell it in Gath;Do not announce it in the streets of Ash'ke·lon,For fear that t…
10259 And the sons of Go'mer were Ash'ke·naz and Ri'phath and To·gar'mah.
10351 She'ma, in turn, became father to Ra'ham the father of Jor'ke·am. Re'kem, in turn, became father to…
19555 …the land of Uz, and all the kings of the land of the Phi·lis'tines and Ash'ke·lon and Ga'za and Ek…
20079 Baldness must come to Ga'za. Ash'ke·lon has been put to silence. O remnant of their low plain, how …
20081 "How can it stay quiet, when Jehovah himself has given a command to it? It is for Ash'ke·lon and fo…
20240 …r the nations. Summon against her the kingdoms of Ar'a·rat, Min'ni and Ash'ke·naz. Commission agai…
22373 And I will cut off [the] inhabitant from Ash'dod, and the holder of [the] scepter from Ash'ke·lon; …
22810 For, as regards Ga'za, an abandoned [city] is what she will become; and Ash'ke·lon is to be a desol…
22813 …ones of the house of Judah. Upon them they will feed. In the houses of Ash'ke·lon, in the evening,…
23005ke·lon will see and get afraid; and as for Ga'za, she will also feel very severe pains; Ek'ron als…