Lines Matching refs:division
4 After that God saw that the light was good, and God brought about a division between the light and …
7 Then God proceeded to make the expanse and to make a division between the waters that should be ben…
14 And God went on to say: "Let luminaries come to be in the expanse of the heavens to make a division…
18 and to dominate by day and by night and to make a division between the light and the darkness. Then…
2269 … of the testimony there within the curtain; and the curtain must make a division for YOU between t…
3657 …encamp each with reference to his camp, and each man by his [three-tribe] division by their armies.
3661 "The sons of Israel should encamp, each man by his [three-tribe] division, by the signs for the hou…
3662 "And those camping eastward toward the sunrising will be the [three-tribe] division of the camp of …
3669 "The [three-tribe] division of the camp of Reu'ben will be toward the south in their armies, and th…
3677 "The [three-tribe] division of the camp of E'phra·im in their armies will be toward the west, and t…
3684 "The [three-tribe] division of the camp of Dan will be toward the north in their armies, and the ch…
4003 So the [three-tribe] division of the camp of the sons of Judah pulled away first of all in their ar…
4007 And the [three-tribe] division of the camp of Reu'ben pulled away in their armies, and E·li'zur the…
4011 And the [three-tribe] division of the camp of the sons of E'phra·im pulled away in their armies, an…
4014 And the [three-tribe] division of the camp of the sons of Dan pulled away as forming the rear guard…
10810 and with them their brothers of the second division, Zech·a·ri'ah, Ben and Ja·a'zi·el and She·mir'a…
11111 …n and that went out month by month for all the months of the year, each division was twenty-four t…
11112 Over the first division of the first month there was Ja·sho'be·am the son of Zab'di·el, and in his …
11114 And over the division of the second month there was Do'dai the A·ho'hite with his division, and Mik…
11115 …month was Be·nai'ah the son of Je·hoi'a·da the chief priest, and in his division there were twenty…
11116 This Be·nai'ah was a mighty man of the thirty and over the thirty; and [over] his division there wa…
11117 …s'a·hel, Jo'ab's brother, and Zeb·a·di'ah his son after him, and in his division there were twenty…
11118 The fifth chief for the fifth month was Sham'huth the Iz'rah·ite, and in his division there were tw…
11119 The sixth for the sixth month was I'ra the son of Ik'kesh the Te·ko'ite, and in his division there …
11120 …th month was He'lez the Pel'o·nite of the sons of E'phra·im, and in his division there were twenty…
11121 …th month was Sib'be·cai the Hu'shath·ite of the Ze'rah·ites, and in his division there were twenty…
11122 …nth was Abi-e'zer the An'a·thoth·ite of the Ben'ja·min·ites, and in his division there were twenty…
11123 … month was Ma'ha·rai the Ne·toph'a·thite of the Ze'rah·ites, and in his division there were twenty…
11124 …h was Be·nai'ah the Pir'a·thon·ite of the sons of E'phra·im, and in his division there were twenty…
11125 …twelfth month was Hel'dai the Ne·toph'a·thite, of Oth'ni·el, and in his division there were twenty…
18803 No, but the very errors of YOU people have become the things causing division between YOU and YOUR …
21573 … of five hundred [reeds] and a width of five hundred [reeds], to make a division between what is h…
23453 For I came to cause division, with a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and…
24899 …u·de'a, there happened to be a certain priest named Zech·a·ri'ah of the division of A·bi'jah, and …
24902 Now as he was acting as priest in the assignment of his division before God,
25511 Do YOU imagine I came to give peace on the earth? No, indeed, I tell YOU, but rather division.
26372 Therefore a division over him developed among the crowd.
26457 …y: "How can a man that is a sinner perform signs of that sort?" So there was a division among them.
26501 Again a division resulted among the Jews because of these words.
28660 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its members should have the same care for…