Lines Matching refs:cast

1925 Phar'aoh's chariots and his military forces he has cast into the sea,And the choice of his warriors…
2208 And you must cast four rings of gold for it and put them above its four feet, with two rings upon t…
2273 …f acacia and overlay them with gold. Their pegs are of gold. And you must cast for them five socke…
2603 …acacia pillars and overlaid them with gold, their pegs being of gold, and cast four socket pedesta…
2608 After that he cast four rings of gold for it, for above its four feet, with two rings on its one si…
2618 Further, he cast four rings of gold for it and put the rings upon the four corners that were for th…
2639 Then he cast four rings on the four extremities near the grating of copper, as supports for the pol…
6300 …he land into seven shares, and YOU must bring them here to me, and I must cast lots here for YOU b…
8567 …od still, then he moved A·ma'sa from the highway to the field. Finally he cast a garment over him,…
8570 And they proceeded to come and lay siege against him in Abel of Beth-ma'a·cah and cast up a siege r…
8950 Then he cast the two pillars of copper, eighteen cubits being the height of each pillar, and a stri…
8951 And two capitals he made to put upon the tops of the pillars, cast in copper. Five cubits was the h…
8959 …bit, enclosing the sea all around, with two rows of the gourd-shaped ornaments cast in its casting.
8965 …cornerpieces were supports for them. Beneath the basin were the supports, cast with wreaths across…
8968 …hariot wheel. Their supports and their felloes and their spokes and their hubs, they were all cast.
8972 It was like this that he made the ten carriages; they all had one cast, one measure, one shape.
8981 In the District of the Jordan it was that the king cast them in the clay mold, between Suc'coth and…
9228 …urself another god and molten images to offend me, and it is I whom you have cast behind your back;
9895 …saac and Jacob; and he did not want to bring them to ruin, and he did not cast them away from befo…
10004 … afflicting them and giving them into the hand of pillagers, until he had cast them away from befo…
10094 …s city nor will he shoot an arrow there nor confront it with a shield nor cast up a siege rampart …
10172 … and burned it in the torrent valley of Kid'ron and ground it to dust and cast its dust upon the b…
10178 … Jehovah, the king pulled down, after which he crushed them there, and he cast their dust into the…
10223 For on account of the anger of Jehovah it took place in Jerusalem and in Judah, until he had cast t…
11047 And they themselves also proceeded to cast lots exactly as their brothers the sons of Aaron did bef…
11055 So they cast lots as to the things to be taken care of, the little being just the same as the great…
11091 So they cast lots for the small the same as for the great by their paternal houses, for the differe…
11092 …Shel·e·mi'ah. For Zech·a·ri'ah his son, a counselor with discretion, they cast the lots, and his l…
11153 …h for him, he will let himself be found by you; but if you leave him, he will cast you off forever.
11250 …closing the sea all around. The gourd-shaped ornaments were in two rows, being cast in its casting.
11264 In the District of the Jordan the king cast them in the thick ground between Suc'coth and Zer'e·dah.
12584 Also, the lots we cast concerning the supply of the wood that the priests, the Levites and the peop…
12590 … had their dwelling in Jerusalem; but as for the rest of the people, they cast lots to bring in on…
12755 … is, the month Ni'san, in the twelfth year of King A·has·u·e'rus, someone cast Pur, that is, the L…
12859 …d against the Jews to destroy them, and he had had Pur, that is, the Lot, cast, to disquiet them a…
13006 How much more will YOU cast lots even over someone fatherless,And barter over YOUR companion!
13237 He will thrust away his unripe grapes just like a vine,And cast off his blossoms just like an olive…
13284 His steps of vigor will become cramped.Even his counsel will cast him off.
13310 Unitedly his troops come and cast up their way against me,And they camp round about my tent.
13557 I would smile at them-they would not believe [it]-And the light of my face they would not cast down.
13570 At [my] right hand they rise up as a brood;My feet they have let go,But they proceeded to cast up a…
13838 They bow down when they cast forth their young ones,[When] they get rid of their pangs.
13913 Its heart is cast like stone,Yes, cast like a lower millstone.
13949 [Saying:] "Let us tear their bands apartAnd cast their cords away from us!"
14223 They apportion my garments among themselves,And upon my clothing they cast lots.
14569 For you are the God of my fortress.Why have you cast me off?Why do I walk about sad because of the …
14581 But now you have cast off and keep humiliating us,And you do not go forth with our armies.
14763 On account of [their] hurtfulness cast them forth.In anger bring down even the peoples, O God.
14809 O God, you have cast us off, you have broken through us,You have become incensed. You should restor…
14818 Is it not you, O God, who have cast us offAnd who do not go forth with our armies as God?
15050 Why, O God, have you cast off forever?Why does your anger keep smoking against the flock of your pa…
15323 Why is it, O Jehovah, that you cast off my soul?Why do you keep your face concealed from me?
15365 But you-you have cast off and you keep contemning;You have become furious toward your anointed one.
15754 Is it not [you], O God, who have cast us offAnd who do not go forth with our armies as God?
16415 Your lot you ought to cast in among us. Let there come to be just one bag belonging to all of us"-
16827 The way of the lazy one is like a brier hedge, but the path of the upright ones is a way cast up.
16874 Into the lap the lot is cast down, but every decision by it is from Jehovah.
18321 And it is He that has cast for them the lot, and his own hand has apportioned the place to them by …
18386 …ity, nor will he shoot an arrow there, nor confront it with a shield, nor cast up a siege rampart …
18440 The craftsman has cast a mere molten image, and with gold the metalworker overlays it, and silver c…
18544 Who has formed a god or cast a mere molten image? Of no benefit at all has it been.
19310 And the very people to whom they are prophesying will become people cast out into the streets of Je…
19596 …ing him to King Je·hoi'a·kim, who then struck him down with the sword and cast his dead body into …
20280 For on account of the anger of Jehovah it occurred in Jerusalem and Judah, until he had cast them o…
20340 Jehovah has cast off his altar. He has spurned his sanctuary.Into the hand of the enemy he has surr…
21043 …has said, 'For the reason that you have forgotten me and you proceeded to cast me behind your back…
21063 … which has not gone forth from it! Piece by piece of it, bring it out; no lot must be cast over it.
22198 "Israel has cast off good. Let one who is an enemy pursue him.
22200 Your calf has been cast off, O Sa·mar'i·a. My anger has grown hot against them. How long will they …
22431 O YOU who are turning justice into mere wormwood, and the ones who have cast righteousness itself t…
22522 …y and [when] outright foreigners entered his gate and over Jerusalem they cast lots, you also were…
22539 And they began to say to one another: "Come, and let us cast lots, that we may know on whose accoun…
22723 …to pieces at the head of all the streets; and over her glorified men they cast lots, and her great…
22900 …all raised his head; and these others will come to set them trembling, to cast down the horns of t…
23023 …or I will show them mercy; and they must become like those whom I had not cast off; for I am Jehov…
23590 and will cast them into the fiery furnace. There is where [their] weeping and the gnashing of [thei…
23728 But that we do not cause them to stumble, you go to the sea, cast a fishhook, and take the first fi…
23848 … to the fig tree, but also if YOU say to this mountain, 'Be lifted up and cast into the sea,' it w…
25169 "Happy are YOU whenever men hate YOU, and whenever they exclude YOU and reproach YOU and cast out Y…
25488 If, now, God thus clothes the vegetation in the field that today exists and tomorrow is cast into a…
25970 …r they do not know what they are doing."]] Furthermore, to distribute his garments, they cast lots.
26612 Now there is a judging of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out.
26706 If anyone does not remain in union with me, he is cast out as a branch and is dried up; and men gat…
26850 … apportioned my outer garments among themselves, and upon my apparel they cast lots." And so the s…
26905 …he net on the right side of the boat and YOU will find [some]." Then they cast it, but they were n…
26950 So they cast lots over them, and the lot fell upon Mat·thi'as; and he was reckoned along with the e…
27834 …ed authority from the chief priests; and when they were to be executed, I cast my vote against the…
27882 However, we must be cast ashore on a certain island."
27885 And because of fearing we might be cast somewhere upon the rocks, they cast out four anchors from t…
27899 …estrained them from their purpose. And he commanded those able to swim to cast themselves into the…
28523 But this I am saying for YOUR personal advantage, not that I may cast a noose upon YOU, but to move…
30779 …upon the throne and worship the One that lives forever and ever, and they cast their crowns before…
30875 But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple [sanctuary], cast it clear out and do not measu…