Lines Matching refs:ca

242 And the sons of Cush were Se'ba and Hav'i·lah and Sab'tah and Ra'a·mah and Sab'te·ca.And the sons o…
6264 In the wilderness Beth-ar'a·bah, Mid'din and Se·ca'cah,
6327 and Zik'lag and Beth-mar'ca·both and Ha'zar-su'sah,
8156 … go up. Go around to the rear of them, and you must come against them in front of the ba'ca bushes.
8157 And let it occur that, when you hear the sound of a marching in the tops of the ba'ca bushes, at th…
8240 Now Me·phib'o·sheth had a young son whose name was Mi'ca, and all those dwelling in the house of Zi…
10262 And the sons of Cush were Se'ba and Hav'i·lah and Sab'tah and Ra'a·mah and Sab'te·ca.And the sons o…
10417 and in Beth-mar'ca·both and in Ha'zar-su'sim and in Beth-bir'i and in Sha'a·ra'im. These were their…
10631 and Bak·bak'kar, He'resh and Ga'lal, and Mat·ta·ni'ah the son of Mi'ca the son of Zich'ri the son o…
10789 …them. Go around from directly against them, and you must come at them in front of the ba'ca bushes.
10790 And let it occur that, when you hear the sound of the marching in the tops of the ba'ca bushes, the…
12561 Mi'ca, Re'hob, Hash·a·bi'ah,
12611 …son of Ba'ni the son of Hash·a·bi'ah the son of Mat·ta·ni'ah the son of Mi'ca of the sons of A'sap…
15266 Passing along through the low plain of the ba'ca bushes,They turn it into a spring itself;Even with…
27107 …en, a man full of faith and holy spirit, and Philip and Proch'o·rus and Ni·ca'nor and Ti'mon and P…
27525 They now journeyed through Am·phip'o·lis and Ap·ol·lo'ni·a and came to Thes·sa·lo·ni'ca, where ther…
27535 Now the latter were more noble-minded than those in Thes·sa·lo·ni'ca, for they received the word wi…
27537 But when the Jews from Thes·sa·lo·ni'ca learned that the word of God was published also in Be·roe'a…
27858 …t of] Asia, we set sail, there being with us Ar·is·tar'chus a Mac·e·do'ni·an from Thes·sa·lo·ni'ca.
28340 Give my greetings to Pris'ca and Aq'ui·la my fellow workers in Christ Jesus,
28796 The congregations of Asia send YOU their greetings. Aq'ui·la and Pris'ca together with the congrega…
29459 because, even in Thes·sa·lo·ni'ca, YOU sent something to me both once and a second time for my need.
29881 …se he loved the present system of things, and he has gone to Thes·sa·lo·ni'ca; Cres'cens to Ga·la'…
29890 Give my greetings to Pris'ca and Aq'ui·la and the household of On·e·siph'o·rus.