Lines Matching refs:back

92 When you cultivate the ground, it will not give you back its power. A wanderer and a fugitive you w…
196 … still another seven days. Then he sent out the dove, but it did not come back again to him anymor…
211back. From the hand of every living creature shall I ask it back; and from the hand of man, from t…
467 At this they said: "Stand back there!" And they added: "This lone man came here to reside as an ali…
502 … the honesty of your heart you have done this, and I was also holding you back from sinning agains…
578 …In the choicest of our burial places bury your dead. None of us will hold back his burial place fr…
758 …me out from before the face of Isaac his father, that E'sau his brother came back from his hunting.
833 …urned against Rachel and he said: "Am I in the place of God, who has held back the fruit of the be…
977 So on that day E'sau turned back on his way to Se'ir.
1098 … are safe and sound and whether the flock is safe and sound, and bring me back word." With that he…
1140 … the goats by the hand of his companion the A·dul'lam·ite in order to get back the security from t…
1149 Finally it developed that as soon as he drew back his hand, why, here his brother came out, so that…
1201 However, he went back to sleep and dreamed a second time. And here there were seven ears of grain c…
1275 …in against the child,' but YOU did not listen? And now his blood, here it is certainly asked back."
1287 …know that YOU are no spies but YOU are upright. Your brother I shall give back to YOU, and YOU may…
1290 But Reu'ben said to his father: "My own two sons you may put to death if I do not bring him back to…
1301 But if we had not lingered around, we should by now have been there and back these two times."
1303 …; and the money that was returned in the mouth of YOUR bags YOU will take back in YOUR hand. Maybe…
1309 …eph's house, and they began to say: "It is because of the money that went back with us in our bags…
1333 Why, the money that we found in the mouth of our bags we brought back to you from the land of Ca'na…
1338 Then they ripped their mantles apart and lifted each one his load back onto his ass and returned to…
1357 …ty for the boy when away from his father, saying, 'If I fail to bring him back to you, then I shal…
1482 "As for you, Judah, your brothers will laud you. Your hand will be on the back of the neck of your …
1786 So Moses and Aaron were brought back to Phar'aoh, and he said to them: "Go, serve Jehovah YOUR God.…
1892 "Speak to the sons of Israel, that they should turn back and encamp before Pi·ha·hi'roth between Mi…
1911 Moses now stretched his hand out over the sea; and Jehovah began making the sea go back by a strong…
1916 Finally Jehovah said to Moses: "Stretch your hand out over the sea, that the waters may come back o…
1917 Moses at once stretched his hand out over the sea, and the sea began to come back to its normal con…
1918 And the waters kept coming back. Finally they covered the war chariots and the cavalrymen belonging…
1940 …is war chariots and his cavalrymen went into the sea,Then Jehovah brought back the waters of the s…
2035 …All that Jehovah has spoken we are willing to do." Immediately Moses took back the words of the pe…
2172 …confusion all the people among whom you come, and I shall indeed give the back of the neck of all …
2248 …n overhanging. Half of the tent cloth that remains over is to hang over the back of the tabernacle.
2497 After that I must take my palm away, and you will indeed see my back. But my face may not be seen."
2528 And Moses proceeded to call them. So Aaron and all the chieftains among the assembly came back to h…
2532 …' face, that the skin of Moses' face emitted rays; and Moses put the veil back over his face until…
3069 Or in case the living flesh goes back and it does change to white, he must then come to the priest.
3494 And in all the land of YOUR possession YOU should grant to the land the right of buying back.
3495 …s possession, a repurchaser closely related to him must also come and buy back what his brother so…
3498 "'But if his hand does not find enough to give back to him, what he sold must also continue in the …
3500 But if it should not be bought back before the complete year has come to the full for him, the hous…
3503 And where property of the Levites is not bought back, the house sold in the city of his possession …
3518 …d himself, the right of repurchase will continue in his case. One of his brothers may buy him back.
3519 …m back, or any blood relative of his flesh, one of his family, may buy him back."'Or if his own ha…
3524 However, if he cannot buy himself back on these terms, he must then go out in the year of Jubilee, …
3551 …ed, ten women will then actually bake YOUR bread in but one oven and give back YOUR bread by weigh…
3584 But if he wants to buy it back at all, he must then give a fifth of it in addition to the estimated…
3586 But if the sanctifier wants to buy his house back, he must then give a fifth of the money of the es…
3590 But if the sanctifier of it would at all buy the field back, he must then give a fifth of the money…
3591 Now if he should not buy the field back but if the field is sold to another man, it may not be boug…
3598 …then give a fifth of it in addition to it. But if it should not be bought back, it must then be so…
3599 …f his possession, may be sold, and no sort of devoted thing may be bought back. It is something mo…
3602 And if a man wants to buy any of his tenth part back at all, he should give a fifth of it in additi…
3604 …then become and what is exchanged for it should become something holy. It may not be bought back.'"
4102 …of Israel in the wilderness of Pa'ran, at Ka'desh. And they came bringing back word to them and al…
4152 …are certain to fall by the sword, because, for the reason that YOU turned back from following Jeho…
4255 Subsequently Jehovah said to Moses: "Put Aaron's rod back before the Testimony as something to be k…
4410 …s you stationed in the road to meet me. And now, if it is bad in your eyes, let me go my way back."
4458 … to myself I was without fail going to honor you, but, look! Jehovah has held you back from honor."
4476 …xpose them to Jehovah toward the sun, that the burning anger of Jehovah may turn back from Israel."
4483 "Phin'e·has the son of El·e·a'zar the son of Aaron the priest has turned back my wrath from upon th…
4734 In case YOU should turn back from following him, he also would certainly once again let them stay l…
4768 Next they pulled away from E'tham and turned back toward Pi·ha·hi'roth, which is in view of Ba'al-z…
4915 …end men ahead of us that they may search out the land for us and bring us back word concerning the…
4918 … land in their hand and to bring it down to us, and they came bringing us back word and saying, 'T…
4996 …ovah YOUR God is giving them across the Jordan; after which YOU must come back, each one to his ho…
5044 And you well know today, and you must call back to your heart that Jehovah is the [true] God in the…
5381 …lf, nor make the people go back to Egypt in order to increase horses; whereas Jehovah has said to …
5421 "You must not move back the boundary marks of your fellowman, when the ancestors will have set the …
5472 … about and deliberately withdraw from them. You should by all means lead them back to your brother.
5530 the first owner of her who dismissed her will not be allowed to take her back again to become his w…
5545 … your field, and you have forgotten a sheaf in the field, you must not go back to get it. It shoul…
5603 "'Cursed is the one who moves back the boundary mark of his fellowman.' (And all the people must sa…
5672 And he will indeed bring back upon you all the diseases of Egypt before which you got scared, and t…
5680 And Jehovah will certainly bring you back to Egypt by ships by the way about which I have said to y…
5710 …d the malediction, which I have put before you, and you have brought them back to your heart among…
5712 Jehovah your God must also bring back your captives and show you mercy and collect you again from a…
5766 Remember the days of old,CONSIDER the years back from generation to generation;Ask your father, and…
5800 If I do indeed sharpen my glittering sword,And my hand takes hold on judgment,I will pay back venge…
5802 …h his people,For he will avenge the blood of his servants,And he will pay back vengeance to his ad…
5886 … and YOU must keep hid there three days, until those in pursuit have come back, and afterward YOU …
5892 …us region and kept dwelling there three days, until the pursuers had come back. Now the pursuers w…
5985 Excuse me, O Jehovah, but what can I say after Israel has turned his back before his enemies?
5989 And the sons of Israel will not be able to rise up against their enemies. The back is what they wil…
6023 And the men of A'i began to turn back and look, and there the smoke of the city ascended to the hea…
6029 And Joshua did not draw back his hand with which he stretched out the javelin until he had devoted …
6089 …forward. Place YOUR feet on the back of the necks of these kings." So they came forward and placed…
6103 Finally Joshua and all Israel with him came back to De'bir and began to war against it.
6195 …t me out of Ka'desh-bar'ne·a to spy out the land, and I came bringing him back word just as it was…
6334 And it went back from Sa'rid eastward toward the rising of the sun to the border of Chis'loth-ta'bo…
6349 and it went back toward the rising of the sun to Beth-da'gon and reached to Zeb'u·lun and the valle…
6351 And the boundary went back to Ra'mah and as far as the fortified city of Tyre. And the boundary wen…
6356 And the boundary went back westward to Az'noth-ta'bor and went out from there to Huk'kok and reache…
6443 …ithfulness that YOU have perpetrated against the God of Israel in turning back today from followin…
6445 And YOU-YOU would turn back today from following Jehovah; and it must occur that should YOU, for YO…
6450 If it was to build for ourselves an altar so as to turn back from following Jehovah, and if it was …
6456 It is unthinkable, on our part, to rebel of our own accord against Jehovah and to turn back today f…
6459 … land of Gil'e·ad to the land of Ca'naan to the other sons of Israel and brought back word to them.
6473 "But if YOU should turn back at all and YOU do cleave to what is left of these nations, these that …
6497 In case YOU should leave Jehovah and YOU do serve foreign gods, he also will certainly turn back an…
6588 And he himself turned back at the quarries that were at Gil'gal, and he proceeded to say: "I have a…
6653 The wise ones of her noble ladies would answer her,Yes, she too would talk back to herself with her…
6811 … the evil of A·bim'e·lech that he had done to his father by killing his seventy brothers come back.
6812 And all the evil of the men of She'chem God made come back upon their own heads, that the maledicti…
6839 So Jeph'thah said to the older men of Gil'e·ad: "If YOU are bringing me back to fight against the s…
6865 … the one I was ostracizing. And I-I have opened my mouth to Jehovah, and I am unable to turn back."
6918 Now after a while he went on back to take her home. Meantime he turned aside to look at the carcass…
6984back the thousand one hundred pieces of silver to his mother; and his mother went on to say: "I mu…
7020 …Mi'cah got to see that they were stronger than he was, and so he turned and went back to his house.
7028 Then her husband got up and went after her to speak consolingly to her so as to bring her back; and…
7095 …o up from the city as a pillar of smoke. So when Benjamin turned his face back, look! the whole ci…
7103 And the men of Israel came back against the sons of Benjamin and went striking with the edge of the…
7117 Accordingly Benjamin came back at that time. Then they gave them the women that they had preserved …
7144 And Ruth proceeded to say: "Do not plead with me to abandon you, to turn back from accompanying you…
7339 …U must hitch the cows to the wagon, and YOU must make their young ones go back home from following…
7348 And the five axis lords of the Phi·lis'tines themselves saw it and went their way back to Ek'ron on…
7367 And the cities that the Phi·lis'tines had taken from Israel kept coming back to Israel from Ek'ron …
7536 …d that was in his hand and dipped it into the honeycomb and drew his hand back to his mouth, and h…
7572 "I do regret that I have caused Saul to reign as king, because he has turned back from following me…
7839 At that Saul turned back from chasing after David and went to meet the Phi·lis'tines. That is why t…
7843 … to ease nature, while David and his men were in the parts of the cave farthest back, sitting down.
7874 Upon that David's young men turned around on their way and went back and came and reported to him i…
7888 And now, my lord, as Jehovah is living and as your soul is living, Jehovah has held you back from e…
7896 And, on the other hand, as Jehovah the God of Israel is living, who has held me back from doing inj…
7901 …om Na'bal's hand and has kept his servant back from badness, and the badness of Na'bal Jehovah has…
7927 In turn Saul said: "I have sinned. Come back, my son David, for I shall no more do you injury, in v…
7972 …es of the Phi·lis'tines went on to say to him: "Make the man go back, and let him go back to his p…
8030 When he turned back and saw me, then he called me, and I said, 'Here I am!'
8045 From the blood of the slain, from the fat of mighty ones,The bow of Jon'a·than did not turn back,An…
8073 …domen with the butt end of the spear, so that the spear came out from his back; and he fell there …
8076 … at last? How long, then, will it be before you say to the people to turn back from following thei…
8080 As for Jo'ab, he turned back from following Ab'ner and began to collect all the people together. An…
8111 May it whirl back upon the head of Jo'ab and upon the entire house of his father, and let there not…
8213 …n of Re'hob the king of Zo'bah as he was going his way to put his control back again at the river …
8223 And David proceeded to make a name when he came back from striking down the E'dom·ites in the Valle…
8310 Now that he has died, why is it I am fasting? Am I able to bring him back again? I am going to him,…
8370 … this word he is like one that is guilty, in that the king does not bring back his own banished on…
8378 … to Jo'ab: "Here, now, I shall certainly do this thing. So go, bring the young man Ab'sa·lom back."
8398 …lling in Gesh'ur in Syria, saying, 'If Jehovah will without fail bring me back to Jerusalem, I mus…
8409 Then the king said to It'tai the Git'tite: "Why should you yourself also go with us? Go back and dw…
8410 …nder with us, to go when I am going wherever I am going? Go back and take your brothers back with …
8415 …the ark of the [true] God back to the city. If I shall find favor in the eyes of Jehovah, he will …
8419 Accordingly Za'dok and A·bi'a·thar took the ark of the [true] God back to Jerusalem, and they conti…
8430 … dwelling in Jerusalem; for he said, 'Today the house of Israel will give back to me the royal rul…
8435 Jehovah has brought back upon you all the bloodguilt for the house of Saul in place of whom you hav…
8453 And let me bring all the people back to you. Equivalent to the returning of all is the man whom you…
8495 …e horn, that the people might return from chasing after Israel; for Jo'ab had held back the people.
8522 …inted over us, he has died in the battle. So now why are YOU doing nothing to bring the king back?"
8523 … of Judah, saying, 'Why should YOU become the last ones to bring the king back to his house, when …
8524 … are; my bone and my flesh YOU are. So why should YOU become the last ones to bring the king back?'
8526 …ll the men of Judah as one man, so that they sent word to the king: "Come back, you and all your s…
8527 And the king began to go back and got to come as far as the Jordan. As for Judah, they came to Gil'…
8555 …ontempt, and why did not our matter become first for us to bring our king back?" But the word of t…
8611 And back and forth the earth began to shake and to rock;The foundations of the heavens themselves b…
8644 And as for my enemies, you will certainly give me the back of their neck;Those hating me intensely-…
8801 …said: "No! For here is where I shall die." At that Be·nai'ah brought word back to the king, saying…
8803 And Jehovah will certainly bring back his blood upon his own head, because he fell upon two men mor…
8804 And their blood must come back upon the head of Jo'ab and upon the head of his offspring to time in…
8812 Then Sol'o·mon was told: "Shim'e·i has gone out of Jerusalem to Gath and is back."
9020 …nd you must forgive the sin of your people Israel and you must bring them back to the ground that …
9021 …y pray toward this place and laud your name, and from their sin they turn back, because you kept a…
9058 If YOU yourselves and YOUR sons should definitely turn back from following me and not keep my comma…
9173 …or war, to fight against the house of Israel, so as to bring the kingship back to Re·ho·bo'am the …
9176back each one to his house, for it is at the instance of myself that this thing has been brought a…
9189 …that he had thrust out against him became dried up, and he was not able to draw it back to himself.
9201 But he said: "I am not able to go back with you or to come in with you, and I may not eat bread or …
9202 …of Jehovah, 'You must not eat bread or drink water there. You must not go back again by the way by…
9203 … angel himself spoke to me by the word of Jehovah, saying, 'Have him come back with you to your ho…
9204 So he went back with him that he might eat bread in his house and drink water.
9205 … were sitting at the table, that the word of Jehovah came to the prophet that had brought him back;
9207 but you went back that you might eat bread and drink water in the place about which he spoke to you…
9208 …rinking that he at once saddled for him the ass, that is, for the prophet whom he had brought back.
9211 When the prophet that had brought him back from the way heard of it, he immediately said: "It is th…
9214 …he man of the [true] God and to deposit him upon the ass and to bring him back. Thus he came into …
9218 After this thing Jer·o·bo'am did not turn back from his bad way, but he again went making priests o…
9228 …urself another god and molten images to offend me, and it is I whom you have cast behind your back;
9339 … Jehovah and say: "O Jehovah my God, please, cause the soul of this child to come back within him."
9340 Finally Jehovah listened to E·li'jah's voice, so that the soul of the child came back within him an…
9379 …ople may know that you, Jehovah, are the [true] God and you yourself have turned their heart back."
9385 …looked and then said: "There is nothing at all." And he went on to say, "Go back," for seven times.
9395 Later the angel of Jehovah came back a second time and touched him and said: "Rise up, eat, for the…
9414 Later the messengers came back and said: "This is what Ben-ha'dad has said, 'I sent to you, saying:…
9416 …t to me for my wives and my sons and my silver and my gold, and I did not hold them back from him."
9418 …t this thing I am not able to do.'" With that the messengers went off and brought word back to him.
9498 …shepherd. And Jehovah went on to say: 'These have no masters. Let them go back each one to his hou…
9507 Then the king of Israel said: "Take Mi·cai'ah and turn him back to A'mon the chief of the city and …
9514 …the chariots saw that it was not the king of Israel, they immediately came back from following him.
9539 When the messengers came back to him, he immediately said to them: "Why is it that YOU have come ba…
9565 After that he picked up the official garment of E·li'jah that had fallen off him, and went back and…
9628 So she saddled up the she-ass and said to her attendant: "Drive and go ahead. Do not hold back for …
9635 …he boy's face, but there was no voice nor paying of attention. So he went back to meet him and tol…
9658 … there, you must bathe seven times in the Jordan that your flesh may come back to you; and be clea…
9662 …ding to the word of the man of the [true] God; after which his flesh came back like the flesh of a…
9663 Then he went back to the man of the [true] God, he with all his camp, and came and stood before him…
9707 …t: as soon as the messenger comes, close the door, and YOU must press him back with the door. Is t…
9897 And Je·ho'ash the son of Je·ho'a·haz proceeded to take back again from the hand of Ben-ha'dad the s…
9946 … fifty silver shekels for each man. At that the king of As·syr'i·a turned back, and he did not sta…
9997 …d Judah by means of all his prophets [and] every visionary, saying: "Turn back from YOUR bad ways …
10039 … sent to the king of As·syr'i·a at La'chish, saying: "I have sinned. Turn back from against me. Wh…
10049 How, then, could you turn back the face of one governor of the smallest servants of my lord, while …
10090 … in your nose and my bridle between your lips,And I shall indeed lead you back by the way by which…
10104 "Go back, and you must say to Hez·e·ki'ah the leader of my people, 'This is what Jehovah the God of…
10108 …en: Shall the shadow actually go forward ten steps [of the stairs] or should it go back ten steps?"
10110 …ll out to Jehovah; and he made the shadow that had gone down gradually go back on the steps, that …
10192 Nevertheless, Jehovah did not turn back from the great burning of his anger, with which his anger b…
10204 …nd so Je·hoi'a·kim became his servant for three years. However, he turned back and rebelled agains…
10955 Meantime, Or'nan turned back and saw the angel; and his four sons with him were hiding themselves. …
11306 …r from the heavens, and you must act and judge your servants so as to pay back the wicked by putti…
11308 …eavens, and you must forgive the sin of your people Israel and bring them back to the ground that …
11309 … pray toward this place and laud your name [and] from their sin they turn back because you kept af…
11325 O Jehovah God, do not turn back the face of your anointed one. O do remember the loving-kindnesses …
11339 …name has been called humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn back from their bad ways…
11344 But if YOU yourselves turn back and actually leave my statutes and my commandments that I have put …
11398 …se he had run away on account of Sol'o·mon the king,) Jer·o·bo'am immediately came back from Egypt.
11416 …ce men able-bodied for war, to fight against Israel so as to bring the kingdom back to Re·ho·bo'am.
11450 And because he humbled himself, Jehovah's anger turned back from him, and he [did] not [think] of b…
11559 …shepherd. And Jehovah went on to say: 'These have no masters. Let them go back each one to his hou…
11568 Then the king of Israel said: "TAKE Mi·cai'ah and turn him back to A'mon the chief of the city and …
11575 … saw that it did not prove to be the king of Israel, they immediately came back from following him.
11581 …r-she'ba to the mountainous region of E'phra·im, that he might bring them back to Jehovah the God …
11697 And he kept sending prophets among them to bring them back to Jehovah; and they kept bearing witnes…
11700 …led his son, who, when he was at the point of dying, said: "Let Jehovah see to it and ask it back."
11718 As for the members of the troop whom Am·a·zi'ah had sent back from going with him to the war, they …
11798 … and turned around their face away from the tabernacle of Jehovah and offered the back of the neck.
11802 …o conclude a covenant with Jehovah the God of Israel, that his burning anger may turn back from us.
11836 …ified to time indefinite and serve Jehovah YOUR God, that his burning anger may turn back from YOU.
11897 …d leader and chief in the camp of the king of As·syr'i·a, so that he went back with shame of face …
12140 …l the report could go to Da·ri'us and then an official document concerning this could be sent back.
12146 "And this is the word that they gave back to us, saying: 'We are the servants of the God of the hea…
12267 …he older men of each individual city and its judges, until we have turned back the burning anger o…
12323 … I kept on examining the wall; after which I came back and entered by the Valley Gate, and so got
12333 …tes did repair work; but their majestic ones themselves did not bring the back of their neck into …
12375 …hat the [true] God had frustrated their counsel and we had all of us gone back to the wall, each o…
12391 And I proceeded to say to them: "We ourselves have bought back our own Jewish brothers who were sol…
12395 To this they said: "We shall make restoration, and from them we shall ask nothing back. We shall do…
12511 Thus all the congregation of those who had come back from the captivity made booths and took up dwe…
12532 And your good spirit you gave to make them prudent, and your manna you did not hold back from their…
12538 …t casting your law behind their back, and your own prophets they killed, who bore witness against …
12541 Although you would bear witness against them to bring them back to your law, they themselves even a…
12547 …that you made available for them, they did not serve you and did not turn back from their bad prac…
12681 After that I said [the word] and they cleansed the dining halls; and I proceeded to put back there …
12860 …n document: "Let his bad scheme that he has schemed against the Jews come back upon his own head";…
13020 I, also, I shall not hold back my mouth.I will speak in the distress of my spirit;I will be concern…
13065 God himself will not turn back his anger;Beneath him the helpers of a stormer must bow down.
13108 Before I go away-and I shall not come back-To the land of darkness and deep shadow,
13195 O that in She'ol you would conceal me,That you would keep me secret until your anger turns back,Tha…
13226 He does not believe that he will come back out of darkness,And he is reserved for a sword.
13244 …ould strengthen YOU with the words of my mouth,And the consolation of my own lips would hold back-.
13245 If I do speak, my own pain is not held back,And if I do cease doing so, what goes away from me?
13251 I had come to be at ease, but he proceeded to shake me up;And he grabbed me by the back of the neck…
13337 His own sons will seek the favor of lowly people,And his own hands will give back his valuable thin…
13340 If he has compassion upon it and does not leave it,And if he keeps holding it back in the midst of …
13345 He will be giving back [his] acquired property and will not swallow [it] down;Like wealth from his …
13352 A missile itself will even go out through his back,And a glittering weapon out through his gall;Fri…
13397 You do not give the tired one a drink of water,And from the hungry one you hold back bread.
13428 Look! To the east I go, and he is not there;And back again, and I cannot discern him;
13439 There are those who move back boundary marks;A drove they have snatched away, that they may shepher…
13568 …ted me, they have kept themselves far from me;And from my face they did not hold back [their] spit.
13581 For I well know that to death you will make me turn back,And to the house of meeting for everyone l…
13605 If I used to hold back the lowly ones from [their] delight,And the eyes of the widow I would cause …
13635 …answer and say:"Young I am in daysAnd YOU men are aged.That is why I drew back and was afraidTo de…
13669 He keeps his soul back from the pitAnd his life from passing away by a missile.
13681 To turn his soul back from the pit,That he may be enlightened with the light of those living.
13704 In a moment they die, even in the middle of the night;The people shake back and forth and pass away…
13747 And he will uncover their ear to exhortation,And he will say that they should turn back from what i…
13774 After it a sound roars;He thunders with the sound of his superiority,And he does not hold them back
13809 And from the wicked ones their light is held back,And the high arm itself gets broken.
13817 Which I have kept back for the time of distress,For the day of fight and war?
13847 Will you rely on it that it will bring back your seedAnd that it will gather to your threshing floo…
13857 It laughs at dread, and is not terrified;Nor does it turn back on account of a sword.
13933 And Jehovah himself turned back the captive condition of Job when he prayed in behalf of his compan…
13996 All my enemies will be very much ashamed and disturbed;They will turn back, they will be ashamed in…
14025 When my enemies turn back,They will stumble and perish from before you.
14039 Wicked people will turn back to She'ol,Even all the nations forgetting God.
14088 O that out of Zion there were the salvation of Israel!When Jehovah gathers back the captive ones of…
14126 …dations of the mountains themselves became agitated,And they kept shaking back and forth because h…
14159 And as for my enemies, you will certainly give me the back of [their] neck;And as for those hating …
14176 The law of Jehovah is perfect, bringing back the soul.The reminder of Jehovah is trustworthy, makin…
14182 Also from presumptuous acts hold your servant back;Do not let them dominate me.In that case I shall…
14232 All the ends of the earth will remember and turn back to Jehovah.And all the families of the nation…
14304 …ir practices.According to the work of their hands do you give to them.Pay back to them their own d…
14415 May those be shamed and humiliated who are hunting for my soul.May those be turned back and be abas…
14428 O Jehovah, how long will you keep seeing [it]?Do bring back my soul from their ravages,Even my only…
14472 The wicked one is borrowing and does not pay back,But the righteous one is showing favor and is mak…
14540 …ashed all togetherWho are seeking my soul to sweep it away.May those turn back and be humiliated w…
14553 As for you, O Jehovah, show me favor and cause me to get up,That I may pay them back.
14582 You keep making us turn back from the adversary,And the very ones intensely hating us have pillaged…
14590 Our heart has not turned faithlessly back,Nor do our footsteps deviate from your path.
14705 I will teach transgressors your ways,That sinners themselves may turn right back to you.
14723 They have all of them turned back, they are [all] alike corrupt;There is no one doing good,Not even…
14726 O that out of Zion there were the grand salvation of Israel!When Jehovah gathers back the captive o…
14765 At that time my enemies will turn back, on the day that I call;This I well know, that God is for me.
14840 Also loving-kindness belongs to you, O Jehovah,For you yourself pay back to each one according to h…
14923 Jehovah has said: "From Ba'shan I shall bring back,I shall bring [them] back from the depths of the…
14940 … for no reason, have become numerous.What I had not taken by robbery I then proceeded to give back.
14974 May those be ashamed and abashed who are seeking my soul.May those turn back and be humiliated who …
14975 May those go back by reason of their shame who are saying: "Aha, aha!"
15031 Therefore he brings his people back hither,And the waters of what is full are drained out for them.
15152 … cover the error and not bring ruin.And many times he made his anger turn back,And he would not ro…
15153 And he kept remembering that they were flesh,That the spirit is going forth and does not come back.
15164 He proceeded to prepare a pathway for his anger.He did not hold back their soul from death itself;A…
15171 They also kept turning back and acting treacherously like their forefathers;They turned around like…
15202 O God, bring us back;And light up your face, that we may be saved.
15206 O God of armies, bring us back;And light up your face, that we may be saved.
15217 And we shall not turn back from you.May you preserve us alive, that we may call upon your own name.
15218 O Jehovah God of armies, bring us back;Light up your face, that we may be saved.To the director upo…
15271 … a shield;Favor and glory are what he gives.Jehovah himself will not hold back anything good from …
15273 You have taken pleasure, O Jehovah, in your land;You have brought back the ones taken captive of Ja…
15275 You have controlled all your fury;You have turned back from the heat of your anger.
15276 Gather us back, O God of our salvation,And break off your vexation with us.
15382 You make mortal man go back to crushed matter,And you say: "GO back, YOU sons of men."
15434 Raise yourself up, O Judge of the earth.Bring back a retribution upon the haughty ones.
15455 And he will turn back upon them their hurtfulnessAnd will silence them with their own calamity.Jeho…
15601 If you conceal your face, they get disturbed.If you take away their spirit, they expire,And back to…
15675 …not been for Moses his chosen one,Who stood in the gap before him,To turn back his rage from bring…
15826 The sea itself saw and took to flight;As for the Jordan, it began to turn back.
15828 What was the matter with you, O sea, that you took to flight,O Jordan, that you began to turn back?
15958 I have considered my ways,That I may turn back my feet to your reminders.
15978 Let those fearing you turn back to me,Those also knowing your reminders.
16117 When Jehovah gathered back the captive ones of Zion,We became like those who were dreaming.
16120 Do gather back, O Jehovah, our company of captives,Like streambeds in the Neg'eb.
16136 Plowmen have plowed upon my very back;They have lengthened their furrows."
16138 They will be ashamed and turn themselves back,All those hating Zion.
16162 On account of David your servant,Do not turn back the face of your anointed one.
16163 Jehovah has sworn to David,Truly he will not draw back from it:"Of the fruitage of your bellyI shal…
16346 His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground;In that day his thoughts do perish.
16416 my son, do not go in the way with them. Hold back your foot from their roadway.
16424 Turn back at my reproof. Then to YOU I will cause my spirit to bubble forth; I will make my words k…
16453 None of those having relations with her will come back, nor will they regain the paths of those liv…
16483 Do not hold back good from those to whom it is owing, when it happens to be in the power of your ha…
16484 Do not say to your fellowman: "Go, and come back and tomorrow I shall give," when there is somethin…
16670 On the lips of the understanding person wisdom is found, but the rod is for the back of one in want…
16713 …at is scattering and yet is being increased; also the one that is keeping back from what is right,…
16715 The one holding back grain-the populace will execrate him, but there is a blessing for the head of …
16734 …a man's mouth he is satisfied with good, and the very doing of a man's hands will come back to him.
16772 The one holding back his rod is hating his son, but the one loving him is he that does look for him…
16901 Anyone holding back his sayings is possessed of knowledge, and a man of discernment is cool of spir…
16950 The lazy one has hidden his hand in the banquet bowl; he cannot bring it back even to his own mouth.
16955 Judgments have been firmly established for ridiculers, and strokes for the back of stupid ones.
16977 Do not say: "I will pay back evil!" Hope in Jehovah, and he will save you.
17011 …l the day he has shown himself eagerly craving, but the righteous one gives and holds nothing back.
17044 Do not move back a boundary of long ago, which your forefathers have made.
17055 Do not move back the boundary of long ago, and into the field of fatherless boys do not enter.
17058 Do not hold back discipline from the mere boy. In case you beat him with the rod, he will not die.
17091 …o are being taken away to death; and those staggering to the slaughter, O may you hold [them] back.
17092 …ern it, and he himself that is observing your soul know and certainly pay back to earthling man ac…
17098 that Jehovah may not see and it be bad in his eyes and he certainly turn back his anger from agains…
17145 A whip is for the horse, a bridle is for the ass, and the rod is for the back of stupid people.
17157 The lazy one has hidden his hand in the banquet bowl; he has become too weary to bring it back to h…
17169 He that is excavating a pit will fall into the same, and he that is rolling away a stone-back to hi…
17233 Men of boastful talk inflame a town, but those who are wise turn back anger.
17282 the lion, which is the mightiest among the beasts and which does not turn back from before anyone;
17322 …round to the north. Round and round it is continually circling, and right back to its circlings th…
17344 And anything that my eyes asked for I did not keep away from them. I did not hold back my heart fro…
17602 "'I have put off my robe. How can I put it back on? I have washed my feet. How can I soil them?'
17603 My dear one himself pulled back his hand from the hole [of the door], and my inward parts themselve…
17628 "Come back, come back, O Shu'lam·mite! Come back, come back, that we may behold you!""What do YOU p…
17680 And I will turn back my hand upon you, and I shall smelt away your scummy dross as with lye, and I …
17681 And I will bring back again judges for you as at the first, and counselors for you as at the start.…
17765 … in the midst of the streets.In view of all this his anger has not turned back, but his hand is st…
17780 …at their own heart may not understand and that they may not actually turn back and get healing for…
17842 …t up Israel with open mouth. In view of all this his anger has not turned back, but his hand is st…
17847 …h is speaking senselessness. In view of all this his anger has not turned back, but his hand is st…
17851 … they will be against Judah. In view of all this his anger has not turned back, but his hand is st…
17855 … those who have been killed? In view of all this his anger has not turned back, but his hand is st…
17866 …it, or the saw magnify itself over the one moving it back and forth, as though the staff moved bac…
17902 …hovah, for [although] you got incensed at me, your anger gradually turned back, and you proceeded …
17956 …nseled, and who can break [it] up? And his hand is the one stretched out, and who can turn it back?
18233 For this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, has said: "By coming back and …
18253 And he is also wise and will bring in what is calamitous, and he has not called back his own words;…
18340 How, then, could you turn back the face of one governor of the smallest servants of my lord, while …
18382 … in your nose and my bridle between your lips,And I shall indeed lead you back by the way by which…
18399 …'haz by the sun retrace backward ten steps."'" And the sun gradually went back ten steps on the st…
18408 …soul [and kept it] from the pit of disintegration.For you have thrown behind your back all my sins.
18498 They must be turned back, they will be very much ashamed, those who are putting trust in the carved…
18503 …y have come to be for plunder without a deliverer, for pillage without anyone to say: "Bring back!"
18512 I shall say to the north, 'Give up!' and to the south, 'Do not keep back. Bring my sons from far of…
18519 … is no one effecting deliverance out of my own hand. I shall get active, and who can turn it back?"
18642 … from the belly as a servant belonging to him, has said [for me] to bring back Jacob to him, in or…
18643 …for you to become my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to bring back even the safeguarde…
18669 My back I gave to the strikers, and my cheeks to those plucking off [the hair]. My face I did not c…
18697 …ur soul, 'Bow down that we may cross over,' so that you used to make your back just like the earth…
18705 …crying out joyfully; for it will be eye into eye that they will see when Jehovah gathers back Zion.
18726 …et them stretch out the tent cloths of your grand tabernacle. Do not hold back. Lengthen out your …
18788 "Call out full-throated; do not hold back. Raise your voice just like a horn, and tell my people th…
18800 "If in view of the sabbath you will turn back your foot as regards doing your own delights on my ho…
18814 There have been transgressing and a denying of Jehovah; and there was a moving back from our God, a…
18815 And justice was forced to move back, and righteousness itself kept standing simply far off. For tru…
18884 …m your ways? Why do you make our heart hard against the fear of you? Come back for the sake of you…
18938 …s as a very fire, and his chariots are like a storm wind, in order to pay back his anger with shee…
18990 … soul, snuffing up the wind; at her time for copulation, who can turn her back? All those who are …
18991 Hold your foot back from [becoming] barefoot, and your throat from thirst. But you proceeded to say…
18993 …stone, 'You yourself brought me to birth.' But to me they have turned the back of the neck and not…
19001 "But you say, 'I have remained innocent. Surely his anger has turned back from me.'"Here I am enter…
19022 …'"My Father!" YOU people will call out to me, and from following me YOU people will not turn back.'
19036 …ople. Beat YOUR breasts and howl, because the burning anger of Jehovah has not turned back from us.
19056 …ecause I have spoken, I have considered, and I have not felt regret, nor shall I turn back from it.
19062 …ey refused to take discipline. They made their faces harder than a crag. They refused to turn back.
19084 YOUR own errors have turned these things away, and YOUR own sins have held back what is good from Y…
19099 … without fail glean the remnant of Israel just like a vine. Put your hand back like one that is ga…
19158 …d: "Will they fall and not get up again? If one would turn back, will the other not also turn back?
19159 …ith an enduring unfaithfulness? They have taken hold of trickiness; they have refused to turn back.
19160 …repenting over his badness, saying, 'What have I done?' Each one is going back into the popular co…
19265 …ing them I shall again certainly have mercy upon them and will bring them back, each one to his he…
19323 …them] of children. I will destroy my people, [since] they have not turned back from their own ways.
19335back, then I shall bring you back. Before me you will stand. And if you will bring forth what is p…
19352 …e lands to which he had dispersed them!" and I shall certainly bring them back to their soil, whic…
19389 … was making with the clay was spoiled by the potter's hand, and he turned back and went making it …
19393 and that nation actually turns back from its badness against which I spoke, I will also feel regret…
19396 …m forming against YOU a calamity and thinking against YOU a thought. Turn back, please, each one f…
19402 As with an east wind I shall scatter them before the enemy. The back, and not the face, I shall sho…
19405 …member my standing before you to speak good even concerning them, to turn back your rage from them.
19488 …out of all the lands to which I had dispersed them, and I will bring them back to their pasture gr…
19505 The anger of Jehovah will not turn back until he will have carried out and until he will have made …
19507 …made my people hear my own words, and they would have caused them to turn back from their bad way …
19540 they saying, 'Turn back, please, every one from his bad way and from the badness of YOUR dealings, …
19551 And they must drink and shake back and forth and act like crazed men because of the sword that I am…
19613 …OU, saying: "Look! The utensils of the house of Jehovah are being brought back from Babylon soon n…
19622 Within two full years more I am bringing back to this place all the utensils of the house of Jehova…
19623 …Judah, and all the exiles of Judah who have come to Babylon I am bringing back to this place,' is …
19625 …do! May Jehovah establish your words that you have prophesied by bringing back the utensils of the…
19646 …on to YOU people, and I will establish toward YOU my good word in bringing YOU back to this place.'
19650 …I have dispersed YOU,' is the utterance of Jehovah. 'And I will bring YOU back to the place from w…
19671 …of my people, Israel and Judah," Jehovah has said, "and I will bring them back to the land that I …
19692 The burning anger of Jehovah will not turn back until he will have executed and until he will have …
19708 This is what Jehovah has said: "'Hold back your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears, for t…
19710 …d, like a calf that has not been trained. Cause me to turn back, and I shall readily turn back, fo…
19711 For after my turning back I felt regret; and after my being led to know I made a slap upon the thig…
19713 …t upon the highway, the way that you will have to go. Come back, O virgin of Israel. Come back to …
19765 And they kept turning to me the back and not the face; though there was a teaching of them, a risin…
19769 …n my anger and in my rage and in great indignation; and I will bring them back to this place and m…
19772 And I will conclude with them an indefinitely lasting covenant, that I shall not turn back from beh…
19776 …ties of the lowland and in the cities of the south, because I shall bring back their captives,' is…
19783 And I will bring back the captives of Judah and the captives of Israel, and I will build them just …
19787 …ging a thanksgiving offering into the house of Jehovah, for I shall bring back the captives of the…
19813 But they turned about after that and began to bring back the menservants and the maidservants whom …
19818 Then YOU turn back and profane my name and bring back each one his manservant and each one his maid…
19824 "'Here I am commanding,' is the utterance of Jehovah, 'and I shall certainly bring them back to thi…
19839 … servants the prophets, rising up early and sending [them], saying, 'Turn back, please, each one f…
19882 … coming forth to YOU people for the purpose of assistance will have to go back to their land, Egyp…
19883 And the Chal·de'ans will certainly come back and fight against this city and capture it and burn it…
19895 …ng. May my request for favor, please, fall before you, and do not send me back to the house of Je·…
19922 …ing my request for favor fall before the king, that he should not send me back to the house of Je·…
19974back from Ish'ma·el the son of Neth·a·ni'ah, from Miz'pah, after he had struck down Ged·a·li'ah th…
19980 … word that Jehovah gives in answer to YOU I shall tell YOU. I shall not hold back from YOU a word."
20016 But they did not listen, nor did they incline their ear to turn back from their badness by not maki…
20051 "'Why is it that I have seen them terror-stricken? They are turning back, and their mighty men them…
20091 …he mission of Jehovah neglectfully; and cursed be the one that is holding back his sword from bloo…
20120 'O how she has become terrified! Howl, YOU people! O how Mo'ab has turned the back! He has become a…
20176 …like those of a mighty man causing bereavement of children, who does not come back without results.
20186 And I will bring Israel back to his pasture ground, and he will certainly graze on Car'mel and on B…
20196 …ow. Encamp against her all around. May there prove to be no escapees. Pay back to her according to…
20219 …it is the time of vengeance belonging to Jehovah. There is treatment that he is paying back to her.
20237 And I will pay back to Babylon and to all the inhabitants of Chal·de'a all their badness that they …
20319 …ap, for they have seen her nakedness.She herself is also sighing and turns her back.<H<)>H> [Tehth]
20336 In the heat of anger he has cut down every horn of Israel.He has turned his right hand back from be…
20341 …f Zion to ruin.He has stretched out the measuring line. He has not turned back his hand from swall…
20347 …satisfying things,And they have not uncovered your error in order to turn back your captivity,But …
20376 This is what I shall bring back to my heart. That is why I shall show a waiting attitude.<H<(>H> [C…
20419 You will give back to them a treatment, O Jehovah, according to the work of their hands.
20464 Bring us back, O Jehovah, to yourself, and we shall readily come back. Bring new days for us as in …
20478 …urning coals of fire. Something like the appearance of torches was moving back and forth between t…
20503 And he gradually spread it out before me, and it was written upon in front and on the back; and the…
20521 …live, he being wicked, in his error he will die, but his blood I shall ask back from your own hand.
20522 But as for you, in case you have warned someone wicked and he does not actually turn back from his …
20523back from his righteousness and actually does injustice and I must put a stumbling block before hi…
20634 And, look! the man clothed with the linen, at whose hips there was the inkhorn, was bringing back w…
20731 …and for making the hands of a wicked one strong so that he would not turn back from his bad way in…
20738 …overeign Lord Jehovah has said: "Come back and turn yourselves back from YOUR dungy idols and turn…
20858 nothing would he give on interest and no usury would he take; from injustice he would draw back his…
20867 from the afflicted one he has drawn back his hand; no usury and interest has he taken; my judicial …
20871 "'Now as regards someone wicked, in case he should turn back from all his sins that he has committe…
20873 …tterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, '[and] not in that he should turn back from his ways and a…
20874 "'Now when someone righteous turns back from his righteousness and actually does injustice; accordi…
20876 "'When someone righteous turns back from his righteousness and he actually does injustice and dies …
20877 "'And when someone wicked turns back from his wickedness that he has committed and proceeds to exec…
20878 When he sees and he turns back from all his transgressions that he has done, he will positively kee…
20880 …rael,' is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. 'Turn back, yes, cause a turning back from …
20882 …ing,' is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. 'So cause a turning back and keep living, O …
20918 And I drew back my hand and went acting for the sake of my own name, that [it] should not be profan…
20950 …now that I myself, Jehovah, have brought forth my sword from its sheath. No more will it go back."'
21043 …eason that you have forgotten me and you proceeded to cast me behind your back, then you yourself …
21137 …islands were merchants in your employ; horns of ivory and ebony they have paid back as gift to you.
21198 and I will bring back the captive group of the Egyptians; and I will bring them back to the land of…
21246 … a mourning. On its account I will cover the watery deep, that I may hold back its streams and [th…
21287 …for its own error it itself must be taken away, but its blood I shall ask back from the hand of th…
21289 …himself as a wicked one will die in his own error, but his blood I shall ask back at your own hand.
21290 …y warn someone wicked from his way [for him] to turn back from it but he actually does not turn ba…
21292 …icked one, but in that someone wicked turns back from his way and actually keeps living. Turn back
21293 …icked one, he will not be made to stumble by it in the day of his turning back from his wickedness…
21295 "'And when I say to the wicked one: "You will positively die," and he actually turns back from his …
21296 [and] the wicked one returns the very thing pledged, pays back the very things taken by robbery, [a…
21299 "When someone righteous turns back from his righteousness and actually does injustice, he must also…
21300 And when someone wicked turns back from his wickedness and actually carries on justice and righteou…
21318 …ken one YOU have not bandaged, and the dispersed one YOU have not brought back, and the lost one Y…
21324 …vah has said, 'Here I am against the shepherds, and I shall certainly ask back my sheep from their…
21330 "The lost one I shall search for, and the dispersed one I shall bring back, and the broken one I sh…
21434 …the final part of the years you will come to the land [of people] brought back from the sword, col…
21438 It will be to get a big spoil and to do much plundering, in order to turn your hand back upon devas…
21474 "Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said, 'Now is when I shall bring back the ca…
21476 When I bring them back from the peoples and I actually collect them together out of the lands of th…
21601 And he proceeded to bring me back by way of the gate of the sanctuary, the outer one facing east, a…
21665 … gate should go out by the way of the gate to the north. No one should go back by the way of the g…
21681 And gradually he brought me back to the entrance of the House, and, look! there was water going for…
21824 …he king: "O Neb·u·chad·nez'zar, we are under no necessity in this regard to say back a word to you.
21880 …ter of the wall of the palace of the king, and the king was beholding the back of the hand that wa…
21899 Consequently from before him there was being sent the back of a hand, and this very writing was ins…
21940 …t], one like a leopard, but it had four wings of a flying creature on its back. And the beast had …
22002 … upon us, and we have not softened the face of Jehovah our God by turning back from our error and …
22005 …all your acts of righteousness, please, may your anger and your rage turn back from your city Jeru…
22036 So he went on to say:"Do you really know why I have come to you? And now I shall go back to fight w…
22046 "And he will actually come into the kingdom of the king of the south and go back to his own soil.
22047 …ng he will certainly come and flood over and pass through. But he will go back, and he will excite…
22055back to the coastlands and will actually capture many. And a commander will have to make the repro…
22056 And he will turn his face back to the fortresses of his [own] land, and he will certainly stumble a…
22065 … go back to his land with a great amount of goods, and his heart will be against the holy covenant…
22066 "At the time appointed he will go back, and he will actually come against the south; but it will no…
22067 …"And he will actually go back and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and act effectively…
22115 "'Therefore I shall turn back and certainly take away my grain in its time and my sweet wine in its…
22134 Afterwards the sons of Israel will come back and certainly look for Jehovah their God, and for Davi…
22143 …ly hold an accounting against them for their ways; and their dealings I shall bring back upon them.
22163 The princes of Judah have become just like those moving back a boundary. Upon them I shall pour out…
22179 Furthermore, O Judah, a harvest has been fixed for you, when I gather back the captive ones of my p…
22284 "Do come back, O Israel, to Jehovah your God, for you have stumbled in your error.
22285 Take with yourselves words and come back to Jehovah. Say to him, all YOU people, 'May you pardon er…
22287 …unfaithfulness. I shall love them of [my] own free will, because my anger has turned back from him.
22324 "And now also," the utterance of Jehovah is, "come back to me with all YOUR hearts, and with fastin…
22325 And rip apart YOUR hearts, and not YOUR garments; and come back to Jehovah YOUR God, for he is grac…
22326 Who is there knowing whether he will turn back and actually feel regret and let remain after it a b…
22345 "For, look! in those days and in that time, when I shall bring back the captive ones of Judah and J…
22348 …And if YOU are giving such treatment to me, swiftly, speedily I shall pay back YOUR treatment upon…
22351 here I am arousing them [to come] from the place where YOU have sold them, and I will pay back YOUR…
22368 …of three revolts of Damascus, and on account of four, I shall not turn it back, on account of thei…
22371 …nt of three revolts of Ga'za, and on account of four, I shall not turn it back, on account of thei…
22373 … and the holder of [the] scepter from Ash'ke·lon; and I will turn my hand back upon Ek'ron, and th…
22374 …unt of three revolts of Tyre, and on account of four, I shall not turn it back, on account of thei…
22376 …nt of three revolts of E'dom, and on account of four, I shall not turn it back, on account of his …
22378 …evolts of the sons of Am'mon, and on account of four, I shall not turn it back, on account of thei…
22381 …nt of three revolts of Mo'ab, and on account of four, I shall not turn it back, on account of his …
22384 …nt of three revolts of Judah, and on account of four, I shall not turn it back, on account of thei…
22386 …t of three revolts of Israel, and on account of four, I shall not turn it back, on account of thei…
22417 …ll YOUR cities and want of bread in all YOUR places; but YOU did not come back to me,' is the utte…
22419 …er to drink water, and they would not get satisfied; but YOU did not come back to me,' is the utte…
22420 …s and YOUR olive trees the caterpillar would devour; yet YOU did not come back to me,' is the utte…
22421 … stink of YOUR camps ascend even into YOUR nostrils; but YOU did not come back to me,' is the utte…
22422 …came to be like a log snatched out of [the] burning; but YOU did not come back to me,' is the utte…
22510 And I will gather back the captive ones of my people Israel, and they will actually build [the] des…
22545 But the men tried to work their way through, in order to bring [the ship] back to the dry land; yet…
22567 … and domestic animal; and let them call out to God with strength and come back, each one from his …
22568 Who is there knowing whether the [true] God may turn back and actually feel regret and turn back fr…
22569 And the [true] God got to see their works, that they had turned back from their bad way; and so the…
22631 …ar as to Babylon. There you will be delivered. There Jehovah will buy you back out of the palm of …
22657 He has told you, O earthling man, what is good. And what is Jehovah asking back from you but to exe…
22688 Jehovah is slow to anger and great in power, and by no means will Jehovah hold back from punishing.…
22708 …aters; but they are fleeing. "Stand still, YOU men! Stand still!" But there is no one turning back.
22794 and those who are drawing back from following Jehovah and who have not sought Jehovah and have not …
22813 …or Jehovah their God will turn his attention to them and certainly gather back the captive ones of…
22841 … be a name and a praise among all the peoples of the earth, when I gather back YOUR captive ones b…
22851 Therefore over YOU [the] heavens kept back [their] dew, and the earth itself kept back its yield.
22924 And the angel who was speaking with me proceeded to come back and wake me up, like a man that is aw…
22945 So he said: "This is Wickedness." And he proceeded to throw her [back] into the midst of the e'phah…
23027 And I must bring them back from the land of Egypt; and from As·syr'i·a I shall collect them togethe…
23067 …d let those of the flock be scattered; and I shall certainly turn my hand back upon those who are …
23110 … In peace and in uprightness he walked with me, and many were those whom he turned back from error.
23145 And he must turn the heart of fathers back toward sons, and the heart of sons back toward fathers; …
23178 …e a careful search for the young child, and when YOU have found it report back to me, that I too m…
23259 …ay; first make your peace with your brother, and then, when you have come back, offer up your gift.
23534 Then it says, 'I will go back to my house out of which I moved'; and on arriving it finds it unoccu…
23555 …and hear with their ears and get the sense of it with their hearts and turn back, and I heal them.'
23696 But, turning his back, he said to Peter: "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me, be…
23753 But because he did not have the means to pay [it] back, his master ordered him and his wife and his…
23754 …d began to do obeisance to him, saying, 'Be patient with me and I will pay back everything to you.'
23756 … hundred de·nar'i·i; and, grabbing him, he began to choke him, saying, 'Pay back whatever you owe.'
23757 …low slave fell down and began to entreat him, saying, 'Be patient with me and I will pay you back.'
23758 However, he was not willing, but went off and had him thrown into prison until he should pay back w…
23762 With that his master, provoked to wrath, delivered him to the jailers, until he should pay back all…
23894 They said: "Caesar's." Then he said to them: "Pay back, therefore, Caesar's things to Caesar, but G…
24133 …g he had been condemned, felt remorse and turned the thirty silver pieces back to the chief priest…
24336 …ugh hearing, they may hear and yet not get the sense of it, nor ever turn back and forgiveness be …
24386 After Jesus had crossed back again in the boat to the opposite shore a great crowd gathered togethe…
24468 and, when back from market, they do not eat unless they cleanse themselves by sprinkling; and there…
24495 Now coming back out of the regions of Tyre he went through Si'don to the sea of Gal'i·lee up throug…
24644 …o YOU, 'Why are YOU doing this?' say, 'The Lord needs it, and will at once send it off back here.'"
24691 Jesus then said: "Pay back Caesar's things to Caesar, but God's things to God." And they began to m…
24887 and they came back and reported to the rest. Neither did they believe these.
24910 and many of the sons of Israel will he turn back to Jehovah their God.
24911 Also, he will go before him with E·li'jah's spirit and power, to turn back the hearts of fathers to…
24994 Then the shepherds went back, glorifying and praising God for all the things they heard and saw, ju…
25013 So when they had carried out all the things according to the law of Jehovah, they went back into Ga…
25084 With that he rolled up the scroll, handed it back to the attendant and sat down; and the eyes of al…
25119 So they brought the boats back to land, and abandoned everything and followed him.
25177 Give to everyone asking you, and from the one taking your things away do not ask [them] back.
25181 …redit is it to YOU? Even sinners lend [without interest] to sinners that they may get back as much.
25182 …es and to do good and to lend [without interest], not hoping for anything back; and YOUR reward wi…
25206 And those that had been sent, on getting back to the house, found the slave in good health.
25238 When they did not have anything with which to pay back, he freely forgave them both. Therefore, whi…
25285 "Be on your way back home, and keep on relating what things God did for you." Accordingly he went a…
25286 When Jesus got back, the crowd received him kindly, for they were all expecting him.
25370 …nd of peace is there, YOUR peace will rest upon him. But if there is not, it will turn back to YOU.
25399 …d, 'Take care of him, and whatever you spend besides this, I will repay you when I come back here.'
25560 And they were not able to answer back on these things.
25616 …come, and your father slaughtered the fattened young bull, because he got him back in good health.'
25627 He said, 'A hundred bath measures of olive oil.' He said to him, 'Take your written agreement back
25628 …undred cor measures of wheat.' He said to him, 'Take your written agreement back and write eighty.'
25656 Even if he sins seven times a day against you and he comes back to you seven times, saying, 'I repe…
25667 One of them, when he saw he was healed, turned back, glorifying God with a loud voice.
25670 Were none found that turned back to give glory to God but this man of another nation?"
25747 "Eventually when he got back after having secured the kingly power, he commanded to be called to hi…
25805 He said to them: "By all means, then, pay back Caesar's things to Caesar, but God's things to God."
25947 …ited him, and he made fun of him by clothing him with a bright garment and sent him back to Pilate.
25951 In fact, neither did Herod, for he sent him back to us; and, look! nothing deserving of death has b…
25992 and they went back to prepare spices and perfumed oils. But, of course, they rested on the sabbath …
26374 Therefore the officers went back to the chief priests and Pharisees, and the latter said to them: "…
26448 … Si·lo'am" (which is translated 'Sent forth'). And so he went off and washed, and came back seeing.
26656 So the latter leaned back upon the breast of Jesus and said to him: "Lord, who is it?"
26695 …Father will send in my name, that one will teach YOU all things and bring back to YOUR minds all t…
26697 YOU heard that I said to YOU, I am going away and I am coming [back] to YOU. If YOU loved me, YOU w…
26792 However, when he said to them: "I am [he]," they drew back and fell to the ground.
26878 And so the disciples went back to their homes.
26882 After saying these things, she turned back and viewed Jesus standing, but she did not discern it wa…
26919 …s used to love following, the one who at the evening meal had also leaned back upon his breast and…
27062 and secretly held back some of the price, his wife also knowing about it, and he brought just a par…
27063 …why has Satan emboldened you to play false to the holy spirit and to hold back secretly some of th…
27156 …efused to become obedient, but they thrust him aside and in their hearts they turned back to Egypt,
27202 …en the witness thoroughly and had spoken the word of Jehovah, they turned back to Jerusalem, and t…
27647 while I did not hold back from telling YOU any of the things that were profitable nor from teaching…
27654 for I have not held back from telling YOU all the counsel of God.
27927 …ir eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn back, and I should heal …
28176 O man, who, then, really are you to be answering back to God? Shall the thing molded say to him tha…
28210 …says: "All day long I have spread out my hands toward a people that is disobedient and talks back."
28220 let their eyes become darkened so as not to see, and always bow down their back."
28817 and after a stopover with YOU to go to Mac·e·do'ni·a, and to come back from Mac·e·do'ni·a to YOU an…
29075 …se who were apostles previous to me, but I went off into Arabia, and I came back again to Damascus.
29141 …now that YOU have come to be known by God, how is it that YOU are turning back again to the weak a…
29346 for YOU know that each one, whatever good he may do, will receive this back from Jehovah, whether h…
29543 Certainly the one that is doing wrong will receive back what he wrongly did, and there is no partia…
29854 and they may come back to their proper senses out from the snare of the Devil, seeing that they hav…
29918 Let slaves be in subjection to their owners in all things, and please them well, not talking back,
29951 This very one I am sending back to you, yes, him, that is, my own tender affections.
29952 I would like to hold him back for myself that in place of you he might keep on ministering to me in…
29954 Perhaps really on this account he broke away for an hour, that you may have him back forever,
29958 I Paul am writing with my own hand: I will pay it back-not to be telling you that, besides, you owe…
30172 "But my righteous one will live by reason of faith," and, "if he shrinks back, my soul has no pleas…
30173 Now we are not the sort that shrink back to destruction, but the sort that have faith to the preser…
30374 My brothers, if anyone among YOU is misled from the truth and another turns him back,
30375 know that he who turns a sinner back from the error of his way will save his soul from death and wi…
30434 not paying back injury for injury or reviling for reviling, but, to the contrary, bestowing a bless…
30505 Certainly if God did not hold back from punishing the angels that sinned, but, by throwing them int…
30506 and he did not hold back from punishing an ancient world, but kept Noah, a preacher of righteousnes…