Lines Matching refs:Te

291 And Na'hor lived on for twenty-nine years. Then he became father to Te'rah.
292 And after his fathering Te'rah Na'hor continued to live a hundred and nineteen years. Meanwhile he …
293 And Te'rah lived on for seventy years, after which he became father to A'bram, Na'hor and Ha'ran.
294 And this is the history of Te'rah.Te'rah became father to A'bram, Na'hor and Ha'ran; and Ha'ran bec…
295 Later Ha'ran died while in company with Te'rah his father in the land of his birth, in Ur of the Ch…
298 After that Te'rah took A'bram his son and Lot, the son of Ha'ran, his grandson, and Sar'ai his daug…
299 And the days of Te'rah came to be two hundred and five years. Then Te'rah died in Ha'ran.
572 There was his concubine too, whose name was Reu'mah. In time she herself also gave birth to Te'bah …
674 Ha'dad and Te'ma, Je'tur, Na'phish and Ked'e·mah.
1052 And the sons of El'i·phaz came to be Te'man, O'mar, Ze'pho and Ga'tam and Ke'naz.
1056 These are the sheiks of the sons of E'sau: The sons of El'i·phaz, E'sau's firstborn: Sheik Te'man, …
1075 When Jo'bab died, Hu'sham from the land of the Te'man·ites began to reign instead of him.
1083 sheik Ke'naz, sheik Te'man, sheik Mib'zar,
4788 After that they pulled away from Ta'hath and went camping in Te'rah.
4789 Then they pulled away from Te'rah and went camping in Mith'kah.
6227 Ziph and Te'lem and Be·a'loth,
6479 …n the other side of the River that YOUR forefathers dwelt a long time ago, Te'rah the father of Ab…
7565 Accordingly Saul summoned the people and took the count of them in Te·la'im, two hundred thousand m…
7939 … the A·mal'ek·ites; for they were inhabiting the land that [extended] from Te'lam as far as Shur a…
8359 Accordingly Jo'ab sent to Te·ko'a and took from there a wise woman and said to her: "Go in mourning…
8361 And the Te·ko'ite woman proceeded to come in to the king and fall upon her face to the earth and pr…
8366 At this the Te·ko'ite woman said to the king: "Upon me, O my lord the king, be the error, and also …
8680 He'lez the Pal'tite, I'ra the son of Ik'kesh the Te·ko'ite,
10279 Se'rug,Na'hor,Te'rah,
10283 Mish'ma and Du'mah, Mas'sa, Ha'dad and Te'ma,
10289 The sons of El'i·phaz were Te'man and O'mar, Ze'pho and Ga'tam, Ke'naz and Tim'na and Am'a·lek.
10298 Eventually Jo'bab died, and Hu'sham from the land of the Te'man·ites began to reign in place of him.
10306 sheik Ke'naz, sheik Te'man, sheik Mib'zar,
10331 …'ra·thah, with A·bi'jah being the wife of Hez'ron, she then bore him Ash'hur the father of Te·ko'a.
10391 And Ash'hur the father of Te·ko'a came to have two wives, He'lah and Na'a·rah.
10392 In time Na'a·rah bore to him A·huz'zam and He'pher and Te'me·ni and Ha·a·hash'ta·ri. These were the…
10398 Esh'ton, in turn, became father to Beth-ra'pha and Pa·se'ah and Te·hin'nah the father of Ir-na'hash…
10561 And there was Re'phah his son, and Re'sheph, and Te'lah his son, and Ta'han his son,
10702 I'ra the son of Ik'kesh the Te·ko'ite, Abi-e'zer the An'a·thoth·ite,
11119 The sixth for the sixth month was I'ra the son of Ik'kesh the Te·ko'ite, and in his division there …
11421 Thus he rebuilt Beth'le·hem and E'tam and Te·ko'a,
11608 And they proceeded to rise early in the morning and go out to the wilderness of Te·ko'a. And as the…
12081 the sons of Bar'kos, the sons of Sis'e·ra, the sons of Te'mah,
12277 and of the singers, E·li'a·shib; and of the gatekeepers, Shal'lum and Te'lem and U'ri.
12333 And at their side the Te·ko'ites did repair work; but their majestic ones themselves did not bring …
12355 After them the Te·ko'ites repaired another measured section, from in front of the great protruding …
12476 the sons of Bar'kos, the sons of Sis'e·ra, the sons of Te'mah,
12741 …ng A·has·u·e'rus at his royal house in the tenth month, that is, the month Te'beth, in the seventh…
12746 In those days while Mor'de·cai was sitting in the king's gate, Big'than and Te'resh, two court offi…
12796 At length there was found written what Mor'de·cai had reported concerning Big·tha'na and Te'resh, t…
12903 …im, and they proceeded to come, each one from his own place, El'i·phaz the Te'man·ite and Bil'dad …
12932 And El'i·phaz the Te'man·ite proceeded to reply and say:
12998 The caravans of Te'ma have looked,The traveling company of Sa·be'ans have waited for them.
13205 And El'i·phaz the Te'man·ite proceeded to answer and say:
13391 And El'i·phaz the Te'man·ite proceeded to answer and say:
13930 … spoken these words to Job, that Jehovah proceeded to say to El'i·phaz the Te'man·ite:"My anger ha…
13932 Accordingly El'i·phaz the Te'man·ite and Bil'dad the Shu'hite [and] Zo'phar the Na'a·ma·thite went …
18050 To meet the thirsty one BRING water. O YOU inhabitants of the land of Te'ma, confront the one fleei…
19091 Take shelter, O YOU sons of Benjamin, from the midst of Jerusalem; and in Te·ko'a blow the horn. An…
19558 and De'dan and Te'ma and Buz and all those with hair clipped at the temples;
20135 For E'dom this is what Jehovah of armies has said: "Is there no longer any wisdom in Te'man? Has co…
20148 …E'dom, and his thoughts that he has thought out against the inhabitants of Te'man: Surely the litt…
21097 …rom it man and domestic animal, and I will make it a devastated place from Te'man, even to De'dan.…
21223 And in Te·haph'ne·hes the day will actually grow dark, when I break there the yoke bars of Egypt. A…
22366 The words of A'mos, who happened to be among the sheep raisers from Te·ko'a, which he visioned conc…
22377 And I will send a fire into Te'man, and it must devour the dwelling towers of Boz'rah.'
22520 And your mighty men must become terrified, O Te'man, for the reason that each one will be cut off f…
22772 God himself proceeded to come from Te'man, even a Holy One from Mount Pa'ran. Se'lah.His dignity co…
25060 [son] of Jacob,[son] of Isaac,[son] of Abraham,[son] of Te'rah,[son] of Na'hor,