Lines Matching refs:Or

2114 Or if it was known that a bull was in the habit of goring formerly but its owner would not keep it …
2833 "'Or when a soul touches some unclean thing, whether the dead body of an unclean wild beast or the …
2834 Or in case he touches the uncleanness of a man as respects any uncleanness of his with which he may…
2835 "'Or in case a soul swears to the extent of speaking thoughtlessly with his lips to do evil or to d…
3069 Or in case the living flesh goes back and it does change to white, he must then come to the priest.
3077 "Or in case there comes to be a scar in the skin of the flesh from the fire, and the raw flesh of t…
3519 Or his uncle or the son of his uncle may buy him back, or any blood relative of his flesh, one of h…
4047 Will flocks and herds be slaughtered for them, for it to be adequate for them? Or will all the fish…
4160 Or for a ram you should render up a grain offering of two tenths of fine flour, moistened with a th…
5039 Or did God attempt to come to take a nation to himself out of the midst of another nation with prov…
7132 Later the men took wives for themselves, Mo'ab·ite women. The name of the one was Or'pah, and the n…
7142 At that they raised their voices and wept some more, after which Or'pah kissed her mother-in-law. A…
9369 … concerned with a matter, and he has excrement and has to go to the privy. Or maybe he is asleep a…
9454 …y my house; and let me give you in place of it a vineyard better than it. [Or] if it is good in yo…
9458 …oth the Jez're·el·ite and say to him, 'Do give me your vineyard for money. Or, if you prefer, let …
10950 …hand drop." And Jehovah's angel was standing close by the threshing floor of Or'nan the Jeb'u·site.
10953 …at David should go up to erect an altar to Jehovah on the threshing floor of Or'nan the Jeb'u·site.
10955 Meantime, Or'nan turned back and saw the angel; and his four sons with him were hiding themselves. …
10956 So David came as far as Or'nan. When Or'nan looked and saw David, he immediately went out of the th…
10957 Then David said to Or'nan: "Do give me the place of the threshing floor, that I may build in it an …
10958 But Or'nan said to David: "Take it as your own, and let my lord the king do what is good in his own…
10959 However, King David said to Or'nan: "No, but without fail I shall make the purchase for the money i…
10960 So David gave Or'nan for the place gold shekels to the weight of six hundred.
10963 At that time, when David saw that Jehovah had answered him at the threshing floor of Or'nan the Jeb…
11231 …d his father, in the place that David had prepared on the threshing floor of Or'nan the Jeb'u·site.
12920 Or with princes who have gold,Those who fill their houses with silver;
12921 Or, like a hidden miscarriage, I should not come to be,Like children that have seen no light.
12948 'Mortal man-can he be more just than God himself?Or can able-bodied man be cleaner than his own Mak…
12984 Will a zebra cry out over grass,Or a bull low over its fodder?
12985 Will tasteless things be eaten without salt,Or is there any taste in the slimy juice of marshmallow?
12991 Is my power the power of stones?Or is my flesh of copper?
13001 Is it because I have said, 'GIVE me [something],Or from some of the power of YOU men make a present…
13009 Is there unrighteousness on my tongue,Or does my own palate not discern adversity?
13033 Will God himself pervert judgment,Or will the Almighty himself pervert righteousness?
13091 Do you have eyes of flesh,Or is it as a mortal man sees that you see?
13092 Are your days like the days of mortal man,Or your years just like the days of an able-bodied man,
13111 "Will a multitude of words go unanswered,Or will a mere boaster be in the right?
13116 Can you find out the deep things of God,Or can you find out to the very limit of the Almighty?
13137 Or show your concern to the earth, and it will instruct you;And the fishes of the sea will declare …
13162 Will YOU be treating him with partiality,Or for the [true] God will YOU contend at law?
13163 Would it be good that he sound YOU out?Or as one trifles with mortal man will YOU trifle with him?
13176 Either call that I myself may answer;Or may I speak, and you return me answer.
13179 Will you make a mere leaf driven about quiver,Or keep chasing after mere dry stubble?
13206 "Will a wise person himself answer with windy knowledge,Or will he fill his belly with the east win…
13211 Were you the very first man to be born,Or before the hills were you brought forth with labor pains?
13215 Are the consolations of God not enough for you,Or a word [spoken] gently with you?
13218 What is mortal man that he should be clean,Or that anyone born of a woman should be in the right?
13242 Is there an end to windy words?Or what galls you, that you answer?
13281 He is tearing his soul to pieces in his anger.For your sake will the earth be abandoned,Or a rock m…
13360 As for me, is my concern [expressed] to man?Or why is it that my spirit does not get impatient?
13393 Does the Almighty have any delight in that you are righteous,Or any gain in that you make your way …
13401 Or darkness, [so that] you cannot see,And a heaving mass of water itself covers you.
13466 So how can mortal man be in the right before God,Or how can one born of a woman be clean?
13492 Or in the Almighty will he find exquisite delight?Will he call to God at all times?
13591 And what portion is there from God above,Or inheritance from the Almighty from on high?
13596 If my stepping deviates from the way,Or my heart has walked merely after my eyes,Or any defect has …
13608 If I used to see anyone perishing from having no garment,Or that the poor one had no covering;
13613 If I have put gold as my confidence,Or to gold I have said, 'You are my trust!'
13615 If I used to see the light when it would flash forth,Or the precious moon walking along,
13618 If I used to rejoice at the extinction of one intensely hating me,Or I felt excited because evil ha…
13623 Because I would suffer a shock at a large crowd,Or the contempt itself of families would terrorize …
13624 … to me,That according to my signature the Almighty himself would answer me!Or that the individual …
13728 If you are really in the right, what do you give him,Or what does he receive from your own hand?
13790 Should it be related to him that I would speak?Or has any man said that it will be communicated?
13799 Who set its measurements, in case you know,Or who stretched out upon it the measuring line?
13800 Into what have its socket pedestals been sunk down,Or who laid its cornerstone,
13810 Have you come to the sources of the sea,Or in search of the watery deep have you walked about?
13811 Have the gates of death been uncovered to you,Or the gates of deep shadow can you see?
13816 Have you entered into the storehouses of the snow,Or do you see even the storehouses of the hail,
13822 Does there exist a father for the rain,Or who gave birth to the dewdrops?
13825 Can you tie fast the bonds of the Ki'mah constellation,Or can you loosen the very cords of the Ke's…
13827 Have you come to know the statutes of the heavens,Or could you put its authority in the earth?
13830 Who put wisdom in the cloud layers,Or who gave understanding to the sky phenomenon?
13831 Who can exactly number the clouds in wisdom,Or the water jars of heaven-who can tip [them] over,
13834 When they crouch in the hiding places,[Or] keep lying in the covert for an ambush?
13837 Do you count the lunar months that they fulfill,Or have you come to know the appointed time that th…
13844 Does a wild bull want to serve you,Or will it spend the night by your manger?
13845 Will you bind a wild bull fast with its ropes in the furrow,Or will it harrow low plains after you?
13848 Has the wing of the female ostrich flapped joyously,Or [has she] the pinions of a stork and the plu…
13862 Or is it at your order that an eagle flies upwardAnd that it builds its nest high up,
13874 Or do you have an arm like that of the [true] God,And with a voice like his can you make it thunder?
13890 "Can you draw out Le·vi'a·than with a fishhook,Or with a rope can you hold down its tongue?
13891 Can you put a rush in its nostrils,Or with a thorn can you bore its jaws?
13892 Will it make many entreaties to you,Or will it say soft words to you?
13894 Will you play with it as with a bird,Or will you tie it for your young girls?
13896 Will you fill its skin with harpoons,Or its head with fish spears?
14000 If I have repaid the one rewarding me with what is bad,Or [if] I have despoiled anyone showing host…
14592 If we have forgotten the name of our God,Or we spread out our palms to a strange god,
15103 Has God forgotten to be favorable,Or has he shut off his mercies in anger? Se'lah.
15134 …orrents themselves might flood forth."Is he able also to give bread itself,Or can he prepare suste…
15319 For those who are dead will you do a marvel?Or will those impotent in death themselves arise,Will t…
15321 Will a marvel by you be known in the darkness itself,Or your righteousness in the land of oblivion?
15381 Before the mountains themselves were born,Or you proceeded to bring forth as with labor pains the e…
15441 The One planting the ear, can he not hear?Or the One forming the eye, can he not look?
15654 Who can utter the mighty performances of Jehovah,[Or] can make all his praise to be heard?
16301 O hurry, answer me, O Jehovah.My spirit has come to an end.Do not conceal your face from me,Or else…
16569 Or can a man walk upon the coals and his feet themselves not be scorched?
18159 As with the stroke of one striking him does one have to strike him? Or as with the slaughter of his…
18474 …hey were-do tell, that we may apply our heart and know the future of them. Or cause us to hear eve…
18515 …l groups be gathered together. Who is there among them that can tell this? Or can they cause us to…
18664 … is the divorce certificate of the mother of YOU people, whom I sent away? Or which one of my cred…
18931 …ings like these? Will a land be brought forth with labor pains in one day? Or will a nation be bor…
18932 "As for me, shall I cause the breaking through and not cause the giving birth?" says Jehovah. "Or a…
19068 "Should I not take an accounting because of these very things?" is the utterance of Jehovah. "Or up…
19173 …f the daughter of my people from a land far away: "Is Jehovah not in Zion? Or is her king not in h…
19176 Is there no balsam in Gil'e·ad? Or is there no healer there? Why is it, then, that the recuperation…
19185 … should I not hold an accounting with them?" is the utterance of Jehovah. "Or upon a nation that i…
19399 Will the snow of Leb'a·non go away from the rock of the open field? Or will strange waters, cool, t…
19509 "Or can any man be concealed in places of concealment and I myself not see him?" is the utterance o…
20108 "'And did not Israel become a mere object of ridicule to you? Or was he found among outright thieve…
20259 Or otherwise YOUR heart will be timid, and YOU will become afraid because of the report that is to …
20353 …d the women keep eating their own fruitage, the children born fully formed,Or in the sanctuary of …
20747 "'Or if I should make injurious wild beasts pass through the land and they actually bereaved it of …
20749 "'Or were it a sword that I should bring upon that land, and should I actually say: "Let a sword it…
20751 "'Or were it pestilence that I should send upon that land and should I actually pour out my rage up…
20758 Is there taken from it a pole with which to do some work? Or do people take from it a peg on which …
20955 …rpened; for the purpose of its getting a glitter it has been polished.'"'""Or shall we exult?""'Is…
22516 …would you have been silenced? Would they not steal as much as they wanted? Or if it were grape gat…
23321 Or how can you say to your brother, 'Allow me to extract the straw from your eye'; when, look! a ra…
23327 Or, perhaps, he will ask for a fish-he will not hand him a serpent, will he?
23495 Or, have YOU not read in the Law that on the sabbaths the priests in the temple treat the sabbath a…
23519 Or how can anyone invade the house of a strong man and seize his movable goods, unless first he bin…
23683 Or the seven loaves in the case of the four thousand and how many provision baskets YOU took up?
23808 Is it not lawful for me to do what I want with my own things? Or is your eye wicked because I am go…
24108 Or do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father to supply me at this moment more than twelve legi…
25418 Or if he also asks for an egg, will hand him a scorpion?
25523 Or those eighteen upon whom the tower in Si·lo'am fell, thereby killing them, do YOU imagine that t…
25585 Or what king, marching to meet another king in war, does not first sit down and take counsel whethe…
25597 "Or what woman with ten drachma coins, if she loses one drachma coin, does not light a lamp and swe…
27166 …h is my footstool. What sort of house will YOU build for me? Jehovah says. Or what is the place fo…
27790 Or, let the [men] here say for themselves what wrong they found as I stood before the San'he·drin,
27967 Or do you despise the riches of his kindness and forbearance and long-suffering, because you do not…
28021 Or is he the God of the Jews only? Is he not also of people of the nations? Yes, of people of the n…
28072 Or do YOU not know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?
28245 Or, "Who has first given to him, so that it must be repaid to him?"
28291 But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you also look down on your brother? For we shall all s…
28377 The Christ exists divided. Paul was not impaled for YOU, was he? Or were YOU baptized in the name o…
28470 Or do YOU not know that the holy ones will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by YOU…
28504 For, wife, how do you know but that you will save [your] husband? Or, husband, how do you know but …
28547 Or is it only Bar'na·bas and I that do not have authority to refrain from [secular] work?
28548 …r at his own expense? Who plants a vineyard and does not eat of its fruit? Or who shepherds a floc…
28549 Am I speaking these things by human standards? Or does not the Law also say these things?
28551 Or is it altogether for our sakes he says it? Really for our sakes it was written, because the man …
28590 Or "are we inciting Jehovah to jealousy"? We are not stronger than he is, are we?
28623 Certainly YOU do have houses for eating and drinking, do YOU not? Or do YOU despise the congregatio…
28818 Well, when I had such an intention, I did not indulge in any lightness, did I? Or what things I pur…
28843 Are we starting again to recommend ourselves? Or do we, perhaps, like some men, need letters of rec…
28913 …th unbelievers. For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what sharing does li…
28914 Further, what harmony is there between Christ and Be'li·al? Or what portion does a faithful person …
28997 Or did I commit a sin by humbling myself that YOU might be exalted, because without cost I gladly d…
29049 Keep testing whether YOU are in the faith, keep proving what YOU yourselves are. Or do YOU not reco…
29068 Is it, in fact, men I am now trying to persuade or God? Or am I seeking to please men? If I were ye…
30343 Or does it seem to YOU that the scripture says to no purpose: "It is with a tendency to envy that t…