Lines Matching refs:Im

1404 And the sons of Ash'er were Im'nah and Ish'vah and Ish'vi and Be·ri'ah, and there was Se'rah their …
4534 The sons of Ash'er by their families were: Of Im'nah the family of the Im'nites; of Ish'vi the fami…
9489 …e does not prophesy good things concerning me but bad-Mi·cai'ah the son of Im'lah." However, Je·ho…
9490 …of Israel called a certain court official and said: "Do bring Mi·cai'ah the son of Im'lah quickly."
10566 The sons of Ash'er were Im'nah and Ish'vah and Ish'vi and Be·ri'ah; and Se'rah was their sister.
10571 And the sons of He'lem his brother were Zo'phah and Im'na and She'lesh and A'mal.
10572 The sons of Zo'phah were Su'ah and Har'ne·pher and Shu'al and Be'ri and Im'rah,
10620 U'thai the son of Am·mi'hud the son of Om'ri the son of Im'ri the son of Ba'ni, of the sons of Pe'r…
10628 … Ad'i·el the son of Jah'ze·rah the son of Me·shul'lam the son of Me·shil'le·mith the son of Im'mer,
11030 for Bil'gah the fifteenth, for Im'mer the sixteenth,
11550 …g me, not for good, but, all his days, for bad. He is Mi·cai'ah the son of Im'lah." However, Je·ho…
11551 Accordingly the king of Israel called a court official and said: "Bring Mi·cai'ah the son of Im'lah…
11869 And Ko're the son of Im'nah the Levite was the gatekeeper to the east, in charge of the voluntary o…
12065 the sons of Im'mer, a thousand and fifty-two;
12087 And these were the ones going up from Tel-me'lah, Tel-har'sha, Che'rub, Ad'don [and] Im'mer, and th…
12273 And of the sons of Im'mer there were Ha·na'ni and Zeb·a·di'ah;
12330 And at their side the men of Jer'i·cho did building. And at their side Zac'cur the son of Im'ri did…
12357 After them Za'dok the son of Im'mer did repair work in front of his own house.And after him She·mai…
12461 the sons of Im'mer, a thousand and fifty-two;
12482 And these were the ones going up from Tel-me'lah, Tel-har'sha, Che'rub, Ad'don and Im'mer, and they…
12602 … and A·mash'sai the son of Az'ar·el the son of Ah'zai the son of Me·shil'le·moth the son of Im'mer,
17797 …ecome pregnant, and she is giving birth to a son, and she will certainly call his name Im·man'u·el.
17816 …ach. And the outspreading of his wings must occur to fill the breadth of your land, O Im·man'u·el!"
19424 Now Pash'hur the son of Im'mer, the priest, who was also the leading commissioner in the house of J…
23168 "Look! The virgin will become pregnant and will give birth to a son, and they will call his name Im