Lines Matching refs:find

193 And the dove did not find any resting-place for the sole of its foot, and so it returned to him int…
451 Then Jehovah said: "If I shall find in Sod'om fifty righteous men in the midst of the city I will p…
453 …he whole city to ruin?" To this he said: "I shall not bring it to ruin if I find there forty-five."
455 …king: Suppose thirty are found there." In turn he said: "I shall not do it if I find thirty there."
469 …om the least to the greatest, so that they were wearing themselves out trying to find the entrance.
845 Now Reu'ben went walking in the days of the wheat harvest and got to find mandrakes in the field. S…
906 Whoever it is with whom you may find your gods, let him not live. Before our brothers, examine for …
907 …o the tent of Le'ah and into the tent of the two slave girls, but did not find them. Finally he we…
908 …d she kept sitting upon them. So La'ban went feeling through the whole tent, but did not find them.
909 …customary thing with women is upon me." So he searched on carefully, but did not find the teraphim.
934 … and maidservants, and I would like to send to notify my lord, that I may find favor in your eyes.…
969 …ll this camp of travelers that I have met?" To this he said: "In order to find favor in the eyes o…
976 …l some of the people who are with me." To this he said: "Why this? Let me find favor in the eyes o…
992 Then She'chem said to her father and to her brothers: "Let me find favor in YOUR eyes, and whatever…
1000 and the young man did not delay to perform the condition, because he did find delight in Jacob's da…
1171 …with Joseph and kept extending loving-kindness to him and granting him to find favor in the eyes o…
1359 …e boy along with me, for fear that then I may look upon the calamity that will find out my father?"
1446 Consequently they said: "You have preserved our lives. Let us find favor in the eyes of my lord, an…
1559 Further, his sister stationed herself at a distance to find out what would be done with him.
1644 YOU yourselves go, get straw for yourselves wherever YOU may find it, because there is to be no red…
1943 …he wilderness of Shur and marched on for three days in the wilderness, but they did not find water.
1973 Then Moses said: "Eat it today, because today is a sabbath to Jehovah. Today YOU will not find it i…
2487 …make me know, please, your ways, that I may know you, in order that I may find favor in your eyes.…
2853 or he does find something lost and is actually deceptive about it and does swear falsely over any o…
3496 And in case anyone proves to have no repurchaser and his own hand does make gain and he does find e…
3498 "'But if his hand does not find enough to give back to him, what he sold must also continue in the …
4873 and the avenger of blood does find him outside the boundary of his city of refuge, and the avenger …
5034 "If YOU do look for Jehovah your God from there, you will also certainly find him, because you will…
5485 … is the woman I have taken, and I proceeded to go near her, and I did not find evidence of virgini…
5527 … make her his possession as a wife, it must also occur that if she should find no favor in his eye…
5769 He came to find him in a wilderness land,And in an empty, howling desert.He began to encircle him, …
5892 …rs had come back. Now the pursuers were looking for them on every road, and they did not find them.
6654 'Ought they not to find, ought they not to distribute spoil,A womb-two wombs to every able-bodied m…
6989 …m the city of Beth'le·hem in Judah to reside for a time wherever he might find a place. At length …
6990 …te from Beth'le·hem in Judah, and I am on my way to reside for a time wherever I may find a place."
7117 …they had preserved alive from the women of Ja'besh-gil'e·ad; but they did not find enough for them.
7137 May Jehovah make a gift to YOU, and do YOU find a resting-place each one in the house of her husban…
7152 …among the ears of grain following after whoever it is in whose eyes I may find favor." So she said…
7163 To this she said: "Let me find favor in your eyes, my lord, because you have comforted me and becau…
7231 To this she said: "Let your maidservant find favor in your eyes." And the woman proceeded to go on …
7396find [them]. And they went passing on through the land of Sha'a·lim, but they were not [there]. An…
7405find him before he goes up to the high place to eat; because the people may not eat until his comi…
7421 On your going away from me today you will certainly find two men close by the tomb of Rachel in the…
7500 And now your kingdom will not last. Jehovah will certainly find for himself a man agreeable to his …
7752 And, look! I shall send the attendant, [saying,] 'Go, find the arrows.' If I should specifically sa…
7767 And he proceeded to say to his attendant: "Run, please, find the arrows that I am shooting." The at…
7828 And he went on to say to him: "Do not be afraid; for the hand of Saul my father will not find you, …
7870 … my young men may find favor in your eyes, because it was upon a good day that we came. Just give,…
7990 And they got to find a man, an Egyptian, in the field. So they took him to David and gave him bread…
8018 …ext day that, when the Phi·lis'tines came to strip the slain, they got to find Saul and his three …
8090 … father, to his brothers and his personal friends, and I have not let you find yourself in the han…
8415 But the king said to Za'dok: "Take the ark of the [true] God back to the city. If I shall find favo…
8431 …belongs to Me·phib'o·sheth." Upon that Zi'ba said: "I do bow down. Let me find favor in your eyes,…
8470 …n from here to the waters." Then they kept on searching, and they did not find them and so returne…
8561 …e the servants of your lord and chase after him, that he may not actually find for himself fortifi…
9128 And Ha'dad continued to find favor in the eyes of Phar'aoh, so much that he gave him a wife, the si…
9138 … went out from Jerusalem, and A·hi'jah the Shi'lo·nite the prophet got to find him on the road, an…
9199 And he went following the man of the [true] God and got to find him sitting under the big tree. The…
9347 …o all the springs of water and to all the torrent valleys. Perhaps we may find green grass, that w…
9352 …ad said, 'He is not [here],' he made the kingdom and the nation swear that they could not find you.
9354 …re I shall not know; and I shall have come to tell A'hab, and he will not find you, and he will be…
9445 …e you down." After that he went away from beside him, and the lion got to find him and strike him …
9446 And he went on to find another man and to say: "Strike me, please." So the man struck him, striking…
9569 …: "Send." They now sent fifty men; and they kept looking for three days, but they did not find him.
9643 Accordingly a certain one went out to the field to pick mallows, and he got to find a wild vine and…
9778 … his own war chariot. As they continued on out to meet Je'hu, they got to find him in the tract of…
9792 When they went to bury her, they did not find anything of her but the skull and the feet and the pa…
9988 However, the king of As·syr'i·a got to find conspiracy in Ho·she'a's case, in that he had sent mess…
10668 …ext day that, when the Phi·lis'tines came to strip the slain, they got to find Saul and his sons f…
11604 …. There they are coming up by the pass of Ziz; and YOU will be certain to find them at the end of …
11613 So Je·hosh'a·phat and his people came to plunder the spoil on them, and they got to find among them…
11653 … as Je'hu had entered into controversy with the house of A'hab, he got to find the princes of Juda…
11880 …f the land, saying: "Why should the kings of As·syr'i·a come and actually find a great deal of wat…
12090 …or their register to establish their genealogy publicly, and they did not find themselves, so that…
12126 that there may be an investigation of the book of records of your ancestors. Then you will find in …
12190 with all the silver and the gold that you find in all the jurisdictional district of Babylon along …
12217 …that I might scrutinize the people and the priests, but none of the sons of Le'vi did I find there.
12391 …others, and must they be sold to us?" At this they became speechless, and they did not find a word.
12682 And I got to find out that the very portions of the Levites had not been given [them], so that the …
12683 And I began to find fault with the deputy rulers and say: "Why has the house of the [true] God been…
12689 So I began to find fault with the nobles of Judah and say to them: "What is this bad thing that YOU…
12697 And I began to find fault with them and call down evil upon them and strike some men of them and pu…
12824 For how can I [bear it] when I must look upon the calamity that will find my people, and how can I …
12927 Those who are rejoicing to gleefulness,They exult because they find a burial place.
13055 If he should find delight in contending with him,He cannot answer him once out of a thousand.
13093 That you should try to find my errorAnd for my sin you should keep looking?
13116 Can you find out the deep things of God,Or can you find out to the very limit of the Almighty?
13157 However, I, for my part, would speak to the Almighty himself,And in arguing with God I would find d…
13271 However, YOU men may all of YOU resume. So come on, please,As I do not find anyone wise among YOU.
13335 Like a dream he will fly off, and they will not find him;And he will be chased away like a vision o…
13416 For then in the Almighty you will find your exquisite delight,And you will raise your face to God h…
13423 O that I really knew where I might find him!I would come clear to his fixed place.
13492 Or in the Almighty will he find exquisite delight?Will he call to God at all times?
13506 "Indeed, for silver there exists a place to find itAnd a place for gold that they refine;
13968 … be for insult,[While] YOU keep loving empty things,[While] YOU keep seeking to find a lie? Se'lah.
14057 Break the arm of the wicked and bad one.May you search after his wickedness [until] you find no mor…
14200 Your hand will find all your enemies;Your own right hand will find those hating you.
14294 …oncerning you my heart has said: "Seek to find my face, YOU people."Your face, O Jehovah, I shall …
14403 Turn away from what is bad, and do what is good;Seek to find peace, and pursue it.<H<
14441 For he has acted too smoothly to himself in his own eyesTo find out his error so as to hate [it].
14462 But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth,And they will indeed find their exquisite delig…
14708 … delight in sacrifice-otherwise I would give [it];In whole burnt offering you do not find pleasure.
15704 They wandered about in the wilderness, in the desert;They did not find any way to a city of habitat…
15951 I have remembered your judicial decisions from time indefinite, O Jehovah,And I find comfort for my…
16157 Until I find a place for Jehovah,A grand tabernacle for the Powerful One of Jacob."
16362 Not in the mightiness of the horse does he take delight,Nor in the legs of the man does he find ple…
16414 Let us find all sorts of precious valuables. Let us fill our houses with spoil.
16429 … keep calling me, but I shall not answer; they will keep looking for me, but they will not find me,
16439 in that case you will understand the fear of Jehovah, and you will find the very knowledge of God.
16460 and so find favor and good insight in the eyes of God and of earthling man.
16574 A plague and dishonor he will find, and his reproach itself will not be wiped out.
16591 That is why I have come out to meet you, to look for your face, that I may find you.
16615 "I, wisdom, I have resided with shrewdness and I find even the knowledge of thinking abilities.
16620 Those loving me I myself love, and those looking for me are the ones that find me.
16638 For the one finding me will certainly find life, and gets goodwill from Jehovah.
16779 The ridiculer has sought to find wisdom, and there is none; but to the understanding one knowledge …
16861 He that is showing insight in a matter will find good, and happy is he that is trusting in Jehovah.
16894 He that is crooked at heart will not find good, and he that is turned around in his tongue will fal…
16917 The heart of the understanding one acquires knowledge, and the ear of wise ones seeks to find knowl…
16934 He that is acquiring heart is loving his own soul. He that is guarding discernment is going to find
16961 A multitude of men will proclaim each one his own loving-kindness, but a faithful man who can find?
17006 He that is pursuing righteousness and loving-kindness will find life, righteousness and glory.
17220 He that is reproving a man will afterward find more favor than he will that is flattering with his …
17295 A capable wife who can find? Her value is far more than that of corals.<H<">H> [Behth]
17371 …e. Even time indefinite he has put in their heart, that mankind may never find out the work that t…
17454 What has come to be is far off and exceedingly deep. Who can find it out?
17457 "See! This I have found," said the congregator, "one thing [taken] after another, to find out the s…
17476find out the work that has been done under the sun; however much mankind keep working hard to seek…
17515 Send out your bread upon the surface of the waters, for in the course of many days you will find it…
17534 The congregator sought to find the delightful words and the writing of correct words of truth.
17573 …ring the nights I have sought the one whom my soul has loved. I sought him, but I did not find him.
17574 …he public squares let me seek the one whom my soul has loved. I sought him, but I did not find him.
17605 …very soul had gone out [of me] when he spoke. I sought him, but I did not find him. I called him, …
17607 "I have put YOU under oath, O daughters of Jerusalem, that, if YOU find my dear one, YOU should tel…
17642 "O that you were like a brother of mine, sucking the breasts of my mother! Should I find you outsid…
18318 …o its companion. Yes, there the nightjar will certainly take its ease and find for itself a restin…
18464 You will search for them, but you will not find them, those men in a struggle with you. They will b…
18675 "Listen to me, YOU people who are pursuing after righteousness, YOU who are seeking to find Jehovah…
18743 …isfaction? Listen intently to me, and eat what is good, and let YOUR soul find its exquisite delig…
18801 you will in that case find your exquisite delight in Jehovah, and I will make you ride upon the hig…
18990 …l those who are looking for her will not go tiring themselves out. In her month they will find her.
19060 …, and know, and seek for yourselves in her public squares whether YOU can find a man, whether ther…
19106 …he roadways of long ago, where, now, the good way is; and walk in it, and find ease for YOUR souls…
19220 …nts of the earth on this occasion, and I will cause them distress in order that they may find out."
19649 "'And YOU will actually seek me and find [me], for YOU will search for me with all YOUR heart.
20504 And he proceeded to say to me: "Son of man, what you find, eat. Eat this roll, and go, speak to the…
21318 …ed one YOU have not brought back, and the lost one YOU have not sought to find, but with harshness…
21320 … of the earth my sheep were scattered, with no one making a search and with no one seeking to find.
21600 …erings of YOU people and YOUR communion sacrifices; and I shall certainly find pleasure in YOU,' i…
21758 …and] understanding that the king inquired about from them, he even got to find them ten times bett…
21910 …eeking to find some pretext against Daniel respecting the kingdom; but there was no pretext or cor…
21911 … these able-bodied men were saying: "We shall find in this Daniel no pretext at all, except we hav…
22112 …th thorns; and I will heap up a stone wall against her, so that her own roadways she will not find.
22113 …not overtake them; and she will certainly look for them, but she will not find [them]. And she wil…
22159 … their herd they proceeded to go and look for Jehovah, but they could not find [him]. He had drawn…
22257 …d. He wept, that he might implore favor for himself."At Beth'el He got to find him, and there He b…
22261 …ve found valuable things for myself. As regards all my toiling, they will find, on my part, no err…
22446 But if YOU people offer up to me whole burnt offerings, even in YOUR gift offerings I shall find no…
22494 …. They will keep roving about while searching for the word of Jehovah, but they will not find [it].
22509 …; and the mountains must drip with sweet wine, and the very hills will all find themselves melting.
23035 … the land,' is the utterance of Jehovah. 'So here I am causing mankind to find themselves, each on…
23098 …: "It is nothing bad."'""Bring it near, please, to your governor. Will he find pleasure in you, or…
23324 "Keep on asking, and it will be given YOU; keep on seeking, and YOU will find; keep on knocking, an…
23457 He that finds his soul will lose it, and he that loses his soul for my sake will find it.
23489 …nd learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and YOU will find refreshment for YOU…
23572 …f the vegetables and becomes a tree, so that the birds of heaven come and find lodging among its b…
23698 For whoever wants to save his soul will lose it; but whoever loses his soul for my sake will find i…
23728 … and take the first fish coming up and, when you open its mouth, you will find a stater coin. Take…
23741 And if he happens to find it, I certainly tell YOU, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-n…
23829 …UR way into the village that is within sight of YOU, and YOU will at once find an ass tied, and a …
23882 Therefore go to the roads leading out of the city, and anyone YOU find invite to the marriage feast…
24356 … and produces great branches, so that the birds of the heaven are able to find lodging under its s…
24643 …age that is within sight of YOU, and as soon as YOU pass into it YOU will find a colt tied, on whi…
24654 …f a fig tree that had leaves, and he went to see whether he would perhaps find something on it. Bu…
24754 in order that when he arrives suddenly, he does not find YOU sleeping.
24986 And this is a sign for YOU: YOU will find an infant bound in cloth bands and lying in a manger."
25154 …hing him closely to see whether he would cure on the sabbath, in order to find some way to accuse …
25314 … go into the villages and countryside round about and procure lodging and find provisions, because…
25415 …, Keep on asking, and it will be given YOU; keep on seeking, and YOU will find; keep on knocking, …
25697 … them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of man arrives, will he really find the faith on the ea…
25762 saying: "Go into the village that is within sight of YOU, and in it after YOU pass in YOU will find
25780 and yet they did not find the effective thing for them to do, for the people one and all kept hangi…
25940 Then Pilate said to the chief priests and the crowds: "I find no crime in this man."
25995 and when they entered they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.
26015 but did not find his body and they came saying they had also seen a supernatural sight of angels, w…
26363 YOU will look for me, but YOU will not find me, and where I am YOU cannot come."
26364 …ong themselves: "Where does this [man] intend going, so that we shall not find him? He does not in…
26365 What does this saying mean that he said, 'YOU will look for me, but YOU will not find me, and where…
26491 I am the door; whoever enters through me will be saved, and he will go in and out and find pasturag…
26824 …th?"And after saying this, he went out again to the Jews and said to them: "I find no fault in him.
26830 …nd said to them: "See! I bring him outside to YOU in order for YOU to know I find no fault in him."
26832 …m]!" Pilate said to them: "Take him yourselves and impale him, for I do not find any fault in him."
26905 He said to them: "Cast the net on the right side of the boat and YOU will find [some]." Then they c…
27044 So, when they had further threatened them, they released them, since they did not find any ground o…
27082 But when the officers got there they did not find them in the prison. So they returned and made rep…
27530 When they did not find them they dragged Ja'son and certain brothers to the city rulers, crying out…
27551 for them to seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not…
27744 …he party of the Pharisees rose and began contending fiercely, saying: "We find nothing wrong in th…
27778 From him you yourself can by examination find out about all these things of which we are accusing h…
27781 as you are in a position to find out that for me it has not been more than twelve days since I went…
28113 I find, then, this law in my case: that when I wish to do what is right, what is bad is present wit…
28175 You will therefore say to me: "Why does he yet find fault? For who has withstood his express will?"
28953 Thus we are avoiding having any man find fault with us in connection with this liberal contribution…
28961 Otherwise, in some way, if Mac·e·do'ni·ans should come with me and find YOU not ready, we-not to sa…
29043 For I am afraid that somehow, when I arrive, I may find YOU not as I could wish and I may prove to …
29828 May the Lord grant him to find mercy from Jehovah in that day. And all the services he rendered in …
30031 …speech to the throne of undeserved kindness, that we may obtain mercy and find undeserved kindness…
30101 for he does find fault with the people when he says: "'Look! There are days coming,' says Jehovah, …
30847 And in those days the men will seek death but will by no means find it, and they will desire to die…
31008 …ainty things and the gorgeous things have perished from you, and never again will people find them.