Lines Matching refs:e

246 Out of that land he went forth into As·syr'i·a and set himself to building Nin'e·veh and Re·ho'both…
247 and Re'sen between Nin'e·veh and Ca'lah: this is the great city.
339 …d'om, and with Bir'sha king of Go·mor'rah, Shi'nab king of Ad'mah, and Shem·e'ber king of Ze·boi'i…
355 And Mel·chiz'e·dek king of Sa'lem brought out bread and wine, and he was priest of the Most High Go…
363 … that I am going childless and the one who will possess my house is a man of Damascus, E·li·e'zer?"
498 And Abraham repeated concerning Sarah his wife: "She is my sister." With that A·bim'e·lech king of …
499 Afterward God came to A·bim'e·lech in a dream by night and said to him: "Here you are as good as de…
500 However, A·bim'e·lech had not gone near her. Hence he said: "Jehovah, will you kill a nation that i…
504 So A·bim'e·lech got up early in the morning and proceeded to call all his servants and to speak of …
505 Then A·bim'e·lech called Abraham and said to him: "What have you done to us, and what sin have I co…
506 And A·bim'e·lech went on to say to Abraham: "What did you have in view in that you have done this t…
510 Following that A·bim'e·lech took sheep and cattle and menservants and maidservants and gave them to…
511 Further A·bim'e·lech said: "Here my land is available to you. Dwell where it is good in your eyes."
513 And Abraham began to make supplication to the [true] God; and God proceeded to heal A·bim'e·lech an…
514 For Jehovah had tightly shut up every womb of the house of A·bim'e·lech because of Sarah, Abraham's…
536 Now it came about at that time that A·bim'e·lech together with Phi'col the chief of his army said t…
539 When Abraham criticized A·bim'e·lech severely as regards the well of water that the servants of A·b…
540 then A·bim'e·lech said: "I do not know who did this thing, neither did you yourself tell it to me, …
541 With that Abraham took sheep and cattle and gave them to A·bim'e·lech, and both of them proceeded t…
543 A·bim'e·lech went on to say to Abraham: "What is the meaning here of these seven female lambs that …
546 So they concluded a covenant at Be'er-she'ba, after which A·bim'e·lech got up together with Phi'col…
674 Ha'dad and Te'ma, Je'tur, Na'phish and Ked'e·mah.
694 …at occurred in the days of Abraham, so that Isaac directed himself to A·bim'e·lech, king of the Ph…
701 So it came about that as his days there extended themselves A·bim'e·lech, king of the Phi·lis'tines…
702 At once A·bim'e·lech called Isaac and said: "Why, she is no other than your wife! So how is it that…
703 But A·bim'e·lech continued: "What is this you have done to us? A little more and certainly one of t…
704 Then A·bim'e·lech commanded all the people, saying: "Anybody touching this man and his wife will su…
709 Finally A·bim'e·lech said to Isaac: "Move from our neighborhood, because you have grown far stronge…
719 Later on A·bim'e·lech came to him from Ge'rar with A·huz'zath his confidential friend and Phi'col t…
727 … years old. Then he took as wife Ju'dith the daughter of Be·e'ri the Hit'tite and also Bas'e·math …
829 …listened, in that I was hated and so he gave me also this one." Hence she called his name Sim'e·on.
895 …he River, he and all he had. After that he directed his face to the mountainous region of Gil'e·ad.
897 …for a distance of seven days' journey and caught up with him in the mountainous region of Gil'e·ad.
899 …is tent in the mountain and La'ban had encamped his brothers in the mountainous region of Gil'e·ad.
921 And La'ban began calling it Je'gar-sa·ha·du'tha, but Jacob called it Gal'e·ed.
922 …to say: "This heap is a witness between me and you today." That is why he called its name Gal'e·ed,
1006 …at on the third day, when they got to be aching, the two sons of Jacob, Sim'e·on and Le'vi, brothe…
1011 At this Jacob said to Sim'e·on and to Le'vi: "YOU have brought ostracism upon me in making me a ste…
1035 The sons by Le'ah were Jacob's firstborn Reu'ben and Sim'e·on and Le'vi and Judah and Is'sa·char an…
1043 …n the Hit'tite and O·hol·i·ba'mah the daughter of A'nah, the granddaughter of Zib'e·on the Hi'vite,
1044 and Bas'e·math, Ish'ma·el's daughter, the sister of Ne·ba'ioth.
1045 And A'dah proceeded to bear El'i·phaz to E'sau, and Bas'e·math bore Reu'el,
1051 …ons of E'sau: El'i·phaz the son of A'dah, E'sau's wife; Reu'el the son of Bas'e·math, E'sau's wife.
1054 …l: Na'hath and Ze'rah, Sham'mah and Miz'zah. These came to be the sons of Bas'e·math, E'sau's wife.
1055 And these came to be the sons of O·hol·i·ba'mah the daughter of A'nah, the granddaughter of Zib'e·o…
1058 …hese are the sheiks of Reu'el in the land of E'dom. These are the sons by Bas'e·math, E'sau's wife.
1061 These are the sons of Se'ir the Hor'ite, the inhabitants of the land: Lo'tan and Sho'bal and Zib'e·…
1065 …e sons of Zib'e·on: A'iah and A'nah. This is the A'nah who found the hot springs in the wilderness…
1070 These are the sheiks of the Hor'ite: Sheik Lo'tan, sheik Sho'bal, sheik Zib'e·on, sheik A'nah,
1109 … a look, why, here was a caravan of Ish'ma·el·ites that was coming from Gil'e·ad, and their camels…
1241 After that Phar'aoh called Joseph's name Zaph'e·nath-pa·ne'ah and gave him As'e·nath the daughter o…
1246 And before the year of the famine arrived there were born to Joseph two sons, whom As'e·nath the da…
1277 … and began to weep. Then he returned to them and spoke to them and took Sim'e·on from them and bou…
1289 Then Jacob their father exclaimed to them: "It is I YOU have bereaved! Joseph is no more and Sim'e·…
1314 …OU treasure in YOUR bags. YOUR money came first to me." After that he brought out Sim'e·on to them.
1397 And the sons of Sim'e·on were Jem·u'el and Ja'min and O'had and Ja'chin and Zo'har and Sha'ul the s…
1407 And there came to be born to Joseph in the land of Egypt Ma·nas'seh and E'phra·im, whom As'e·nath t…
1432 …sion in the land of Egypt, in the very best of the land, in the land of Ram'e·ses, just as Phar'ao…
1457 …you into Egypt, they are mine. E'phra·im and Ma·nas'seh will become mine like Reu'ben and Sim'e·on.
1479 "Sim'e·on and Le'vi are brothers. Instruments of violence are their slaughter weapons.
1535 Reu'ben, Sim'e·on, Le'vi and Judah,
1671 … of Sim'e·on were Jem·u'el and Ja'min and O'had and Ja'chin and Zo'har and Sha'ul the son of a Ca'…
1673 The sons of Ger'shon were Lib'ni and Shim'e·i, according to their families.
1676 Now Am'ram took Joch'e·bed his father's sister as his wife. Later she bore him Aaron and Moses. And…
1679 …e sister of Nah'shon, as his wife. Later she bore him Na'dab and A·bi'hu, El·e·a'zar and Ith'a·mar.
1681 And El·e·a'zar, Aaron's son, took for himself one of the daughters of Pu'ti·el as his wife. Later s…
1854 And the sons of Israel proceeded to depart from Ram'e·ses for Suc'coth, to the number of six hundre…
1984 Now an omer is a tenth of an e'phah measure.
2004 and the name of the other was E·li·e'zer, "because," to quote him, "the God of my father is my help…
2295 …ns of Israel that he may act as priest to me, Aaron, Na'dab and A·bi'hu, El·e·a'zar and Ith'a·mar,…
2377 And a tenth part of an e'phah measure of fine flour moistened with the fourth of a hin of beaten oi…
2842 … he must bring as his offering for the sin he has committed the tenth of an e'phah of fine flour f…
2870 …y will present to Jehovah on the day of his being anointed: the tenth of an e'phah of fine flour a…
2984 Subsequently Moses said to Aaron and to El·e·a'zar and Ith'a·mar his [other] sons: "Do not let YOUR…
2990 Then Moses spoke to Aaron and to El·e·a'zar and Ith'a·mar, his sons that were left: "Take the grain…
2994 … sin offering, and, look! it had been burned up. So he grew indignant at El·e·a'zar and Ith'a·mar,…
3122 …g rams and one sound female lamb, in its first year, and three tenths of an e'phah of fine flour a…
3133 … for a wave offering in order to make atonement for him and one tenth of an e'phah of fine flour m…
3318 YOU should prove to have accurate scales, accurate weights, an accurate e'phah and an accurate hin.…
3416 and as its grain offering two tenths of an e'phah of fine flour moistened with oil, as an offering …
3420 Out of YOUR dwelling places YOU should bring two loaves as a wave offering. Of two tenths of an e'p…
3452 "And you must take fine flour and bake it up into twelve ring-shaped cakes. Two tenths of an e'phah…
3610 And these are the names of the men who will stand with YOU: Of Reu'ben, E·li'zur the son of Shed'e·…
3611 of Sim'e·on, She·lu'mi·el the son of Zu·ri·shad'dai;
3616 of Benjamin, Ab'i·dan the son of Gid·e·o'ni;
3617 of Dan, A·hi·e'zer the son of Am·mi·shad'dai;
3627 Of the sons of Sim'e·on, their births according to their families in the house of their fathers, th…
3628 those registered of them of the tribe of Sim'e·on were fifty-nine thousand three hundred.
3669 … south in their armies, and the chieftain for the sons of Reu'ben is E·li'zur the son of Shed'e·ur.
3671 … those camping alongside him will be the tribe of Sim'e·on, and the chieftain for the sons of Sim'
3681 And the tribe of Benjamin; and the chieftain for the sons of Benjamin is Ab'i·dan the son of Gid·e·…
3684 …rd the north in their armies, and the chieftain for the sons of Dan is A·hi·e'zer the son of Am·mi…
3695 And these were the names of Aaron's sons: the firstborn Na'dab and A·bi'hu, El·e·a'zar and Ith'a·ma…
3697 …in the wilderness of Si'nai; and they did not come to have any sons. But El·e·a'zar and Ith'a·mar …
3711 Now these were the names of the sons of Ger'shon by their families: Lib'ni and Shim'e·i.
3714 Of Ger'shon there were the family of the Lib'nites and the family of the Shim'e·ites. These were th…
3725 And the chieftain of the chieftains of the Levites was El·e·a'zar the son of Aaron the priest, who …
3760 "And the oversight of El·e·a'zar the son of Aaron the priest is over the oil of the luminary and th…
3808 …his wife to the priest and bring her offering along with her, a tenth of an e'phah of barley flour…
3881 On the fourth day there was the chieftain for the sons of Reu'ben, E·li'zur the son of Shed'e·ur.
3886 … he-goats, five male lambs each a year old. This was the offering of E·li'zur the son of Shed'e·ur.
3887 On the fifth day there was the chieftain for the sons of Sim'e·on, She·lu'mi·el the son of Zu·ri·sh…
3911 On the ninth day there was the chieftain for the sons of Benjamin, Ab'i·dan the son of Gid·e·o'ni.
3916 …he-goats, five male lambs each a year old. This was the offering of Ab'i·dan the son of Gid·e·o'ni.
3917 On the tenth day there was the chieftain for the sons of Dan, A·hi·e'zer the son of Am·mi·shad'dai.
3922 …ve he-goats, five male lambs each a year old. This was the offering of A·hi·e'zer the son of Am·mi…
4007 …e camp of Reu'ben pulled away in their armies, and E·li'zur the son of Shed'e·ur was over its army.
4008 And over the army of the tribe of the sons of Sim'e·on there was She·lu'mi·el the son of Zu·ri·shad…
4013 And over the army of the tribe of the sons of Benjamin there was Ab'i·dan the son of Gid·e·o'ni.
4014 … away as forming the rear guard for all the camps in their armies, and A·hi·e'zer the son of Am·mi…
4028 And the name of that place got to be called Tab'e·rah, because a fire of Jehovah had blazed against…
4081 of the tribe of Sim'e·on, Sha'phat the son of Ho'ri;
4158 … must also present to Jehovah a grain offering of fine flour, a tenth of an e'phah, moistened with…
4232 "Say to El·e·a'zar the son of Aaron the priest that he should take up the fire holders from within …
4234 Accordingly El·e·a'zar the priest took the copper fire holders, which those who had been burned up …
4293 And YOU must give it to El·e·a'zar the priest, and he must lead it forth outside the camp, and it m…
4294 Then El·e·a'zar the priest must take some of its blood with his finger and spatter some of its bloo…
4337 Take Aaron and El·e·a'zar his son and bring them up into Mount Hor.
4338 And strip Aaron of his garments, and you must clothe with them El·e·a'zar his son; and Aaron will b…
4340 … garments and clothed El·e·a'zar his son with them, after which Aaron died there on the top of the…
4371 …m.Hesh'bon will certainly perish up to Di'bon,And the women up to No'phah, the men up to Med'e·ba."
4479 When Phin'e·has the son of El·e·a'zar the son of Aaron the priest caught sight of it, he at once go…
4483 "Phin'e·has the son of El·e·a'zar the son of Aaron the priest has turned back my wrath from upon th…
4486 … Mid'i·an·i·tess was Zim'ri the son of Sa'lu, a chieftain of a paternal house of the Sim'e·on·ites.
4491 And it came about after the scourge, that Jehovah went on to say this to Moses and El·e·a'zar the s…
4493 And Moses and El·e·a'zar the priest proceeded to speak with them in the desert plains of Mo'ab by t…
4502 The sons of Sim'e·on by their families: Of Nem'u·el the family of the Nem'u·el·ites; of Ja'min the …
4504 These were the families of the Sim'e·on·ites: twenty-two thousand two hundred.
4510 … Of She'lah the family of the She·la'nites; of Pe'rez the family of the Per'e·zites; of Ze'rah the…
4516 The sons of Zeb'u·lun by their families were: Of Se'red the family of the Ser'e·dites; of E'lon the…
4519 …y of the Ma'chir·ites. And Ma'chir became father to Gil'e·ad. Of Gil'e·ad the family of the Gil'e·…
4520 These were the sons of Gil'e·ad: Of Ie'zer the family of the Ie'zer·ites; of He'lek the family of t…
4549 And the name of Am'ram's wife was Joch'e·bed, Le'vi's daughter, whom his wife bore to Le'vi in Egyp…
4550 Then there were born to Aaron Na'dab and A·bi'hu, El·e·a'zar and Ith'a·mar.
4553 These were the ones registered by Moses and El·e·a'zar the priest when they registered the sons of …
4556 Then the daughters of Ze·lo'phe·had the son of He'pher the son of Gil'e·ad the son of Ma'chir the s…
4557 And they proceeded to stand before Moses and before El·e·a'zar the priest and before the chieftains…
4574 and you must stand him before El·e·a'zar the priest and before all the assembly, and you must commi…
4576 And it is before El·e·a'zar the priest that he will stand, and he must inquire in his behalf by the…
4577 …hovah had commanded him. Accordingly he took Joshua and stood him before El·e·a'zar the priest and…
4583 together with the tenth of an e'phah of fine flour as a grain offering moistened with the fourth of…
4671 …nt them out, a thousand of each tribe, to the army, them and Phin'e·has the son of El·e·a'zar the …
4677 And they came bringing to Moses and El·e·a'zar the priest and to the assembly of the sons of Israel…
4678 Then Moses and El·e·a'zar the priest and all the chieftains of the assembly went out to meet them o…
4686 El·e·a'zar the priest then said to the men of the army who had gone into the battle: "This is the s…
4691 "Take the sum of the booty, the captives both of humankind and of domestic animals, you and El·e·a'…
4694 From their half YOU should take it and you must give it to El·e·a'zar the priest as Jehovah's contr…
4696 And Moses and El·e·a'zar the priest went doing just as Jehovah had commanded Moses.
4706 Then Moses gave the tax as Jehovah's contribution to El·e·a'zar the priest, just as Jehovah had com…
4716 Accordingly Moses and El·e·a'zar the priest accepted the gold from them, all the jewelry.
4719 So Moses and El·e·a'zar the priest accepted the gold from the chiefs of the thousands and of the hu…
4720 …many, in fact. And they began to see the land of Ja'zer and the land of Gil'e·ad, and, look! the p…
4721 Hence the sons of Gad and the sons of Reu'ben came and said this to Moses and El·e·a'zar the priest…
4745 …s, our wives, our livestock and all our domestic animals will stay there in the cities of Gil'e·ad,
4747 Accordingly Moses gave a command respecting them to El·e·a'zar the priest and to Joshua the son of …
4748 … land is actually subdued before YOU, YOU must then give them the land of Gil'e·ad as a possession.
4758 And the sons of Ma'chir the son of Ma·nas'seh proceeded to march to Gil'e·ad and to capture it and …
4759 So Moses gave Gil'e·ad to Ma'chir the son of Ma·nas'seh, and he took up dwelling in it.
4764 And they proceeded to pull away from Ram'e·ses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the firs…
4766 So the sons of Israel pulled away from Ram'e·ses and went camping in Suc'coth.
4792 Then they pulled away from Mo·se'roth and went camping in Ben'e-ja'a·kan.
4793 After that they pulled away from Ben'e-ja'a·kan and went camping in Hor-hag·gid'gad.
4826 And the boundary must go out to Ziph'ron, and its termination must prove to be Ha'zar-e'nan. This w…
4827 "'Then YOU must mark for yourselves as YOUR boundary on the east from Ha'zar-e'nan to She'pham.
4834 "These are the names of the men who will divide the land to YOU people for a possession, El·e·a'zar…
4837 and of the tribe of the sons of Sim'e·on, She·mu'el the son of Am·mi'hud;
4881 And the heads of the fathers of the family of the sons of Gil'e·ad the son of Ma'chir the son of Ma…
4965 "Then I sent messengers from the wilderness of Ked'e·moth to Si'hon the king of Hesh'bon with words…
4975 …valley of Ar'non, and the city that is in the torrent valley, as far as Gil'e·ad, there proved to …
4986 all the cities of the tableland and all Gil'e·ad and all Ba'shan as far as Sal'e·cah and Ed're·i, t…
4988 … by the torrent valley of Ar'non, and half of the mountainous region of Gil'e·ad, and its cities I…
4989 And the rest of Gil'e·ad and all Ba'shan of the kingdom of Og I have given to the half tribe of Ma·…
4991 And to Ma'chir I have given Gil'e·ad.
4992 And to the Reu'ben·ites and the Gad'ites I have given from Gil'e·ad to the torrent valley of Ar'non…
5048 namely, Be'zer in the wilderness on the tableland for the Reu'ben·ites, and Ra'moth in Gil'e·ad for…
5180 "Further, at Tab'e·rah and at Mas'sah and at Kib'roth-hat·ta'a·vah YOU proved yourselves provokers …
5193 …ael pulled away from Be·er'oth Ben'e-ja'a·kan for Mo·se'rah. There Aaron died, and he got to be bu…
5562 You must not come to have in your house two sorts of e'phahs, a great one and a small one.
5563 A weight accurate and just you should continue to have. An e'phah accurate and just you should cont…
5598 …o bless the people on Mount Ger'i·zim when YOU have crossed the Jordan: Sim'e·on and Le'vi and Jud…
5841 …, which fronts toward Jer'i·cho. And Jehovah went showing him all the land, Gil'e·ad as far as Dan,
5910 … They rose up as one dam very far away at Adam, the city at the side of Zar'e·than, while those de…
5938 Accordingly Joshua made flint knives for himself and circumcised the sons of Israel at Gib'e·ath-ha…
6041 And the inhabitants of Gib'e·on heard what Joshua had done to Jer'i·cho and A'i.
6055 …ed out and came to their cities on the third day, and their cities were Gib'e·on and Che·phi'rah a…
6066 …s king, so he had done to A'i and its king, and that the inhabitants of Gib'e·on had made peace wi…
6067 he became very much afraid, because Gib'e·on was a great city, like one of the royal cities, and be…
6069 "Come up to me and help me and let us strike Gib'e·on, because it has made peace with Joshua and th…
6070 …f Eg'lon, these and all their camps, and they proceeded to camp against Gib'e·on and to war agains…
6071 Upon that the men of Gib'e·on sent to Joshua at the camp at Gil'gal, saying: "Do not let your hand …
6075 …on before Israel, and they began to slay them with a great slaughter at Gib'e·on and went pursuing…
6077 …nd he went on to say before the eyes of Israel:"Sun, be motionless over Gib'e·on,And, moon, over t…
6106 …a went striking them from Ka'desh-bar'ne·a to Ga'za and all the land of Go'shen and up to Gib'e·on.
6127 …ity that made peace with the sons of Israel but the Hi'vites inhabiting Gib'e·on. All the others t…
6133 …ent valley of Ar'non, and the middle of the torrent valley, and half of Gil'e·ad as far as Jab'bok…
6136 …t Her'mon and in Sal'e·cah and in all Ba'shan, as far as the boundary of the Gesh'ur·ites and the …
6164 …ty that is in the middle of the torrent valley, and all the tableland of Med'e·ba as far as Di'bon;
6166 and Gil'e·ad and the territory of the Gesh'ur·ites and the Ma·ac'a·thites and all of Mount Her'mon …
6171 …r'non, and the city that is in the middle of the torrent valley, and all the tableland by Med'e·ba;
6173 and Ja'haz and Ked'e·moth and Meph'a·ath,
6180 and their territory came to be Ja'zer and all the cities of Gil'e·ad and half of the land of the so…
6186 And half of Gil'e·ad, and Ash'ta·roth and Ed're·i, the cities of the royal realm of Og in Ba'shan, …
6189 … of Israel took as a hereditary possession in the land of Ca'naan, which El·e·a'zar the priest and…
6239 and Sha'a·ra'im and Ad·i·tha'im and Ge·de'rah and Ged·e·ro·tha'im; fourteen cities and their settle…
6260 Ka'in, Gib'e·ah and Tim'nah; ten cities and their settlements.
6277 … firstborn of Ma·nas'seh, the father of Gil'e·ad, because he was one who proved to be a man of war…
6278 …nas'seh who were left over according to their families, for the sons of Abi-e'zer and the sons of …
6279 As for Ze·lo'phe·had the son of He'pher, the son of Gil'e·ad, the son of Ma'chir, the son of Ma·nas…
6280 So they presented themselves before El·e·a'zar the priest and Joshua the son of Nun and the chiefta…
6281 And there were ten allotments falling to Ma·nas'seh apart from the land of Gil'e·ad and Ba'shan, wh…
6282 …'seh came into an inheritance in the midst of his sons; and the land of Gil'e·ad became the proper…
6319 Gib'e·on and Ra'mah and Be·er'oth,
6322 and Ze'lah, Ha-e'leph and Je·bu'si, that is to say, Jerusalem, Gib'e·ah and Kir'i·ath; fourteen cit…
6323 Then the second lot came out for Sim'e·on, for the tribe of the sons of Sim'e·on by their families.…
6330 …'mah of the south. This was the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Sim'e·on by their families.
6331 …Sim'e·on was out of the allotment of the sons of Judah, because the share of the sons of Judah pro…
6333 And their boundary went up westward also to Mar'e·al and reached to Dab'be·sheth and reached to the…
6334 …the rising of the sun to the border of Chis'loth-ta'bor and went out to Dab'e·rath and went up to …
6349 …and reached to Zeb'u·lun and the valley of Iph'tah-el to the north, to Beth-e'mek and Ne·i'el, and…
6367 and Je'hud and Ben'e-be'rak and Gath-rim'mon,
6373 These were the inheritances that El·e·a'zar the priest and Joshua the son of Nun and the heads of t…
6381 …wilderness on the tableland out of the tribe of Reu'ben, and Ra'moth in Gil'e·ad out of the tribe …
6383 The heads of the fathers of the Levites now approached El·e·a'zar the priest and Joshua the son of …
6386 … Levites, by lot, out of the tribe of Judah and out of the tribe of the Sim'e·on·ites and out of t…
6391 So out of the tribe of the sons of Judah and out of the tribe of the sons of Sim'e·on they gave the…
6399 And out of the tribe of Benjamin, Gib'e·on and its pasture ground, Ge'ba and its pasture ground,
6410 And out of the tribe of Is'sa·char, Kish'i·on and its pasture ground, Dab'e·rath and its pasture gr…
6419 Ked'e·moth and its pasture ground, and Meph'a·ath and its pasture ground; four cities.
6420 And out of the tribe of Gad, the city of refuge for the manslayer, namely, Ra'moth in Gil'e·ad, and…
6436 …om Shi'loh, which is in the land of Ca'naan, so as to go to the land of Gil'e·ad, to the land of t…
6440 …s of Gad and the half tribe of Ma·nas'seh in the land of Gil'e·ad Phin'e·has the son of El·e·a'zar…
6442 …ben and the sons of Gad and the half tribe of Ma·nas'seh in the land of Gil'e·ad and began to spea…
6457 Now when Phin'e·has the priest and the chieftains of the assembly and the heads of the thousands of…
6458 So Phin'e·has the son of El·e·a'zar the priest said to the sons of Reu'ben and the sons of Gad and …
6459 …that Phin'e·has the son of El·e·a'zar the priest and the chieftains returned from the sons of Reu'…
6510 Also, El·e·a'zar the son of Aaron died. So they buried him in the Hill of Phin'e·has his son, which…
6513e·on his brother: "Come up with me into my lot and let us fight against the Ca'naan·ites, and I my…
6527 But Judah marched on with Sim'e·on his brother, and they proceeded to strike the Ca'naan·ites inhab…
6602 …e king of Ca'naan, who reigned in Ha'zor; and the chief of his army was Sis'e·ra, and he was dwell…
6607 And I shall certainly draw to you at the torrent valley of Ki'shon Sis'e·ra the chief of Ja'bin's a…
6609 …e going, for it will be into the hand of a woman that Jehovah will sell Sis'e·ra." With that Deb'o…
6612 Then they reported to Sis'e·ra that Ba'rak the son of A·bin'o·am had gone up to Mount Ta'bor.
6613 At once Sis'e·ra called together all his war chariots, the nine hundred war chariots with iron scyt…
6614 Deb'o·rah now said to Ba'rak: "Get up, for this is the day that Jehovah will certainly give Sis'e·r…
6615 …began to throw Sis'e·ra and all his war chariots and all the camp into confusion by the edge of th…
6616 … the camp as far as Ha·ro'sheth of the nations, so that all the camp of Sis'e·ra fell by the edge …
6617 As for Sis'e·ra, he fled on foot to the tent of Ja'el the wife of He'ber the Ken'ite, for there was…
6618 Then Ja'el came on out to meet Sis'e·ra and said to him: "Turn this way, my lord, turn this way to …
6622e·ra. Ja'el now came on out to meet him and said to him: "Come and I shall show you the man you ar…
6641 Gil'e·ad kept to his residence on the other side of the Jordan;And Dan, why did he continue to dwel…
6644 From heaven did the stars fight,From their orbits they fought against Sis'e·ra.
6650 …t out,And her right hand to the mallet of hard workers.And she hammered Sis'e·ra, she pierced his …
6652 From the window a woman looked out and kept watching for him,The mother of Sis'e·ra from the lattic…
6654 …poil,A womb-two wombs to every able-bodied man,Spoil of dyed stuffs for Sis'e·ra, spoil of dyed st…
6666 …ee that was in Oph'rah, which belonged to Jo'ash the Abi-ez'rite, while Gid'e·on his son was beati…
6668 At this Gid'e·on said to him: "Excuse me, my lord, but if Jehovah is with us, then why has all this…
6674 And Gid'e·on went in and proceeded to make ready a kid of the goats and an e'phah of flour as unfer…
6677 Consequently Gid'e·on realized that it was Jehovah's angel.At once Gid'e·on said: "Alas, Sovereign …
6679 So Gid'e·on built an altar there to Jehovah, and it continues to be called Je·ho'vah-sha'lom down t…
6682 Accordingly Gid'e·on took ten men of his servants and went doing just as Jehovah had spoken to him;…
6684 …e this thing?" And they went inquiring and seeking. Finally they said: "Gid'e·on the son of Jo'ash…
6689 And Jehovah's spirit enveloped Gid'e·on so that he went blowing the horn, and the Abi-ez'rites got …
6691 Then Gid'e·on said to the [true] God: "If you are saving Israel by means of me, just as you have pr…
6694 However, Gid'e·on said to the [true] God: "Do not let your anger blaze against me, but let me speak…
6696 Then Jer·ub·ba'al, that is to say, Gid'e·on, and all the people who were with him, rose early and t…
6697 Jehovah now said to Gid'e·on: "The people who are with you are too many for me to give Mid'i·an int…
6698 …eople, saying, 'Who is there afraid and trembling? Let him retire.'" So Gid'e·on put them to the p…
6699 Still Jehovah said to Gid'e·on: "There are yet too many people. Have them go down to the water that…
6700 So he had the people go down to the water.Then Jehovah said to Gid'e·on: "Every one that laps up so…
6702 Jehovah now said to Gid'e·on: "By the three hundred men who did the lapping I shall save YOU people…
6708 Gid'e·on now came, and, look! there was a man relating a dream to his companion, and he went on to …
6709 At this his companion answered and said: "This is nothing else but the sword of Gid'e·on the son of…
6710 And it came about that as soon as Gid'e·on heard the relating of the dream and its explanation, he …
6713 …t blow the horns, YOU too, round about all the camp, and YOU must say, 'Jehovah's and Gid'e·on's!'"
6714 In time Gid'e·on came with the hundred men who were with him to the edge of the camp at the start o…
6715 …right hand on the horns to blow them, and they began calling out: "Jehovah's sword and Gid'e·on's!"
6717 … camp; and the camp kept up their flight as far as Beth-shit'tah, on to Zer'e·rah, as far as the o…
6719 And Gid'e·on sent messengers into all the mountainous region of E'phra·im, saying: "Go down to meet…
6720 …suing Mid'i·an, and they brought the head of O'reb and that of Ze'eb to Gid'e·on in the region of …
6722 …mparison with YOU? Are not the gleanings of E'phra·im better than the grape gathering of Abi-e'zer?
6724 Eventually Gid'e·on came to the Jordan, crossing it, he and the three hundred men that were with hi…
6727 At this Gid'e·on said: "That is why when Jehovah gives Ze'bah and Zal·mun'na into my hand, I shall …
6731 And Gid'e·on continued on up by the way of those residing in tents to the east of No'bah and Jog'be…
6733 And Gid'e·on the son of Jo'ash began his return from the war by the pass that goes up to He'res.
6741 …elf and assault us, for as a man is, so is his mightiness." Accordingly Gid'e·on got up and killed…
6742 Later the men of Israel said to Gid'e·on: "Rule over us, you and your son and your grandson as well…
6743 But Gid'e·on said to them: "I myself shall not rule over YOU, nor will my son rule over YOU. Jehova…
6744 And Gid'e·on went on to say to them: "Let me make a request of YOU: Give me, each one of YOU, the n…
6747e·on proceeded to make it into an eph'od and to exhibit it in his city Oph'rah; and all Israel beg…
6748 …heir head anymore; and the land had no further disturbance for forty years in the days of Gid'e·on.
6750 And Gid'e·on came to have seventy sons that issued out of his upper thigh, for he came to have many…
6751 As for the concubine of his that was in She'chem, she too bore him a son. So he named him A·bim'e·l…
6752 Eventually Gid'e·on the son of Jo'ash died at a good old age and was buried in the burial place of …
6753 And it came about that as soon as Gid'e·on had died the sons of Israel again took up having immoral…
6755 and they did not exercise loving-kindness toward the household of Jer·ub·ba'al, Gid'e·on, in return…
6756 In time A·bim'e·lech the son of Jer·ub·ba'al went to She'chem to the brothers of his mother and beg…
6758 …of all the landowners of She'chem so that their heart inclined toward A·bim'e·lech, for they said:…
6759 Then they gave him seventy pieces of silver from the house of Ba'al-be'rith, and with them A·bim'e·…
6761 …'chem and all the house of Mil'lo gathered together and went and made A·bim'e·lech reign as king, …
6771 …uth and in faultlessness that YOU have acted and that YOU went making A·bim'e·lech king, and if it…
6773 …t kill his sons, seventy men, upon one stone, and that YOU might make A·bim'e·lech, the son of his…
6774 …ve acted toward Jer·ub·ba'al and his household this day, rejoice over A·bim'e·lech and let him too…
6775e·lech and consume the landowners of She'chem and the house of Mil'lo, and let fire come out of th…
6776 …g off and made his way to Be'er, and he took up dwelling there because of A·bim'e·lech his brother.
6777 And A·bim'e·lech kept playing the prince over Israel three years.
6778 …irit between A·bim'e·lech and the landowners of She'chem, and the landowners of She'chem proceeded…
6779 …ons of Jer·ub·ba'al might come and that he might put their blood upon A·bim'e·lech their brother b…
6780 …ey would rob everyone that would pass by them on the road. In time it was reported to A·bim'e·lech.
6782 …ich they went into the house of their god and ate and drank and called down evil upon A·bim'e·lech.
6783 And Ga'al the son of E'bed went on to say: "Who is A·bim'e·lech, and who is She'chem that we should…
6784 … this people were in my hand! Then I would remove A·bim'e·lech." And he went on to say to A·bim'e·…
6786 So he sent messengers by subterfuge to A·bim'e·lech, saying: "Look! Ga'al the son of E'bed and his …
6789 Accordingly A·bim'e·lech and all the people that were with him rose up by night, and they began to …
6790 Later Ga'al the son of E'bed went out and stood at the entrance of the city gate. Then A·bim'e·lech…
6792 …n out of the center of the land, and one band is coming by the way of the big tree of Me·on'e·nim."
6793 At this Ze'bul said to him: "Where now is that saying of yours that you mouthed, 'Who is A·bim'e·le…
6794 …l went on out at the head of the landowners of She'chem and took up the fight against A·bim'e·lech.
6795 And A·bim'e·lech set out after him, and he went fleeing before him; and the slain kept falling in n…
6796 And A·bim'e·lech continued to dwell in A·ru'mah, and Ze'bul proceeded to drive Ga'al and his brothe…
6797 …me about on the next day that the people began to go out into the field. So they told A·bim'e·lech.
6799 And A·bim'e·lech and the bands that were with him made a dash that they might stand at the entrance…
6800 And A·bim'e·lech fought against the city all that day and got to capture the city; and he killed th…
6802 Then it was reported to A·bim'e·lech that all the landowners of the tower of She'chem had collected…
6803 At that A·bim'e·lech went up Mount Zal'mon, he and all the people that were with him. A·bim'e·lech …
6804 So all the people cut down also each one a branch for himself and went following A·bim'e·lech. Then…
6805 And A·bim'e·lech proceeded to go to The'bez and to camp against The'bez and capture it.
6807 And A·bim'e·lech made his way to the tower and began fighting against it, and he went on up close t…
6808 Then a certain woman pitched an upper millstone upon A·bim'e·lech's head and broke his skull in pie…
6810 When the men of Israel got to see that A·bim'e·lech had died, they now went each one to his place.
6811 Thus God made the evil of A·bim'e·lech that he had done to his father by killing his seventy brothe…
6813 Now after A·bim'e·lech there rose up to save Israel To'la the son of Pu'ah, the son of Do'do, a man…
6815 Then after him Ja'ir the Gil'e·ad·ite rose up, and he continued to judge Israel for twenty-two year…
6816 …ies. These they continue to call Hav'voth-ja'ir down to this day; they are in the land of Gil'e·ad.
6820 …s of Israel that were on the side of the Jordan in the land of the Am'or·ites that was in Gil'e·ad.
6829 In time the sons of Am'mon were called together and pitched camp in Gil'e·ad. So the sons of Israel…
6830e·ad began to say to one another: "Who is the man that will take the lead in fighting against the …
6831 Now Jeph'thah the Gil'e·ad·ite had become a mighty, valiant man, and he was the son of a prostitute…
6832 And Gil'e·ad's wife kept bearing sons to him. When the sons of the wife got big, they proceeded to …
6835 And it came about that when the sons of Am'mon did fight against Israel, the older men of Gil'e·ad …
6837 But Jeph'thah said to the older men of Gil'e·ad: "Was it not YOU that hated me so that YOU drove me…
6838e·ad said to Jeph'thah: "That is why now we have returned to you, and you must go with us and figh…
6839 So Jeph'thah said to the older men of Gil'e·ad: "If YOU are bringing me back to fight against the s…
6840 In turn the older men of Gil'e·ad said to Jeph'thah: "Let Jehovah prove to be the listener between …
6841 Consequently Jeph'thah went with the older men of Gil'e·ad and the people set him over them as head…
6859 …he proceeded to pass through Gil'e·ad and Ma·nas'seh and to pass through Miz'peh of Gil'e·ad, and …
6870 …f Israel would go to give commendation to the daughter of Jeph'thah the Gil'e·ad·ite, four days in…
6874e·ad together and fought E'phra·im; and the men of Gil'e·ad went striking E'phra·im down, for they…
6875e·ad got to capture the fords of the Jordan ahead of E'phra·im; and it occurred that when the esca…
6877 …Israel for six years, after which Jeph'thah the Gil'e·ad·ite died and was buried in his city in Gi…
6949 …s spirit returned and he revived. That is why he called its name En-hak·kor'e, which is in Le'hi d…
7037 …ty of foreigners who are no part of the sons of Israel; and we have to pass on as far as Gib'e·ah."
7038 …and let us approach one of the places, and we must stay overnight either in Gib'e·ah or in Ra'mah."
7039 So they passed along and kept on their way, and the sun began to set upon them when near to Gib'e·a…
7040 Consequently they turned aside there to go in to stay overnight in Gib'e·ah. And they proceeded to …
7041 … the mountainous region of E'phra·im, and he was residing for a time in Gib'e·ah; but the men of t…
7056 …selves as one man, from Dan down to Be'er-she'ba along with the land of Gil'e·ad, to Jehovah at Mi…
7059 At this the man, the Levite, the husband of the murdered woman, answered and said: "It was to Gib'e
7060 And the landowners of Gib'e·ah proceeded to rise up against me and to surround the house against me…
7064 And now this is the thing that we shall do to Gib'e·ah. Let us go up by lot against it.
7065 …e provisions for the people, that they may take action by going against Gib'e·ah of Benjamin, in v…
7068 And now give over the men, the good-for-nothing men, that are in Gib'e·ah, that we may put them to …
7069 Then the sons of Benjamin went gathering together out of the cities to Gib'e·ah to go out to battle…
7070 …s, twenty-six thousand men drawing sword, apart from the inhabitants of Gib'e·ah, of whom seven hu…
7074 After that the sons of Israel rose up in the morning and camped against Gib'e·ah.
7075 … Benjamin; and the men of Israel proceeded to draw up in battle formation against them at Gib'e·ah.
7076 So the sons of Benjamin came on out from Gib'e·ah and brought twenty-two thousand men in Israel dow…
7080 In turn Benjamin came on out from Gib'e·ah to meet them on the second day and brought a further eig…
7083 Now Phin'e·has the son of El·e·a'zar, the son of Aaron, was standing before it in those days, sayin…
7084 Then Israel set men in ambush against Gib'e·ah all around.
7085 … sons of Benjamin on the third day, and to draw up in formation against Gib'e·ah the same as at th…
7086 …unded on the highways, one of which goes up to Beth'el and the other to Gib'e·ah, in the field, ab…
7088 …ile those of Israel in ambush were making a charge out of their places in the vicinity of Gib'e·ah.
7089 Thus ten thousand chosen men out of all Israel came in front of Gib'e·ah, and the fighting was heav…
7091 …pt giving ground to Benjamin because they trusted in the ambush that they had set against Gib'e·ah.
7092 As for the ambush, they acted quickly and went dashing toward Gib'e·ah. Then the ambush spread out …
7098 …im without a place to rest. They trampled him down directly in front of Gib'e·ah toward the rising…
7111 …ovah at Miz'pah?" And, look! no one had come into the camp from Ja'besh-gil'e·ad to the congregati…
7112 …eople were counted, well, look! there was not a man there from the inhabitants of Ja'besh-gil'e·ad.
7113 …mmand them, saying: "Go, and YOU must strike the inhabitants of Ja'besh-gil'e·ad with the edge of …
7115 However, they found out of the inhabitants of Ja'besh-gil'e·ad four hundred girls, virgins, that ha…
7117 … them the women that they had preserved alive from the women of Ja'besh-gil'e·ad; but they did not…
7130 And the man's name was E·lim'e·lech, and his wife's name Na'o·mi, and the names of his two sons wer…
7131 In time E·lim'e·lech the husband of Na'o·mi died, so that she remained with her two sons.
7151 Now Na'o·mi had a kinsman of her husband, a man mighty in wealth, of the family of E·lim'e·lech, an…
7153 …ce she lighted on the tract of the field belonging to Bo'az, who was of the family of E·lim'e·lech.
7167 …vening, after which she beat out what she had gleaned, and it came to be about an e'phah of barley.
7194 He now said to the repurchaser: "The tract of the field that belonged to our brother E·lim'e·lech, …
7200 …e people: "YOU are witnesses today that I do buy all that belonged to E·lim'e·lech and all that be…
7216 …rmies in Shi'loh. And there is where the two sons of E'li, Hoph'ni and Phin'e·has, were priests to…
7237 … him, she brought him up with her, along with a three-year-old bull and one e'phah of flour and a …
7275 And this is the sign for you that will come to your two sons, Hoph'ni and Phin'e·has: On one day bo…
7299 … meet the Phi·lis'tines in battle; and they took up camping alongside Eb·en·e'zer, and the Phi·lis…
7302 … of E'li were there with the ark of the covenant of the [true] God, namely, Hoph'ni and Phin'e·has.
7309 And the ark of God itself was captured, and the two sons of E'li, Hoph'ni and Phin'e·has, died.
7315 …eat among the people; and also your own two sons have died-Hoph'ni and Phin'e·has-and the very ark…
7317 And his daughter-in-law, the wife of Phin'e·has, was pregnant near to giving birth, and she got to …
7321 As for the Phi·lis'tines, they took the ark of the [true] God and then brought it from Eb·en·e'zer …
7354 …of Jehovah up and took it into the house of A·bin'a·dab on the hill, and El·e·a'zar his son was th…
7365 … and set it between Miz'pah and Jesh'a·nah and began to call its name Eb·en·e'zer. Accordingly he …
7445 As for Saul himself, he went to his home at Gib'e·ah, and the valiant men whose heart God had touch…
7447 And Na'hash the Am'mon·ite proceeded to go up and camp against Ja'besh in Gil'e·ad. At that all the…
7450 In time the messengers came to Gib'e·ah of Saul and spoke the words in the ears of the people, and …
7455 …gers that had come: "This is what YOU will say to the men of Ja'besh in Gil'e·ad, 'Tomorrow salvat…
7470 And they went forgetting Jehovah their God, so that he sold them into the hand of Sis'e·ra the chie…
7488 …inous region of Beth'el, and a thousand proved to be with Jon'a·than at Gib'e·ah of Benjamin, and …
7493 Hebrews even crossed the Jordan to the land of Gad and Gil'e·ad. But Saul himself was yet in Gil'ga…
7501 Then Samuel rose and went his way up from Gil'gal to Gib'e·ah of Benjamin, and Saul proceeded to ta…
7511 And Saul was dwelling at the outskirts of Gib'e·ah under the pomegranate tree that is in Mig'ron; a…
7512 (And A·hi'jah the son of A·hi'tub, the brother of Ich'a·bod, the son of Phin'e·has, the son of E'li…
7525 And the watchmen belonging to Saul in Gib'e·ah of Benjamin got to see it, and, look! the turmoil sw…
7595 Samuel now went his way to Ra'mah, and Saul, for his part, went up to his own house at Gib'e·ah of …
7636 Then Jes'se said to David his son: "Take, please, to your brothers this e'phah of roasted grain and…
7774 Later David came into Nob to A·him'e·lech the priest; and A·him'e·lech began to tremble at meeting …
7775 At this David said to A·him'e·lech the priest: "The king himself commanded me as to a matter, and h…
7781 And David went on to say to A·him'e·lech: "And is there nothing here at your disposal, a spear or a…
7794 …e men that were with him had been discovered, while Saul was sitting in Gib'e·ah under the tamaris…
7797 …s of Saul, answered and said: "I saw the son of Jes'se come to Nob to A·him'e·lech the son of A·hi…
7799 At once the king sent to call A·him'e·lech the son of A·hi'tub the priest and all the house of his …
7802 At this A·him'e·lech answered the king and said: "And who among all your servants is like David, fa…
7804 But the king said: "You will positively die, A·him'e·lech, you with all the house of your father."
7808 However, one son of A·him'e·lech the son of A·hi'tub, whose name was A·bi'a·thar, made his escape a…
7817 Now it came about that when A·bi'a·thar the son of A·him'e·lech ran away to David at Kei'lah, there…
7830 Later the men of Ziph went up to Saul at Gib'e·ah, saying: "Is not David concealing himself close b…
7907 In time the men of Ziph came to Saul at Gib'e·ah, saying: "Is not David concealing himself on the h…
7912 Then David answered and said to A·him'e·lech the Hit'tite and A·bish'ai the son of Ze·ru'iah, the b…
7986 Hence David said to A·bi'a·thar the priest, the son of A·him'e·lech: "Do, please, bring the eph'od …
7993 We were the ones that made a raid on the south of the Cher'e·thites and upon that which belongs to …
8021 And as regards him, the inhabitants of Ja'besh-gil'e·ad got to hear what the Phi·lis'tines had done…
8054 …house of Judah.And they came telling David, saying: "The men of Ja'besh-gil'e·ad were the ones tha…
8055 Hence David sent messengers to the men of Ja'besh-gil'e·ad and said to them: "Blessed may YOU be of…
8059 and to make him king over Gil'e·ad and the Ash'ur·ites and Jez're·el and over E'phra·im and Benjami…
8062 …the son of Ner and the servants of Ish-bo'sheth, Saul's son, went out from Ma·ha·na'im to Gib'e·on.
8063 … servants of David, they went out and later met together by the pool of Gib'e·on; and they kept si…
8066 …hey fell down together. And that place came to be called Hel'kath-haz·zu'rim, which is in Gib'e·on.
8074 …es came to the hill of Am'mah, which is in front of Gi'ah on the way to the wilderness of Gib'e·on.
8085 And his second was Chil'e·ab by Ab'i·gail the wife of Na'bal the Car'mel·ite, and the third was Ab'…
8112 …led Ab'ner over the fact that he had put As'a·hel their brother to death at Gib'e·on in the battle.
8149 and E·lish'a·ma and E·li'a·da and E·liph'e·let.
8160 Then David and all the people that were with him rose up and went to Ba'al·e-ju'dah to bring up fro…
8168 …o him at the City of David. So David had it carried aside to the house of O'bed-e'dom the Git'tite.
8169 …ehovah kept dwelling at the house of O'bed-e'dom the Git'tite three months; and Jehovah kept bless…
8170e'dom and all that is his on account of the ark of the [true] God." At that David proceeded to go …
8213 And David went on to strike down Had·ad·e'zer the son of Re'hob the king of Zo'bah as he was going …
8215 When Syria of Damascus came to help Had·ad·e'zer the king of Zo'bah, David then struck down among t…
8217 Moreover, David took the circular shields of gold that happened to be on the servants of Had·ad·e'z…
8218 And from Be'tah and Be·ro'thai, cities of Had·ad·e'zer, King David took copper in very great quanti…
8219 … the king of Ha'math got to hear that David had struck down all the military force of Had·ad·e'zer.
8220 … him over the fact that he had fought against Had·ad·e'zer so that he struck him down (for Had·ad·
8222 …n and from the Phi·lis'tines and from Am'a·lek and from the spoil of Had·ad·e'zer the son of Re'ho…
8227 And Za'dok the son of A·hi'tub and A·him'e·lech the son of A·bi'a·thar were priests, and Se·rai'ah …
8228 And Be·nai'ah the son of Je·hoi'a·da [was over] the Cher'e·thites and the Pel'e·thites. As for the …
8257e'zer sent and brought out the Syrians that were in the region of the River; and then they came to…
8260 When all the kings, the servants of Had·ad·e'zer, saw that they had been defeated before Israel, th…
8281 Who was it that struck down A·bim'e·lech the son of Je·rub'be·sheth? Was it not a woman that pitche…
8321 Now Am'non had a companion whose name was Je·hon'a·dab, the son of Shim'e·ah, David's brother; and …
8350 However, Je·hon'a·dab the son of Shim'e·ah, David's brother, answered and said: "Do not let my lord…
8408 And all his servants were crossing at his side; and all the Cher'e·thites and all the Pel'e·thites …
8432 …t from there was a man of the family of Saul's house, and his name was Shim'e·i, the son of Ge'ra,…
8434 And this is what Shim'e·i said as he called down evil: "Get out, get out, you bloodguilty man and g…
8440 With that David and his men kept going on in the road, while Shim'e·i was walking on the side of th…
8476 And Israel and Ab'sa·lom took up camping in the land of Gil'e·ad.
8477 …on, and Ma'chir the son of Am'mi·el from Lo-de'bar, and Bar·zil'lai the Gil'e·ad·ite from Ro·ge'lim
8528 Then Shim'e·i the son of Ge'ra the Ben'ja·min·ite, who was from Ba·hu'rim, hurried and went down wi…
8530 …sehold of the king across and to do what was good in his eyes.) As for Shim'e·i the son of Ge'ra, …
8533 At once A·bish'ai the son of Ze·ru'iah answered and said: "In return for this should not Shim'e·i b…
8535 Then the king said to Shim'e·i: "You will not die." And the king went on to swear to him.
8543 And Bar·zil'lai the Gil'e·ad·ite himself came down from Ro·ge'lim that he might pass on to the Jord…
8562 Accordingly the men of Jo'ab and the Cher'e·thites and the Pel'e·thites and all the mighty men went…
8563 They were close by the great stone that is in Gib'e·on, and A·ma'sa himself came to meet them. Now …
8578 … Israel; and Be·nai'ah the son of Je·hoi'a·da was over the Cher'e·thites and over the Pel'e·thites.
8582 …aid: "Upon Saul and upon his house there is bloodguilt, because he put the Gib'e·on·ites to death."
8583 So the king called the Gib'e·on·ites and talked to them. (Incidentally, the Gib'e·on·ites were not …
8584 And David went on to say to the Gib'e·on·ites: "What shall I do to YOU, and with what shall I make …
8585 So the Gib'e·on·ites said to him: "It is not a matter of silver or gold for us in connection with S…
8587 let there be given to us seven men of his sons; and we must expose them to Jehovah in Gib'e·ah of S…
8590 Then he gave them into the hand of the Gib'e·on·ites and they proceeded to expose them on the mount…
8593 …Saul and the bones of Jon'a·than his son from the landowners of Ja'besh-gil'e·ad, who had stolen t…
8600 And war arose once again with the Phi·lis'tines at Gob, and El·ha'nan the son of Ja'a·re-or'e·gim t…
8602 And he kept taunting Israel. Finally Jon'a·than the son of Shim'e·i, David's brother, struck him do…
8663 Next to him El·e·a'zar the son of Do'do the son of A·ho'hi was among the three mighty men with Davi…
8681 Abi-e'zer the An'a·thoth·ite, Me·bun'nai the Hu'shath·ite,
8683 He'leb the son of Ba'a·nah the Ne·toph'a·thite, It'tai the son of Ri'bai of Gib'e·ah of the sons of…
8688 E·liph'e·let the son of A·has'bai the son of the Ma·ac'a·thite, E·li'am the son of A·hith'o·phel th…
8699 After that they came on to Gil'e·ad and the land of Tah'tim-hod'shi and continued on to Dan-ja'an a…
8726 As for Za'dok the priest and Be·nai'ah the son of Je·hoi'a·da and Nathan the prophet and Shim'e·i a…
8756 …an the prophet and Be·nai'ah the son of Je·hoi'a·da and the Cher'e·thites and the Pel'e·thites pro…
8762 …an the prophet and Be·nai'ah the son of Je·hoi'a·da and the Cher'e·thites and the Pel'e·thites, an…
8778 "And toward the sons of Bar·zil'lai the Gil'e·ad·ite you should exercise loving-kindness, and they …
8779 "And here there is with you Shim'e·i the son of Ge'ra the Ben'ja·min·ite from Ba·hu'rim, and he it …
8807 Finally the king sent and called Shim'e·i and said to him: "Build yourself a house in Jerusalem, an…
8809 At this Shim'e·i said to the king: "The word is good. Just as my lord the king has spoken is the wa…
8810 …s that two slaves of Shim'e·i went running away to A'chish the son of Ma'a·cah the king of Gath; a…
8811 Immediately Shim'e·i got up and saddled his ass and went to Gath to A'chish to look for his slaves;…
8812 Then Sol'o·mon was told: "Shim'e·i has gone out of Jerusalem to Gath and is back."
8813 At that the king sent and called Shim'e·i and said to him: "Did I not put you under oath by Jehovah…
8815 And the king went on to say to Shim'e·i: "You yourself certainly know all the injury which your hea…
8821 Accordingly the king went to Gib'e·on to sacrifice there, for that was the great high place. A thou…
8822 In Gib'e·on Jehovah appeared to Sol'o·mon in a dream by night; and God proceeded to say: "Request w…
8857 Ba'a·na the son of A·hi'lud, in Ta'a·nach and Me·gid'do and all Beth-she'an, which is beside Zar'e·…
8858 the son of Ge'ber, in Ra'moth-gil'e·ad (he had the tent villages of Ja'ir the son of Ma·nas'seh, wh…
8860 A·him'a·az, in Naph'ta·li (he, too, took Bas'e·math, Sol'o·mon's daughter, as a wife);
8863 Shim'e·i the son of E'la, in Benjamin;
8864 Ge'ber the son of U'ri, in the land of Gil'e·ad, the land of Si'hon the king of the Am'or·ites, and…
8981 …ict of the Jordan it was that the king cast them in the clay mold, between Suc'coth and Zar'e·than.
9054 then Jehovah appeared to Sol'o·mon the second time, the same as he had appeared to him in Gib'e·on.
9132 …resister, namely, Re'zon the son of E·li'a·da, who had run away from Had·ad·e'zer the king of Zo'b…
9135 And there was Jer·o·bo'am the son of Ne'bat an E'phra·im·ite from Zer'e·dah, a servant of Sol'o·mon…
9315 … walk in the sins of Jer·o·bo'am the son of Ne'bat, he now took as wife Jez'e·bel the daughter of …
9319 And E·li'jah the Tish'bite from the inhabitants of Gil'e·ad proceeded to say to A'hab: "As Jehovah …
9327 "Rise up, go to Zar'e·phath, which belongs to Si'don, and you must dwell there. Look! I shall certa…
9328 Accordingly he rose up and went to Zar'e·phath and came into the entrance of the city; and, look! a…
9346 Hence it came about that when Jez'e·bel cut off Jehovah's prophets, O·ba·di'ah proceeded to take a …
9355 Has not my lord been told what I did when Jez'e·bel killed the prophets of Jehovah, how I kept some…
9361 … Ba'al and the four hundred prophets of the sacred pole, who are eating at the table of Jez'e·bel."
9389 Then A'hab told Jez'e·bel all that E·li'jah had done and all about how he had killed all the prophe…
9390 At that Jez'e·bel sent a messenger to E·li'jah, saying: "So may the gods do, and so may they add to…
9457 Finally Jez'e·bel his wife came in to him and spoke to him: "Why is it that your spirit is sad and …
9459 Then Jez'e·bel his wife said to him: "Is it you that now exercise the kingship over Israel? Rise up…
9463 …he older men and the nobles that were dwelling in his city, did just as Jez'e·bel had sent to them…
9466 They now sent to Jez'e·bel, saying: "Na'both has been stoned so that he is dead."
9467 And it came about that, as soon as Jez'e·bel heard that Na'both had been stoned so that he died, Je…
9475 And also as regards Jez'e·bel Jehovah has spoken, saying, 'The very dogs will eat up Jez'e·bel in t…
9477 …A'hab, who sold himself to do what was bad in the eyes of Jehovah, whom Jez'e·bel his wife egged o…
9484 Then the king of Israel said to his servants: "Do YOU really know that Ra'moth-gil'e·ad belongs to …
9485 And he went on to say to Je·hosh'a·phat: "Will you go with me to the fight at Ra'moth-gil'e·ad?" At…
9487 …, about four hundred men, and said to them: "Shall I go against Ra'moth-gil'e·ad in war, or shall …
9492 Then Zed·e·ki'ah the son of Che·na'a·nah made for himself horns of iron and said: "This is what Jeh…
9493 And all the other prophets were prophesying the same as that, saying: "Go up to Ra'moth-gil'e·ad an…
9496 …nd the king proceeded to say to him: "Mi·cai'ah, shall we go to Ra'moth-gil'e·ad in war, or shall …
9501 And Jehovah proceeded to say, 'Who will fool A'hab, that he may go up and fall at Ra'moth-gil'e·ad?…
9505 Zed·e·ki'ah the son of Che·na'a·nah now approached and struck Mi·cai'ah upon the cheek and said: "I…
9510 And the king of Israel and Je·hosh'a·phat the king of Judah proceeded to go up to Ra'moth-gil'e·ad.
9602 …every good tree they would fell, until they left only the stones of Kir-har'e·seth remaining in it…
9756 …e son of A'hab to the war against Haz'a·el the king of Syria at Ra'moth-gil'e·ad, but the Syrians …
9758 …aid to him: "Gird up your loins and take this flask of oil in your hand and go to Ra'moth-gil'e·ad.
9761 And the attendant, the prophet's attendant, got on his way to Ra'moth-gil'e·ad.
9764 … of my servants the prophets and the blood of all the servants of Jehovah at the hand of Jez'e·bel.
9767 And Jez'e·bel the dogs will eat up in the tract of land at Jez're·el, and there will be no one bury…
9771 …o'ram.And Je·ho'ram himself had happened to be keeping guard at Ra'moth-gil'e·ad, he with all Isra…
9779 …id: "What peace could there be as long as there are the fornications of Jez'e·bel your mother and …
9787 At length Je'hu came to Jez're·el, and Jez'e·bel herself heard of it. And she proceeded to paint he…
9793 …the Tish'bite, saying, 'In the tract of land of Jez're·el the dogs will eat the flesh of Jez'e·bel.
9794 … of Jez'e·bel will certainly become as manure upon the face of the field in the tract of land of J…
9827 …land of Gil'e·ad, the Gad'ites and the Reu'ben·ites and the Ma·nas'sites, from A·ro'er, which is b…
9832 However, Je·hosh'e·ba the daughter of King Je·ho'ram, the sister of A·ha·zi'ah, took Je·ho'ash the …
9872 And Jo'za·car the son of Shim'e·ath and Je·hoz'a·bad the son of Sho'mer, his servants, were the one…
9951 …th Ar'gob and A·ri'eh, and with him there were fifty men of the sons of Gil'e·ad. So he put him to…
9955 …lath-pil·e'ser the king of As·syr'i·a came in and proceeded to take I'jon and A'bel-beth-ma'a·cah …
9971 So A'haz sent messengers to Tig'lath-pil·e'ser the king of As·syr'i·a, saying: "I am your servant a…
9974 Then King A'haz went to meet Tig'lath-pil·e'ser the king of As·syr'i·a at Damascus, and he got to s…
9984 …refathers and was buried with his forefathers in the City of David; and Hez·e·ki'ah his son began …
9987 It was against him that Shal·man·e'ser the king of As·syr'i·a came up, and Ho·she'a came to be his …
10026 And it came about in the third year of Ho·she'a the son of E'lah the king of Israel that Hez·e·ki'a…
10034 …he fourth year of King Hez·e·ki'ah, that is, the seventh year of Ho·she'a the son of E'lah the kin…
10035 And they got to capture it at the end of three years; in the sixth year of Hez·e·ki'ah, that is, th…
10038 And in the fourteenth year of King Hez·e·ki'ah, Sen·nach'er·ib the king of As·syr'i·a came up again…
10039e·ki'ah the king of Judah sent to the king of As·syr'i·a at La'chish, saying: "I have sinned. Turn…
10040 Therefore Hez·e·ki'ah gave all the silver that was to be found at the house of Jehovah and in the t…
10041 At that time Hez·e·ki'ah cut off the doors of the temple of Jehovah and the doorposts that Hez·e·ki…
10042 …ed to send Tar'tan and Rab'sa·ris and Rab'sha·keh from La'chish to King Hez·e·ki'ah with a heavy m…
10044 Accordingly Rab'sha·keh said to them: "Please, say to Hez·e·ki'ah, 'This is what the great king, th…
10047 …ve put our trust,' is he not the one whose high places and whose altars Hez·e·ki'ah has removed, w…
10054 This is what the king has said, 'Do not let Hez·e·ki'ah deceive YOU people, for he is not able to d…
10055 And do not let Hez·e·ki'ah cause YOU to trust in Jehovah, saying: "Without fail Jehovah will delive…
10056 Do not listen to Hez·e·ki'ah; for this is what the king of As·syr'i·a has said: "Make a capitulatio…
10057 …s and honey; and keep living that YOU may not die. And do not listen to Hez·e·ki'ah, for he allure…
10062 …Sheb'nah the secretary and Jo'ah the son of A'saph the recorder came to Hez·e·ki'ah with their gar…
10063 And it came about that as soon as King Hez·e·ki'ah heard, he immediately ripped his garments apart …
10065 And they proceeded to say to him: "This is what Hez·e·ki'ah has said, 'This day is a day of distres…
10067 So the servants of King Hez·e·ki'ah came in to Isaiah.
10071 …e he has come out to fight against you." Therefore he sent messengers again to Hez·e·ki'ah, saying:
10072 "This is what YOU men should say to Hez·e·ki'ah the king of Judah, 'Do not let your God in whom you…
10076 Then Hez·e·ki'ah took the letters out of the hand of the messengers and read them, after which Hez·
10077 And Hez·e·ki'ah began to pray before Jehovah and say: "O Jehovah the God of Israel, sitting upon th…
10082 And Isaiah the son of A'moz proceeded to send to Hez·e·ki'ah, saying: "This is what Jehovah the God…
10098 …·ib the king of As·syr'i·a pulled away and went and returned, and he took up dwelling in Nin'e·veh.
10099 …e was bowing down at the house of Nis'roch his god, A·dram'me·lech and Shar·e'zer, his sons, thems…
10100 In those days Hez·e·ki'ah got sick to the point of dying. Accordingly Isaiah the son of A'moz the p…
10102 …with a complete heart, and what was good in your eyes I have done." And Hez·e·ki'ah began to weep …
10104 "Go back, and you must say to Hez·e·ki'ah the leader of my people, 'This is what Jehovah the God of…
10107 Meantime, Hez·e·ki'ah said to Isaiah: "What is the sign that Jehovah will heal me and I shall certa…
10109 Then Hez·e·ki'ah said: "It is an easy thing for the shadow to extend itself ten steps, but not that…
10111 …'a·dan the king of Babylon sent letters and a gift to Hez·e·ki'ah; for he had heard that Hez·e·ki'…
10112e·ki'ah proceeded to listen to them and show them all his treasure-house, the silver and the gold …
10113 …et came in to King Hez·e·ki'ah and said to him: "What did these men say and from where did they pr…
10114 And he went on to say: "What did they see in your house?" To this Hez·e·ki'ah said: "Everything tha…
10115 Isaiah now said to Hez·e·ki'ah: "Hear the word of Jehovah,
10118 At that Hez·e·ki'ah said to Isaiah: "The word of Jehovah that you have spoken is good." And he went…
10119 As for the rest of the affairs of Hez·e·ki'ah and all his mightiness and how he made the pool and t…
10120 Finally Hez·e·ki'ah lay down with his forefathers; and Ma·nas'seh his son began to reign in place o…
10123 So he built again the high places that Hez·e·ki'ah his father had destroyed, and set up altars to B…
10220 … Babylon made Mat·ta·ni'ah his uncle king in place of him. Then he changed his name to Zed·e·ki'ah.
10221 Twenty-one years old was Zed·e·ki'ah when he began to reign, and for eleven years he reigned in Jer…
10223 …in Jerusalem and in Judah, until he had cast them out of his sight. And Zed·e·ki'ah began to rebel…
10225 And the city came to be under siege until the eleventh year of King Zed·e·ki'ah.
10230 And Zed·e·ki'ah's sons they slaughtered before his eyes, and Zed·e·ki'ah's eyes he blinded, after w…
10284 Je'tur, Na'phish and Ked'e·mah. These were the sons of Ish'ma·el.
10291 And the sons of Se'ir were Lo'tan and Sho'bal and Zib'e·on and A'nah and Di'shon and E'zer and Di's…
10293 The sons of Sho'bal were Al'van and Man'a·hath and E'bal, She'pho and O'nam.And the sons of Zib'e·o…
10308 These were the sons of Israel: Reu'ben, Sim'e·on, Le'vi and Judah, Is'sa·char and Zeb'u·lun,
10320 Jes'se, in turn, became father to his firstborn E·li'ab, and A·bin'a·dab the second, and Shim'e·a t…
10328 And afterward Hez'ron had relations with the daughter of Ma'chir the father of Gil'e·ad. And he him…
10329 Se'gub, in turn, became father to Ja'ir, who came to have twenty-three cities in the land of Gil'e·…
10330 …h and its dependent towns, sixty cities. All these were the sons of Ma'chir the father of Gil'e·ad.
10346 Az·a·ri'ah, in turn, became father to He'lez. He'lez, in turn, became father to El·e·a'sah.
10347 El·e·a'sah, in turn, became father to Sis'mai. Sis'mai, in turn, became father to Shal'lum.
10356 …ther of Mad·man'nah, She'va the father of Mach·be'nah and the father of Gib'e·a. And Ca'leb's daug…
10362 And the families of the scribes dwelling at Ja'bez were the Ti'rath·ites, the Shim'e·ath·ites, the …
10367 And there were these born to him in Jerusalem: Shim'e·a and Sho'bab and Nathan and Sol'o·mon, four …
10368 and Ib'har and E·lish'a·ma and E·liph'e·let,
10370 and E·lish'a·ma and E·li'a·da and E·liph'e·let, nine,
10375 A'haz his son, Hez·e·ki'ah his son, Ma·nas'seh his son,
10377 And the sons of Jo·si'ah were the firstborn Jo·ha'nan, the second, Je·hoi'a·kim, the third, Zed·e·k…
10378 And the sons of Je·hoi'a·kim were Jec·o·ni'ah his son, Zed·e·ki'ah his son.
10381 And the sons of Pe·dai'ah were Ze·rub'ba·bel and Shim'e·i; and the sons of Ze·rub'ba·bel were Me·sh…
10382 and Ha·shu'bah and O'hel and Ber·e·chi'ah and Has·a·di'ah, Ju'shab-he'sed, five.
10385 And the sons of Ne·a·ri'ah were Eli·o·e'nai and Hiz·ki'ah and Az·ri'kam, three.
10386 And the sons of Eli·o·e'nai were Hod·a·vi'ah and E·li'a·shib and Pe·la'iah and Ak'kub and Jo·ha'nan…
10410 The sons of Sim'e·on were Nem'u·el and Ja'min, Ja'rib, Ze'rah, Sha'ul,
10412 And the sons of Mish'ma were Ham'mu·el his son, Zac'cur his son, Shim'e·i his son.
10413 And Shim'e·i had sixteen sons and six daughters; but his brothers did not have many sons, and none …
10422 and Eli·o·e'nai and Ja·a·ko'bah and Jesh·o·hai'ah and A·sai'ah and Ad'i·el and Je·sim'i·el and Be·n…
10427 And these written down by [their] names proceeded to come in in the days of Hez·e·ki'ah the king of…
10428 And from them there were some of the sons of Sim'e·on that went to Mount Se'ir, five hundred men, w…
10433 The sons of Joel were She·mai'ah his son, Gog his son, Shim'e·i his son,
10438 …s at the river Eu·phra'tes, for their livestock itself had become numerous in the land of Gil'e·ad.
10439 …o fall by their hand; and so they dwelt in their tents throughout all the country east of Gil'e·ad.
10440 As for the sons of Gad in front of them, they dwelt in the land of Ba'shan as far as Sal'e·cah.
10443 These were the sons of Ab'i·ha·il the son of Hu'ri, the son of Ja·ro'ah, the son of Gil'e·ad, the s…
10445 And they continued to dwell in Gil'e·ad, in Ba'shan and in its dependent towns and in all the pastu…
10458 …s, and there was Mir'i·am. And the sons of Aaron were Na'dab and A·bi'hu, El·e·a'zar and Ith'a·mar.
10459 As for El·e·a'zar, he became father to Phin'e·has. Phin'e·has himself became father to Ab·i·shu'a.
10472 And these are the names of the sons of Ger'shom: Lib'ni and Shim'e·i.
10476 Jo'ah his son, Id'do his son, Ze'rah his son, Je·ath'e·rai his son.
10484 The sons of Me·rar'i were Mah'li, Lib'ni his son, Shim'e·i his son, Uz'zah his son,
10485 Shim'e·a his son, Hag·gi'ah his son, A·sai'ah his son.
10494 …er A'saph, who was attending at his right, A'saph was the son of Ber·e·chi'ah, the son of Shim'e·a,
10497 the son of E'than, the son of Zim'mah, the son of Shim'e·i,
10505 And these were the sons of Aaron: El·e·a'zar his son, Phin'e·has his son, Ab·i·shu'a his son,
10515 and from the tribe of Benjamin Ge'ba with its pasture grounds and Al'e·meth with its pasture ground…
10520 …e from the tribe of the sons of Judah and from the tribe of the sons of Sim'e·on and from the trib…
10525 and from half of the tribe of Ma·nas'seh, A'ner with its pasture grounds and Bil'e·am with its past…
10527 and from the tribe of Is'sa·char, Ke'desh with its pasture grounds and Dab'e·rath with its pasture …
10534 and Ked'e·moth with its pasture grounds and Meph'a·ath with its pasture grounds;
10535 and from the tribe of Gad, Ra'moth in Gil'e·ad with its pasture grounds and Ma·ha·na'im with its pa…
10544 …were Ze·mi'rah and Jo'ash and E·li·e'zer and Eli·o·e'nai and Om'ri and Jer'e·moth and A·bi'jah and…
10550 …Ma·nas'seh were As'ri·el, whom his Syrian concubine bore. (She bore Ma'chir the father of Gil'e·ad.
10553 And the sons of U'lam were Be'dan. These were the sons of Gil'e·ad the son of Ma'chir the son of Ma…
10554 And his sister was Ham·mo'le·cheth. She gave birth to Ish'hod and Abi-e'zer and Mah'lah.
10560 And his daughter was She'e·rah, and she got to build Beth-ho'ron, the lower and the upper, and Uz'z…
10573 Be'zer and Hod and Sham'ma and Shil'shah and Ith'ran and Be·e'ra.
10590 And [there were] A·hi'o, Sha'shak and Jer'e·moth,
10596 and E·li·e'nai and Zil'le·thai and E'li·el,
10597 and A·dai'ah and Be·ra'iah and Shim'rath, the sons of Shim'e·i,
10605 And it was in Gib'e·on that the father of Gib'e·on, [Je·i'el,] dwelt, and his wife's name was Ma'a·…
10608 As for Mik'loth, he became father to Shim'e·ah. And these really were the ones that dwelt in front …
10612 As for A'haz, he became father to Je·ho'ad·dah; Je·ho'ad·dah, in turn, became father to Al'e·meth a…
10613 Mo'za, in turn, became father to Bin'e·a, Ra'phah his son, El·e·a'sah his son, A'zel his son.
10615 And the sons of E'shek his brother were U'lam his firstborn, Je'ush the second and E·liph'e·let the…
10632 and O·ba·di'ah the son of She·mai'ah the son of Ga'lal the son of Je·du'thun, and Ber·e·chi'ah the …
10636 And it was Phin'e·has the son of El·e·a'zar that happened to be leader over them in the past. Jehov…
10637 Zech·a·ri'ah the son of Me·shel·e·mi'ah was the gatekeeper of the entrance of the tent of meeting.
10651 And in Gib'e·on was where the father of Gib'e·on, Je·i'el, dwelt. And his wife's name was Ma'a·cah.
10654 As for Mik'loth, he became father to Shim'e·am. And it was really they that dwelt in front of their…
10657 And the sons of Mi'cah were Pi'thon and Mel'ech and Tahr'e·a [and A'haz].
10658 As for A'haz, he became father to Ja'rah; Ja'rah, in turn, became father to Al'e·meth and Az'ma·vet…
10659 As for Mo'za, he became father to Bin'e·a and Re·pha'iah his son, El·e·a'sah his son, A'zel his son.
10671 And all those of Ja'besh in Gil'e·ad got to hear of all that the Phi·lis'tines had done to Saul.
10686 And after him there was El·e·a'zar the son of Do'do the A·ho'hite. He was among the three mighty me…
10702 I'ra the son of Ik'kesh the Te·ko'ite, Abi-e'zer the An'a·thoth·ite,
10705 I'thai the son of Ri'bai of Gib'e·ah of the sons of Benjamin, Be·nai'ah the Pir'a·thon·ite,
10724 There was the head A·hi·e'zer and Jo'ash the sons of She·ma'ah the Gib'e·ath·ite, and Je'zi·el and …
10725 and Ish·ma'iah the Gib'e·on·ite, a mighty man among the thirty and over the thirty; and Jeremiah an…
10727 El·ka'nah and Is·shi'ah and Az'ar·el and Jo·e'zer and Ja·sho'be·am, the Ko'rah·ites,
10728 and Jo·e'lah and Zeb·a·di'ah the sons of Je·ro'ham of Ge'dor.
10746 Of the sons of Sim'e·on the mighty men of valor of the army were seven thousand one hundred.
10774 … to himself at the City of David, but he carried it aside to the house of O'bed-e'dom the Git'tite.
10775 …lling with the household of O'bed-e'dom, at his house three months; and Jehovah kept blessing the …
10782 and E·lish'a·ma and Be·e·li'a·da and E·liph'e·let.
10791 …d commanded him, and they went striking down the camp of the Phi·lis'tines from Gib'e·on to Ge'zer.
10809 …tationed He'man the son of Joel and, of his brothers, A'saph the son of Ber·e·chi'ah; and, of the …
10810 …and Be·nai'ah and Ma·a·sei'ah and Mat·ti·thi'ah and E·liph'e·le·hu and Mik·ne'iah, and O'bed-e'dom…
10813 and Mat·ti·thi'ah and E·liph'e·le·hu and Mik·ne'iah and O'bed-e'dom and Je·i'el and Az·a·zi'ah with…
10815 and Ber·e·chi'ah and El·ka'nah the gatekeepers for the Ark;
10816 …·ri'ah and Be·nai'ah and E·li·e'zer the priests loudly sounding the trumpets before the ark of the…
10817 … along to bring up the ark of the covenant of Jehovah from the house of O'bed-e'dom with rejoicing.
10826 …r'a·moth and Je·hi'el and Mat·ti·thi'ah and E·li'ab and Be·nai'ah and O'bed-e'dom and Je·i'el, wit…
10859 and O'bed-e'dom and his brothers, sixty-eight, and O'bed-e'dom the son of Je·du'thun and Ho'sah as …
10860 …d his brothers the priests before the tabernacle of Jehovah on the high place that was at Gib'e·on,
10894 And David went on to strike down Had·ad·e'zer the king of Zo'bah at Ha'math as he was going his way…
10896 When Syria of Damascus came to help Had·ad·e'zer the king of Zo'bah, David went striking down among…
10898 Moreover, David took the circular shields of gold that happened to be on the servants of Had·ad·e'z…
10899 And from Tib'hath and Cun, cities of Had·ad·e'zer, David took very much copper. With it Sol'o·mon m…
10900 When To'u the king of Ha'math heard that David had struck down all the military force of Had·ad·e'z…
10901 … him over the fact that he had fought against Had·ad·e'zer so that he struck him down, (for Had·ad…
10907 And Za'dok the son of A·hi'tub and A·him'e·lech the son of A·bi'a·thar were priests, and Shav'sha w…
10908 And Be·nai'ah the son of Je·hoi'a·da was over the Cher'e·thites and the Pel'e·thites; and the sons …
10915 …he king of Ma'a·cah and his people. Then they came in and camped before Med'e·ba; and as for the s…
10924 … were in the region of the River, with Sho'phach the chief of the army of Had·ad·e'zer before them.
10927 When the servants of Had·ad·e'zer saw that they had been defeated before Israel, they promptly made…
10934 And he kept taunting Israel. Finally Jon'a·than the son of Shim'e·a the brother of David struck him…
10964 … in the wilderness and the altar of burnt offering were at that time on the high place at Gib'e·on.
10991 To the Ger'shon·ites, La'dan and Shim'e·i.
10993 The sons of Shim'e·i were She·lo'moth and Ha'zi·el and Ha'ran, three. These were the heads of the f…
10994 And the sons of Shim'e·i were Ja'hath, Zi'na and Je'ush and Be·ri'ah. These four were the sons of S…
10999 The sons of Moses were Ger'shom and E·li·e'zer.
11001 And the sons of E·li·e'zer came to be Re·ha·bi'ah the head; and E·li·e'zer did not come to have oth…
11005 The sons of Me·rar'i were Mah'li and Mu'shi. The sons of Mah'li were El·e·a'zar and Kish.
11006 But El·e·a'zar died; and he had come to have, not sons, but daughters. So the sons of Kish their br…
11007 The sons of Mu'shi were Mah'li and E'der and Jer'e·moth, three.
11017 Now the sons of Aaron had their divisions. The sons of Aaron were Na'dab and A·bi'hu, El·e·a'zar an…
11018 … died before their father, and they did not happen to have any sons, but El·e·a'zar and Ith'a·mar …
11019 And David, and Za'dok from the sons of El·e·a'zar, and A·him'e·lech from the sons of Ith'a·mar proc…
11020 …the sons of El·e·a'zar were found to be more numerous in headmen than the sons of Ith'a·mar. So th…
11021 …e chiefs of the holy place and chiefs of the [true] God from the sons of El·e·a'zar and from the s…
11022 … A·him'e·lech the son of A·bi'a·thar and the heads of the fathers of the priests and of the Levite…
11029 for Hup'pah the thirteenth, for Je·sheb'e·ab the fourteenth,
11044 Of Mah'li, El·e·a'zar, who did not come to have any sons.
11047 …r brothers the sons of Aaron did before David the king and Za'dok and A·him'e·lech and the heads o…
11050 Of Je·du'thun: the sons of Je·du'thun, Ged·a·li'ah and Ze'ri and Je·sha'iah, [and Shim'e·i,] Hash·a…
11051 …nd Jer'i·moth, Han·a·ni'ah, Ha·na'ni, E·li'a·thah, Gid·dal'ti and Ro·mam'ti-e'zer, Josh·be·kash'ah…
11064 the tenth for Shim'e·i, his sons and his brothers, twelve;
11069 for the fifteenth, for Jer'e·moth, his sons and his brothers, twelve;
11078 for the twenty-fourth, for Ro·mam'ti-e'zer, his sons and his brothers, twelve.
11079 For the divisions of gatekeepers: Of the Ko'rah·ites, Me·shel·e·mi'ah the son of Ko're of the sons …
11080 And Me·shel·e·mi'ah had sons: Zech·a·ri'ah the firstborn, Je·di'a·el the second, Zeb·a·di'ah the th…
11081 E'lam the fifth, Je·ho·ha'nan the sixth, El'ie·ho-e'nai the seventh.
11082 And O'bed-e'dom had sons: She·mai'ah the firstborn, Je·hoz'a·bad the second, Jo'ah the third and Sa…
11086 …e sons of O'bed-e'dom, they and their sons and their brothers, capable men with the power for the …
11087 And Me·shel·e·mi'ah had sons and brothers, capable men, eighteen.
11092 Then the lot to the east fell to Shel·e·mi'ah. For Zech·a·ri'ah his son, a counselor with discretio…
11093 O'bed-e'dom had his to the south, and his sons had the storehouses.
11099 …nging to La'dan; the heads of the paternal houses belonging to La'dan the Ger'shon·ite, Je·hi'e·li.
11100 The sons of Je·hi'e·li, Ze'tham and Joel his brother, were over the treasures of the house of Jehov…
11103 As regards his brothers, of E·li·e'zer there was Re·ha·bi'ah his son and Je·sha'iah his son and Jo'…
11109 …ip they were sought out, and valiant, mighty men came to be found among them in Ja'zer in Gil'e·ad.
11122 The ninth for the ninth month was Abi-e'zer the An'a·thoth·ite of the Ben'ja·min·ites, and in his d…
11126 …ver the tribes of Israel, of the Reu'ben·ites, E·li·e'zer the son of Zich'ri was leader; of the Si…
11131 of the half tribe of Ma·nas'seh in Gil'e·ad, Id'do the son of Zech·a·ri'ah; of Benjamin, Ja·a·si'el…
11137 And over the vineyards there was Shim'e·i the Ra'math·ite; and over that which was in the vineyards…
11198 Then Sol'o·mon and all the congregation with him went to the high place that was at Gib'e·on; for t…
11208 So Sol'o·mon came [from] the high place that was at Gib'e·on, from before the tent of meeting, to J…
11264 In the District of the Jordan the king cast them in the thick ground between Suc'coth and Zer'e·dah.
11456 …rusalem, and his mother's name was Mi·cai'ah the daughter of U·ri'el of Gib'e·ah. And war itself t…
11500 …min and the alien residents with them from E'phra·im and Ma·nas'seh and Sim'e·on, for they had des…
11545 …nd for the people that were with him. And he began to allure him to go up against Ra'moth-gil'e·ad.
11546 …ay to Je·hosh'a·phat the king of Judah: "Will you go with me to Ra'moth-gil'e·ad?" At this he said…
11548 …ether, four hundred men, and said to them: "Shall we go against Ra'moth-gil'e·ad in war, or shall …
11553 Then Zed·e·ki'ah the son of Che·na'a·nah made for himself horns of iron and said: "This is what Jeh…
11554 And all the other prophets were prophesying the same as that, saying: "Go up to Ra'moth-gil'e·ad an…
11557 …nd the king proceeded to say to him: "Mi·cai'ah, shall we go to Ra'moth-gil'e·ad in war, or shall …
11562 …ill fool A'hab the king of Israel that he may go up and fall at Ra'moth-gil'e·ad?' And there was t…
11566 Zed·e·ki'ah the son of Che·na'a·nah now approached and struck Mi·cai'ah on the cheek and said: "In …
11571 And the king of Israel and Je·hosh'a·phat the king of Judah proceeded to go up to Ra'moth-gil'e·ad.
11625 However, E·li·e'zer the son of Dod·av'a·hu of Ma·re'sha spoke prophetically against Je·hosh'a·phat,…
11650 …king of Israel to the war against Haz'a·el the king of Syria at Ra'moth-gil'e·ad, at which the sho…
11656e·ath the daughter of the king took Je·ho'ash the son of A·ha·zi'ah and stole him away from among …
11704 And these were the conspirators against him: Za'bad the son of Shim'e·ath the Am'mon·it·ess and Je·…
11729 …he articles that were to be found in the house of the [true] God with O'bed-e'dom and the treasure…
11777 …the heads of the sons of E'phra·im, Az·a·ri'ah the son of Je·ho·ha'nan, Ber·e·chi'ah the son of Me…
11792 …ey did not bring him into the burial places of the kings of Israel. And Hez·e·ki'ah his son began …
11793 Hez·e·ki'ah himself became king at the age of twenty-five years, and for twenty-nine years he reign…
11806 and from the sons of He'man, Je·hi'el and Shim'e·i; and from the sons of Je·du'thun, She·mai'ah and…
11810 After that they came inside to Hez·e·ki'ah the king and said: "We have cleansed the whole house of …
11812 And Hez·e·ki'ah the king proceeded to get up early and gather the princes of the city together and …
11819 Then Hez·e·ki'ah said to offer up the burnt sacrifice on the altar; and at the time that the burnt …
11822 Hez·e·ki'ah the king and the princes now said to the Levites to praise Jehovah in the words of Davi…
11823 Finally Hez·e·ki'ah answered and said: "Now YOU have filled YOUR hand with power for Jehovah. Appro…
11828 Consequently Hez·e·ki'ah and all the people rejoiced over the fact that the [true] God had made pre…
11829 And Hez·e·ki'ah proceeded to send to all Israel and Judah, and even letters he wrote to E'phra·im a…
11846 …es, for they did not eat the passover according to what is written; but Hez·e·ki'ah prayed for the…
11848 Accordingly Jehovah listened to Hez·e·ki'ah and healed the people.
11850 Moreover, Hez·e·ki'ah spoke to the heart of all the Levites who were acting with fine discretion to…
11852 For Hez·e·ki'ah the king of Judah himself contributed for the congregation a thousand bulls and sev…
11857 Then Hez·e·ki'ah set the divisions of the priests and of the Levites in their divisions, each one i…
11863 When Hez·e·ki'ah and the princes came and saw the heaps, they proceeded to bless Jehovah and his pe…
11864 In time Hez·e·ki'ah inquired of the priests and the Levites concerning the heaps.
11866 At this Hez·e·ki'ah said to prepare dining rooms in the house of Jehovah. Accordingly they prepared…
11867 …lness; and Con·a·ni'ah the Levite was in charge of them as leader, and Shim'e·i his brother was se…
11868 …h were commissioners at the side of Con·a·ni'ah and Shim'e·i his brother, by the order of Hez·e·ki…
11875 And Hez·e·ki'ah proceeded to do like this in all Judah, and he continued to do what was good and ri…
11878 When Hez·e·ki'ah saw that Sen·nach'er·ib had come with his face set for war against Jerusalem,
11884 …ur battles." And the people began to brace themselves upon the words of Hez·e·ki'ah the king of Ju…
11885 …salem, while he was at La'chish and all his imperial might with him, to Hez·e·ki'ah the king of Ju…
11887 Is not Hez·e·ki'ah alluring YOU so as to give YOU over to die by famine and by thirst, saying: "Jeh…
11888 Is it not Hez·e·ki'ah himself that removed his high places and his altars and then said to Judah an…
11891 And now do not let Hez·e·ki'ah deceive YOU or allure YOU like this and do not put faith in him, for…
11892 And his servants spoke yet further against Jehovah the [true] God and against Hez·e·ki'ah his serva…
11893 …he lands who did not deliver their people out of my hand, so the God of Hez·e·ki'ah will not deliv…
11896 But Hez·e·ki'ah the king and Isaiah the son of A'moz, the prophet, kept praying over this and cryin…
11898 Thus Jehovah saved Hez·e·ki'ah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem out of the hand of Sen·nach'er·ib t…
11899 And there were many bringing gifts to Jehovah at Jerusalem and choice things to Hez·e·ki'ah the kin…
11900 In those days Hez·e·ki'ah fell sick to the point of dying, and he began to pray to Jehovah. So He t…
11901 But according to the benefit rendered him Hez·e·ki'ah made no return, for his heart became haughty …
11902e·ki'ah humbled himself for the haughtiness of his heart, he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and…
11903 And Hez·e·ki'ah came to have riches and glory to a very great amount; and storehouses he made for h…
11906e·ki'ah was the one that stopped up the upper source of the waters of Gi'hon and kept them directe…
11908 As for the rest of the affairs of Hez·e·ki'ah and his acts of loving-kindness, there they are writt…
11909 Finally Hez·e·ki'ah lay down with his forefathers, and they buried him in the ascent to the burial …
11912 So he built again the high places that Hez·e·ki'ah his father had pulled down, and set up altars to…
11940 Also, in the cities of Ma·nas'seh and E'phra·im and Sim'e·on and clear to Naph'ta·li, in their deva…
12004 …bylon with desirable articles of the house of Jehovah. Further, he made Zed·e·ki'ah his [father's]…
12005 Twenty-one years old was Zed·e·ki'ah when he began to reign, and for eleven years he reigned in Jer…
12044 the sons of A'ter, of Hez·e·ki'ah, ninety-eight;
12081 the sons of Bar'kos, the sons of Sis'e·ra, the sons of Te'mah,
12089 …s of Bar·zil'lai, who took a wife from the daughters of Bar·zil'lai the Gil'e·ad·ite and came to b…
12117 And in the reign of A·has·u·e'rus, at the start of his reign, they wrote an accusation against the …
12118 Also, in the days of Ar·ta·xerx'es, Bish'lam, Mith're·dath, Tab'e·el and the rest of his colleagues…
12121 and the rest of the nations whom the great and honorable As'e·nap·par took into exile and settled i…
12138 At that time Tat'te·nai the governor beyond the River and She'thar-boz'e·nai and their colleagues c…
12141 [Here] is a copy of the letter that Tat'te·nai the governor beyond the River and She'thar-boz'e·nai…
12158 "Now Tat'te·nai the governor beyond the River, She'thar-boz'e·nai and their colleagues, the lesser …
12165 Then Tat'te·nai the governor beyond the River, She'thar-boz'e·nai and their colleagues, just as Da·…
12179 the son of Ab·i·shu'a the son of Phin'e·has the son of El·e·a'zar the son of Aaron the chief priest-
12204 Of the sons of Phin'e·has, Ger'shom; of the sons of Ith'a·mar, Daniel; of the sons of David, Hat'tu…
12206 of the sons of Pa'hath-mo'ab, El'ie·ho-e'nai the son of Zer·a·hi'ah, and with him two hundred males;
12215 and of the sons of Ad·o·ni'kam, those who were the last, and these were their names: E·liph'e·let, …
12218 Accordingly I sent for E·li·e'zer, Ar'i·el, She·mai'ah and El·na'than and Ja'rib and El·na'than and…
12235 …ouse of our God into the hand of Mer'e·moth the son of U·ri'jah the priest and with him El·e·a'zar…
12271 … of Jesh'u·a the son of Je·hoz'a·dak and his brothers, Ma·a·sei'ah and E·li·e'zer and Ja'rib and G…
12275 and of the sons of Pash'hur, Eli·o·e'nai, Ma·a·sei'ah, Ish'ma·el, Ne·than'el, Jo'za·bad and El·e·a'…
12276 And of the Levites, Jo'za·bad and Shim'e·i and Ke·lai'ah (that is, Ke·li'ta), Peth·a·hi'ah, Judah a…
12278 …'rosh there were Ra·mi'ah and Iz·zi'ah and Mal·chi'jah and Mij'a·min and El·e·a'zar and Mal·chi'ja…
12279 and of the sons of E'lam, Mat·ta·ni'ah, Zech·a·ri'ah and Je·hi'el and Ab'di and Jer'e·moth and E·li…
12280 and of the sons of Zat'tu, Eli·o·e'nai, E·li'a·shib, Mat·ta·ni'ah and Jer'e·moth and Za'bad and A·z…
12282 and of the sons of Ba'ni, Me·shul'lam, Mal'luch and A·dai'ah, Ja'shub and She'al [and] Jer'e·moth;
12284 and [of] the sons of Ha'rim, E·li·e'zer, Is·shi'jah, Mal·chi'jah, She·mai'ah, Shim'e·on,
12286 …ons of Ha'shum, Mat·te'nai, Mat'tat·tah, Za'bad, E·liph'e·let, Jer'e·mai, Ma·nas'seh [and] Shim'e·…
12289 Va·ni'ah, Mer'e·moth, E·li'a·shib,
12291 and of the sons of Bin'nu·i, Shim'e·i
12292 and Shel·e·mi'ah and Nathan and A·dai'ah,
12293 Mach·nad'e·bai, Sha'shai, Sha'rai,
12294 Az'ar·el and Shel·e·mi'ah, Shem·a·ri'ah,
12332 And at their side Mer'e·moth the son of U·ri'jah the son of Hak'koz did repair work, and at their s…
12335 And at their side Mel·a·ti'ah the Gib'e·on·ite and Ja'don the Me·ron'o·thite, did repair work, men …
12349 After him Mer'e·moth the son of U·ri'jah the son of Hak'koz repaired another measured section, from…
12358 …h the son of Shel·e·mi'ah and Ha'nun the sixth son of Za'laph repaired another measured section.Af…
12420 …ah; and Je·ho·ha'nan his son had himself taken the daughter of Me·shul'lam the son of Ber·e·chi'ah.
12442 the sons of A'ter, of Hez·e·ki'ah, ninety-eight;
12446 the sons of Gib'e·on, ninety-five;
12473 the sons of Be'sai, the sons of Me·u'nim, the sons of Ne·phush'e·sim,
12476 the sons of Bar'kos, the sons of Sis'e·ra, the sons of Te'mah,
12484 …s of Bar·zil'lai, who took a wife from the daughters of Bar·zil'lai the Gil'e·ad·ite and came to b…
12551 Now attesting it by seal there were:Ne·he·mi'ah the Tir·sha'tha, the son of Hac·a·li'ah,And Zed·e·k…
12555 Ha'rim, Mer'e·moth, O·ba·di'ah,
12567 A'ter, Hez·e·ki'ah, Az'zur,
12628 Shec·a·ni'ah, Re'hum, Mer'e·moth,
12666 and the priests E·li'a·kim, Ma·a·sei'ah, Mi·ni'a·min, Mi·cai'ah, Eli·o·e'nai, Zech·a·ri'ah, Han·a·n…
12667 and Ma·a·sei'ah and She·mai'ah, and El·e·a'zar and Uz'zi and Je·ho·ha'nan and Mal·chi'jah and E'lam…
12685 Then I put Shel·e·mi'ah the priest and Za'dok the copyist and Pe·dai'ah of the Levites in charge of…
12704 Now it came about in the days of A·has·u·e'rus, that is, the A·has·u·e'rus who was ruling as king f…
12705 [that] in those days as King A·has·u·e'rus was sitting upon his royal throne, which was in Shu'shan…
12712 … queen herself held a banquet for the women at the royal house that belonged to King A·has·u·e'rus.
12713 …r and Car'kas, the seven court officials that were ministering to the person of King A·has·u·e'rus,
12718 …with Queen Vash'ti because she has not performed the saying of King A·has·u·e'rus by means of the …
12719 …ces and against all the peoples that are in all the jurisdictional districts of King A·has·u·e'rus.
12720 …y will despise their owners in their own eyes, when they say, 'King A·has·u·e'rus himself said to …
12722 …that it may not pass away, that Vash'ti may not come in before King A·has·u·e'rus; and her royal d…
12726 After these things, when the rage of King A·has·u·e'rus had subsided, he remembered Vash'ti and wha…
12730 …an the castle, and his name was Mor'de·cai the son of Ja'ir the son of Shim'e·i the son of Kish a …
12737 And when the turn of each young woman arrived to go in to King A·has·u·e'rus after it had happened …
12741 Then Esther was taken to King A·has·u·e'rus at his royal house in the tenth month, that is, the mon…
12746 …ials of the king, doorkeepers, became indignant and kept seeking to lay hand on King A·has·u·e'rus.
12749 After these things King A·has·u·e'rus magnified Ha'man the son of Ham·me·da'tha the Ag'ag·ite and p…
12754 …gan seeking to annihilate all the Jews who were in all the realm of A·has·u·e'rus, Mor'de·cai's pe…
12755 In the first month, that is, the month Ni'san, in the twelfth year of King A·has·u·e'rus, someone c…
12756 And Ha'man proceeded to say to King A·has·u·e'rus: "There is one certain people scattered and separ…
12760 … of writing, and each people in its own tongue; in the name of King A·has·u·e'rus it was written a…
12796 …sh, two court officials of the king, doorkeepers, who had sought to lay hand on King A·has·u·e'rus.
12813 King A·has·u·e'rus now said, yes, he went on to say to Esther the queen: "Who is this, and just whe…
12819 On that day King A·has·u·e'rus gave to Esther the queen the house of Ha'man, the one showing hostil…
12825 So King A·has·u·e'rus said to Esther the queen and to Mor'de·cai the Jew: "Look! The house of Ha'ma…
12828 And he proceeded to write in the name of King A·has·u·e'rus and do the sealing with the king's sign…
12830 on the one day in all the jurisdictional districts of King A·has·u·e'rus, on the thirteenth [day] o…
12837 …mselves in their cities in all the jurisdictional districts of King A·has·u·e'rus to lay hand on t…
12855 … all the Jews that were in all the jurisdictional districts of King A·has·u·e'rus, the nearby and …
12865 …one hundred and twenty-seven jurisdictional districts, the realm of A·has·u·e'rus, [in] words of p…
12868 And King A·has·u·e'rus proceeded to lay forced labor upon the land and the isles of the sea.
12870 For Mor'de·cai the Jew was second to King A·has·u·e'rus and was great among the Jews and approved b…
14389 …ing for you.Of David, at the time of his disguising his sanity before A·bim'e·lech, so that he dro…
14711 …te came and proceeded to tell Saul and say to him that David had come to the house of A·him'e·lech.
14815 Gil'e·ad belongs to me and Ma·nas'seh belongs to me,And E'phra·im is the fortress of my head one;Ju…
15251 Do to them as to Mid'i·an, as to Sis'e·ra,As to Ja'bin at the torrent valley of Ki'shon.
15682 When Phin'e·has stood up and intervened,Then the scourge was halted.
15751 Gil'e·ad belongs to me; Ma·nas'seh belongs to me;And E'phra·im is the fortress of my head one;Judah…
15791 …ill feel no regret):"You are a priest to time indefiniteAccording to the manner of Mel·chiz'e·dek!"
16965 Two sorts of weights and two sorts of e'phah measures-they are both of them together something dete…
17115 These also are the proverbs of Sol'o·mon that the men of Hez·e·ki'ah the king of Judah transcribed:
17584 …. Your hair is like a drove of goats that have hopped down from the mountainous region of Gil'e·ad.
17620 …themselves have alarmed me. Your hair is like a drove of goats that have hopped down from Gil'e·ad.
17656 …rning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uz·zi'ah, Jo'tham, A'haz [and] Hez·e·ki'ah, kings of Juda…
17750 …produce but one bath measure, and even a ho'mer measure of seed will produce but an e'phah measure.
17789 …throughs take it for ourselves; and let us make another king reign inside it, the son of Tab'e·el."
17810 … for myself by faithful witnesses, U·ri'ah the priest and Zech·a·ri'ah the son of Je·ber·e·chi'ah."
17880 …ord, Ge'ba is a place for them to spend the night, Ra'mah has trembled, Gib'e·ah of Saul itself ha…
17963 …se and to Di'bon, to the high places, to a weeping. Over Ne'bo and over Med'e·ba Mo'ab itself howl…
17969 …ry of Mo'ab. The howling thereof is clear to Eg·la'im; the howling thereof is clear to Be'er-e'lim,
17977 Therefore Mo'ab will howl for Mo'ab; even all of it will howl. For the raisin cakes of Kir-har'e·se…
17981 …y inwards are boisterous just like a harp even over Mo'ab, and the midst of me over Kir-har'e·seth.
18186 …s at Mount Pe·ra'zim, he will be agitated just as in the low plain near Gib'e·on, that he may do h…
18332 Now it came about in the fourteenth year of King Hez·e·ki'ah that Sen·nach'er·ib the king of As·syr…
18333 And the king of As·syr'i·a finally sent Rab'sha·keh from La'chish to Jerusalem, to King Hez·e·ki'ah…
18335 Accordingly Rab'sha·keh said to them: "Please, say to Hez·e·ki'ah, 'This is what the great king, th…
18338 … we have trusted,' is he not the one whose high places and whose altars Hez·e·ki'ah has removed, w…
18345 This is what the king has said, 'Do not let Hez·e·ki'ah deceive YOU people, for he is not able to d…
18346 And do not let Hez·e·ki'ah cause YOU to trust in Jehovah, saying: "Without fail Jehovah will delive…
18347 Do not listen to Hez·e·ki'ah, for this is what the king of As·syr'i·a has said: "Make a capitulatio…
18349 in order that Hez·e·ki'ah may not allure YOU, saying, 'Jehovah himself will deliver us.' Have the g…
18353 … Sheb'na the secretary and Jo'ah the son of A'saph the recorder came to Hez·e·ki'ah with their gar…
18354 And it came about that as soon as King Hez·e·ki'ah heard, he immediately ripped his garments apart …
18356 And they proceeded to say to him: "This is what Hez·e·ki'ah has said, 'This day is a day of distres…
18358 So the servants of King Hez·e·ki'ah came in to Isaiah.
18362 …s come out to fight against you." When he heard, he at once sent messengers to Hez·e·ki'ah, saying:
18363 "This is what YOU men should say to Hez·e·ki'ah the king of Judah, 'Do not let your God in whom you…
18367 Then Hez·e·ki'ah took the letters out of the hand of the messengers and read them, after which Hez·
18368 And Hez·e·ki'ah began to pray to Jehovah, saying:
18374 And Isaiah the son of A'moz proceeded to send to Hez·e·ki'ah, saying: "This is what Jehovah the God…
18390 …h'er·ib the king of As·syr'i·a pulled away and went and returned and took up dwelling in Nin'e·veh.
18391 …e was bowing down at the house of Nis'roch his god, A·dram'me·lech and Shar·e'zer, his own sons, s…
18392 In those days Hez·e·ki'ah got sick to the point of dying. Accordingly Isaiah the son of A'moz the p…
18393 At that Hez·e·ki'ah turned his face to the wall and began to pray to Jehovah
18394 …with a complete heart, and what was good in your eyes I have done." And Hez·e·ki'ah began to weep …
18396 "Go, and you must say to Hez·e·ki'ah, 'This is what Jehovah the God of David your forefather has sa…
18400 A writing of Hez·e·ki'ah the king of Judah, when he got sick and revived from his sickness.
18413 Meantime, Hez·e·ki'ah said: "What is the sign that I shall go up to the house of Jehovah?"
18414 …dan the son of Bal'a·dan the king of Babylon sent letters and a gift to Hez·e·ki'ah, after he hear…
18415e·ki'ah began to rejoice over them and proceeded to show them his treasure-house, the silver and t…
18416 …et came in to King Hez·e·ki'ah and said to him: "What did these men say, and from where did they p…
18417 And he went on to say: "What did they see in your house?" To this Hez·e·ki'ah said: "Everything tha…
18418 Isaiah now said to Hez·e·ki'ah: "Hear the word of Jehovah of armies,
18421 At that Hez·e·ki'ah said to Isaiah: "The word of Jehovah that you have spoken is good." And he went…
18950 …·si'ah, the king of Judah, until the completion of the eleventh year of Zed·e·ki'ah the son of Jo·…
19176 Is there no balsam in Gil'e·ad? Or is there no healer there? Why is it, then, that the recuperation…
19320 …ng to all the kingdoms of the earth on account of Ma·nas'seh the son of Hez·e·ki'ah, the king of J…
19442 The word that occurred to Jeremiah from Jehovah, when King Zed·e·ki'ah sent to him Pash'hur the son…
19444 And Jeremiah proceeded to say to them: "This is what YOU will say to Zed·e·ki'ah,
19448 "'"And after that," is the utterance of Jehovah, "I shall give Zed·e·ki'ah the king of Judah and hi…
19461 "For this is what Jehovah has said concerning the house of the king of Judah, 'You are as Gil'e·ad …
19533 …en for badness, this in fact is what Jehovah has said: "So I shall give Zed·e·ki'ah the king of Ju…
19591 "Mi'cah of Mo'resh·eth himself happened to be prophesying in the days of Hez·e·ki'ah the king of Ju…
19592 Did Hez·e·ki'ah the king of Judah and all those of Judah by any means put him to death? Did he not …
19600 … of Si'don by the hand of the messengers who are coming to Jerusalem to Zed·e·ki'ah the king of Ju…
19609 Even to Zed·e·ki'ah the king of Judah I spoke according to all these words, saying: "Bring YOUR nec…
19620 …om of Zed·e·ki'ah the king of Judah, in the fourth year, in the fifth month, that Han·a·ni'ah the …
19639 It was by the hand of El·a'sah the son of Sha'phan and Gem·a·ri'ah the son of Hil·ki'ah, whom Zed·e
19657 …he God of Israel, has said concerning A'hab the son of Ko·lai'ah and to Zed·e·ki'ah the son of Ma·…
19658 … exiles of Judah that is in Babylon, saying: "May Jehovah make you like Zed·e·ki'ah and like A'hab…
19733 The word that occurred to Jeremiah from Jehovah in the tenth year of Zed·e·ki'ah the king of Judah,…
19735 because Zed·e·ki'ah the king of Judah had restrained him, saying:"Why is it that you are prophesyin…
19736 and Zed·e·ki'ah himself, the king of Judah, will not escape from the hand of the Chal·de'ans, for h…
19737 'and to Babylon he will take Zed·e·ki'ah, and there he will continue until I turn my attention to h…
19804 "This is what Jehovah the God of Israel has said, 'Go, and you must say to Zed·e·ki'ah the king of …
19806 However, hear the word of Jehovah, O Zed·e·ki'ah king of Judah, 'This is what Jehovah has said conc…
19808 And Jeremiah the prophet proceeded to speak to Zed·e·ki'ah the king of Judah all these words in Jer…
19810 The word that occurred to Jeremiah from Jehovah after King Zed·e·ki'ah concluded a covenant with al…
19823 And Zed·e·ki'ah the king of Judah and his princes I shall give into the hand of their enemies and i…
19855 …d El·na'than the son of Ach'bor and Gem·a·ri'ah the son of Sha'phan and Zed·e·ki'ah the son of Han…
19857 Then all the princes sent out to Bar'uch Je·hu'di the son of Neth·a·ni'ah the son of Shel·e·mi'ah t…
19869 …Je·rah'me·el the son of the king and Se·rai'ah the son of Az'ri·el and Shel·e·mi'ah the son of Ab'…
19876 And King Zed·e·ki'ah the son of Jo·si'ah began to reign in place of Co·ni'ah the son of Je·hoi'a·ki…
19878 And King Zed·e·ki'ah proceeded to send Je·hu'cal the son of Shel·e·mi'ah and Zeph·a·ni'ah the son o…
19888 … the officer holding the oversight, whose name was I·ri'jah the son of Shel·e·mi'ah the son of Han…
19892 And King Zed·e·ki'ah proceeded to send and take him, and the king began asking him questions in his…
19893 Then Jeremiah said to King Zed·e·ki'ah: "In what way have I sinned against you and against your ser…
19896 Accordingly King Zed·e·ki'ah commanded, and they then put Jeremiah in custody in the Courtyard of t…
19897 …n of Mat'tan and Ged·a·li'ah the son of Pash'hur and Ju'cal the son of Shel·e·mi'ah and Pash'hur t…
19901 So King Zed·e·ki'ah said: "Look! He is in YOUR hands. For there is nothing at all in which the king…
19910 And King Zed·e·ki'ah proceeded to send and take Jeremiah the prophet to him to the third entryway, …
19911 At this Jeremiah said to Zed·e·ki'ah: "In case I should tell you, will you not without fail put me …
19912 At that King Zed·e·ki'ah swore to Jeremiah in the place of concealment, saying: "As Jehovah is aliv…
19913 Jeremiah now said to Zed·e·ki'ah: "This is what Jehovah, the God of armies, the God of Israel, has …
19915 Then King Zed·e·ki'ah said to Jeremiah: "I am in fright of the Jews that have fallen away to the Ch…
19920 And Zed·e·ki'ah proceeded to say to Jeremiah: "May no man at all get to know about these things, so…
19925 In the ninth year of Zed·e·ki'ah the king of Judah, in the tenth month, Neb·u·chad·rez'zar the king…
19926 In the eleventh year of Zed·e·ki'ah, in the fourth month, on the ninth day of the month, the city w…
19927 …wn in the Middle Gate, [namely,] Ner'gal-shar·e'zer, Sam'gar-ne'bo, Sar'se·chim, Rab'sa·ris, Ner'g…
19928 Now it came about that as soon as Zed·e·ki'ah the king of Judah and all the men of war saw them, th…
19929 And a military force of the Chal·de'ans went chasing after them, and they got to overtake Zed·e·ki'…
19930 And the king of Babylon proceeded to slaughter the sons of Zed·e·ki'ah in Rib'lah before his eyes, …
19931 And the eyes of Zed·e·ki'ah he blinded, after which he bound him with copper fetters, in order to b…
19937 … chief of the bodyguard and Neb·u·shaz'ban the Rab'sa·ris, and Ner'gal-shar·e'zer the Rab'mag and …
19970 …ainst Ish'ma·el the son of Neth·a·ni'ah and found him by the abundant waters that were in Gib'e·on.
19974 … and the wives and the little children and the court officials, whom he brought back from Gib'e·on.
20041 …s and into the hand of those seeking for his soul, just as I have given Zed·e·ki'ah the king of Ju…
20057 "Go up to Gil'e·ad and get some balsam, O virgin daughter of Egypt. In vain you have multiplied the…
20162 …remiah the prophet concerning E'lam in the beginning of the kingship of Zed·e·ki'ah the king of Ju…
20186 …r'mel and on Ba'shan; and in the mountainous region of E'phra·im and of Gil'e·ad his soul will be …
20272 …d Se·rai'ah the son of Ne·ri'ah the son of Mah·sei'ah when he went with Zed·e·ki'ah the king of Ju…
20278 Zed·e·ki'ah was twenty-one years old when he began to reign, and for eleven years he reigned in Jer…
20280 …rusalem and Judah, until he had cast them out from before his face. And Zed·e·ki'ah proceeded to r…
20282 So the city came under siege until the eleventh year of King Zed·e·ki'ah.
20285 And a military force of the Chal·de'ans went chasing after the king, and they got to overtake Zed·e
20287 And the king of Babylon proceeded to slaughter the sons of Zed·e·ki'ah before his eyes, and also al…
20288 And the eyes of Zed·e·ki'ah he blinded, after which the king of Babylon bound him with copper fette…
21100 …retching out my hand against the Phi·lis'tines, and I will cut off the Cher'e·thites and destroy t…
21194 … of Egypt devastated places, dryness, a desolated waste, from Mig'dol to Sy·e'ne and to the bounda…
21211 …so fall, and the pride of its strength must come down.'"'From Mig'dol to Sy·e'ne they will fall in…
21641 'Accurate scales and an accurate e'phah and an accurate bath measure YOU men should come to have.
21642 …e e'phah and the bath measure, there should come to be but one fixed amount, for the bath to carry…
21644 … that YOU should offer, the sixth part of the e'phah from the ho'mer of wheat, and the sixth part …
21655 …as a grain offering an e'phah for the young bull and an e'phah for the ram he should provide, and,…
21661 …rain offering an e'phah for the ram, and for the male lambs a grain offering as he is able to give…
21663e'phah for the young bull and an e'phah for the ram he should render up as a grain offering, and f…
21667 …to be an e'phah for the young bull and an e'phah for the ram, and for the male lambs as he is able…
21670 And as a grain offering you should provide with it morning by morning the sixth of an e'phah and, a…
21697 And the boundary from the sea must prove to be Ha'zar-e'non, the boundary of Damascus and north-nor…
21698 "And the eastern side is from between Ha·u·ran' and Damascus and between Gil'e·ad and the land of I…
21704 …y, on the side by the way of Heth'lon to the entering in to Ha'math, Ha'zar-e'nan, the boundary of…
21727 And by the boundary of Benjamin, from the eastern border to the western border, Sim'e·on one.
21728 And by the boundary of Sim'e·on, from the eastern border to the western border, Is'sa·char one.
21736 … five hundred [cubits] as to measurement, with three gates, the gate of Sim'e·on, one; the gate of…
21990 In the first year of Da·ri'us the son of A·has·u·e'rus of the seed of the Medes, who had been made …
22096 … Jehovah that occurred to Ho·se'a the son of Be·e'ri in the days of Uz·zi'ah, Jo'tham, A'haz [and]…
22161 "BLOW a horn in Gib'e·ah, a trumpet in Ra'mah! SHOUT a war cry at Beth-a'ven-after you, O Benjamin!
22176 Gil'e·ad is a town of practicers of what is harmful; their footprints are blood.
22218 They have gone down deep in bringing ruin, as in the days of Gib'e·ah. He will remember their error…
22235 "From the days of Gib'e·ah you have sinned, O Israel. There they stood still. In Gib'e·ah war again…
22264 "With Gil'e·ad what is uncanny, also untruth, have occurred. In Gil'gal they have sacrificed even b…
22368 …ccount of four, I shall not turn it back, on account of their threshing Gil'e·ad even with iron th…
22370 …e] inhabitant from Bik'ath-a'ven, and the holder of [the] scepter from Beth-e'den; and the people …
22378 …t turn it back, on account of their slitting open the pregnant women of Gil'e·ad, for the purpose …
22487 …s? Also, the sabbath, and we may offer grain for sale; in order to make the e'phah small and to ma…
22530 …field of E'phra·im and of the field of Sa·mar'i·a; and Benjamin [must take possession of] Gil'e·ad.
22531 … sons of Israel will belong what the Ca'naan·ites [possessed] as far as Zar'e·phath. And the exile…
22534 "Get up, go to Nin'e·veh the great city, and proclaim against her that their badness has come up be…
22561 "Get up, go to Nin'e·veh the great city, and proclaim to her the proclamation that I am speaking to…
22562 At that, Jo'nah got up and went to Nin'e·veh in accord with the word of Jehovah. Now Nin'e·veh hers…
22563 …one day, and he kept proclaiming and saying: "Only forty days more, and Nin'e·veh will be overthro…
22564 And the men of Nin'e·veh began to put faith in God, and they proceeded to proclaim a fast and to pu…
22565 When the word reached the king of Nin'e·veh, then he rose up from his throne and put off his offici…
22566 Furthermore, he had the cry made, and he had it said in Nin'e·veh, by the decree of the king and hi…
22580 And, for my part, ought I not to feel sorry for Nin'e·veh the great city, in which there exist more…
22581 The word of Jehovah that occurred to Mi'cah of Mo'resh·eth, in the days of Jo'tham, A'haz, Hez·e·ki…
22591 …nudity. The inhabitress of Za'a·nan has not gone forth. The wailing of Beth-e'zel will take from Y…
22659 Do there yet exist [in] the house of a wicked one the treasures of wickedness, and the scrimped e'p…
22679 …ne in a forest-in the midst of an orchard. Let them feed on Ba'shan and Gil'e·ad as in the days of…
22686 The pronouncement against Nin'e·veh: The book of the vision of Na'hum the El'kosh·ite:
22708 And Nin'e·veh, from the days [that] she [has been], was like a pool of waters; but they are fleeing…
22720 And it must occur that everyone seeing you will flee away from you and will certainly say, 'Nin'e·v…
22789 …e son of Cush'i the son of Ged·a·li'ah the son of Am·a·ri'ah the son of Hez·e·ki'ah in the days of…
22811 "Woe to those inhabiting the region of the sea, the nation of Cher'e·thites! The word of Jehovah is…
22819 …hand toward the north, and he will destroy As·syr'i·a. And he will make Nin'e·veh a desolate waste…
22880 …ear of Da·ri'us the word of Jehovah occurred to Zech·a·ri'ah the son of Ber·e·chi'ah the son of Id…
22886 …ar of Da·ri'us, the word of Jehovah occurred to Zech·a·ri'ah the son of Ber·e·chi'ah the son of Id…
22943 So I said: "What is it?"In turn he said: "This is the e'phah measure that is going forth." And he w…
22944 …circular lid of lead was lifted up; and this is a certain woman sitting in the midst of the e'phah.
22945 So he said: "This is Wickedness." And he proceeded to throw her [back] into the midst of the e'phah…
22946 …d they had wings like the wings of the stork. And they gradually raised the e'phah up between the …
22947 So I said to the angel who was speaking with me: "Where are they taking the e'phah?"
22965 And Beth'el proceeded to send Shar·e'zer and Re'gem-mel'ech and his men to soften the face of Jehov…
23027 …; and from As·syr'i·a I shall collect them together; and to the land of Gil'e·ad and Leb'a·non I s…
23059 the family of the house of Le'vi by itself, and their women by themselves; the family of the Shim'e
23154 Uz·zi'ah became father to Jo'tham;Jo'tham became father to A'haz;A'haz became father to Hez·e·ki'ah;
23155 Hez·e·ki'ah became father to Ma·nas'seh;Ma·nas'seh became father to A'mon;A'mon became father to Jo…
23160 E·li'ud became father to El·e·a'zar;El·e·a'zar became father to Mat'than;Mat'than became father to …
23231 …others [who were] brothers, James [the son] of Zeb'e·dee and John his brother, in the boat with Ze…
23420 …n, the one called Peter, and Andrew his brother; and James the [son] of Zeb'e·dee and John his bro…
23531 Men of Nin'e·veh will rise up in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it; because the…
23813 Then the mother of the sons of Zeb'e·dee approached him with her sons, doing obeisance and asking f…
24092 And taking along Peter and the two sons of Zeb'e·dee, he started to be grieved and to be sorely tro…
24186 …ary Mag'da·lene, also Mary the mother of James and Jo'ses, and the mother of the sons of Zeb'e·dee.
24235 And after going a little farther he saw James the [son] of Zeb'e·dee and John his brother, in fact,…
24236 and without delay he called them. In turn they left their father Zeb'e·dee in the boat with the hir…
24306 and James the [son] of Zeb'e·dee and John the brother of James (he also gave these the surname Bo·a…
24624 And James and John, the two sons of Zeb'e·dee, stepped up to him and said to him: "Teacher, we want…
24999 And, look! there was a man in Jerusalem named Sim'e·on, and this man was righteous and reverent, wa…
25008 Also, Sim'e·on blessed them, but said to Mary its mother: "Look! This one is laid for the fall and …
25052 [son] of Ma'ath,[son] of Mat·ta·thi'as,[son] of Sem'e·in,[son] of Jo'sech,[son] of Jo'da,
25055 [son] of Jesus,[son] of E·li·e'zer,[son] of Jo'rim,[son] of Mat'that,[son] of Le'vi,
25056 [son] of Sym'e·on,[son] of Judas,[son] of Joseph,[son] of Jo'nam,[son] of E·li'a·kim,
25090 yet E·li'jah was sent to none of those [women], but only to Zar'e·phath in the land of Si'don to a …
25118 and likewise both James and John, Zeb'e·dee's sons, who were sharers with Simon. But Jesus said to …
25436 For just as Jo'nah became a sign to the Nin'e·vites, in the same way will the Son of man be also to…
25438 The men of Nin'e·veh will rise in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it; because th…
26901 …lled The Twin, and Na·than'a·el from Ca'na of Gal'i·lee and the sons of Zeb'e·dee and two others o…
27364 … prophets and teachers in the local congregation, Bar'na·bas as well as Sym'e·on who was called Ni…
27457 Sym'e·on has related thoroughly how God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to t…
27493 …ion appeared to Paul: a certain Mac·e·do'ni·an man was standing and entreating him and saying: "St…
27494 Now as soon as he had seen the vision, we sought to go forth into Mac·e·do'ni·a, drawing the conclu…
27496 and from there to Phi·lip'pi, a colony, which is the principal city of the district of Mac·e·do'ni·…
27543 So they laid hold of him and led him to the Ar·e·op'a·gus, saying: "Can we get to know what this ne…
27546 Paul now stood in the midst of the Ar·e·op'a·gus and said:"Men of Athens, I behold that in all thin…
27558 …lievers, among whom also were Di·o·nys'i·us, a judge of the court of the Ar·e·op'a·gus, and a woma…
27563 When, now, both Silas and Timothy came down from Mac·e·do'ni·a, Paul began to be intensely occupied…
27577 So they arrived at Eph'e·sus, and he left them there; but he himself entered into the synagogue and…
27579 …old them: "I will return to YOU again, if Jehovah is willing." And he put out to sea from Eph'e·sus
27582 Now a certain Jew named A·pol'los, a native of Alexandria, an eloquent man, arrived in Eph'e·sus; a…
27587 …los was in Corinth, Paul went through the inland parts and came down to Eph'e·sus, and found some …
27603 This became known to all, both the Jews and the Greeks that dwelt in Eph'e·sus; and a fear fell upo…
27607 …d been completed, Paul purposed in his spirit that, after going through Mac·e·do'ni·a and A·cha'ia…
27608 So he dispatched to Mac·e·do'ni·a two of those who ministered to him, Timothy and E·ras'tus, but he…
27612 Also, YOU behold and hear how not only in Eph'e·sus but in nearly all the [district of] Asia this P…
27615 …the theater, taking forcibly along with them Ga'ius and Ar·is·tar'chus, Mac·e·do'ni·ans, traveling…
27621 When, finally, the city recorder had quieted the crowd, he said: "Men of Eph'e·sus, who really is t…
27628 … when he had encouraged them and bidden them farewell, he went forth to journey into Mac·e·do'ni·a.
27630 …he Jews as he was about to set sail for Syria, he made up his mind to return through Mac·e·do'ni·a.
27643 For Paul had decided to sail past Eph'e·sus, in order that he might not spend any time in the [dist…
27644 However, from Mi·le'tus he sent to Eph'e·sus and called for the older men of the congregation.
27672 We then completed the voyage from Tyre and arrived at Ptol·e·ma'is, and we greeted the brothers and…
27858 …e [district of] Asia, we set sail, there being with us Ar·is·tar'chus a Mac·e·do'ni·an from Thes·s…
28330 For those in Mac·e·do'ni·a and A·cha'ia have been pleased to share up their things by a contributio…
28375 For the disclosure was made to me about YOU, my brothers, by those of [the house of] Chlo'e, that d…
28751 If, like men, I have fought with wild beasts at Eph'e·sus, of what good is it to me? If the dead ar…
28782 But I shall come to YOU when I have gone through Mac·e·do'ni·a, for I am going through Mac·e·do'ni·…
28785 But I am remaining in Eph'e·sus until the [festival of] Pentecost;
28817 and after a stopover with YOU to go to Mac·e·do'ni·a, and to come back from Mac·e·do'ni·a to YOU an…
28838 …ccount of not finding Titus my brother, but I said good-bye to them and departed for Mac·e·do'ni·a.
28922 In fact, when we arrived in Mac·e·do'ni·a, our flesh got no relief, but we continued to be afflicte…
28934 …bout the undeserved kindness of God that has been bestowed upon the congregations of Mac·e·do'ni·a,
28959 for I know YOUR readiness of mind of which I am boasting to the Mac·e·do'ni·ans about YOU, that A·c…
28961 Otherwise, in some way, if Mac·e·do'ni·ans should come with me and find YOU not ready, we-not to sa…
28999 …id not become a burden to a single one, for the brothers that came from Mac·e·do'ni·a abundantly s…
29208 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus through God's will, to the holy ones who are [in Eph'e·sus] and fa…
29458 …ow that at [the] start of declaring the good news, when I departed from Mac·e·do'ni·a, not a congr…
29556 …mself to great effort in behalf of YOU and of those at La·o·di·ce'a and of those at Hi·e·rap'o·lis.
29568 so that YOU came to be an example to all the believers in Mac·e·do'ni·a and in A·cha'ia.
29569 The fact is, not only has the word of Jehovah sounded forth from YOU in Mac·e·do'ni·a and A·cha'ia,…
29614 and, in fact, YOU are doing it to all the brothers in all of Mac·e·do'ni·a. But we exhort YOU, brot…
29700 Just as I encouraged you to stay in Eph'e·sus when I was about to go my way into Mac·e·do'ni·a, so …
29825 … in the [district of] Asia have turned away from me. Phy·gel'us and Her·mog'e·nes are of that numb…
29826 May the Lord grant mercy to the household of On·e·siph'o·rus, because he often brought me refreshme…
29828 …ind mercy from Jehovah in that day. And all the services he rendered in Eph'e·sus you know well en…
29883 But I have sent Tych'i·cus off to Eph'e·sus.
29890 Give my greetings to Pris'ca and Aq'ui·la and the household of On·e·siph'o·rus.
30037 …e says also in another place: "You are a priest forever according to the manner of Mel·chiz'e·dek."
30041 because he has been specifically called by God a high priest according to the manner of Mel·chiz'e·…
30065 … our behalf, Jesus, who has become a high priest according to the manner of Mel·chiz'e·dek forever.
30066 For this Mel·chiz'e·dek, king of Sa'lem, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham returning fro…
30075 for he was still in the loins of his forefather when Mel·chiz'e·dek met him.
30076 …ld there be for another priest to arise according to the manner of Mel·chiz'e·dek and not said to …
30080 And it is still more abundantly clear that with a similarity to Mel·chiz'e·dek there arises another…
30082 for in witness it is said: "You are a priest forever according to the manner of Mel·chiz'e·dek."
30205 And what more shall I say? For the time will fail me if I go on to relate about Gid'e·on, Ba'rak, S…
30709 saying: "What you see write in a scroll and send it to the seven congregations, in Eph'e·sus and in…
30719 "To the angel of the congregation in Eph'e·sus write: These are the things that he says who holds t…
30738 "'Nevertheless, I do hold [this] against you, that you tolerate that woman Jez'e·bel, who calls her…
30818 out of the tribe of Sim'e·on twelve thousand;out of the tribe of Le'vi twelve thousand;out of the t…