Lines Matching refs:name

42 The first one's name is Pi'shon; it is the one encircling the entire land of Hav'i·lah, where there…
44 And the name of the second river is Gi'hon; it is the one encircling the entire land of Cush.
45 And the name of the third river is Hid'de·kel; it is the one going to the east of As·syr'i·a. And t…
50 …at he would call each one; and whatever the man would call it, each living soul, that was its name.
76 After this Adam called his wife's name Eve, because she had to become the mother of everyone living.
97 …to E'noch. Then he engaged in building a city and called the city's name by the name of his son E'…
99 And La'mech proceeded to take two wives for himself. The name of the first was A'dah and the name o…
101 And the name of his brother was Ju'bal. He proved to be the founder of all those who handle the har…
105 …rcourse again with his wife and so she gave birth to a son and called his name Seth, because, as s…
106 …was born a son and he proceeded to call his name E'nosh. At that time a start was made of calling …
108 Male and female he created them. After that he blessed them and called their name Man in the day of…
109 …irty years. Then he became father to a son in his likeness, in his image, and called his name Seth.
135 And he proceeded to call his name Noah, saying: "This one will bring us comfort from our work and f…
260 …'ber there were two sons born. The name of the one was Pe'leg, because in his days the earth was d…
271 …nd also a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a celebrated name for ourselves, for …
276 That is why its name was called Ba'bel, because there Jehovah had confused the language of all the …
296 … Na'hor proceeded to take wives for themselves. The name of A'bram's wife was Sar'ai, while the na…
301 and I shall make a great nation out of you and I shall bless you and I will make your name great; a…
307 … A'i on the east. Then he built an altar there to Jehovah and began to call on the name of Jehovah.
323 …altar that he had made there originally; and A'bram proceeded to call there on the name of Jehovah.
383 …ram's wife, had borne him no children; but she had an Egyptian maidservant and her name was Ha'gar.
393 …ere you are pregnant, and you shall give birth to a son and must call his name Ish'ma·el; for Jeho…
395 Then she began to call the name of Jehovah, who was speaking to her: "You are a God of sight," for …
397 Later on Ha'gar bore to A'bram a son and A'bram called the name of his son whom Ha'gar bore Ish'ma·…
403 And your name will not be called A'bram anymore, and your name must become Abraham, because a fathe…
413 …to Abraham: "As for Sar'ai your wife, you must not call her name Sar'ai, because Sarah is her name.
417 To this God said: "Sarah your wife is indeed bearing you a son, and you must call his name Isaac. A…
480 …ot able to do a thing until your arriving there!" That is why he called the name of the city Zo'ar.
495 In time the firstborn became mother to a son and called his name Mo'ab. He is the father of Mo'ab, …
496 As for the younger, she too gave birth to a son and then called his name Ben-am'mi. He is the fathe…
517 Accordingly Abraham called the name of his son who had been born to him, whom Sarah had borne to hi…
547 After that he planted a tamarisk tree at Be'er-she'ba and called there upon the name of Jehovah the…
562 And Abraham began to call the name of that place Je·ho'vah-ji'reh. This is why it is customarily sa…
572 There was his concubine too, whose name was Reu'mah. In time she herself also gave birth to Te'bah …
621 Now Re·bek'ah had a brother and his name was La'ban. So La'ban went running to the man who was outs…
660 Furthermore, Abraham again took a wife, and her name was Ke·tu'rah.
684 Then the first came out red all over like an official garment of hair; so they called his name E'sa…
685 …ame out and his hand was holding onto the heel of E'sau; so he called his name Jacob. And Isaac wa…
689 …give me a swallow of the red-the red there, for I am tired!" That is why his name was called E'dom.
713 … the shepherds of Isaac, saying: "The water is ours!" Hence he called the name of the well E'sek, …
714 …t digging another well, and they fell to quarreling over it also. Hence he called its name Sit'nah.
715 …d dug another well, but they did not quarrel over it. Hence he called its name Re·ho'both and said…
718 Accordingly he built an altar there and called on the name of Jehovah and pitched his tent there, a…
726 Hence he called its name Shi'bah. That is why the name of the city is Be'er-she'ba, down to this da…
764 At this he said: "Is that not why his name is called Jacob, in that he should supplant me these two…
793 Further, he called the name of that place Beth'el; but the fact is, Luz was the city's name formerl…
812 As it was, La'ban had two daughters. The name of the older was Le'ah and the name of the younger Ra…
828 And Le'ah became pregnant and brought a son to birth and then called his name Reu'ben, for she said…
829 …listened, in that I was hated and so he gave me also this one." Hence she called his name Sim'e·on.
830 …usband will join himself to me, because I have borne him three sons." His name was therefore calle…
831 …and then said: "This time I shall laud Jehovah." She therefore called his name Judah. After that s…
837 … and has also listened to my voice, so that he gave me a son." That is why she called his name Dan.
839 …gs I have wrestled with my sister. I have also come off winner!" So she called his name Naph'ta·li.
842 Then Le'ah said: "With good fortune!" So she called his name Gad.
844 … my happiness! For the daughters will certainly pronounce me happy." So she called his name Ash'er.
849 …ing's wages, because I have given my maidservant to my husband." So she called his name Is'sa·char.
851 … my husband will tolerate me, because I have borne him six sons." So she called his name Zeb'u·lun.
852 And afterward she bore a daughter and then called her name Di'nah.
855 So she called his name Joseph, saying: "Jehovah is adding another son to me."
922 …to say: "This heap is a witness between me and you today." That is why he called its name Gal'e·ed,
931 Immediately Jacob said, when he saw them: "The camp of God this is!" Hence he called the name of th…
956 So he said to him: "What is your name?" to which he said: "Jacob."
957 Then he said: "Your name will no longer be called Jacob but Israel, for you have contended with God…
958 …b inquired and said: "Tell me, please, your name." However, he said: "Why is it that you inquire f…
959 Hence Jacob called the name of the place Pe·ni'el, because, to quote him, "I have seen God face to …
978 …mself a house and for his herd he made booths. That was why he called the name of the place Suc'co…
1020 …nd was buried at the foot of Beth'el under a massive tree. Hence he called its name Al'lon-bac'uth.
1022 … to him: "Your name is Jacob. No longer is your name to be called Jacob, but Israel will your name
1027 And Jacob continued to call the name of the place where God had spoken with him Beth'el.
1030 And the result was that as her soul was going out (because she died) she called his name Ben-o'ni; …
1073 And Be'la son of Be'or proceeded to reign in E'dom, and the name of his city was Din'ha·bah.
1076 …d'i·an·ites in the field of Mo'ab, began to reign instead of him, and the name of his city was A'v…
1080 …'bor died, Ha'dar began to reign instead of him; and the name of his city was Pa'u, and the name o…
1121 …down from his brothers he pitched [his tent] near a man, an A·dul'lam·ite, and his name was Hi'rah.
1122 And there Judah got to see a daughter of a certain Ca'naan·ite, and his name was Shu'a. So he took …
1123 And she became pregnant. Later she bore a son and he called his name Er.
1124 Again she became pregnant. In time she bore a son and called his name O'nan.
1125 Yet another time she went on to bear a son and then called his name She'lah. Now he happened to be …
1126 In time Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn, and her name was Ta'mar.
1149 …by this, that you have produced a perineal rupture for yourself?" Hence his name was called Pe'rez.
1150 And afterward his brother upon whose hand the scarlet piece was came out and his name came to be ca…
1241 After that Phar'aoh called Joseph's name Zaph'e·nath-pa·ne'ah and gave him As'e·nath the daughter o…
1247 So Joseph called the name of the firstborn Ma·nas'seh, because, to quote him, "God has made me forg…
1248 And the name of the second he called E'phra·im, because, to quote him, "God has made me fruitful in…
1458 …h you shall become father after them will become yours. Together with the name of their brothers t…
1468 …ecovering me from all calamity, bless the boys.And let my name be called upon them and the name of…
1518 … exclaimed: "This is a heavy mourning for the Egyptians!" That is why its name was called A'bel-mi…
1548 …n the king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, the name of one of whom was Shiph'rah and the nam…
1565 …s daughter, so that he became a son to her; and she proceeded to call his name Moses and to say: "…
1577 Later she bore a son and he called his name Ger'shom, because, he said: "An alien resident I have c…
1593 …YOUR forefathers has sent me to YOU,' and they do say to me, 'What is his name?' What shall I say …
1595 …m, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, has sent me to YOU.' This is my name to time indefinite,…
1656 For from the time that I went in before Phar'aoh to speak in your name, he has done evil to this pe…
1659 And I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty, but as respects my name Jehovah I…
1759 …n existence, for the sake of showing you my power and in order to have my name declared in all the…
1924 Jehovah is a manly person of war. Jehovah is his name.
1944 …t able to drink the water from Ma'rah because it was bitter. That is why he called its name Ma'rah.
1979 And the house of Israel began to call its name "manna." And it was white like coriander seed, and i…
1991 So he called the name of the place Mas'sah and Mer'i·bah, because of the quarreling of the sons of …
1999 And Moses proceeded to build an altar and to call its name Je·ho'vah-nis'si,
2003 and her two sons, the name of one of whom was Ger'shom, "because," he said, "an alien resident I ha…
2004 and the name of the other was E·li·e'zer, "because," to quote him, "the God of my father is my help…
2059 …ust not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way, for Jehovah will not leave the on…
2076 …crifices, your flock and your herd. In every place where I shall cause my name to be remembered I …
2158 …uard respecting all that I have said to YOU; and YOU must not mention the name of other gods. It s…
2166 …rebelliously against him, for he will not pardon YOUR transgression; because my name is within him.
2315 …. With the engravings of a seal they should be, each one according to its name, for the twelve tri…
2423 "See, I do call by name Bez'al·el the son of U'ri the son of Hur of the tribe of Judah.
2486 …ou will send with me. Moreover, you yourself have said, 'I do know you by name and, besides, you h…
2491 …which you have spoken, I shall do, because you have found favor in my eyes and I know you by name."
2493 …ll cause all my goodness to pass before your face, and I will declare the name of Jehovah before y…
2502 …eeded to come down in the cloud and station himself with him there and declare the name of Jehovah.
2511 For you must not prostrate yourself to another god, because Jehovah, whose name is Jealous, he is a…
2562 Then Moses said to the sons of Israel: "See, Jehovah has called by name Bez'al·el the son of U'ri t…
2679 …ding to their names, with the engravings of a seal, each according to its name for the twelve trib…
3273 …he devoting of any of your offspring to Mo'lech. You must not profane the name of your God that wa…
3294 And YOU must not swear in my name to a lie, so that you do profane the name of your God. I am Jehov…
3322 … of his offspring to Mo'lech for the purpose of defiling my holy place and to profane my holy name.
3352 They should prove themselves holy to their God, and they should not profane the name of their God, …
3372 …parate from the holy things of the sons of Israel and not profane my holy name in the things they …
3402 And YOU must not profane my holy name, and I must be sanctified in the midst of the sons of Israel.…
3458 …wn evil upon it. So they brought him to Moses. Incidentally, his mother's name was She·lo'mith, th…
3463 So the abuser of Jehovah's name should be put to death without fail. The entire assembly should wit…
3851 And they must place my name upon the sons of Israel, that I myself may bless them."
4028 And the name of that place got to be called Tab'e·rah, because a fire of Jehovah had blazed against…
4051 Now there were two of the men remaining in the camp. The name of the one was El'dad, and the name o…
4059 The name of that place came to be called Kib'roth-hat·ta'a·vah, because there they buried the peopl…
4247 …hieftains, by the house of their fathers, twelve rods. You will write the name of each one upon hi…
4248 And Aaron's name you will write upon Le'vi's rod, because there is one rod for the head of the hous…
4344 … they devoted them and their cities to destruction. Hence they called the name of the place Hor'ma…
4486 Incidentally the name of the fatally struck Israelite man who was fatally struck with the Mid'i·an·…
4487 And the name of the Mid'i·an·ite woman fatally struck was Coz'bi the daughter of Zur; he was a head…
4536 And the name of Ash'er's daughter was Se'rah.
4549 And the name of Am'ram's wife was Joch'e·bed, Le'vi's daughter, whom his wife bore to Le'vi in Egyp…
4559 Why should the name of our father be taken away from the midst of his family because he had no son?…
4761 …and went capturing Ke'nath and its dependent towns; and he began to call it No'bah by his own name.
4990 …c'a·thites, and he proceeded to call those villages of Ba'shan by his own name, Hav'voth-ja'ir, to…
5065 …must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way, for Jehovah will not leave anyon…
5100 Jehovah your God you should fear, and him you should serve, and by his name you should swear.
5172 Let me alone that I may annihilate them and wipe out their name from under the heavens, and let me …
5195 …s covenant, to stand before Jehovah for ministering to him and to bless in his name until this day.
5207 …hould fear. Him you should serve, and to him you should cling, and by his name you should make swo…
5246 but to the place that Jehovah YOUR God will choose out of all YOUR tribes to place his name there, …
5252 And it must occur that the place that Jehovah YOUR God will choose to have his name reside there is…
5262 In case the place that Jehovah your God will choose to put his name there should be far away from y…
5314 And before Jehovah your God, in the place that he will choose to have his name reside there, you mu…
5315 … carry it, since the place that Jehovah your God will choose to place his name there will be too f…
5345 … of the flock and of the herd, in the place that Jehovah will choose to have his name reside there.
5349 But at the place that Jehovah your God will choose to have his name reside there, you should sacrif…
5354 …ho are in your midst, in the place that Jehovah your God will choose to have his name reside there.
5390 …ah your God has chosen out of all your tribes to stand to minister in the name of Jehovah, he and …
5392 he must also minister in the name of Jehovah his God the same as all his brothers, the Levites, who…
5404 And it must occur that the man who will not listen to my words that he will speak in my name, I sha…
5405 …e prophet who presumes to speak in my name a word that I have not commanded him to speak or who sp…
5407 when the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is th…
5453 …e ones Jehovah your God has chosen to minister to him and to bless in the name of Jehovah and at w…
5485 and he has charged her with notorious deeds and brought forth a bad name upon her and has said, 'Th…
5490 …hekels and give them to the girl's father, because he brought forth a bad name upon a virgin of Is…
5554 …t the firstborn whom she will bear should succeed to the name of his dead brother, that his name m…
5555 … men and say, 'My husband's brother has refused to preserve his brother's name in Israel. He has n…
5558 And his name must be called in Israel 'The house of the one who had his sandal drawn off.'
5569 …em in a basket and go to the place that Jehovah your God will choose to have his name reside there.
5622 And all the peoples of the earth will have to see that Jehovah's name has been called upon you, and…
5670 …t are written in this book so as to fear this glorious and fear-inspiring name, even Jehovah, your…
5700 …k will certainly settle down on him, and Jehovah will indeed wipe out his name from under the heav…
5762 For I shall declare the name of Jehovah.Do YOU attribute greatness to our God!
5871 …er'i·cho." So they went and came to the house of a prostitute woman whose name was Ra'hab, and the…
5944 …ua: "Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off YOU." So the name of that place came …
5986 …they will certainly surround us and cut our name off from the earth; and what will you do for your…
6003 …this day. At this Jehovah turned away from his hot anger. That is why the name of that place has b…
6047 …is from a very distant land that your servants have come in regard to the name of Jehovah your God…
6203 The name of He'bron before that was Kir'i·ath-ar'ba ([said Ar'ba was] the great man among the An'a·…
6218 Then he went up from there to the inhabitants of De'bir. (Now the name of De'bir before that was Ki…
6369 …went dwelling in it, and they began to call Le'shem Dan, according to the name of Dan their forefa…
6391 …Judah and out of the tribe of the sons of Sim'e·on they gave these cities that were called by name,
6461 And the sons of Reu'ben and the sons of Gad began to name the altar, because "it is a witness betwe…
6520 So Judah marched against the Ca'naan·ites who were dwelling in He'bron (now the name of He'bron bef…
6521 And they marched on from there against the inhabitants of De'bir. (Now the name of De'bir before th…
6527 …'naan·ites inhabiting Ze'phath and to devote it to destruction. Hence the name of the city was cal…
6533 And the house of Joseph began to spy on Beth'el (incidentally, the name of the city before that was…
6536 …t to the land of the Hit'tites and built a city and called its name Luz. That is its name down to …
6551 Hence they called the name of that place Bo'chim. And they proceeded to sacrifice there to Jehovah.
6887 Meanwhile there happened to be a certain man of Zo'rah of the family of the Dan'ites, and his name
6891 …very fear-inspiring. And I did not ask him from just where he was, neither did he tell me his name.
6902 Then Ma·no'ah said to Jehovah's angel: "What is your name, that when your word comes true we shall …
6903 However, Jehovah's angel said to him: "Just why should you ask about my name, when it is a wonderfu…
6909 Later the woman gave birth to a son and called his name Samson; and the boy kept getting bigger, an…
6949 …after which his spirit returned and he revived. That is why he called its name En-hak·kor'e, which…
6954 …that that he fell in love with a woman in the torrent valley of So'rek, and her name was De·li'lah.
6982 Now there happened to be a man of the mountainous region of E'phra·im whose name was Mi'cah.
7023 …ey called the name of the city Dan by the name of their father, Dan, who had been born to Israel. …
7130 And the man's name was E·lim'e·lech, and his wife's name Na'o·mi, and the names of his two sons wer…
7132 …the men took wives for themselves, Mo'ab·ite women. The name of the one was Or'pah, and the name o…
7151 …sman of her husband, a man mighty in wealth, of the family of E·lim'e·lech, and his name was Bo'az.
7169 … her mother-in-law with whom she had worked; and she went on to say: "The name of the man with who…
7196 …i·tess, the wife of the dead man, that you must buy it so as to cause the name of the dead man to …
7201 …I do buy for myself as a wife to cause the name of the dead man to rise upon his inheritance and t…
7202 …he house of Israel; and you prove your worth in Eph'ra·thah and make a notable name in Beth'le·hem.
7205 …ed be Jehovah, who has not let a repurchaser fail for you today; that his name may be proclaimed i…
7208 Then the neighbor ladies gave it a name, saying: "A son has been born to Na'o·mi." And they began t…
7214 …n of Ra·math·a'im-zo'phim of the mountainous region of E'phra·im, and his name was El·ka'nah, the …
7215 And he had two wives, the name of the one being Han'nah, and the name of the other being Pe·nin'nah…
7233 …'nah became pregnant and brought a son to birth and proceeded to call his name Samuel, because, sa…
7365 Then Samuel took a stone and set it between Miz'pah and Jesh'a·nah and began to call its name Eb·en…
7372 Now the name of his firstborn son happened to be Joel, and the name of his second A·bi'jah; they we…
7393 Now there happened to be a man of Benjamin, and his name was Kish, the son of A·bi'el, the son of Z…
7394 And he happened to have a son whose name was Saul, young and handsome, and there was no man of the …
7483 For Jehovah will not desert his people for the sake of his great name, because Jehovah has taken it…
7513 …is side and a toothlike crag there on that side, and the name of the one was Bo'zez and the name o…
7558 …a, and, as for the names of his two daughters, the name of the one born first was Me'rab and the n…
7559 And the name of Saul's wife was A·hin'o·am the daughter of A·him'a·az, and the name of the chief of…
7623 And a champion began to go out from the camps of the Phi·lis'tines, his name being Go·li'ath, from …
7631 Now David was the son of this Eph'rath·ite from Beth'le·hem of Judah whose name was Jes'se. And he …
7642 While he was speaking with them, why, here the champion, his name being Go·li'ath the Phi·lis'tine …
7664 …word and with a spear and with a javelin, but I am coming to you with the name of Jehovah of armie…
7707 … went out David acted most prudently of all the servants of Saul; and his name came to be very pre…
7747 will [the name of] Jon'a·than be cut off from the house of David. And Jehovah must require it at th…
7773 And Jon'a·than went on to say to David: "Go in peace, since we have sworn, both of us, in the name
7780 Now one of Saul's servants was there on that day, detained before Jehovah, and his name was Do'eg t…
7808 However, one son of A·him'e·lech the son of A·hi'tub, whose name was A·bi'a·thar, made his escape a…
7861 …you will not cut off my seed after me and that you will not annihilate my name out of the house of…
7865 And the man's name was Na'bal, and his wife's name was Ab'i·gail. And the wife was good in discreti…
7867 …young men: "Go up to Car'mel, and YOU must come to Na'bal and ask him in my name about his welfare.
7871 Accordingly David's young men came and spoke to Na'bal in accord with all these words in the name o…
7887 … heart upon this good-for-nothing man Na'bal, for, as his name is, so is he. Na'bal is his name, a…
8089 Now Saul had had a concubine whose name was Riz'pah, the daughter of A'iah. Later Ish-bo'sheth said…
8123 …bands, that happened to belong to the son of Saul, the name of the one being Ba'a·nah and the name
8125 …e was running in panic to flee, he then had a fall and was lamed. And his name was Me·phib'o·sheth.
8153 …nemies ahead of me, like a gap made by waters." That is why he called the name of that place Ba'al…
8160 …'dah to bring up from there the ark of the [true] God, where a name is called on, the name of Jeho…
8176 …acrifices and the communion sacrifices, he then blessed the people in the name of Jehovah of armie…
8190 …nemies from before you; and I shall certainly make for you a great name, like the name of the grea…
8194 He is the one that will build a house for my name, and I shall certainly establish the throne of hi…
8204 …l, whom God went to redeem to himself as a people and to assign himself a name and to do for them …
8207 And let your own name become great to time indefinite, saying, 'Jehovah of armies is God over Israe…
8223 And David proceeded to make a name when he came back from striking down the E'dom·ites in the Valle…
8230 Now the house of Saul had a servant whose name was Zi'ba. So they called him to David, and the king…
8240 Now Me·phib'o·sheth had a young son whose name was Mi'ca, and all those dwelling in the house of Zi…
8311 … he came in to her and lay down with her. In time she bore a son, and his name came to be called S…
8312 So he sent by means of Nathan the prophet and called his name Jed·i·di'ah, for the sake of Jehovah.
8315 … capture it; that I myself may not be the one to capture the city, and my name should not have to …
8319 … such things that Ab'sa·lom the son of David had a beautiful sister whose name was Ta'mar, and Am'…
8321 Now Am'non had a companion whose name was Je·hon'a·dab, the son of Shim'e·ah, David's brother; and …
8364 …f my charcoals that has remained, so as to assign to my husband neither a name nor a remnant on th…
8384 And there came to be born to Ab'sa·lom three sons and one daughter whose name was Ta'mar. She prove…
8432 …k! coming out from there was a man of the family of Saul's house, and his name was Shim'e·i, the s…
8475 … the place of Jo'ab over the army; and A·ma'sa was the son of a man whose name was Ith'ra the Isra…
8497 …r he said: "I have no son in order to keep my name in remembrance." So he called the pillar by his…
8556 Now there happened to be there a good-for-nothing man, whose name was She'ba, the son of Bich'ri a …
8576 The matter is not that way, but a man from the mountainous region of E'phra·im, whose name is She'b…
8653 That is why I shall thank you, O Jehovah, among the nations;And to your name I shall make melody:
8765 …ord King David well, saying, 'May your God make Sol'o·mon's name more splendid than your name, and…
8819 Only the people were sacrificing on the high places, for a house had not been built to the name of …
8882 "You yourself well know that David my father was not able to build a house to the name of Jehovah h…
8884name of Jehovah my God, just as Jehovah promised to David my father, saying, 'Your son whom I shal…
8956 … up the right-hand pillar and called its name Ja'chin, and then set up the left-hand pillar and ca…
9002 …not chosen a city out of all the tribes of Israel to build a house for my name to continue there; …
9003 And it came to be close to the heart of David my father to build a house to the name of Jehovah the…
9004 …he reason that it proved to be close to your heart to build a house to my name, you did well, beca…
9005 … but your son who is coming forth from your loins is the one that will build the house to my name.'
9006 …rael, just as Jehovah had spoken, and that I might build the house to the name of Jehovah the God …
9015 … toward this house night and day, toward the place of which you said, 'My name will prove to be th…
9019 …hey kept sinning against you, and they indeed return to you and laud your name and pray and make r…
9021 …nning against you, and they actually pray toward this place and laud your name, and from their sin…
9027 … is no part of your people Israel and who actually comes from a distant land by reason of your name
9028 (for they shall hear of your great name and of your strong hand and of your stretched-out arm), and…
9029 …the earth may get to know your name so as to fear you the same as your people Israel do, and so as…
9030 …vah in the direction of the city that you have chosen and the house that I have built to your name,
9034 …e to their forefathers, the city that you have chosen and the house that I have built to your name;
9055 …before me. I have sanctified this house that you have built by putting my name there to time indef…
9059 …und that I have given to them; and the house that I have sanctified to my name I shall throw away …
9081 Now the queen of She'ba was hearing the report about Sol'o·mon in connection with the name of Jehov…
9135 …an E'phra·im·ite from Zer'e·dah, a servant of Sol'o·mon, and his mother's name was Ze·ru'ah, a wid…
9145 … a lamp always before me in Jerusalem, the city that I have chosen for myself to put my name there.
9187 … is what Jehovah has said, 'Look! A son born to the house of David, whose name is Jo·si'ah! And he…
9240 …hovah had chosen out of all the tribes of Israel to put his name there. And his mother's name was …
9250 …nd was buried with his forefathers in the City of David. And his mother's name was Na'a·mah the Am…
9252 Three years he reigned in Jerusalem; and his mother's name was Ma'a·cah the granddaughter of A·bish…
9260 And forty-one years he reigned in Jerusalem; and his grandmother's name was Ma'a·cah the granddaugh…
9308 …ver, and began to build [on] the mountain and call the name of the city that he built by the name
9366 And YOU must call upon the name of YOUR god, and I, for my part, shall call upon the name of Jehova…
9367 … bull and dress it first, because YOU are the majority; and call upon the name of YOUR god, but YO…
9368 …l that he gave them. Then they dressed it, and they kept calling upon the name of Ba'al from morni…
9373 …the sons of Jacob, to whom Jehovah's word had come, saying: "Israel is what your name will become."
9374 And he went on to build the stones into an altar in the name of Jehovah and to make a trench, of ab…
9460 Accordingly she wrote letters in A'hab's name and sealed them with his seal, and sent the letters t…
9497 … putting you under oath that you should not speak to me anything but truth in the name of Jehovah?"
9523 …eign, and for twenty-five years he reigned in Jerusalem; and his mother's name was A·zu'bah the da…
9576 Finally he turned behind him and saw them and called down evil upon them in the name of Jehovah. Th…
9659 …e he will come out all the way and will certainly stand and call upon the name of Jehovah his God …
9754 …egan to reign, and for one year he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Ath·a·li'ah the…
9852 …ecame king, and for forty years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Zib'i·ah from B…
9899 …eign, and for twenty-nine years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Je·ho·ad'din of…
9904 …ley of Salt, ten thousand men, and got to seize Se'la in the war, and its name came to be called J…
9924 And Jehovah had promised not to wipe out the name of Israel from under the heavens. Consequently he…
9928 … reign, and for fifty-two years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Je·co·li'ah of …
9959 …to reign, and for sixteen years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Je·ru'sha the d…
10018 …he law and the commandment that Jehovah had commanded the sons of Jacob, whose name he made Israel;
10027 …eign, and for twenty-nine years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was A'bi the daught…
10121 … to reign, and for fifty-five years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Heph'zi·bah.
10124 …ars in the house of Jehovah, respecting which Jehovah had said: "In Jerusalem I shall put my name."
10127 …salem, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, I shall put my name to time indefinite.
10139 …gan to reign, and for two years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Me·shul'le·meth…
10147 …reign, and for thirty-one years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Je·di'dah the d…
10193 …at I have chosen, even Jerusalem, and the house of which I have said, 'My name will continue there…
10197 … to reign, and for three months he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Ha·mu'tal the d…
10200 … the son of Jo·si'ah king in place of Jo·si'ah his father and changed his name to Je·hoi'a·kim; an…
10202 … to reign, and for eleven years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Ze·bi'dah the d…
10211 … to reign, and for three months he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Ne·hush'ta the …
10220 … Babylon made Mat·ta·ni'ah his uncle king in place of him. Then he changed his name to Zed·e·ki'ah.
10221 … to reign, and for eleven years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Ha·mu'tal the d…
10272 …d to E'ber two sons were born. The name of the one was Pe'leg, because in his days the earth was d…
10296 …ore any king reigned over the sons of Israel: Be'la the son of Be'or, the name of whose city was D…
10299 …d Mid'i·an in the field of Mo'ab, began to reign in place of him. And the name of his city was A'v…
10303 …died, and Ha'dad began to reign in place of him; and the name of his city was Pa'u, and the name o…
10333 And Je·rah'me·el came to have another wife, whose name was At'a·rah. She was the mother of O'nam.
10336 And the name of A·bi'shur's wife was Ab'i·ha·il, who in time bore him Ah'ban and Mo'lid.
10341 And She'shan came to have no sons, but daughters. Now She'shan had an Egyptian servant whose name w…
10389 And these were [the sons of] the father of E'tam: Jez're·el and Ish'ma and Id'bash, (and the name o…
10395 And Ja'bez came to be more honorable than his brothers; and it was his mother that called his name
10551 …lf took a wife for Hup'pim and for Shup'pim, and the name of his sister was Ma'a·cah.) And the nam…
10552 In time Ma'a·cah, Ma'chir's wife, bore a son and called his name Pe'resh; and the name of his broth…
10559 …e, so that she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. But he called his name Be·ri'ah, because i…
10605 And it was in Gib'e·on that the father of Gib'e·on, [Je·i'el,] dwelt, and his wife's name was Ma'a·…
10651 And in Gib'e·on was where the father of Gib'e·on, Je·i'el, dwelt. And his wife's name was Ma'a·cah.
10698 These things Be·nai'ah the son of Je·hoi'a·da did, and he had a name among the three mighty men.
10752 And of the half tribe of Ma·nas'seh there were eighteen thousand that had been designated by name t…
10767 …om there the ark of the [true] God, Jehovah, sitting on the cherubs, where [his] name is called on.
10786 …nemies by my hand like a gap made by waters." That is why they called the name of that place Ba'al…
10823 …burnt offering and the communion sacrifices, he went on to bless the people in the name of Jehovah.
10829 "Give thanks to Jehovah, YOU people; call upon his name,Make his deeds known among the peoples!
10831 Make YOUR boast in his holy name,Let the heart of those seeking Jehovah rejoice.
10850 Attribute to Jehovah the glory of his name,Carry a gift and come in before him.Bow down to Jehovah …
10856 …t us together and deliver us from the nations,To give thanks to your holy name, to speak exultingl…
10872 …your enemies from before you, and I shall certainly make for you a name like the name of the great…
10885 …[true] God went to redeem to himself as a people, to assign to yourself a name of great achievemen…
10888 And let your name prove faithful and become great to time indefinite, saying, 'Jehovah of armies, t…
10954 Accordingly David went up at the word of Gad that he had spoken in the name of Jehovah.
10972 …is son: "As for myself, it became close to my heart to build a house to the name of Jehovah my God.
10973 … spilled, and great wars you have waged. You will not build a house to my name, for a great deal o…
10974 … give him rest from all his enemies all around; for Sol'o·mon is what his name will become, and pe…
10975 It is he that will build a house to my name, and he himself will become a son to me, and I a father…
10984 …nant of Jehovah and the holy utensils of the [true] God to the house built to the name of Jehovah."
10997 … smoke before Jehovah, to minister to him and to pronounce blessing in his name to time indefinite.
11147 And the [true] God himself said to me, 'You will not build a house to my name; for a man of wars yo…
11178 And now, O our God, we are thanking you and praising your beauteous name.
11181 …is abundance that we have prepared to build for you a house for your holy name, from your hand it …
11213 Sol'o·mon now gave the word to build a house to Jehovah's name and a house for his kingship.
11216 here I am building a house to the name of Jehovah my God to sanctify it to him, to burn perfumed in…
11247 …right and one to the left, after which he called the name of the right-hand one Ja'chin and the na…
11288 …not chosen a city out of all the tribes of Israel to build a house for my name to prove to be ther…
11289 But I shall choose Jerusalem for my name to prove to be there, and I shall choose David to come to …
11290 And it came to be close to the heart of David my father to build a house to the name of Jehovah the…
11291 …he reason that it proved to be close to your heart to build a house to my name, you did well becau…
11292 … but your son who is coming forth from your loins is the one that will build the house to my name.'
11293 …rael, just as Jehovah had spoken, and that I might build the house to the name of Jehovah the God …
11303 …s house day and night, toward the place where you said you would put your name, by listening to th…
11307 …cause they kept sinning against you, and they indeed return and laud your name and pray and make r…
11309 …nning against you, and they actually pray toward this place and laud your name [and] from their si…
11315 …Israel and who actually comes from a distant land by reason of your great name and your strong han…
11316 …eoples of the earth may know your name and may fear you the same as your people Israel do, and may…
11317 …ou in the direction of this city that you have chosen and the house that I have built to your name,
11321 …o their forefathers and the city that you have chosen and the house that I have built to your name;
11339 and my people upon whom my name has been called humble themselves and pray and seek my face and tur…
11341 And now I do choose and sanctify this house that my name may prove to be there to time indefinite, …
11345 …ound that I have given them; and this house that I have sanctified for my name, I shall throw away…
11451 …hovah had chosen out of all the tribes of Israel to put his name there. And his mother's name was …
11456 Three years he reigned in Jerusalem, and his mother's name was Mi·cai'ah the daughter of U·ri'el of…
11487 …o power. Help us, O Jehovah our God, for upon you we do lean, and in your name we have come agains…
11558 … putting you under oath that you should not speak to me anything but truth in the name of Jehovah?"
11596 …ook up dwelling in it, and they proceeded to build in it for you a sanctuary for your name, saying,
11597 …ilence or famine, let us stand before this house and before you (for your name is in this house), …
11614 …of Ber'a·cah, for there they blessed Jehovah. That is why they called the name of that place Low P…
11619 …eign, and for twenty-five years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was A·zu'bah the da…
11647 …egan to reign, and for one year he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Ath·a·li'ah the…
11679 …n to reign, and for forty years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Zib'i·ah from B…
11706 …king, and for twenty-nine years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Je·ho·ad'dan of…
11736 … reign, and for fifty-two years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Je·co·li'ah of …
11757 …to reign, and for sixteen years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Je·ru'shah the …
11774 And there happened to be a prophet of Jehovah there whose name was O'ded. So he went out before the…
11793 …ears, and for twenty-nine years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was A·bi'jah the da…
11913 …the house of Jehovah, respecting which Jehovah had said: "In Jerusalem my name will prove to be to…
11916 …salem, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, I shall put my name to time indefinite.
11927 …his God and the words of the visionaries that kept speaking to him in the name of Jehovah the God …
11998 …made E·li'a·kim his brother king over Judah and Jerusalem and changed his name to Je·hoi'a·kim; bu…
12089 …took a wife from the daughters of Bar·zil'lai the Gil'e·ad·ite and came to be called by their name.
12136 …prophet prophesied to the Jews who were in Judah and in Jerusalem, in the name of the God of Israe…
12149 …k out of the temple of Babylon, and they were given to Shesh·baz'zar, the name of the one whom he …
12164 And may the God who has caused his name to reside there overthrow any king and people that thrusts …
12306 …ollect them and certainly bring them to the place that I have chosen to have my name reside there.'
12308 …rvant and to the prayer of your servants who take delight in fearing your name; and, please, do gr…
12484 …took a wife from the daughters of Bar·zil'lai the Gil'e·ad·ite and came to be called by their name.
12517 …from time indefinite to time indefinite. And let them bless your glorious name, which is exalted a…
12519 …od, who chose A'bram and brought him out of Ur of the Chal·de'ans and constituted his name Abraham.
12522 … that they acted presumptuously against them; and you proceeded to make a name for yourself as at …
12730 A certain man, a Jew, happened to be in Shu'shan the castle, and his name was Mor'de·cai the son of…
12739 …me in anymore to the king unless the king had taken delight in her and she had been called by name.
12747 …, and he immediately told Esther the queen. In turn Esther talked to the king in Mor'de·cai's name.
12760 …t, in its own style of writing, and each people in its own tongue; in the name of King A·has·u·e'r…
12826 …YOUR own eyes in the king's name and seal [it] with the king's signet ring; for a writing that is …
12828 And he proceeded to write in the name of King A·has·u·e'rus and do the sealing with the king's sign…
12861 That is why they called these days Pu'rim, by the name of the Pur. That is why, according to all th…
12871 There happened to be a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job; and that man proved to be blameles…
12891 …ere.Jehovah himself has given, and Jehovah himself has taken away.Let the name of Jehovah continue…
13294 The very mentioning of him will certainly perish from the earth,And he will have no name out in the…
13937 And he went calling the name of the first Je·mi'mah and the name of the second Ke·zi'ah and the nam…
13985 … cry out joyfully.And you will block approach to them,And those loving your name will exult in you.
14013 I shall laud Jehovah according to his righteousness,And I will make melody to the name of Jehovah t…
14014 O Jehovah our Lord, how majestic your name is in all the earth,You whose dignity is recounted above…
14022 O Jehovah our Lord, how majestic your name is in all the earth!To the director upon Muth-lab'ben. A…
14024 I will rejoice and exult in you,I will make melody to your name, O Most High.<H<">H> [Behth]
14027 You have rebuked nations, you have destroyed the wicked one.Their name you have wiped out to time i…
14032 And those knowing your name will trust in you,For you will certainly not leave those looking for yo…
14168 That is why I shall laud you among the nations, O Jehovah,And to your name I will make melody.
14184 May Jehovah answer you in the day of distress.May the name of the God of Jacob protect you.
14188 We will cry out joyfully because of your salvation,And in the name of our God we shall lift our ban…
14190 Some concerning chariots and others concerning horses,But, as for us, concerning the name of Jehova…
14227 I will declare your name to my brothers;In the middle of the congregation I shall praise you.
14239 My soul he refreshes.He leads me in the tracks of righteousness for his name's sake.
14263 For your name's sake, O Jehovah,You must even forgive my error, for it is considerable.<H<.>H> [Mem]
14311 Ascribe to Jehovah the glory of his name.Bow down to Jehovah in holy adornment.
14335 For you are my crag and my stronghold;And for the sake of your name you will lead me and conduct me.
14388 For in him our heart rejoices;For in his holy name we have put our trust.
14392 O magnify Jehovah with me, YOU people,And let us exalt his name together.<H<$>H> [Da'leth]
14548 As for my enemies, they say what is bad concerning me:"When will he die and his name actually peris…
14577 By you we shall push our adversaries themselves;In your name we shall tread down those rising up ag…
14580 In God we will offer praise all day long,And to time indefinite your name we shall laud. Se'lah.
14592 If we have forgotten the name of our God,Or we spread out our palms to a strange god,
14615 I will make mention of your name throughout all generations to come.That is why peoples themselves …
14645 Like your name, O God, so your praise isTo the borders of the earth.Your right hand is full of righ…
14720 I will laud you to time indefinite, for you have taken action;And I shall hope in your name, becaus…
14727 O God, by your name save me,And with your mightiness may you plead my cause.
14732 In willingness I will sacrifice to you.I shall laud your name, O Jehovah, for it is good.
14825 …elf, O God, have listened to my vows.You have given [me] the possession of those fearing your name.
14828 So I will make melody to your name forever,That I may pay my vows day after day.To the director of …
14844 Thus I shall bless you during my lifetime;In your name I shall raise my palms.
14876 Make melody to the glory of his name.Render his praise glorious.
14878 …will bow down to you,And they will make melody to you, they will make melody to your name." Se'lah.
14905 …YOU to God, make melody to his name;Raise up [a song] to the One riding through the desert plainsA…
14966 I will praise the name of God with song,And I will magnify him with thanksgiving.
14972 And the offspring of his servants themselves will inherit it,And those loving his name will be the …
15018 Let his name prove to be to time indefinite;Before the sun let his name have increase,And by means …
15020 And blessed be his glorious name to time indefinite,And let his glory fill the whole earth.Amen and…
15056 They have thrust your sanctuary into the fire itself.They have profaned the tabernacle of your name
15059 How long, O God, will the adversary keep reproaching?Will the enemy keep treating your name with di…
15067 …my himself has reproached, O Jehovah,And a senseless people have treated your name with disrespect.
15070 O may the crushed one not return humiliated.May the afflicted one and the poor one praise your name.
15073 We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks to you,And your name is near.Men have to declare your …
15083 God is known in Judah;In Israel his name is great.
15192 … the nations that have not known you,And upon the kingdoms that have not called upon your own name.
15195 …alvation,For the sake of the glory of your name;And deliver us and cover over our sins on account …
15217 And we shall not turn back from you.May you preserve us alive, that we may call upon your own name.
15246 They have said: "Come and let us efface them from being a nation,That the name of Israel may be rem…
15258 Fill their faces with dishonor,That people may search for your name, O Jehovah.
15260 That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah,You alone are the Most High over all the earth…
15294 …will themselves come,And they will bow down before you, O Jehovah,And will give glory to your name.
15296 Instruct me, O Jehovah, about your way.I shall walk in your truth.Unify my heart to fear your name.
15297 I laud you, O Jehovah my God, with all my heart,And I will glorify your name to time indefinite,
15339 The north and the south-you yourself created them;Ta'bor and Her'mon-in your name they cry out joyf…
15343 In your name they are joyful all day longAnd in your righteousness they are exalted.
15351 And my faithfulness and my loving-kindness are with him,And in my name his horn is exalted.
15410 …ction,I shall also provide him with escape.I shall protect him because he has come to know my name.
15413 It is good to give thanks to JehovahAnd to make melody to your name, O Most High;
15468 Sing to Jehovah, bless his name.From day to day tell the good news of salvation by him.
15474 Ascribe to Jehovah the glory belonging to his name;Carry a gift and come into his courtyards.
15503 Let them laud your name.Great and fear-inspiring, holy it is.
15506 Moses and Aaron were among his priests,And Samuel was among those calling upon his name.They were c…
15513 …nto his gates with thanksgiving,Into his courtyards with praise.Give thanks to him, bless his name.
15537 And the nations will fear the name of Jehovah,And all the kings of the earth your glory.
15543 For the name of Jehovah to be declared in ZionAnd his praise in Jerusalem,
15551 Bless Jehovah, O my soul,Even everything within me, his holy name.
15608 GIVE thanks to Jehovah, call upon his name,Make known among the peoples his dealings.
15610 Make YOUR boast in his holy name.Let the heart of those seeking Jehovah rejoice.
15660 And he proceeded to save them for the sake of his name,So as to make his mightiness known.
15699 Save us, O Jehovah our God,And collect us together from the nationsTo give thanks to your holy name
15769 Let his posterity be for cutting off.In the following generation let their name be wiped out.
15777 But you are Jehovah the Sovereign Lord.Deal with me for the sake of your name.Because your loving-k…
15815 Praise Jah, YOU people!Offer praise, O YOU servants of Jehovah,Praise the name of Jehovah.
15816 May Jehovah's name become blessedFrom now on and to time indefinite.
15817 From the rising of the sun until its settingJehovah's name is to be praised.
15832 To us belongs nothing, O Jehovah, to us belongs nothing,But to your name give gloryAccording to you…
15853 But upon the name of Jehovah I proceeded to call:"Ah, Jehovah, do provide my soul with escape!"
15862 The cup of grand salvation I shall take up,And on the name of Jehovah I shall call.
15866 To you I shall offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving,And on the name of Jehovah I shall call.
15880 All the nations themselves surrounded me.It was in the name of Jehovah that I kept holding them off.
15881 They surrounded me, yes, they had me surrounded.It was in the name of Jehovah that I kept holding t…
15882 They surrounded me like bees;They were extinguished like a fire of thornbushes.It was in the name o…
15896 Blessed be the One coming in the name of Jehovah;We have blessed YOU people out of the house of Jeh…
15954 In the night I have remembered your name, O Jehovah,That I may keep your law.
16031 Turn to me and show me favor,According to [your] judicial decision toward those loving your name.
16094 …tribes have gone up,The tribes of Jah,As a reminder to IsraelTo give thanks to the name of Jehovah.
16111 Our help is in the name of Jehovah,The Maker of heaven and earth."A Song of the Ascents.
16141 … said:"The blessing of Jehovah be upon YOU men.We have blessed YOU in the name of Jehovah."A Song …
16177 Praise Jah, YOU people!Praise the name of Jehovah,Offer praise, O servants of Jehovah,
16179 Praise Jah, for Jehovah is good.Make melody to his name, for it is pleasant.
16189 O Jehovah, your name is to time indefinite.O Jehovah, your memorial is to generation after generati…
16234 …all laud your name,Because of your loving-kindness and because of your trueness.For you have magni…
16260 Who say things about you according to [their] idea;They have taken up [your name] in a worthless wa…
16277 Surely the righteous themselves will give thanks to your name;The upright ones will dwell before yo…
16294 Do bring my soul out of the very dungeonTo laud your name.Around me let the righteous ones gather,B…
16305 For the sake of your name, O Jehovah, may you preserve me alive.In your righteousness may you bring…
16322 I will exalt you, O my God the King,And I will bless your name to time indefinite, even forever.<H<…
16323 All day long I will bless you,And I will praise your name to time indefinite, even forever.<H<#>H> …
16342 The praise of Jehovah my mouth will speak;And let all flesh bless his holy name to time indefinite,…
16377 Let them praise the name of Jehovah;For he himself commanded, and they were created.
16385 Let them praise the name of Jehovah,For his name alone is unreachably high.His dignity is above ear…
16389 Let them praise his name with dancing.With the tambourine and the harp let them make melody to him.
16664 The remembrance of the righteous one is due for a blessing, but the very name of the wicked ones wi…
16912 The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous runs and is given protection.
17009 Presumptuous, self-assuming braggart is the name of the one who is acting in a fury of presumptuous…
17017 A name is to be chosen rather than abundant riches; favor is better than even silver and gold.
17256 …tle? Who has made all the ends of the earth to rise? What is his name and what the name of his son…
17261 …is Jehovah?" and that I may not come to poverty and I actually steal and assail the name of my God.
17422 For in vain has this one come and in darkness he goes away, and with darkness his own name will be …
17428 Whatever has come to be, its name has already been pronounced, and it has become known what man is;…
17431 A name is better than good oil, and the day of death than the day of one's being born.
17541 For fragrance your oils are good. Like an oil that is poured out is your name. That is why maidens …
17735 …eat our own bread and wear our own mantles; only may we be called by your name to take away our re…
17797 …ecome pregnant, and she is giving birth to a son, and she will certainly call his name Im·man'u·el.
17811 …egnant and in time gave birth to a son. Jehovah now said to me: "Call his name Ma'her-shal'al-hash…
17836 …n to us; and the princely rule will come to be upon his shoulder. And his name will be called Wond…
17905 … to Jehovah, YOU people! Call upon his name. Make known among the peoples his dealings. Make menti…
17951 …," is the utterance of Jehovah of armies."And I will cut off from Babylon name and remnant and pro…
18005 …reading down, whose land the rivers have washed away, to the place of the name of Jehovah of armie…
18111 That is why in the region of light they must glorify Jehovah, in the islands of the sea the name of…
18120 O Jehovah, you are my God. I exalt you, I laud your name, for you have done wonderful things, couns…
18139 Yes, for the path of your judgments, O Jehovah, we have hoped in you. For your name and for your me…
18144 …her masters besides you have acted as owners of us. By you only shall we make mention of your name.
18217 …hildren, the work of my hands, in the midst of him, they will sanctify my name, and they will cert…
18245 Look! The name of Jehovah is coming from far away, burning with his anger and with heavy clouds. As…
18447 …nging forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name. Due to the abundan…
18477 … north, and he will come. From the rising of the sun he will call upon my name. And he will come u…
18489 "I am Jehovah. That is my name; and to no one else shall I give my own glory, neither my praise to …
18507 …ael: "Do not be afraid, for I have repurchased you. I have called [you] by your name. You are mine.
18513 everyone that is called by my name and that I have created for my own glory, that I have formed, ye…
18539 …ne will call [himself] by the name of Jacob, and another will write upon his hand: "Belonging to J…
18565 …n order that you may know that I am Jehovah, the One calling [you] by your name, the God of Israel.
18566 …srael my chosen one, I even proceeded to call you by your name; I proceeded to give you a name of …
18604 "There is One repurchasing us. Jehovah of armies is his name, the Holy One of Israel."
18616 …alling yourselves by the name of Israel and who have come forth from the very waters of Judah, YOU…
18617 … city, and upon the God of Israel they have supported themselves, Jehovah of armies being his name.
18624 For the sake of my name I shall check my anger, and for my praise I shall restrain myself toward yo…
18634 …, and the descendants from your inward parts like the grains of it. One's name would not be cut of…
18638 …s called me even from the belly. From the inward parts of my mother he has made mention of my name.
18673 … darkness and for whom there has been no brightness? Let him trust in the name of Jehovah and supp…
18689 …r God, the One stirring up the sea that its waves may be boisterous. Jehovah of armies is his name.
18702 … howling," is the utterance of Jehovah, "and constantly, all day long, my name was being treated w…
18703 For that reason my people will know my name, even for that reason in that day, because I am the One…
18729 "For your Grand Maker is your husbandly owner, Jehovah of armies being his name; and the Holy One o…
18759 …in my house and within my walls a monument and a name, something better than sons and daughters. A…
18760 "And the foreigners that have joined themselves to Jehovah to minister to him and to love the name
18781 For this is what the High and Lofty One, who is residing forever and whose name is holy, has said: …
18820 And from the sunset they will begin to fear the name of Jehovah, and from the rising of the sun the…
18831 …r sons from far away, their silver and their gold being with them, to the name of Jehovah your God…
18857 …oman,] and all kings your glory. And you will actually be called by a new name, which the very mou…
18879 …litting the waters from before them in order to make an indefinitely lasting name for his own self;
18881 …ed to make them rest."Thus you led your people in order to make a beautiful name for your own self.
18883 …elf may not recognize us, you, O Jehovah, are our Father. Our Repurchaser of long ago is your name.
18886 We have for a long time become as those over whom you did not rule, as those upon whom your name ha…
18888 …hwood, [and] the fire makes the very water boil up, in order to make your name known to your adver…
18893 And there is no one calling upon your name, no one rousing himself to lay hold on you; for you have…
18899 … looked for me. I have said, 'Here I am, here I am!' to a nation that was not calling upon my name.
18913name for an oath by my chosen ones, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will actually put [YOU] individ…
18928 …YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, 'May Jehovah…
18945 …me," is the utterance of Jehovah, "so the offspring of YOU people and the name of YOU people will …
19020 …ne of Jehovah; and to her all the nations must be brought together to the name of Jehovah at Jerus…
19130 and must YOU come and stand before me in this house upon which my name has been called, and must YO…
19131 Has this house upon which my name has been called become a mere cave of robbers in YOUR eyes? Here …
19132 "'However, GO, now, to my place that was in Shi'loh, where I caused my name to reside at first, and…
19134 I will do also to the house upon which my name has been called, in which YOU are trusting, and to t…
19150 …ehovah. 'They have set their disgusting things in the house upon which my name has been called, in…
19208 In no way is there anyone like you, O Jehovah. You are great, and your name is great in mightiness.
19218 …he Former of everything, and Israel is the staff of his inheritance. Jehovah of armies is his name.
19227 …ave ignored you, and upon the families who have not called even upon your name. For they have eate…
19243 'A luxuriant olive tree, pretty with fruit [and] in form,' is what Jehovah has called your name. Wi…
19246 …d, and let us cut him off from the land of the living ones, that his very name may no more be reme…
19248 …hoth who are seeking for your soul, saying: "You must not prophesy in the name of Jehovah, that yo…
19266 …t if they will without fail learn the ways of my people in swearing by my name, 'As Jehovah is ali…
19278 …e,' is the utterance of Jehovah, 'in order to become to me a people and a name and a praise and so…
19301 Even if our own errors do testify against us, O Jehovah, act for the sake of your name; for our act…
19303 …urself are in the midst of us, O Jehovah, and upon us it is that your own name has been called. Do…
19308 And Jehovah went on to say to me: "Falsehood is what the prophets are prophesying in my name. I hav…
19309 Therefore this is what Jehovah has said concerning the prophets who are prophesying in my name and …
19315 Do not disrespect [us] for the sake of your name; do not despise your glorious throne. Remember; do…
19332 …word becomes to me the exultation and the rejoicing of my heart; for your name has been called upo…
19358 … cause them to know my hand and my mightiness, and they will have to know that my name is Jehovah."
19426 …ut from the stocks, and Jeremiah now said to him:"Jehovah has called your name, not Pash'hur, but …
19432 And I said: "I am not going to make mention of him, and I shall speak no more in his name." And in …
19491 In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel itself will reside in security. And this is his name wi…
19510 "I have heard what the prophets who are prophesying falsehood in my own name have said, saying, 'I …
19512 …my people forget my name by means of their dreams that they keep relating each one to the other, j…
19564 For, look! it is upon the city upon which my name is called that I am starting off in bringing cala…
19582 Why is it that you have prophesied in the name of Jehovah, saying, 'Like that in Shi'loh is how thi…
19589 …: "There is no judgment of death belonging to this man, for it was in the name of Jehovah our God …
19593 "And there also happened to be a man prophesying in the name of Jehovah, U·ri'jah the son of She·ma…
19612 "'For I have not sent them,' is the utterance of Jehovah, 'but they are prophesying in my name fals…
19645 For 'it is in falsehood that they are prophesying to YOU in my name. I have not sent them,' is the …
19657 …ah the son of Ma·a·sei'ah, who are prophesying to YOU falsehood in my own name, 'Here I am giving …
19659 …ry with the wives of their companions and keep speaking falsely in my own name the word that I did…
19661 … of Israel, has said: "For the reason that you yourself have sent in your name letters to all the …
19727 …e stirring up the sea that its waves may become boisterous, the One whose name is Jehovah of armie…
19750 …r sons after them, the [true] God, the great One, the mighty One, Jehovah of armies being his name,
19752 …Egypt down to this day and in Israel and among men, that you might make a name for your own self, …
19766 And they went putting their disgusting things in the house upon which my own name has been called, …
19778 …Maker of [earth] has said, Jehovah the Former of it to establish it firmly, Jehovah being his name,
19785 And she will certainly become to me a name of exultation, a praise and a beauty toward all the nati…
19817 …s companion, and YOU conclude a covenant before me in the house upon which my name has been called.
19818 Then YOU turn back and profane my name and bring back each one his manservant and each one his maid…
19888 …was in the Gate of Benjamin that the officer holding the oversight, whose name was I·ri'jah the so…
20027 "As regards the word that you have spoken to us in the name of Jehovah, we are not listening to you;
20037 …he land of Egypt, '"Here I myself have sworn by my great name," Jehovah has said, "that my name wi…
20064 "'As I am alive,' is the utterance of the King, whose name is Jehovah of armies, 'like Ta'bor among…
20096 … have gone down to the slaughtering,' is the utterance of the King, whose name is Jehovah of armie…
20098 All those round about them will have to sympathize with them, even all those knowing their name. Sa…
20201 Their Repurchaser is strong, Jehovah of armies being his name. Without fail he will conduct their l…
20232 …r he is the Former of everything, even the staff of his inheritance. Jehovah of armies is his name.
20270 …p, from which they will not wake up," is the utterance of the King, whose name is Jehovah of armie…
20278 … he began to reign, and for eleven years he reigned in Jerusalem. And the name of his mother was H…
20410 <FI> [Qohph] <Fi>I have called out your name, O Jehovah, from a pit of the lowest sort.
20777 "'And for you a name began to go forth among the nations because of your prettiness, for it was per…
20778 "'But you began to trust in your prettiness and become a prostitute on account of your name and to …
20905 And I went acting for the sake of my own name that [it] might not be profaned before the eyes of th…
20910 But I acted for the sake of my own name that [it] might not be profaned before the eyes of the nati…
20918 And I drew back my hand and went acting for the sake of my own name, that [it] should not be profan…
20925 So I said to them, 'What does the high place mean to which YOU are coming, that its name should be …
20935 …n dungy idols. And afterward if YOU are not listening to me, then my holy name YOU will no more pr…
20940 And YOU will have to know that I am Jehovah when I take action with YOU for the sake of my name, no…
20982 The [lands] nearby and those far away from you will jeer you, O you unclean in name, abounding in c…
21059 "Son of man, write down for yourself the name of the day, this selfsame day. The king of Babylon ha…
21343 "'"And I will raise up for them a planting for a name, and they will no more become those taken awa…
21380 So they came in to the nations where they came in, and people proceeded to profane my holy name in …
21381 And I shall have compassion on my holy name, which the house of Israel have profaned among the nati…
21382 …: "Not for YOUR sakes am I doing [it], O house of Israel, but for my holy name, which YOU have pro…
21383 'And I shall certainly sanctify my great name, which was being profaned among the nations, which YO…
21456 And my holy name I shall make known in the midst of my people Israel, and I shall no more let my ho…
21465 And the name of [the] city will also be Ha·mo'nah. And they will have to cleanse the land.'
21474 …ually have mercy upon all the house of Israel; and I will show exclusive devotion for my holy name.
21580 …me indefinite; and no more will they, the house of Israel, defile my holy name, they and their kin…
21581 … my doorpost, with the wall between me and them. And they defiled my holy name by their detestable…
21738 "Round about [there will be] eighteen thousand [cubits]; and the name of the city from [that] day o…
21745 And to them the principal court official went assigning names. So he assigned to Daniel [the name o…
21779 Daniel was answering and saying: "Let the name of God become blessed from time indefinite even to t…
21785 The king was answering and saying to Daniel, whose name was Bel·te·shaz'zar: "Are you competent eno…
21846 And at last there came in before me Daniel, whose name is Bel·te·shaz'zar according to the name of …
21857 "At that time Daniel himself, whose name is Bel·te·shaz'zar, was astonished for a moment, and his v…
21995 And we have not listened to your servants the prophets, who have spoken in your name to our kings, …
22004 …eople out from the land of Egypt by a strong hand and proceeded to make a name for yourself as at …
22007 …nd see our desolated conditions and the city that has been called by your name; for not according …
22008 …ttention and act. Do not delay, for your own sake, O my God, for your own name has been called upo…
22017 In the third year of Cyrus the king of Persia there was a matter revealed to Daniel, whose name was…
22099 And Jehovah went on to say to him: "Call his name Jez're·el, for yet a little while and I must hold…
22101 … and to give birth to a daughter. And He went on to say to him: "Call her name Lo-ru·ha'mah, for I…
22104 So He said: "Call his name Lo-am'mi, because YOU men are not my people and I myself shall prove to …
22123 … the names of the Ba'al images from her mouth, and they will no longer be remembered by their name.
22338 And YOU will certainly eat, eating and becoming satisfied, and YOU will be bound to praise the name
22344 And it must occur that everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will get away safe; for in Mount Z…
22387 …d a man and his own father have gone to the [same] girl, for the purpose of profaning my holy name.
22424 …nto obscurity, and the One treading on earth's high places, Jehovah the God of armies is his name."
22432 …the waters of the sea, that he may pour them out upon the surface of the earth-Jehovah is his name;
22451 And I will cause YOU to go into exile beyond Damascus,' he whose name is Jehovah the God of armies …
22461 … to say, 'Keep silence! For it is not the occasion for making any mention of the name of Jehovah.'"
22502 …he waters of the sea, that he may pour them out upon the surface of the earth-Jehovah is his name.'
22508 …sion of what is left remaining of E'dom, and all the nations upon whom my name has been called,' i…
22626 …es, for their part, will walk each one in the name of its god; but we, for our part, shall walk in…
22638 … and do shepherding in the strength of Jehovah, in the superiority of the name of Jehovah his God.…
22658 …of Jehovah calls out, and [the person of] practical wisdom will fear your name. Hear [the] rod and…
22699 And concerning you Jehovah has commanded, 'Nothing of your name will be sown anymore. Out of the ho…
22792 …, and I will cut off from this place the remaining ones of the Ba'al, the name of the foreign-god …
22830 …les the change to a pure language, in order for them all to call upon the name of Jehovah, in orde…
22833 … midst of you a people humble and lowly, and they will actually take refuge in the name of Jehovah.
22840 …persed I shall collect together. And I will set them as a praise and as a name in all the land of …
22841 …e time of my collecting YOU together. For I shall make YOU people to be a name and a praise among …
22941 …ouse of the thief and into the house of the one making a sworn oath in my name falsely; and it mus…
22960 And you must say to him,"'This is what Jehovah of armies has said: "Here is the man whose name is S…
23029 And I will make them superior in Jehovah, and in his name they will walk about,' is the utterance o…
23063 …him, 'You will not live, because falsehood is what you have spoken in the name of Jehovah.' And hi…
23069 …ine them as in the examining of gold. It, for its part, will call upon my name, and I, for my part…
23078 …ah must become king over all the earth. In that day Jehovah will prove to be one, and his name one.
23096 …said to YOU, O priests who are despising my name."'And YOU have said: "In what way have we despise…
23101name will be great among the nations, and in every place sacrificial smoke will be made, a present…
23104 …e to Jehovah. For I am a great King," Jehovah of armies has said, "and my name will be fear-inspir…
23106 If YOU will not listen, and if YOU will not lay [it] to heart to give glory to my name," Jehovah of…
23109 …g them to him, with fear. And he continued fearing me; yes, because of my name he himself was stru…
23137 …egan to be written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name.
23141 And to YOU who are in fear of my name the sun of righteousness will certainly shine forth, with hea…
23166 She will give birth to a son, and you must call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from th…
23168 "Look! The virgin will become pregnant and will give birth to a son, and they will call his name Im…
23170 But he had no intercourse with her until she gave birth to a son; and he called his name Jesus.
23292 "YOU must pray, then, this way:"'Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.
23339 …, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful…
23440 And YOU will be objects of hatred by all people on account of my name; but he that has endured to t…
23511 Indeed, in his name nations will hope."
23733 and whoever receives one such young child on the basis of my name receives me [also].
23748 For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst."
23792 …rs or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive many t…
23836 …: "Save, we pray, the Son of David! Blessed is he that comes in Jehovah's name! Save him, we pray,…
23958 …ll by no means see me from henceforth until YOU say, 'Blessed is he that comes in Jehovah's name!'"
23963 for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will mislead many.
23967 …tion and will kill YOU, and YOU will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name.
24215 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Fat…
24374 But he began to ask him: "What is your name?" And he said to him: "My name is Legion, because there…
24387 Now one of the presiding officers of the synagogue, Ja'i·rus by name, came and, on catching sight o…
24422 Now it got to the ears of King Herod, for the name of [Jesus] became public, and people were saying…
24576 "Whoever receives one of such young children on the basis of my name, receives me; and whoever rece…
24577 John said to him: "Teacher, we saw a certain man expelling demons by the use of your name and we tr…
24578 … him, for there is no one that will do a powerful work on the basis of my name that will quickly b…
24650 …nd those coming behind kept crying out: "Save, we pray! Blessed is he that comes in Jehovah's name!
24724 Many will come on the basis of my name, saying, 'I am he,' and will mislead many.
24731 and YOU will be objects of hatred by all people on account of my name. But he that has endured to t…
24891 Furthermore, these signs will accompany those believing: By the use of my name they will expel demo…
24899 …he division of A·bi'jah, and he had a wife from the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth.
24907 …ard, and your wife Elizabeth will become mother to a son to you, and you are to call his name John.
24921 to a virgin promised in marriage to a man named Joseph of David's house; and the name of the virgin…
24925 and, look! you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son, and you are to call his name Jes…
24943 because the powerful One has done great deeds for me, and holy is his name;
24953 …came to circumcise the young child, and they were going to call it by the name of its father, Zech…
24955 At this they said to her: "There is no one among your relatives that is called by this name."
24957 And he asked for a tablet and wrote: "John is its name." At this they all marveled.
24995 Now when eight days came to the full for circumcising him, his name was also called Jesus, the name
25169 …ate YOU, and whenever they exclude YOU and reproach YOU and cast out YOUR name as wicked for the s…
25276 Jesus asked him: "What is your name?" He said: "Legion," because many demons had entered into him.
25350 and said to them: "Whoever receives this young child on the basis of my name receives me [too], and…
25351 In response John said: "Instructor, we saw a certain man expelling demons by the use of your name a…
25381 … returned with joy, saying: "Lord, even the demons are made subject to us by the use of your name."
25408 Then he said to them: "Whenever YOU pray, say, 'Father, let your name be sanctified. Let your kingd…
25554 …tell YOU, YOU will by no means see me until YOU say, 'Blessed is he that comes in Jehovah's name.'"
25734 Now here there was a man called by the name Zac·chae'us; and he was a chief tax collector, and he w…
25770 saying: "Blessed is the One coming as the King in Jehovah's name! Peace in heaven, and glory in the…
25835 He said: "Look out that YOU are not misled; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, 'I …
25839 … to the synagogues and prisons, YOU being haled before kings and governors for the sake of my name.
25844 and YOU will be objects of hatred by all people because of my name.
26039 and on the basis of his name repentance for forgiveness of sins would be preached in all the nation…
26051 There arose a man that was sent forth as a representative of God: his name was John.
26057 …to them he gave authority to become God's children, because they were exercising faith in his name;
26119 …alem at the passover, at its festival, many people put their faith in his name, viewing his signs …
26122 Now there was a man of the Pharisees, Nic·o·de'mus was his name, a ruler of the Jews.
26139 … faith has been judged already, because he has not exercised faith in the name of the only-begotte…
26254 I have come in the name of my Father, but YOU do not receive me; if someone else arrived in his own…
26485 …this one, and the sheep listen to his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.
26507 Jesus answered them: "I told YOU, and yet YOU do not believe. The works that I am doing in the name
26594 …began to shout: "Save, we pray you! Blessed is he that comes in Jehovah's name, even the king of I…
26609 Father, glorify your name." Therefore a voice came out of heaven: "I both glorified [it] and will g…
26682 Also, whatever it is that YOU ask in my name, I will do this, in order that the Father may be glori…
26683 If YOU ask anything in my name, I will do it.
26695 But the helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one will teach YOU all…
26716 …ruit should remain; in order that no matter what YOU ask the Father in my name he might give it to…
26721 But they will do all these things against YOU on account of my name, because they do not know him t…
26750 …all. Most truly I say to YOU, If YOU ask the Father for anything he will give it to YOU in my name.
26751 Until this present time YOU have not asked a single thing in my name. Ask and YOU will receive, tha…
26753 In that day YOU will ask in my name, and I do not say to YOU that I shall make request of the Fathe…
26766 "I have made your name manifest to the men you gave me out of the world. They were yours, and you g…
26771 …d I am coming to you. Holy Father, watch over them on account of your own name which you have give…
26772 When I was with them I used to watch over them on account of your own name which you have given me;…
26786 And I have made your name known to them and will make it known, in order that the love with which y…
26796 …it and struck the slave of the high priest and cut his right ear off. The name of the slave was Ma…
26899 … the Christ the Son of God, and that, because of believing, YOU may have life by means of his name.
26971 And everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved."'
26988 Peter [said] to them: "Repent, and let each one of YOU be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for …
27003 … and gold I do not possess, but what I do have is what I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ the…
27013 Consequently his name, by [our] faith in his name, has made this man strong whom YOU behold and kno…
27030 and they stood them in their midst and began to inquire: "By what power or in whose name did YOU do…
27033 let it be known to all of YOU and to all the people of Israel, that in the name of Jesus Christ the…
27035 Furthermore, there is no salvation in anyone else, for there is not another name under heaven that …
27040 … let us tell them with threats not to speak anymore upon the basis of this name to any man at all."
27041 …em and charged them, nowhere to make any utterance or to teach upon the basis of the name of Jesus.
27053 while you stretch out your hand for healing and while signs and portents occur through the name of …
27061 However, a certain man, An·a·ni'as by name, together with Sap·phi'ra his wife, sold a possession
27088 and said: "We positively ordered YOU not to keep teaching upon the basis of this name, and yet, loo…
27100 …es, flogged them, and ordered them to stop speaking upon the basis of Jesus' name, and let them go.
27101 …San'he·drin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy to be dishonored in behalf of his name.
27189 … Philip, who was declaring the good news of the kingdom of God and of the name of Jesus Christ, th…
27193 For it had not yet fallen upon any one of them, but they had only been baptized in the name of the …
27231 And here he has authority from the chief priests to put in bonds all those calling upon your name."
27232 …im: "Be on your way, because this man is a chosen vessel to me to bear my name to the nations as w…
27233 For I shall show him plainly how many things he must suffer for my name."
27238 …: "Is this not the man that ravaged those in Jerusalem who call upon this name, and that had come …
27244 … Lord and that he had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had spoken boldly in the name of Jesus.
27245 And he continued with them, walking in and out at Jerusalem, speaking boldly in the name of the Lor…
27303 …ophets bear witness, that everyone putting faith in him gets forgiveness of sins through his name."
27308 With that he commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they requested him to …
27369 …phos, they met up with a certain man, a sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew whose name was Bar-Je'sus,
27371 But El'y·mas the sorcerer (that, in fact, is the way his name is translated) began opposing them, s…
27457 …d for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name.
27460 …vah, together with people of all the nations, people who are called by my name, says Jehovah, who …
27469 men that have delivered up their souls for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
27485 So he arrived at Der'be and also at Lys'tra. And, look! a certain disciple was there by the name of…
27502 …ul got tired of it and turned and said to the spirit: "I order you in the name of Jesus Christ to …
27591 On hearing this, they got baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
27599 …roving Jews who practiced the casting out of demons also undertook to name the name of the Lord Je…
27603 …he Greeks that dwelt in Eph'e·sus; and a fear fell upon them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus w…
27678 …ured, I am ready not only to be bound but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus."
27721 …ow why are you delaying? Rise, get baptized and wash your sins away by your calling upon his name.'
27833 I, for one, really thought within myself I ought to commit many acts of opposition against the name
27936 …stleship in order that there might be obedience of faith among all the nations respecting his name,
27980 If, now, you are a Jew in name and are resting upon law and taking pride in God,
27987 For "the name of God is being blasphemed on account of YOU people among the nations"; just as it is…
28173 … you remain, that in connection with you I may show my power, and that my name may be declared in …
28202 For "everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved."
28313 … "That is why I will openly acknowledge you among the nations and to your name I will make melody."
28366 …ed to be holy ones, together with all who everywhere are calling upon the name of our Lord, Jesus …
28374 Now I exhort YOU, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that YOU should all speak in …
28377 The Christ exists divided. Paul was not impaled for YOU, was he? Or were YOU baptized in the name o…
28379 so that no one may say that YOU were baptized in my name.
28459 that in the name of our Lord Jesus, when YOU are gathered together, also my spirit with the power o…
28479 …but YOU have been sanctified, but YOU have been declared righteous in the name of our Lord Jesus C…
29228 far above every government and authority and power and lordship and every name named, not only in t…
29267 to whom every family in heaven and on earth owes its name,
29325 in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ giving thanks always for all things to our God and Father.
29401 …d exalted him to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above every [other] name,
29402 so that in the name of Jesus every knee should bend of those in heaven and those on earth and those…
29535 And whatever it is that YOU do in word or in work, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, tha…
29662 in order that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in YOU, and YOU in union with him, in acc…
29685 Now we are giving YOU orders, brothers, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to withdraw from ever…
29790 …er a yoke keep on considering their owners worthy of full honor, that the name of God and the teac…
29847 …l: "Jehovah knows those who belong to him," and: "Let everyone naming the name of Jehovah renounce…
29968 So he has become better than the angels, to the extent that he has inherited a name more excellent …
29990 as he says: "I will declare your name to my brothers; in the middle of [the] congregation I will pr…
30055 For God is not unrighteous so as to forget YOUR work and the love YOU showed for his name, in that …
30257 …to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips which make public declaration to his name.
30301 They blaspheme the fine name by which YOU were called, do they not?
30365 …he suffering of evil and the exercising of patience the prophets, who spoke in the name of Jehovah.
30369 … congregation to [him], and let them pray over him, greasing [him] with oil in the name of Jehovah.
30461 If YOU are being reproached for the name of Christ, YOU are happy, because the [spirit] of glory, e…
30463 …e suffers] as a Christian, let him not feel shame, but let him keep on glorifying God in this name.
30563 …am writing YOU, little children, because YOUR sins have been forgiven YOU for the sake of his name.
30603 Indeed, this is his commandment, that we have faith in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and be lovi…
30638 … YOU may know that YOU have life everlasting, YOU who put YOUR faith in the name of the Son of God.
30666 For it was in behalf of [his] name that they went forth, not taking anything from the people of the…
30673 ….May you have peace.The friends send you their greetings. Give my greetings to the friends by name.
30721 You are also showing endurance, and you have borne up for my name's sake and have not grown weary.
30731 …hat is, where the throne of Satan is; and yet you keep on holding fast my name, and you did not de…
30735 …dden manna, and I will give him a white pebble, and upon the pebble a new name written which no on…
30748 …spirits of God and the seven stars, 'I know your deeds, that you have the name that you are alive,…
30752 …nts; and I will by no means blot out his name from the book of life, but I will make acknowledgmen…
30755 …one can shut-that you have a little power, and you kept my word and did not prove false to my name.
30759 …pon him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which descends ou…
30802 And I saw, and, look! a pale horse; and the one seated upon it had the name Death. And Ha'des was c…
30839 And the name of the star is called Wormwood. And a third of the waters turned into wormwood, and ma…
30852 …r them a king, the angel of the abyss. In Hebrew his name is A·bad'don, but in Greek he has the na…
30891 …o your slaves the prophets and to the holy ones and to those fearing your name, the small and the …
30915 And it opened its mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his residence, even t…
30917 And all those who dwell on the earth will worship it; the name of not one of them stands written in…
30926 …to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its na…
30928 …unt Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand having his name and the name of his Fathe…
30938 …no rest, those who worship the wild beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.
30949 …torious from the wild beast and from its image and from the number of its name standing by the gla…
30951 Who will not really fear you, Jehovah, and glorify your name, because you alone are loyal? For all …
30964 And the men were scorched with great heat, but they blasphemed the name of God, who has the authori…
30981 And upon her forehead was written a name, a mystery: "Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots …
31030 His eyes are a fiery flame, and upon his head are many diadems. He has a name written that no one k…
31031 and he is arrayed with an outer garment sprinkled with blood, and the name he is called is The Word…
31034 And upon his outer garment, even upon his thigh, he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of l…
31085 and they will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads.