Lines Matching refs:will

5   * the [[#quick guide]] will get you started with a few examples,
6 * the [[#reference guide]] will show you every possible option.
11 The quick guide will get you up and running with some examples of how to enter and query. More advanced uses are discussed in the reference guide.
52 **Type hints**: You can change how a [[#types|type]] behaves by adding a type hint. Type hints are added by appending them to the type with ''::''. For example ''[page::places]'' uses the page type, and will try to resolve values without an explicit namespace as if they were in the ''places:'' namespace. For a list of types and their hints, see [[#Types]].
73 For example, ''?p is a: person'' will match any subject that has field ''is a'' and value ''person'' to variable ''?p''.
79 **Types**: In a query, you can use [[#types]]. You can use types for fields and values, and you can use them in the opening tag. Types are 'sticky': if you put ''?p Birthday [date]: ?b'' the date type will automatically stick to the ''?b'' variable (you could have achieved the same with ''?p Birthday: ?b [date]'').
81 **Comparisons**: You can use normal operators (e.g, ''<'', ''>'', ''>='', ''%%<=%%'', ''='', ''!='') to compare values. A variable's type will be taken into account for the comparison. See [[#Comparison Operators]] for more information.
116 **Aggregates**: Variables can have multiple values (usually through grouping). You can apply an aggregate function to the variable's values by adding it to any variable in the opening tag with ''@''. For example ''?address@count'' will apply the [[#aggregates|count]] aggregate to the values in ''?address''.
120 **Optional matches**: Normally, all patterns must be matched for the results to be shown. You can use an ''optional'' block to indicate that some of the patterns are optional, and need not be matched for the results to be shown. All patterns in an optional block must match for the optional block to be used. If any pattern in the block doesn't match, none of the patterns in the block will be used.
126 **Grouping**: By adding a ''group'' block zero or more variables can be grouped. This means that all results that have the same value for the grouped variable will be merged, and the ungrouped variables will contain multiple values. You can name one variable per line. If the ''group'' is empty //all// results will be merged into a single result.
134 **Caching**: By default, the results you see on the page will be cached. So if you edit other pages, you'll need to refresh the page with the list yourself, or add ''%%~~NOCACHE~~%%'' to force dokuwiki to rerender.
160 The simplest form of data entry. Fields and values are also called predicates and objects. It is possible to leave out the value, then the field-value pair will not be stored, but you can easily fill in the missing value later.
167 There is a single magic value to indicate the empty value: ''%%[[]]%%'' This token can be used with any type, but is especially useful with the [[#types|ref]] and [[#types|page]] types as it will create a link to the page the data block is on.
185 You can add a [[#types|type]] to a field by putting the type between ''['' and '']'' and placing it after the field name. This will change how the field's values are stored and displayed. Note that the declared type is only used during entry, that is, the type is not stored. You can declare a different type when [[#Querying Data]].
245 [[#Types]] can only be added to variables. A variable in the subject position will always be typed as [[#types|ref]]. Literals can't be typed, but will be interpreted according to the variables they are used with.
247 Types are 'sticky'. This means that the first mentioned type for a certain variable will stick to the variable for the whole query. You can override a specific use, but without an explicit type a variable will be of the type first attached to it.
250 * variables in the subject position are always of type [[#type|ref]] (and the ref type will stick)
251 * The first explicit mention of a type for a variable will stick that type to the variable
252 * unless the object is explicitly typed, a typed predicate will propagate its type to the object
358 Grouping allows you to collapse multiple results into a single result. All results that have the same value for all variables mentioned in the group block will be merged into a single result. Any variable in the merged result that is not mentioned in the group block will contain multiple values.
389 If a variable is not mentioned as one of the displayed fields, it will be ignored. You can hint that some field needs to be considered, but not displayed.
395 All variables mentioned will be considered to be relevant, even if they are not displayed. Since the queries use so called 'set semantics', results that are equivalent will be reduced to a single result. This can be prevented by declaring additional variables to be considered; results are only equivalent if all displayed and all considered fields are equal.
410 Note: Users that have JavaScript disabled will not benefit from the user interface settings.
417 * ''text'': a text input field. It filters rows that have a value that contains the filter string (substring matching). E.g.: filtering for //David// will match //10 David Street//.
419 * ''%%prefix select%%'': a drop down select box filter, which contains all possible values. It filters rows that start with the value that is selected (prefix matching). E.g.: if the values //EN//, //%%EN-US%%//, and //%%EN-GB%%// are present, filtering for //EN// will match all three values.
420 * ''%%suffix select%%'': a drop down select box filter, which contains all possible values. It filters rows that end with the value that is selected (suffix matching). E.g.: if the values //10 David Street// and //David Street// are present, filtering for //David Street// will match both values.
450 When multiple columns have the same name, settings are applied to all columns that have the given name. To identify specific columns, index them by number. If you use both a block with a name (e.g. ''%%Relation%%'') and one with a number (e.g. ''%%#2%%''), then all settings specified in the numbered block will override the ones specified in the named block. (If you name a column ''%%#2%%'', then ''%%#2%%'' is considered a name, not a number.)
453 Instead of using a block for each column, it is also possible to set all ''%%sort%%'' or ''%%filter%%'' values at once, but this is---in general---less readable than specifying a block for each column. Using this style, the previous example will become as follows:
495 In general, the UI is quite intuitive, but combining it with aggregates might give unexpected results (unless you use a table, in which case no special handling is needed). The example below shows the column ''%%address%%'' twice: once the actual values and once the number of values. Because the UI creates filters per column, only one filter will be created for the ''%%address%%'' column. This filter filters both on addresses and number of addresses per person.