Lines Matching refs:that

3 The strata plugin allows you to add data to your pages and to query that data from your pages. This manual is split into two parts:
29 **Classes**: You can add one or more classes to a data block by placing them in the opening tag. Classes are separated by spaces, so class names declared in this way can not contain spaces. (Note that declaring a class name is effectively the same as adding a ''is a: person'' field-value pair to the data block.)
50 **Empty values**: Any field that doesn't have a value is ignored. This way you can quickly write down some fields you want to use, but fill in their values later.
56 **Comments** All lines that start with double dashes (i.e., ''%%--%%'') are ignored. Note that your comments can still be read by anyone viewing the source of the wiki page.
61 Queries are written inside ''<table>'' or ''<list>'' tags. You query the data by describing what pattern the data should fit. A simple example that produces a table of all persons and their birthday would be described as follows:
73 For example, ''?p is a: person'' will match any subject that has field ''is a'' and value ''person'' to variable ''?p''.
83 You can only compare variables that are used in a pattern.
120 **Optional matches**: Normally, all patterns must be matched for the results to be shown. You can use an ''optional'' block to indicate that some of the patterns are optional, and need not be matched for the results to be shown. All patterns in an optional block must match for the optional block to be used. If any pattern in the block doesn't match, none of the patterns in the block will be used.
124 **Exclusions**: With the ''minus'' block, you can declare that the data is not allowed to match certain patterns. In this case, the results are not allowed to have contact information.
126 **Grouping**: By adding a ''group'' block zero or more variables can be grouped. This means that all results that have the same value for the grouped variable will be merged, and the ungrouped variables will contain multiple values. You can name one variable per line. If the ''group'' is empty //all// results will be merged into a single result.
149 Entering data is done with the ''<data>'' syntax. A data block defines data that is associated with the page the data block is written on.
165 You can add multiple values in a single line by adding an asterisk after the type (or after the key, if it has no type). The values should be separated by '',''. Note that you can also add multiple values just by writing multiple lines with the same key.
185 You can add a [[#types|type]] to a field by putting the type between ''['' and '']'' and placing it after the field name. This will change how the field's values are stored and displayed. Note that the declared type is only used during entry, that is, the type is not stored. You can declare a different type when [[#Querying Data]].
191 You can add comments by starting a line with ''%%--%%''. Comments are not used nor are they displayed. Note that anyone that can do 'view source' can read your comments.
196 Instead of associating data directly with the page, you can put it in a fragment. A fragment is a piece of data that is not directly associated with the page itself, but instead is associated with part of the page.
198 A data fragment is not implicitly associated with the page it is defined on. If you want to add such a relation, you need to do this yourself. Note that the ''%%[[]]%%'' value can be used with the [[#types|ref]] or [[#types|page]] type to refer to the current page.
211 Note that the [[#classes]] do not have to be repeated. If you want to split a fragment data block, you have to add the same [[#fragment identifier]] to every data block of the fragment.
236 You can refer to 'the current page' with ''%%[[]]%%''. This can be used to write queries that get information related to the page, but defined on other pages.
247 Types are 'sticky'. This means that the first mentioned type for a certain variable will stick to the variable for the whole query. You can override a specific use, but without an explicit type a variable will be of the type first attached to it.
251 * The first explicit mention of a type for a variable will stick that type to the variable
261 It is possible to use both variables and literals for left and right, but there must be at least one variable present. You can only use variables that are used in a pattern in the same block or inner blocks (with the exception of [[#minus]] blocks, which don't bind any variables).
291 The ''~>'' and ''!~>'' operators are special cases of ''^~'' and ''!^~'' that use the [[#types|text]] type when comparing a left-sided variable to a right-sided literal, regardless of the variable's type. The use of these two operators makes most sense when comparing variables with the [[#types|ref]] or [[#types|page]] types.
358 Grouping allows you to collapse multiple results into a single result. All results that have the same value for all variables mentioned in the group block will be merged into a single result. Any variable in the merged result that is not mentioned in the group block will contain multiple values.
377 Any variables not mentioned in the projection are left out of consideration for determining what the results are. This might create a problem where simple results from a complex query seem incomplete, in that case try [[#Considering fields]].
389 If a variable is not mentioned as one of the displayed fields, it will be ignored. You can hint that some field needs to be considered, but not displayed.
395 All variables mentioned will be considered to be relevant, even if they are not displayed. Since the queries use so called 'set semantics', results that are equivalent will be reduced to a single result. This can be prevented by declaring additional variables to be considered; results are only equivalent if all displayed and all considered fields are equal.
408 The properties that can be specified, are explained in the following subsections.
410 Note: Users that have JavaScript disabled will not benefit from the user interface settings.
417 * ''text'': a text input field. It filters rows that have a value that contains the filter string (substring matching). E.g.: filtering for //David// will match //10 David Street//.
418 * ''%%select%%'': a drop down select box filter, which contains all possible values. It filters rows that have exactly the value that is selected (exact matching).
419 * ''%%prefix select%%'': a drop down select box filter, which contains all possible values. It filters rows that start with the value that is selected (prefix matching). E.g.: if the values //EN//, //%%EN-US%%//, and //%%EN-GB%%// are present, filtering for //EN// will match all three values.
420 * ''%%suffix select%%'': a drop down select box filter, which contains all possible values. It filters rows that end with the value that is selected (suffix matching). E.g.: if the values //10 David Street// and //David Street// are present, filtering for //David Street// will match both values.
450 When multiple columns have the same name, settings are applied to all columns that have the given name. To identify specific columns, index them by number. If you use both a block with a name (e.g. ''%%Relation%%'') and one with a number (e.g. ''%%#2%%''), then all settings specified in the numbered block will override the ones specified in the named block. (If you name a column ''%%#2%%'', then ''%%#2%%'' is considered a name, not a number.)
470 By adding a ''%%*%%'' to the property name, we indicate that we are setting multiple columns at once. We must set all columns (e.g.: here, precisely three values must be given). However, we can leave some value the default by giving them the empty string: