Lines Matching refs:This

3 The strata plugin allows you to add data to your pages and to query that data from your pages. This manual is split into two parts:
50 **Empty values**: Any field that doesn't have a value is ignored. This way you can quickly write down some fields you want to use, but fill in their values later.
126 **Grouping**: By adding a ''group'' block zero or more variables can be grouped. This means that all results that have the same value for the grouped variable will be merged, and the ungrouped variables will contain multiple values. You can name one variable per line. If the ''group'' is empty //all// results will be merged into a single result.
167 There is a single magic value to indicate the empty value: ''%%[[]]%%'' This token can be used with any type, but is especially useful with the [[#types|ref]] and [[#types|page]] types as it will create a link to the page the data block is on.
173 Classes are not handled specially. This way of adding classes to the data is merely a convenience. You can achieve the same by adding values to field ''is a''. For example ''<data person>'' can be achieved by a line of ''is a: person'' in the data entry.
179 Normally, the ''entry title'' field is automatically generated for any data block. This field is used when displaying values with the [[#types|ref]] type.
185 You can add a [[#types|type]] to a field by putting the type between ''['' and '']'' and placing it after the field name. This will change how the field's values are stored and displayed. Note that the declared type is only used during entry, that is, the type is not stored. You can declare a different type when [[#Querying Data]].
209 Sometimes, it makes sense to have all data associated with a single page, but defined in multiple data blocks throughout the page. This is possible by simply splitting the data blocks into multiple blocks.
216 Querying data is done through the ''<table>'' and ''<list>'' syntax. A table or list block defines what data to query, and how to display it. This part of the reference is about querying the data. The [[#Query Results]] section discusses how to control the display of data (this includes sorting, grouping, and aggregation).
236 You can refer to 'the current page' with ''%%[[]]%%''. This can be used to write queries that get information related to the page, but defined on other pages.
247 Types are 'sticky'. This means that the first mentioned type for a certain variable will stick to the variable for the whole query. You can override a specific use, but without an explicit type a variable will be of the type first attached to it.
334 This section describes the options you have to control the output of the query.
377 Any variables not mentioned in the projection are left out of consideration for determining what the results are. This might create a problem where simple results from a complex query seem incomplete, in that case try [[#Considering fields]].
395 All variables mentioned will be considered to be relevant, even if they are not displayed. Since the queries use so called 'set semantics', results that are equivalent will be reduced to a single result. This can be prevented by declaring additional variables to be considered; results are only equivalent if all displayed and all considered fields are equal.
495 In general, the UI is quite intuitive, but combining it with aggregates might give unexpected results (unless you use a table, in which case no special handling is needed). The example below shows the column ''%%address%%'' twice: once the actual values and once the number of values. Because the UI creates filters per column, only one filter will be created for the ''%%address%%'' column. This filter filters both on addresses and number of addresses per person.
565 By default, strata does not disable caching. This can result in pages with queries not updating after you edit data somewhere else.