Lines Matching refs:functions

12     private $functions = null;  variable in siteexport_zipfilewriter
14 public function __construct($functions = null) argument
16 $this->functions = $functions;
19 $this->pdfGenerator = new siteexport_pdfgenerator($functions);
37 …$tmpFile = tempnam($this->functions->settings->tmpDir, 'siteexport__') ?: $this->functions->settin…
66 …$this->functions->debug->message("Weird, the NAME for the ZIP started with a '/'. This may result …
72 …$this->functions->debug->message("Trying to create PDF from File '$FILE' with name '$NAME' for ZIP…
76 …if ($this->functions->debug->debugLevel() <= 1) { // 2011-01-12 Write HTML to ZIP for Debug purpose
81 …$this->functions->debug->runtimeException("Create PDF from File '$FILE' with name '$NAME' went wro…
96 if (empty($ZIPFILE)) $ZIPFILE = $this->functions->settings->zipFile;
99 …$this->functions->debug->runtimeException("PHP class 'ZipArchive' does not exist. Please make sure…
105 …$this->functions->debug->runtimeException("Can't create new instance of 'ZipArchive'. Please make …
112 $this->functions->debug->message("Adding file '{$NAME}' to ZIP {$ZIPFILE}", null, 2);
124 $this->functions->debug->runtimeException("Zip Error #{$code} for file {$NAME}");
135 $code = $zip->open($this->functions->settings->zipFile, ZipArchive::CREATE);
151 $pattern = $this->functions->requestParametersToCacheHash($requestData);
157 $this->functions->debug->message("HASH-Pattern for CacheFile: ", $pattern, 2);
158 $this->functions->settings->hasValidCacheFile = false; // reset the cache settings
159 $cacheFile = $this->functions->getCacheFileNameForPattern($pattern);
164 if ($mtime == 0 || $mtime < time()-$this->functions->settings->cachetime)
167 …$this->functions->debug->message("New CacheFile because the file was over the cachetime: ", $cache…
174 $this->functions->debug->message("Checking dependencies: ", $depends, 1);
179 $this->functions->debug->message("File does not exist: ", $site['id'], 2);
185 … $this->functions->debug->message("New CacheFile, because a page changed: ", $cacheFile, 2);
191 $this->functions->debug->message("CacheFile exists: ", $cacheFile, 2);
192 return $this->functions->settings->hasValidCacheFile = true;
197 @unlink($this->functions->settings->zipFile) === false ) {
198 $this->functions->debug->message("Cannot remove cache Files: ", $cacheFile, 2);
204 if (is_null($data['file'])) $data['file'] = $this->functions->settings->zipFile;
209 $this->functions->debug->message("Can't open the zip-file.", $data['file'], 2);
215 …$this->functions->debug->message("More than one ({$zip->numFiles}) file in zip.", $data['file'], 2…
220 $this->functions->debug->message("Stat.", $stat, 3);
223 … $this->functions->debug->message("The file was not a PDF ({$stat['name']}).", $stat['name'], 2);