Lines Matching refs:fileName

517         $CURRENT_PARENT = $fileName = $this->functions->getSiteName($ID, true);
518 $this->functions->debug->message("Filename could be:", $fileName, 2);
520 $this->fileChecked[$url] = $fileName; // 2010-09-03 - One URL to one FileName
521 $this->functions->settings->depth = str_repeat('../', count(explode('/', $fileName))-1);
530 $dirname = dirname($fileName);
534 … $this->functions->debug->message("Will replace old filename '{$fileName}' with {$ID}", null, 1);
535 $extension = explode('.', $fileName);
539 …$fileName = $dirname . '/' . $this->functions->cleanID($this->functions->getSiteTitle($ID)) . '.' …
542 …$this->functions->debug->message("Will replace old filename '{$fileName}' with {$dirname}/{$tmpFil…
543 $fileName = $dirname . '/' . $tmpFile[1];
547 $this->fileChecked[$url] = $fileName;
548 $status = $this->filewriter->__addFileToZip($tmpFile[0], $fileName);
823 …ments, $DATA, $url, $newAdditionalParameters, $PARAMS, $noDeepReplace, $fileName, $newDepth, $ID, …
828 …>message("DATA after SWITCH CASE decision", array($DATA, $noDeepReplace, $fileName, $newDepth), 1);
842 …ATA, $url, $noDeepReplace, $newAdditionalParameters, $ORIGDATA2, $newDepth, $IDexists, $fileName );
845 … &$DATA, &$url, &$newAdditionalParameters, &$PARAMS, &$noDeepReplace, &$fileName, &$newDepth, &$ID… argument
853 $fileName = $this->functions->getSiteName($ID, true);
856 …$newDepth = './' . str_repeat('../', count(explode('/', $fileName))-1); // it is an ID at this poi…
859 …tions->debug->message("This is CSS file", array($DATA, $noDeepReplace, $fileName, $newDepth, $newA…
885 …$fileName = $this->functions->getSiteName($ID, true); // 2010-09-03 - rewrite with override enabled
887 $newDepth = str_repeat('../', count(explode('/', $fileName))-1);
891 …g->message("This is detail.php file with addParams", array($DATA, $ID, $fileName, $newDepth, $newA…
901 … $fileName = $this->functions->getSiteName($ID); // 2010-09-03 - rewrite with override enabled
903 $newDepth = str_repeat('../', count(explode('/', $fileName))-1);
905 $DATA2Name = explode('/', $fileName);
908 …bug->message("This is doku.php file with addParams", array($DATA, $ID, $fileName, $newDepth, $newA…
945 $fileName = $this->functions->shortenName($DATA[2]);
946 $newDepth = str_repeat('../', count(explode('/', $fileName))-1);
988 …TA, $url, $noDeepReplace, $newAdditionalParameters, $ORIGDATA2, $newDepth, $IDexists, $fileName ) { argument
1020 $CURRENT_PARENT = $fileName;