Lines Matching refs:context

2101 this.setClassTimed = function(elt, name, context, timeout)  argument
2107 context.clearTimeout(elt.__setClassTimeout);
2111 elt.__setClassTimeout = context.setTimeout(function()
2119 this.cancelClassTimed = function(elt, name, context) argument
2124 context.clearTimeout(elt.__setClassTimeout);
3297 jsonObject = Firebug.context.evaluate(jsonString, null, null, function(){return null;});
6277 Firebug.context = Firebug.browser;
6280 Firebug.context.persistedState.isOpen = false;
6300 Firebug.context, "warn");
6342 Firebug.context = null;
6511 if (Firebug.context && persistedState)
6512 Firebug.context.persistedState = persistedState;
6531 var persistedState = Firebug.context.persistedState;
6534 persistedState = Firebug.context.persistedState = FBL.defaultPersistedState;
6643 initContext: function(context) argument
6650 reattachContext: function(browser, context) argument
6657 destroyContext: function(context, persistedState) argument
6663 showContext: function(browser, context) argument
6670 loadedContext: function(context) argument
6690 getObjectByURL: function(context, url) argument
6755 create: function(context, doc) argument
7066 … if (!this.context.browser) // XXXjjb this is bug. Somehow the panel context is not FirebugContext.
7073 var buttons =$(buttonsId);
7082 … if (!this.context.browser)FBTrace.dumpStack("firebug.Panel showToolbarButtons no browser");
7107 object = this.getDefaultSelection(this.context);
7139 this.context.invalidatePanels(panelName);
7143 this.context.invalidatePanels.apply(this.context, this.dependents);
7497 inspectObject: function(object, context) argument
7502 browseObject: function(object, context) argument
7506 persistObject: function(object, context) argument
7510 getRealObject: function(object, context) argument
7552 getContextMenuItems: function(object, target, context) argument
7606 initialize: function(context) argument
7609 this.controllerContext = context ||;
7798 Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedPanelName = panelName;
8771 evaluate: function(expr, context, api, errorHandler) argument
8775 context = context || "window";
8782 if (context == "window")
8805 " } }).call(" + context + ",undefined)"
8810 " }).call(" + context + ",undefined)";
9406 context = options.context || Env.browser,
9421 body = context.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0],
9481 style.appendChild(context.document.createTextNode(rules));
9589 node = chrome.node =
10153 ], Firebug.context, "warn");
10265 self.selectPanel(Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedPanelName);
10267 … if (Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedPanelName == "Console" && Firebug.CommandLine)
10556 var shouldOpen = forceOpen || !Firebug.context.persistedState.isOpen;
10608 Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedPanelName =;
10630 …sideWidthValue = ? Firebug.context.persistedState.sidePanelWidth :…
10863 Firebug.context.persistedState.height = size.height;
10930 if (!Firebug.context.persistedState.isOpen)
10932 Firebug.context.persistedState.isOpen = true;
10978 if (Firebug.context.persistedState.isOpen)
10986 Firebug.context.persistedState.isOpen = false;
11052 fbVSplitterStyle.right = Firebug.context.persistedState.sidePanelWidth + "px";
11127 = Firebug.context.persistedState.height + "px";
11206 Firebug.context.persistedState.popupTop = top;
11207 Firebug.context.persistedState.popupLeft = left;
11208 Firebug.context.persistedState.popupWidth = size.width;
11209 Firebug.context.persistedState.popupHeight = size.height;
11269 Firebug.browser = Firebug.context = new Context(Env.browser);
11288 Firebug.context,
11506 Firebug.context.persistedState.height = chromeHeight;
11562 Firebug.context.persistedState.sidePanelWidth = x;
11806 resourceDomain ==; // TODO: xxxpedro context
11817 doc = Firebug.context.document,
12663 var Sizzle = function(selector, context, results, seed) { argument
12665 var origContext = context = context || document;
12667 if ( context.nodeType !== 1 && context.nodeType !== 9 ) {
12675 var parts = [], m, set, checkSet, check, mode, extra, prune = true, contextXML = isXML(context),
12692 set = posProcess( parts[0] + parts[1], context );
12695 [ context ] :
12696 Sizzle( parts.shift(), context );
12710 if ( !seed && parts.length > 1 && context.nodeType === 9 && !contextXML &&
12712 var ret = Sizzle.find( parts.shift(), context, contextXML );
12713 context = ret.expr ? Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set )[0] : ret.set[0];
12716 if ( context ) {
12719 … === 1 && (parts[0] === "~" || parts[0] === "+") && context.parentNode ? context.parentNode : cont…
12738 pop = context;
12759 } else if ( context && context.nodeType === 1 ) {
12761 …et[i] && (checkSet[i] === true || checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 && contains(context, checkSet[i])) ) {
12805 Sizzle.find = function(expr, context, isXML){ argument
13009 ID: function(match, context, isXML){ argument
13010 if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
13011 var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
13015 NAME: function(match, context, isXML){ argument
13016 if ( typeof context.getElementsByName !== "undefined" ) {
13017 var ret = [], results = context.getElementsByName(match[1]);
13028 TAG: function(match, context){ argument
13029 return context.getElementsByTagName(match[1]);
13427 Expr.find.ID = function(match, context, isXML){ argument
13428 if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
13429 var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
13454 Expr.find.TAG = function(match, context){ argument
13455 var results = context.getElementsByTagName(match[1]);
13496 Sizzle = function(query, context, extra, seed){ argument
13497 context = context || document;
13501 if ( !seed && context.nodeType === 9 && !isXML(context) ) {
13503 return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll(query), extra );
13507 return oldSizzle(query, context, extra, seed);
13532 Expr.find.CLASS = function(match, context, isXML) { argument
13533 if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
13534 return context.getElementsByClassName(match[1]);
13631 var posProcess = function(selector, context){ argument
13633 root = context.nodeType ? [context] : context;
13956 … var offsetHeight = == "frame" ? Firebug.context.persistedState.height : 0;
14242 FBL.domplate.context = function(context, fn) argument
14245 domplate.topContext = context;
14246 fn.apply(context);
14269 this.context = oldTag ? oldTag.context : null;
14284 this.context = domplate.topContext;
14361 if (this.context)
14369 if (this.context)
14382 var markupArgs = [code, tag.tag.context, args, tagOutputs];
14582 if (this.context)
14589 if (this.context)
14607 var domArgs = [node, tag.tag.context, 0];
15102 var markupArgs = [code, this.tag.context, args, outputs];
15141 var domArgs = [firstRow, this.tag.context, offset];
15193 var domArgs = [root, this.tag.context, 0];
15263 var domArgs = [root, this.tag.context, 0];
15291 var domArgs = [root, this.tag.context, 0];
15505 inspectObject: function(fn, context) argument
15507 var sourceLink = findSourceForFunction(fn, context);
15514 getTooltip: function(fn, context) argument
15516 var script = findScriptForFunctionInContext(context, fn);
15524 getTitle: function(fn, context) argument
15530 getContextMenuItems: function(fn, target, context, script) argument
15533 script = findScriptForFunctionInContext(context, fn);
15537 var scriptInfo = getSourceFileAndLineByScript(context, script);
15540 var name = script ? getFunctionName(script, context) :;
15998 getTitle: function(object, context) argument
16013 getRealObject: function(prop, context) argument
16018 getTitle: function(prop, context) argument
16033 browseObject: function(file, context) argument
16039 getRealObject: function(file, context) argument
16253 persistor: function(context, xpath) argument
16256 ? getElementsByXPath(context.window.document, xpath)
16272 browseObject: function(elt, context) argument
16287 persistObject: function(elt, context) argument
16294 getTitle: function(element, context) argument
16304 getContextMenuItems: function(elt, target, context) argument
16306 var monitored = areEventsMonitored(elt, null, context);
16314 command: bindFixed(toggleMonitorEvents, FBL, elt, null, monitored, context) },
16365 browseObject: function(doc, context) argument
16371 persistObject: function(doc, context) argument
16376 persistor: function(context) argument
16378 return context.window.document;
16381 getTitle: function(win, context) argument
16426 browseObject: function(styleSheet, context) argument
16432 persistObject: function(styleSheet, context) argument
16442 getContextMenuItems: function(styleSheet, target, context) argument
16451 persistor: function(context, href) argument
16453 return getStyleSheetByHref(href, context);
16486 browseObject: function(win, context) argument
16492 persistObject: function(win, context) argument
16497 persistor: function(context) argument
16499 return context.window;
16502 getTitle: function(win, context) argument
16551 getTitle: function(event, context) argument
16618 inspectObject: function(sourceLink, context) argument
16622 var scriptFile = getSourceFileByHref(sourceLink.href, context);
16635 var stylesheet = getStyleSheetByHref(sourceLink.href, context);
16645 var panel = context.getPanel("stylesheet");
16655 browseObject: function(sourceLink, context) argument
16661 getContextMenuItems: function(sourceLink, target, context) argument
16678 persistor: function(context, href) argument
16680 return getSourceFileByHref(href, context);
16697 browseObject: function(sourceLink, context) argument
16775 inspectObject: function(stackFrame, context) argument
16781 getTooltip: function(stackFrame, context) argument
16818 getTitle: function(frame, context) argument
16821 return getFunctionName(frame.script, context);
16824 getTooltip: function(frame, context) argument
16827 var sourceInfo = FBL.getSourceFileAndLineByScript(context, frame.script, frame);
16834 getContextMenuItems: function(frame, target, context) argument
16837 return FirebugReps.Func.getContextMenuItems(fn, target, context, frame.script);
16937 this.inspectObject(target.repObject, panel.context);
16989 inspectObject: function(error, context) argument
16992 FirebugReps.SourceLink.inspectObject(sourceLink, context);
16995 getContextMenuItems: function(error, target, context) argument
17032 inspectObject: function(error, context) argument
17038 getContextMenuItems: function(error, target, context) argument
17350 this.attachListeners(currentEditor, panel.context);
17364 this.detachListeners(currentEditor, currentPanel.context);
17439 var context = currentPanel.context;
17440 this.saveTimeout = context.setTimeout(bindFixed(, this), saveTimeout);
17563 attachListeners: function(editor, context) argument
17619 detachListeners: function(editor, context) argument
17668 showContext: function(browser, context) argument
18058 …var selectRangeCallback = this.getAutoCompleter().complete(currentPanel.context, this.input, true,…
18181 … selectRangeCallback = this.getAutoCompleter().complete(currentPanel.context, this.input, false);
18351 this.complete = function(context, textBox, cycle, reverse) argument
18374 var parseStart = getExprOffset ? getExprOffset(value, offset, context) : 0;
18379 var range = getRange ? getRange(parsed, offset-parseStart, context) : null;
18429 var values = evaluator(preExpr, expr, postExpr, context);
19308 clear: function(context) argument
19311 var panel = context.getPanel(panelName, true);
19584 var context =;
19586 this.updateInfo(netInfoBox, file, context);
19589 updateInfo: function(netInfoBox, file, context) argument
19637 NetInfoPostData.render(context, postText, file);
19648 NetInfoPostData.render(context, putText, file);
19668 this.setResponseText(file, netInfoBox, responseTextBox, context);
19685 var text = Utils.getResponseText(file, context);
19702 dispatch(NetInfoBody.fbListeners, "updateTabBody", [netInfoBox, file, context]);
19705 setResponseText: function(file, netInfoBox, responseTextBox, context) argument
19728 var text = Utils.getResponseText(file, context);
19746 var panel = context.getPanel("net", true);
20014 render: function(context, parentNode, file) argument
20057 this.insertJSON(parentNode, jsonData, context);
20097 insertJSON: function(parentNode, file, context) argument
20118 insertXML: function(parentNode, file, context) argument
20120 var text = Utils.getPostText(file, context);
20140 parseMultiPartText: function(file, context) argument
20142 var text = Utils.getPostText(file, context);
20326 getPostText: function(file, context, noLimit) argument
20330 file.postText = readPostTextFromRequest(file.request, context);
20332 if (!file.postText && context)
20333 file.postText = readPostTextFromPage(file.href, context);
20349 getResponseText: function(file, context) argument
20353 context.sourceCache.loadText(file.href, file.method, file);
20356 isURLEncodedRequest: function(file, context) argument
20358 var text = Utils.getPostText(file, context);
20371 isMultiPartRequest: function(file, context) argument
20373 var text = Utils.getPostText(file, context);
20563 initContext: function(context) argument
20565 context.spies = [];
20568 this.attachObserver(context, context.window);
20571 FBTrace.sysout("spy.initContext " + contexts.length + " ", context.getName());
20574 destroyContext: function(context) argument
20577 this.detachObserver(context, null);
20579 if (FBTrace.DBG_SPY && context.spies.length)
20581 + context.spies.length + ") " + context.getName());
20583 delete context.spies;
20586 FBTrace.sysout("spy.destroyContext " + contexts.length + " ", context.getName());
20589 watchWindow: function(context, win) argument
20592 this.attachObserver(context, win);
20595 unwatchWindow: function(context, win) argument
20600 this.detachObserver(context, win);
20619 var context = TabWatcher.contexts[i];
20620 iterateWindows(context.window, function(win)
20622 tach.apply(this, [context, win]);
20645 attachObserver: function(context, win) argument
20652 if ((contexts[i].context == context) && (contexts[i].win == win))
20663 contexts.push({context: context, win: win});
20666 FBTrace.sysout("spy.attachObserver (HTTP) " + contexts.length + " ", context.getName());
20669 detachObserver: function(context, win) argument
20673 if (contexts[i].context == context)
20689 context.getName());
21125 browseObject: function(spy, context) argument
21132 getRealObject: function(spy, context) argument
21219 template.updateInfo(netInfoBox, spy, spy.context);
21378 updateTabBody: function(infoBox, file, context) argument
21496 updateTabBody: function(infoBox, file, context) argument
21506 this.insertXML(tabBody, Firebug.NetMonitor.Utils.getResponseText(file, context));
21671 log: function(object, context, className, rep, noThrottle, sourceLink) argument
21674 return this.logRow(appendObject, object, context, className, rep, sourceLink, noThrottle);
21677 logFormatted: function(objects, context, className, noThrottle, sourceLink) argument
21680 … return this.logRow(appendFormatted, objects, context, className, null, sourceLink, noThrottle);
21683 openGroup: function(objects, context, className, rep, noThrottle, sourceLink, noPush) argument
21685 … return this.logRow(appendOpenGroup, objects, context, className, rep, sourceLink, noThrottle);
21688 closeGroup: function(context, noThrottle) argument
21690 return this.logRow(appendCloseGroup, null, context, null, null, null, noThrottle, true);
21693 logRow: function(appender, objects, context, className, rep, sourceLink, noThrottle, noRow) argument
21698 if (!context)
21699 context = FirebugContext;
21701 if (FBTrace.DBG_ERRORS && !context)
21704 if (!context)
21707 if (noThrottle || !context)
21709 var panel = this.getPanel(context);
21732 … consoleQueue.push([appender, objects, context, className, rep, sourceLink, noThrottle, noRow]);
21737 if (!context.throttle)
21742 var args = [appender, objects, context, className, rep, sourceLink, true, noRow];
21743 context.throttle(this.logRow, this, args);
21747 appendFormatted: function(args, row, context) argument
21749 if (!context)
21750 context = FirebugContext;
21752 var panel = this.getPanel(context);
21756 clear: function(context) argument
21758 if (!context)
21760 context = Firebug.context;
21767 var panel = this.getPanel(context, true);
21775 getPanel: function(context, noCreate) argument
21824 getFirebugConsoleElement: function(context, win) argument
21833 if (context.stopped)
21834 … Firebug.Console.injector.evaluateConsoleScript(context); // todo evaluate consoleForcer on stack
21836 var r = Firebug.CommandLine.evaluateInWebPage(elementForcer, context, win);
21845 …sole.logFormatted(["Firebug cannot find _firebugConsole element", r, win], context, "error", true);
21852 …isReadyElsePreparing: function(context, win) // this is the only code that should call… argument
21857 (win?win.location:context.window.location), (win?win:context.window));
21860 return this.injector.attachIfNeeded(context, win);
21864 for (var i = 0; i <; i++)
21865 attached = attached && this.injector.attachIfNeeded(context,[i]);
21867 if ( == -1)
21870 …FBTrace.sysout("console.isReadyElsePreparing attached to "" and returns "+…
21899 initContext: function(context, persistedState) argument
21902 context.consoleReloadWarning = true; // mark as need to warn.
21905 loadedContext: function(context) argument
21907 for (var url in context.sourceFileMap)
21911 this.clearReloadWarning(context);
21914 clearReloadWarning: function(context) // remove the warning about reloading. argument
21916 if (context.consoleReloadWarning)
21918 var panel = context.getPanel(this.panelName);
21920 delete context.consoleReloadWarning;
21924 togglePersist: function(context) argument
21926 var panel = context.getPanel(this.panelName);
21931 showContext: function(browser, context) argument
21933"cmd_clearConsole", "disabled", !context);
21938 destroyContext: function(context, persistedState) argument
21940 Firebug.Console.injector.detachConsole(context, context.window); // TODO iterate windows?
22004 onMonitorScript: function(context, frame) argument
22006 Firebug.Console.log(frame, context);
22009 onFunctionCall: function(context, frame, depth, calling) argument
22012 Firebug.Console.openGroup([frame, "depth:"+depth], context);
22014 Firebug.Console.closeGroup(context);
22019 logRow: function(appender, objects, context, className, rep, sourceLink, noThrottle, noRow) argument
22021 if (!context)
22022 context = FirebugContext;
22024 if (FBTrace.DBG_WINDOWS && !context) FBTrace.sysout("Console.logRow: no context \n");
22033 log: function(context, object, className, sourceLink) argument
22037 logFormatted: function(context, objects, className, sourceLink) argument
22096 this.insertLogLimit(this.context);
22360 this.context = Firebug.browser.window;
22379 this.insertLogLimit(this.context);
22384 if (this.context.consoleReloadWarning) // we have not yet injected the console
22450 FBTrace.sysout("Console.panel show; " + this.context.getName(), state);
22471 this.wasScrolledToBottom + ", " + this.context.getName());
22483 FBTrace.sysout("Console.panel hide; " + this.context.getName(), state);
22490 this.wasScrolledToBottom + ", " + this.context.getName());
22503 this.wasScrolledToBottom + ", " + this.context.getName());
22523 FBTrace.sysout("console.ConsolePanel.enablePanel; " + this.context.getName());
22536 FBTrace.sysout("console.ConsolePanel.disablePanel; " + this.context.getName());
22732 this.context.getName(), event);
22741 this.panelNode.scrollHeight + ", " + this.context.getName(), event);
22828 install: function(context) argument
22830 var win = context.window;
22832 var consoleHandler = new FirebugConsoleHandler(context, win);
22903 isAttached: function(context, win) argument
22921 attachIfNeeded: function(context, win) argument
22926 if (this.isAttached(context, win))
22932 this.attachConsoleInjector(context, win);
22933 this.addConsoleListener(context, win);
22935 Firebug.Console.clearReloadWarning(context);
22937 var attached = this.isAttached(context, win);
22939 dispatch(Firebug.Console.fbListeners, "onConsoleInjected", [context, win]);
22944 attachConsoleInjector: function(context, win) argument
22951 Firebug.CommandLine.evaluateInWebPage(consoleInjection, context, win);
22981 forceConsoleCompilationInPage: function(context, win) argument
22992 if (context.stopped)
22993 … Firebug.Console.injector.evaluateConsoleScript(context); // todo evaluate consoleForcer on stack
22995 Firebug.CommandLine.evaluateInWebPage(consoleForcer, context, win);
23001 evaluateConsoleScript: function(context) argument
23004 Firebug.Debugger.evaluate(scriptSource, context);
23007 addConsoleListener: function(context, win) argument
23009 if (!context.activeConsoleHandlers) // then we have not been this way before
23010 context.activeConsoleHandlers = [];
23013 for (var i=0; i<context.activeConsoleHandlers.length; i++)
23015 if (context.activeConsoleHandlers[i].window == win)
23017 context.activeConsoleHandlers[i].detach();
23019 …FBTrace.sysout("consoleInjector addConsoleListener removed handler("+context.activeConsoleHandlers…
23020 context.activeConsoleHandlers.splice(i,1);
23026 var element = Firebug.Console.getFirebugConsoleElement(context, win);
23032 var handler = new FirebugConsoleHandler(context, win);
23035 context.activeConsoleHandlers.push(handler);
23042 detachConsole: function(context, win) argument
23054 var FirebugConsoleHandler = function FirebugConsoleHandler(context, win) argument
23146 Firebug.Console.log(o, context, "dir", Firebug.DOMPanel.DirTable);
23158 Firebug.Console.log(o, context, "dirxml", Firebug.HTMLPanel.SoloElement);
23171 Firebug.Console.closeGroup(context);
23423 Firebug.Console.log({frames: frames}, context, "stackTrace", FirebugReps.StackTrace);
23468 Firebug.Console.log({frames: frames}, context, "stackTrace", FirebugReps.StackTrace);
23473 Firebug.Console.clear(context);
23517 this.evaluated = function(result, context) argument
23522 Firebug.Console.log(result, context);
23524 this.evaluateError = function(result, context) argument
23526 Firebug.Console.log(result, context, "errorMessage");
23534 return Firebug.Console.logFormatted(args, context, className, noThrottle, sourceLink);
23539 Firebug.Errors.increaseCount(context);
23566 …eName?msg.fileName:win.location), (msg.lineNumber?msg.lineNumber:0), "", category, context, trace);
23582 var row = Firebug.Console.log(objects, context, "errorMessage", null, true); // noThrottle
23620 var trace = FBL.getCurrentStackTrace(context);
23708 Firebug.context.persistedState.commandHistory.push(command);
23709 Firebug.context.persistedState.commandPointer =
23710 Firebug.context.persistedState.commandHistory.length;
23755 Firebug.context.persistedState.commandHistory =
23756 Firebug.context.persistedState.commandHistory || [];
23758 Firebug.context.persistedState.commandPointer =
23759 Firebug.context.persistedState.commandPointer || -1;
23880 var result = Firebug.context.evaluate(expr, "window", api, Firebug.Console.error);
23907 if (Firebug.context.persistedState.commandPointer > 0 &&
23908 Firebug.context.persistedState.commandHistory.length > 0)
23910 this.element.value = Firebug.context.persistedState.commandHistory
23911 [--Firebug.context.persistedState.commandPointer];
23919 var limit = Firebug.context.persistedState.commandHistory.length -1;
23920 var i = Firebug.context.persistedState.commandPointer;
23923 element.value = Firebug.context.persistedState.commandHistory
23924 [++Firebug.context.persistedState.commandPointer];
23928 ++Firebug.context.persistedState.commandPointer;
24161 $$: function(selector, context) argument
24163 context = context || Firebug.browser.document;
24165 Firebug.Selector(selector, context) :
24175 Firebug.Console.log(o, Firebug.context, "dir", Firebug.DOMPanel.DirTable);
24187 Firebug.Console.log(o, Firebug.context, "dirxml", Firebug.HTMLPanel.SoloElement);
24571 Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedHTMLElementId =
24572 Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedHTMLElementId &&
24573 ElementCache.get(Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedHTMLElementId) ?
24574 Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedHTMLElementId :
24577 Firebug.HTML.selectTreeNode(Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedHTMLElementId);
24603 if(Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedHTMLElementId)
24604 Firebug.HTML.selectTreeNode(Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedHTMLElementId);
24658 Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedHTMLElementId =;
26876 var css = getStyleSheetCSS(styleSheet, this.context);
26890 return this.context.window.location.href;
26917 setClassTimed(ruleElement, "jumpHighlight", this.context);
26921 getStyleSheetRules: function(context, styleSheet) argument
26937 var props = this.getRuleProperties(context, rule);
27009 getRuleProperties: function(context, rule, inheritMode) argument
27017 this.addOldProperties(context, ruleId, inheritMode, props);
27023 addOldProperties: function(context, ruleId, inheritMode, props) argument
27025 if (context.selectorMap && context.selectorMap.hasOwnProperty(ruleId) )
27027 var moreProps = context.selectorMap[ruleId];
27154 if ( this.context.selectorMap && this.context.selectorMap.hasOwnProperty(ruleId) )
27156 var map = this.context.selectorMap[ruleId];
27180 if (!this.context.selectorMap)
27181 this.context.selectorMap = {};
27185 if (!(this.context.selectorMap.hasOwnProperty(ruleId)))
27186 this.context.selectorMap[ruleId] = [];
27188 var map = this.context.selectorMap[ruleId];
27329 this.context =; // TODO: xxxpedro css2
27397 if (this.context.loaded && !this.location) // wait for loadedContext to restore the panel
27452 var rules = this.getStyleSheetRules(this.context, styleSheet);
27490 var sourceFile = getSourceFileByHref(sourceLink.href, this.context);
27498 this.scrollToLine(lineNo, this.jumpHighlightFactory(lineNo, this.context));
27502 var stylesheet = getStyleSheetByHref(sourceLink.href, this.context);
27527 var styleSheets = getAllStyleSheets(this.context);
27701 var styleSheets = this.context.window.document.styleSheets;
27956 var props = this.getRuleProperties(this.context, rule, inheritMode);
28060 this.addOldProperties(this.context, getElementXPath(element), inheritMode, props);
28081 this.context =; // TODO: xxxpedro css2
28087 var selection = ElementCache.get(Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedHTMLElementId);
28242 this.context.invalidatePanels(;
28773 function getStyleSheetCSS(sheet, context) argument
28778 return context.sourceCache.load(sheet.href).join("");
29399 this.context.clearTimeout(this.timeouts[i]);
29439 timeouts.push(this.context.setTimeout(function()
29467 timeouts.push(this.context.setTimeout(function()
29480 timeouts.push(this.context.setTimeout(function()
29643 return Firebug.Debugger.evaluate(propName, this.context);
29832 this.context = Firebug.browser;
29881 if (this.context.loaded && !this.selection)
29893 var defaultObject = this.getDefaultSelection(this.context);
29898 var restored = state.firstSelection(this.context);
30784 var selection = ElementCache.get(Firebug.context.persistedState.selectedHTMLElementId);