Lines Matching refs:partial

3960       var a = _.partial(curried, 1),
4122 d = _.partial(b(2), 1);
8290 assert.ok(lodashStable.every(values, lodashStable.partial(_.includes, array)));
10273 var actual = lodashStable.every([1, 1, 1], lodashStable.partial(_.isEqual, 1));
10434 eq = _.partial(_.isEqualWith, array),
10959 matches = _.partial(_.isMatchWith, object),
12239 QUnit.test('should work with functions created by `_.partial` and `_.partialRight`', function(assert) {
12249 object = { 'a': 1 , 'iteratee': _.iteratee(_.partial(fn, 2)) };
12290 getPropA = _.partial(, 'a'),
12291 getPropB = _.partial(, 'b'),
12292 getLength = _.partial(, 'length'),
13921 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should partial match arrays', function(assert) {
13936 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should partial match arrays with duplicate values', function(assert) {
13945 QUnit.test('should partial match arrays of objects', function(assert) {
13957 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should partial match maps', function(assert) {
13987 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should partial match sets', function(assert) {
14361 QUnit.test('should partial match arrays', function(assert) {
14376 QUnit.test('should partial match arrays with duplicate values', function(assert) {
14385 QUnit.test('should partial match arrays of objects', function(assert) {
14396 QUnit.test('should partial match maps', function(assert) {
14426 QUnit.test('should partial match sets', function(assert) {
15463 QUnit.test('should apply partial arguments to function', function(assert) {
15615 QUnit.test('should apply partial arguments to function', function(assert) {
17321 QUnit.module('partial methods');
17323 lodashStable.each(['partial', 'partialRight'], function(methodName) {
17325 isPartial = methodName == 'partial',
17487 ph3 = _.partial.placeholder,
17490 QUnit.test('should work with combinations of partial functions', function(assert) {
17493 var a = _.partial(fn),
17495 c = _.partial(b, 1);
17500 QUnit.test('should work with combinations of bound and partial functions', function(assert) {
17514 c = _.partial(b, 2);
17520 c = _.partial(b, 2);
17524 a = _.partial(fn, 2);
17538 var combo = _.partial(_.partialRight(Foo, 3), 1),
17553 c = _.partial(b, 1, ph3, 4);
17559 c = _.partial(b, 1, ph3, 4);
17563 a = _.partial(fn, ph3, 2);
17578 c = _.partial(b, ph3, 3);
17584 c = _.partial(b, ph3, 3);
17588 a = _.partial(fn, ph3, 2);
17659 lodashStable.each(['partial', 'partialRight'], function(methodName, index) {
26757 'partial',
26772 'partial',