Lines Matching refs:key

363 …var coverage = root.__coverage__ || root[lodashStable.find(lodashStable.keys(root), function(key) {
364 return /^(?:\$\$cov_\d+\$\$)$/.test(key);
421 lodashStable.forOwn(object, function(value, key, object) { argument
422 delete object[key];
474 function setProperty(object, key, value) { argument
476 defineProperty(object, key, {
483 object[key] = value;
543 setProperty(objectProto, 'propertyIsEnumerable', function(key) { argument
544 … return !(key == 'valueOf' && this && this.valueOf === 1) &&, key);
1047 var pairs =, function(key, index) { argument
1049 return [key, keys[lastIndex - index]];
1075 lodashStable.each(keys, function(key, index) { argument
1078 assert.deepEqual(cache.get(key), value);
1079 assert.strictEqual(cache.has(key), true);
1080 assert.strictEqual(cache.delete(key), true);
1081 assert.strictEqual(cache.has(key), false);
1082 assert.strictEqual(cache.get(key), undefined);
1083 assert.strictEqual(cache.delete(key), false);
1084 assert.strictEqual(cache.set(key, value), cache);
1085 assert.strictEqual(cache.has(key), true);
1090 assert.ok(lodashStable.every(keys, function(key) { argument
1091 return !cache.has(key);
1100 lodashStable.each(keys, function(key) { argument
1101 cache.set(key, 1).set(key, 2);
1102 assert.strictEqual(cache.get(key), 2);
2078 var actual =['a', 'b', 'c'], function(key) { argument
2079 return object[key].call({});
2091 var actual =['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], function(key) { argument
2092 return object[key].call({});
2103 var actual =, function(key) { argument
2105 _.bindAll(object, key);
2106 return object[lodashStable.toString(key)].call({});
2126 var actual =, function(key) { argument
2127 return object[key].call({});
3019 var objects = lodashStable.transform(_, function(result, value, key) { argument
3020 if (lodashStable.startsWith(key, '_') && lodashStable.isObject(value) &&
3023 props.push(lodashStable.capitalize(lodashStable.camelCase(key)));
3095 lodashStable.forOwn(uncloneable, function(value, key) { argument
3096 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not clone ' + key, function(assert) {
3142 lodashStable.forOwn(uncloneable, function(value, key) { argument
3143 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a `customizer` callback and ' + key, function(…
6085 function(collection, key) { argument
6088 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with ' + key + ' and a positive `fromIndex`', funct…
6104 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with ' + key + ' and a `fromIndex` >= `length`', fu…
6125 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with ' + key + ' and treat falsey `fromIndex` value…
6137 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with ' + key + ' and coerce `fromIndex` to an integ…
6155 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with ' + key + ' and a negative `fromIndex`', funct…
6171 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with ' + key + ' and a negative `fromIndex` <= `-le…
6273 function(collection, key) { argument
6276 QUnit.test('should work with ' + key + ' and a positive `fromIndex`', function(assert) {
6292 QUnit.test('should work with ' + key + ' and a `fromIndex` >= `length`', function(assert) {
6310 …QUnit.test('should work with ' + key + ' and treat falsey `fromIndex` values correctly', function(…
6324 … QUnit.test('should work with ' + key + ' and coerce `fromIndex` to an integer', function(assert) {
6342 QUnit.test('should work with ' + key + ' and a negative `fromIndex`', function(assert) {
6358 …QUnit.test('should work with ' + key + ' and a negative `fromIndex` <= `-length`', function(assert…
6831 func(new Foo, function(value, key) { keys.push(key); }); argument
7065 func(array, function(value, key) { argument
7066 keys.push(key);
7905 var actual =, function(key) { argument
7906 return func(object, key);
8180 function(collection, key) { argument
8181 …QUnit.test('should work with ' + key + ' and return `true` for matched values', function(assert)…
8187 …QUnit.test('should work with ' + key + ' and return `false` for unmatched values', function(asser…
8193 QUnit.test('should work with ' + key + ' and floor `position` values', function(assert) {
8199 …QUnit.test('should work with ' + key + ' and return an unwrapped value implicitly when chaining', …
8210 …QUnit.test('should work with ' + key + ' and return a wrapped value when explicitly chaining', fun…
8226 function(collection, key) { argument
8227 QUnit.test('should work with a string ' + key + ' for `collection`', function(assert) {
8759 var actual =, function(key) { argument
8760 return _.invoke(object, key);
11853 var expected =, function(key) { argument
11854 return realm[key] !== undefined;
11857 var actual =, function(key) { argument
11858 var value = realm[key];
13720 var actual = func(new Foo, function(value, key) { return key; }); argument
14182 var actual =, function(key, index) { argument
14183 var matches = _.matchesProperty(key, values[index]),
14654 'get': function(key) { argument
14655 var entry = lodashStable.find(this.__data__, ['key', key]);
14658 'has': function(key) { argument
14659 return lodashStable.some(this.__data__, ['key', key]);
14661 'set': function(key, value) { argument
14662 this.__data__.push({ 'key': key, 'value': value });
14676 'set': function(key, value) { argument
14678 result.__data__ = this.__data__.concat({ 'key': key, 'value': value });
14765 key = '__proto__';
14778 memoized(key);
14779 memoized(key);
14782 assert.strictEqual(cache.get(key), array);
14784 assert.strictEqual(cache.delete(key), true);
15123 var key = props[index],
15125 subValue = value[key],
15127 newSubValue = newValue[key];
16575 return lodashStable.some(props, function(key) { argument
16576 key = lodashStable.isSymbol(key) ? key : lodashStable.toString(key);
16577 return object[key] === value;
16605 var actual =, function(key) { argument
16606 return func(object, resolve(object, key));
17852 return lodashStable.some(props, function(key) { argument
17853 key = lodashStable.isSymbol(key) ? key : lodashStable.toString(key);
17854 return object[key] === value;
17883 var actual =, function(key) { argument
17884 return func(object, resolve(object, key));
17991 var actual =, function(key) { argument
17992 var prop =;
18136 var actual =, function(key) { argument
18138 return propOf(key);
18435 var actual =, function(key) { argument
18438 return _.pullAt(array, key);
19380 var actual =, function(key) { argument
19381 return func(object, key);
20120 var actual =, function(key) { argument
20122 func(object, key, updater);
20123 return object[lodashStable.toString(key)];
22213 function(value, key) { argument
22214 var compiled = _.template(key),
22217 assert.strictEqual(compiled(data), value, key);
22355 function(value, key) { argument
22357 settings[key] = delimiter[key];
24038 var iteratee = function(result, value, key) { argument
24039 result[key] = square(value);
24104 return _.transform(value, function(result, value, key) { argument
24105 result[key] = square(value);
24186 function(object, key) { argument
24187 …QUnit.test('should provide correct `iteratee` arguments when transforming an ' + key, function(ass…
24197 if (key == 'array') {
24931 function(iteratee, key) { argument
24932 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with ' + key + ' for `iteratee`', function(assert) {
25023 var actual =, function(key) { argument
25025 return [_.unset(object, key), lodashStable.toString(key) in object];
25825 lodashStable.forOwn(object, function(pair, key) { argument
25826 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with ' + key, function(assert) {