Lines Matching defs:assert

495   function skipAssert(assert, count) {  argument
766 QUnit.test('should support loading ' + basename + ' as the "lodash" module', function(assert) { argument
777 …pport loading ' + basename + ' with the Require.js "shim" configuration option', function(assert) { argument
787 …QUnit.test('should support loading ' + basename + ' as the "underscore" module', function(assert) { argument
798 QUnit.test('should support loading ' + basename + ' in a web worker', function(assert) { argument
825 QUnit.test('should not add `Function.prototype` extensions to lodash', function(assert) { argument
836 QUnit.test('should avoid non-native built-ins', function(assert) { argument
935 QUnit.test('should return `true` for indexes', function(assert) { argument
953 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-indexes', function(assert) { argument
981 QUnit.test('should return `true` for iteratee calls', function(assert) { argument
997 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-iteratee calls', function(assert) { argument
1011 QUnit.test('should work with `NaN` values', function(assert) { argument
1023 …t.test('should not error when `index` is an object without a `toString` method', function(assert) { argument
1072 QUnit.test('should implement a `Map` interface for ' + kind, function(assert) { argument
1097 QUnit.test('should support changing values of ' + kind, function(assert) { argument
1116 …Unit.test('should create a new instance when called without the `new` operator', function(assert) { argument
1131 QUnit.test('should return the given `lodash` instances', function(assert) { argument
1147 QUnit.test('should convert foreign wrapped values to `lodash` instances', function(assert) { argument
1172 QUnit.test('should add two numbers', function(assert) { argument
1180 QUnit.test('should not coerce arguments to numbers', function(assert) { argument
1199 QUnit.test('should create a function that invokes `func` after `n` calls', function(assert) { argument
1208 QUnit.test('should coerce `n` values of `NaN` to `0`', function(assert) { argument
1214 QUnit.test('should use `this` binding of function', function(assert) { argument
1217 var after = _.after(1, function(assert) { return ++this.count; }), argument
1235 QUnit.test('should cap the number of arguments provided to `func`', function(assert) { argument
1245 QUnit.test('should use `func.length` if `n` is not given', function(assert) { argument
1252 QUnit.test('should treat a negative `n` as `0`', function(assert) { argument
1264 QUnit.test('should coerce `n` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
1278 QUnit.test('should not force a minimum argument count', function(assert) { argument
1295 QUnit.test('should use `this` binding of function', function(assert) { argument
1304 QUnit.test('should use the existing `ary` if smaller', function(assert) { argument
1311 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
1320 QUnit.test('should work when combined with other methods that use metadata', function(assert) { argument
1343 QUnit.test('should be aliased', function(assert) { argument
1357 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should assign source properties to `object`', function(assert) { argument
1363 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should accept multiple sources', function(assert) { argument
1371 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should overwrite destination properties', function(assert) { argument
1378 …st('`_.' + methodName + '` should assign source properties with nullish values', function(assert) { argument
1385 …it.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should skip assignments if values are the same', function(assert) { argument
1428 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should treat sparse array sources as dense', function(assert) { argument
1437 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should assign values of prototype objects', function(assert) { argument
1446 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should coerce string sources to objects', function(assert) { argument
1458 QUnit.test('should be aliased', function(assert) { argument
1472 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a `customizer` callback', function(assert) { argument
1482 …_.' + methodName + '` should work with a `customizer` that returns `undefined`', function(assert) { argument
1498 QUnit.test('should return the elements corresponding to the specified keys', function(assert) { argument
1505 QUnit.test('should return `undefined` for nonexistent keys', function(assert) { argument
1512 QUnit.test('should work with non-index keys on array values', function(assert) { argument
1529 QUnit.test('should return an empty array when no keys are given', function(assert) { argument
1536 QUnit.test('should accept multiple key arguments', function(assert) { argument
1543 QUnit.test('should work with a falsey `object` when keys are given', function(assert) { argument
1557 QUnit.test('should work with an `arguments` object for `object`', function(assert) { argument
1564 QUnit.test('should work with `arguments` object as secondary arguments', function(assert) { argument
1571 QUnit.test('should work with an object for `object`', function(assert) { argument
1578 QUnit.test('should pluck inherited property values', function(assert) { argument
1590 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
1611 QUnit.test('should support shortcut fusion', function(assert) { argument
1636 QUnit.test('work with an object for `object` when chaining', function(assert) { argument
1660 QUnit.test('should return the result of `func`', function(assert) { argument
1666 QUnit.test('should provide additional arguments to `func`', function(assert) { argument
1673 QUnit.test('should return the caught error', function(assert) { argument
1685 QUnit.test('should coerce errors to error objects', function(assert) { argument
1692 QUnit.test('should preserve custom errors', function(assert) { argument
1699 QUnit.test('should work with an error object from another realm', function(assert) { argument
1716 QUnit.test('should return an unwrapped value when implicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
1727 QUnit.test('should return a wrapped value when explicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
1750 QUnit.test('should create a function that invokes `func` after `n` calls', function(assert) { argument
1759 QUnit.test('should coerce `n` values of `NaN` to `0`', function(assert) { argument
1765 QUnit.test('should use `this` binding of function', function(assert) { argument
1768 var before = _.before(2, function(assert) { return ++this.count; }), argument
1788 QUnit.test('should bind a function to an object', function(assert) { argument
1797 QUnit.test('should accept a falsey `thisArg`', function(assert) { argument
1815 QUnit.test('should bind a function to nullish values', function(assert) { argument
1833 QUnit.test('should partially apply arguments ', function(assert) { argument
1849 QUnit.test('should support placeholders', function(assert) { argument
1862 QUnit.test('should use `_.placeholder` when set', function(assert) { argument
1879 QUnit.test('should create a function with a `length` of `0`', function(assert) { argument
1891 QUnit.test('should ignore binding when called with the `new` operator', function(assert) { argument
1906 ….test('should handle a number of arguments when called with the `new` operator', function(assert) { argument
1940 QUnit.test('should ensure `new bound` is an instance of `func`', function(assert) { argument
1954 QUnit.test('should append array arguments to partially applied arguments', function(assert) { argument
1963 QUnit.test('should not rebind functions', function(assert) { argument
1979 QUnit.test('should not error when instantiating bound built-ins', function(assert) { argument
2000 …should not error when calling bound class constructors with the `new` operator', function(assert) { argument
2032 QUnit.test('should return a wrapped value when chaining', function(assert) { argument
2072 QUnit.test('should accept individual method names', function(assert) { argument
2085 QUnit.test('should accept arrays of method names', function(assert) { argument
2098 QUnit.test('should preserve the sign of `0`', function(assert) { argument
2112 QUnit.test('should work with an array `object`', function(assert) { argument
2120 QUnit.test('should work with `arguments` objects as secondary arguments', function(assert) { argument
2139 QUnit.test('should work when the target function is overwritten', function(assert) { argument
2159 QUnit.test('should support placeholders', function(assert) { argument
2177 QUnit.test('should use `_.placeholder` when set', function(assert) { argument
2199 QUnit.test('should ensure `new bound` is an instance of `object[key]`', function(assert) { argument
2238 ….test('`_.' + methodName + '` should convert `string` to ' + caseName + ' case', function(assert) { argument
2249 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should handle double-converting strings', function(assert) { argument
2260 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should deburr letters', function(assert) { argument
2278 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should remove contraction apostrophes', function(assert) { argument
2303 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should remove Latin mathematical operators', function(assert) { argument
2310 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should coerce `string` to a string', function(assert) { argument
2318 ….' + methodName + '` should return an unwrapped value implicitly when chaining', function(assert) { argument
2329 …'`_.' + methodName + '` should return a wrapped value when explicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
2342 …nit.test('should get the original value after cycling through all case methods', function(assert) { argument
2360 QUnit.test('should work with numbers', function(assert) { argument
2371 QUnit.test('should handle acronyms', function(assert) { argument
2393 QUnit.test('should capitalize the first character of a string', function(assert) { argument
2407 QUnit.test('should wrap non-array items in an array', function(assert) { argument
2417 QUnit.test('should return array values by reference', function(assert) { argument
2424 QUnit.test('should return an empty array when no arguments are given', function(assert) { argument
2436 QUnit.test('should return a wrapped value', function(assert) { argument
2448 QUnit.test('should return existing wrapped values', function(assert) { argument
2461 QUnit.test('should enable chaining for methods that return unwrapped values', function(assert) { argument
2481 QUnit.test('should chain multiple methods', function(assert) { argument
2540 QUnit.test('should return chunked arrays', function(assert) { argument
2547 QUnit.test('should return the last chunk as remaining elements', function(assert) { argument
2554 QUnit.test('should treat falsey `size` values, except `undefined`, as `0`', function(assert) { argument
2568 QUnit.test('should ensure the minimum `size` is `0`', function(assert) { argument
2581 QUnit.test('should coerce `size` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
2587 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
2600 QUnit.test('should work with a `max`', function(assert) { argument
2607 QUnit.test('should clamp negative numbers', function(assert) { argument
2615 QUnit.test('should clamp positive numbers', function(assert) { argument
2623 QUnit.test('should not alter negative numbers in range', function(assert) { argument
2631 QUnit.test('should not alter positive numbers in range', function(assert) { argument
2639 QUnit.test('should not alter `0` in range', function(assert) { argument
2645 QUnit.test('should clamp to `0`', function(assert) { argument
2651 QUnit.test('should not alter `-0` in range', function(assert) { argument
2657 QUnit.test('should clamp to `-0`', function(assert) { argument
2663 QUnit.test('should return `NaN` when `number` is `NaN`', function(assert) { argument
2669 QUnit.test('should coerce `min` and `max` of `NaN` to `0`', function(assert) { argument
2734 QUnit.test('`_.clone` should perform a shallow clone', function(assert) { argument
2744 … QUnit.test('`_.cloneDeep` should deep clone objects with circular references', function(assert) { argument
2759 …test('`_.cloneDeep` should deep clone objects with lots of circular references', function(assert) { argument
2774 QUnit.test('`_.cloneDeepWith` should provide `stack` to `customizer`', function(assert) { argument
2794 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should clone ' + kind, function(assert) { argument
2808 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should clone array buffers', function(assert) { argument
2821 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should clone buffers', function(assert) { argument
2840 …test('`_.' + methodName + '` should clone `index` and `input` array properties', function(assert) { argument
2850 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should clone `lastIndex` regexp property', function(assert) { argument
2859 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should clone expando properties', function(assert) { argument
2877 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should clone prototype objects', function(assert) { argument
2886 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should set the `[[Prototype]]` of a clone', function(assert) { argument
2892 …ld set the `[[Prototype]]` of a clone even when the `constructor` is incorrect', function(assert) { argument
2900 …ould ensure `value` constructor is a function before using its `[[Prototype]]`', function(assert) { argument
2908 …ethodName + '` should clone properties that shadow those on `Object.prototype`', function(assert) { argument
2927 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should clone symbol properties', function(assert) { argument
2968 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should clone symbol objects', function(assert) { argument
2986 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not clone symbol primitives', function(assert) { argument
2997 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not error on DOM elements', function(assert) { argument
3014 …'`_.' + methodName + '` should create an object from the same realm as `value`', function(assert) { argument
3040 …deep' : 'shallow') + ' clone when used as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
3055 …nit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return a unwrapped value when chaining', function(assert) { argument
3071 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should clone ' + type + ' values', function(assert) { argument
3096 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not clone ' + key, function(assert) { argument
3119 …nit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should provide correct `customizer` arguments', function(assert) { argument
3135 … + methodName + '` should handle cloning when `customizer` returns `undefined`', function(assert) { argument
3143 …st('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a `customizer` callback and ' + key, function(assert) { argument
3170 QUnit.test('should filter falsey values', function(assert) { argument
3177 QUnit.test('should work when in-between lazy operators', function(assert) { argument
3192 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
3204 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence with a custom `_.iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
3232 QUnit.test('should shallow clone `array`', function(assert) { argument
3242 QUnit.test('should concat arrays and values', function(assert) { argument
3252 QUnit.test('should cast non-array `array` values to arrays', function(assert) { argument
3278 QUnit.test('should treat sparse arrays as dense', function(assert) { argument
3291 QUnit.test('should return a new wrapped array', function(assert) { argument
3313 QUnit.test('should create a conditional function', function(assert) { argument
3327 QUnit.test('should provide arguments to functions', function(assert) { argument
3345 QUnit.test('should work with predicate shorthands', function(assert) { argument
3359 QUnit.test('should return `undefined` when no condition is met', function(assert) { argument
3366 … QUnit.test('should throw a TypeError if `pairs` is not composed of functions', function(assert) { argument
3374 QUnit.test('should use `this` binding of function for `pairs`', function(assert) { argument
3391 QUnit.test('should not change behavior if `source` is modified', function(assert) { argument
3418 …nit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should check if `object` conforms to `source`', function(assert) { argument
3443 …test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not match by inherited `source` properties', function(assert) { argument
3467 …ame + '` should not invoke `source` predicates for missing `object` properties', function(assert) { argument
3480 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a function for `object`', function(assert) { argument
3497 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a function for `source`', function(assert) { argument
3509 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a non-plain `object`', function(assert) { argument
3524 …it.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return `false` when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
3543 …'` should return `true` when comparing an empty `source` to a nullish `object`', function(assert) { argument
3559 …('`_.' + methodName + '` should return `true` when comparing an empty `source`', function(assert) { argument
3579 QUnit.test('should create a function that returns `value`', function(assert) { argument
3598 QUnit.test('should work with falsey values', function(assert) { argument
3613 QUnit.test('should return a wrapped value when chaining', function(assert) { argument
3633 QUnit.test('should transform keys by `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
3640 QUnit.test('should use `_.identity` when `iteratee` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
3654 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
3661 QUnit.test('should only add values to own, not inherited, properties', function(assert) { argument
3672 QUnit.test('should work with a number for `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
3685 QUnit.test('should work with an object for `collection`', function(assert) { argument
3692 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
3725 ….test('should create an object that inherits from the given `prototype` object', function(assert) { argument
3738 QUnit.test('should assign `properties` to the created object', function(assert) { argument
3751 QUnit.test('should assign own properties', function(assert) { argument
3763 QUnit.test('should assign properties that shadow those of `prototype`', function(assert) { argument
3773 QUnit.test('should accept a falsey `prototype`', function(assert) { argument
3785 …it.test('should ignore a primitive `prototype` and use an empty object instead', function(assert) { argument
3797 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
3821 QUnit.test('should curry based on the number of arguments given', function(assert) { argument
3832 QUnit.test('should allow specifying `arity`', function(assert) { argument
3843 QUnit.test('should coerce `arity` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
3857 QUnit.test('should support placeholders', function(assert) { argument
3869 QUnit.test('should persist placeholders', function(assert) { argument
3879 QUnit.test('should use `_.placeholder` when set', function(assert) { argument
3895 …Unit.test('should provide additional arguments after reaching the target arity', function(assert) { argument
3904 QUnit.test('should create a function with a `length` of `0`', function(assert) { argument
3915 QUnit.test('should ensure `new curried` is an instance of `func`', function(assert) { argument
3929 QUnit.test('should use `this` binding of function', function(assert) { argument
3954 QUnit.test('should work with partialed methods', function(assert) { argument
3979 QUnit.test('should curry based on the number of arguments given', function(assert) { argument
3990 QUnit.test('should allow specifying `arity`', function(assert) { argument
4001 QUnit.test('should coerce `arity` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
4015 QUnit.test('should support placeholders', function(assert) { argument
4028 QUnit.test('should persist placeholders', function(assert) { argument
4038 QUnit.test('should use `_.placeholder` when set', function(assert) { argument
4054 …Unit.test('should provide additional arguments after reaching the target arity', function(assert) { argument
4063 QUnit.test('should create a function with a `length` of `0`', function(assert) { argument
4074 QUnit.test('should ensure `new curried` is an instance of `func`', function(assert) { argument
4088 QUnit.test('should use `this` binding of function', function(assert) { argument
4113 QUnit.test('should work with partialed methods', function(assert) { argument
4138 …odName + '` should not error on functions with the same name as lodash methods', function(assert) { argument
4154 …me + '` should work for function names that shadow those on `Object.prototype`', function(assert) { argument
4166 …st('`_.' + methodName + '` should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
4190 QUnit.test('should debounce a function', function(assert) { argument
4220 QUnit.test('subsequent debounced calls return the last `func` result', function(assert) { argument
4238 QUnit.test('should not immediately call `func` when `wait` is `0`', function(assert) { argument
4256 QUnit.test('should apply default options', function(assert) { argument
4273 QUnit.test('should support a `leading` option', function(assert) { argument
4305 … QUnit.test('subsequent leading debounced calls return the last `func` result', function(assert) { argument
4322 QUnit.test('should support a `trailing` option', function(assert) { argument
4351 QUnit.test('should support a `maxWait` option', function(assert) { argument
4380 QUnit.test('should support `maxWait` in a tight loop', function(assert) { argument
4409 …t('should queue a trailing call for subsequent debounced calls after `maxWait`', function(assert) { argument
4432 QUnit.test('should cancel `maxDelayed` when `delayed` is invoked', function(assert) { argument
4456 …'should invoke the trailing call with the correct arguments and `this` binding', function(assert) { argument
4489 QUnit.test('should convert Latin Unicode letters to basic Latin', function(assert) { argument
4496 QUnit.test('should not deburr Latin mathematical operators', function(assert) { argument
4505 QUnit.test('should deburr combining diacritical marks', function(assert) { argument
4523 QUnit.test('should assign source properties if missing on `object`', function(assert) { argument
4530 QUnit.test('should accept multiple sources', function(assert) { argument
4542 QUnit.test('should not overwrite `null` values', function(assert) { argument
4549 QUnit.test('should overwrite `undefined` values', function(assert) { argument
4556 QUnit.test('should assign `undefined` values', function(assert) { argument
4565 … QUnit.test('should assign properties that shadow those on `Object.prototype`', function(assert) { argument
4601 QUnit.test('should deep assign source properties if missing on `object`', function(assert) { argument
4611 QUnit.test('should accept multiple sources', function(assert) { argument
4624 QUnit.test('should not overwrite `null` values', function(assert) { argument
4634 QUnit.test('should not overwrite regexp values', function(assert) { argument
4644 QUnit.test('should not convert function properties to objects', function(assert) { argument
4654 QUnit.test('should overwrite `undefined` values', function(assert) { argument
4664 QUnit.test('should assign `undefined` values', function(assert) { argument
4674 QUnit.test('should merge sources containing circular references', function(assert) { argument
4697 QUnit.test('should not modify sources', function(assert) { argument
4709 QUnit.test('should not attempt a merge of a string into an array', function(assert) { argument
4716 QUnit.test('should not indirectly merge `Object` properties', function(assert) { argument
4733 QUnit.test('should return a default value if `value` is `NaN` or nullish', function(assert) { argument
4753 QUnit.test('should defer `func` execution', function(assert) { argument
4767 QUnit.test('should provide additional arguments to `func`', function(assert) { argument
4784 QUnit.test('should be cancelable', function(assert) { argument
4806 QUnit.test('should delay `func` execution', function(assert) { argument
4824 QUnit.test('should provide additional arguments to `func`', function(assert) { argument
4841 QUnit.test('should use a default `wait` of `0`', function(assert) { argument
4857 QUnit.test('should be cancelable', function(assert) { argument
4873 QUnit.test('should work with mocked `setTimeout`', function(assert) { argument
4899 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return the difference of two arrays', function(assert) { argument
4906 …t.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return the difference of multiple arrays', function(assert) { argument
4913 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should treat `-0` as `0`', function(assert) { argument
4928 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should match `NaN`', function(assert) { argument
4934 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with large arrays', function(assert) { argument
4949 …Unit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with large arrays of `-0` as `0`', function(assert) { argument
4966 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with large arrays of `NaN`', function(assert) { argument
4973 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with large arrays of objects', function(assert) { argument
4983 …Unit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should ignore values that are not array-like', function(assert) { argument
4999 QUnit.test('should accept an `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
5009 QUnit.test('should provide correct `iteratee` arguments', function(assert) { argument
5027 QUnit.test('should work with a `comparator`', function(assert) { argument
5036 QUnit.test('should preserve the sign of `0`', function(assert) { argument
5057 QUnit.test('should divide two numbers', function(assert) { argument
5065 QUnit.test('should coerce arguments to numbers', function(assert) { argument
5080 QUnit.test('should drop the first two elements', function(assert) { argument
5086 QUnit.test('should treat falsey `n` values, except `undefined`, as `0`', function(assert) { argument
5100 QUnit.test('should return all elements when `n` < `1`', function(assert) { argument
5108 QUnit.test('should return an empty array when `n` >= `length`', function(assert) { argument
5116 QUnit.test('should coerce `n` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
5122 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
5131 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
5168 QUnit.test('should drop the last two elements', function(assert) { argument
5174 QUnit.test('should treat falsey `n` values, except `undefined`, as `0`', function(assert) { argument
5188 QUnit.test('should return all elements when `n` < `1`', function(assert) { argument
5196 QUnit.test('should return an empty array when `n` >= `length`', function(assert) { argument
5204 QUnit.test('should coerce `n` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
5210 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
5219 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
5262 QUnit.test('should drop elements while `predicate` returns truthy', function(assert) { argument
5272 QUnit.test('should provide correct `predicate` arguments', function(assert) { argument
5284 QUnit.test('should work with `_.matches` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
5290 QUnit.test('should work with `_.matchesProperty` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
5296 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
5302 QUnit.test('should return a wrapped value when chaining', function(assert) { argument
5332 QUnit.test('should drop elements while `predicate` returns truthy', function(assert) { argument
5342 QUnit.test('should provide correct `predicate` arguments', function(assert) { argument
5354 QUnit.test('should work with `_.matches` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
5360 QUnit.test('should work with `_.matchesProperty` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
5366 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
5372 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
5390 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence with `drop`', function(assert) { argument
5417 QUnit.test('should return `true` if a string ends with `target`', function(assert) { argument
5423 QUnit.test('should return `false` if a string does not end with `target`', function(assert) { argument
5429 QUnit.test('should work with a `position`', function(assert) { argument
5435 QUnit.test('should work with `position` >= `length`', function(assert) { argument
5443 … QUnit.test('should treat falsey `position` values, except `undefined`, as `0`', function(assert) { argument
5455 QUnit.test('should treat a negative `position` as `0`', function(assert) { argument
5466 QUnit.test('should coerce `position` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
5478 QUnit.test('should perform a `SameValueZero` comparison of two values', function(assert) { argument
5509 QUnit.test('should escape values', function(assert) { argument
5515 QUnit.test('should handle strings with nothing to escape', function(assert) { argument
5521 QUnit.test('should escape the same characters unescaped by `_.unescape`', function(assert) { argument
5528 QUnit.test('should not escape the "' + chr + '" character', function(assert) { argument
5544 QUnit.test('should escape values', function(assert) { argument
5550 QUnit.test('should handle strings with nothing to escape', function(assert) { argument
5556 QUnit.test('should return an empty string for empty values', function(assert) { argument
5575 …Unit.test('should return `true` if `predicate` returns truthy for all elements', function(assert) { argument
5581 QUnit.test('should return `true` for empty collections', function(assert) { argument
5595 QUnit.test('should return `false` as soon as `predicate` returns falsey', function(assert) { argument
5608 …Unit.test('should work with collections of `undefined` values (test in IE < 9)', function(assert) { argument
5614 QUnit.test('should use `_.identity` when `predicate` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
5636 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
5644 QUnit.test('should work with `_.matches` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
5652 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
5668 …ethodName + '` should ' + (isStrict ? '' : 'not ') + 'throw strict mode errors', function(assert) { argument
5688 …Unit.test('should use a default `start` of `0` and a default `end` of `length`', function(assert) { argument
5695 QUnit.test('should use `undefined` for `value` if not given', function(assert) { argument
5707 QUnit.test('should work with a positive `start`', function(assert) { argument
5714 QUnit.test('should work with a `start` >= `length`', function(assert) { argument
5723 QUnit.test('should treat falsey `start` values as `0`', function(assert) { argument
5736 QUnit.test('should work with a negative `start`', function(assert) { argument
5743 QUnit.test('should work with a negative `start` <= negative `length`', function(assert) { argument
5752 QUnit.test('should work with `start` >= `end`', function(assert) { argument
5761 QUnit.test('should work with a positive `end`', function(assert) { argument
5768 QUnit.test('should work with a `end` >= `length`', function(assert) { argument
5777 QUnit.test('should treat falsey `end` values, except `undefined`, as `0`', function(assert) { argument
5792 QUnit.test('should work with a negative `end`', function(assert) { argument
5799 QUnit.test('should work with a negative `end` <= negative `length`', function(assert) { argument
5808 QUnit.test('should coerce `start` and `end` to integers', function(assert) { argument
5821 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
5830 QUnit.test('should return a wrapped value when chaining', function(assert) { argument
5855 QUnit.test('should return elements `predicate` returns truthy for', function(assert) { argument
5885 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return the found value', function(assert) { argument
5891 ….' + methodName + '` should return `' + expected[1] + '` if value is not found', function(assert) { argument
5897 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with `_.matches` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
5903 …t.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with `_.matchesProperty` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
5909 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
5915 ….' + methodName + '` should return `' + expected[1] + '` for empty collections', function(assert) { argument
5930 ….' + methodName + '` should return an unwrapped value when implicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
5950 …'`_.' + methodName + '` should return a wrapped value when explicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
5961 …`_.' + methodName + '` should not execute immediately when explicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
5973 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
5996 …`_.' + methodName + '` should provide correct `predicate` arguments for arrays', function(assert) { argument
6013 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with an object for `collection`', function(assert) { argument
6030 …_.' + methodName + '` should provide correct `predicate` arguments for objects', function(assert) { argument
6051 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should support shortcut fusion', function(assert) { argument
6088 …`_.' + methodName + '` should work with ' + key + ' and a positive `fromIndex`', function(assert) { argument
6104 …' + methodName + '` should work with ' + key + ' and a `fromIndex` >= `length`', function(assert) { argument
6125 …e + '` should work with ' + key + ' and treat falsey `fromIndex` values as `0`', function(assert) { argument
6137 …hodName + '` should work with ' + key + ' and coerce `fromIndex` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
6155 …`_.' + methodName + '` should work with ' + key + ' and a negative `fromIndex`', function(assert) { argument
6171 …Name + '` should work with ' + key + ' and a negative `fromIndex` <= `-length`', function(assert) { argument
6195 …est('`_.' + methodName + '` should return the index of the first matched value', function(assert) { argument
6201 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a positive `fromIndex`', function(assert) { argument
6207 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a `fromIndex` >= `length`', function(assert) { argument
6224 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a negative `fromIndex`', function(assert) { argument
6230 …t('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a negative `fromIndex` <= `-length`', function(assert) { argument
6243 …nit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should treat falsey `fromIndex` values as `0`', function(assert) { argument
6255 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should coerce `fromIndex` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
6276 QUnit.test('should work with ' + key + ' and a positive `fromIndex`', function(assert) { argument
6292 QUnit.test('should work with ' + key + ' and a `fromIndex` >= `length`', function(assert) { argument
6310 …st('should work with ' + key + ' and treat falsey `fromIndex` values correctly', function(assert) { argument
6324 … QUnit.test('should work with ' + key + ' and coerce `fromIndex` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
6342 QUnit.test('should work with ' + key + ' and a negative `fromIndex`', function(assert) { argument
6358 …nit.test('should work with ' + key + ' and a negative `fromIndex` <= `-length`', function(assert) { argument
6382 QUnit.test('should flip arguments provided to `func`', function(assert) { argument
6397 QUnit.test('should use a default `depth` of `1`', function(assert) { argument
6403 QUnit.test('should use `_.identity` when `iteratee` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
6416 QUnit.test('should treat a `depth` of < `1` as a shallow clone', function(assert) { argument
6424 QUnit.test('should coerce `depth` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
6443 …('`_.' + methodName + '` should map values in `array` to a new flattened array', function(assert) { argument
6452 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
6459 …' + methodName + '` should iterate over own string keyed properties of objects', function(assert) { argument
6471 …est('`_.' + methodName + '` should use `_.identity` when `iteratee` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
6488 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should accept a falsey `collection`', function(assert) { argument
6502 …t('`_.' + methodName + '` should treat number values for `collection` as empty', function(assert) { argument
6508 …' + methodName + '` should work with objects with non-number length properties', function(assert) { argument
6523 QUnit.test('should use a default `depth` of `1`', function(assert) { argument
6529 QUnit.test('should treat a `depth` of < `1` as a shallow clone', function(assert) { argument
6537 QUnit.test('should coerce `depth` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
6552 QUnit.test('should flatten `arguments` objects', function(assert) { argument
6562 QUnit.test('should treat sparse arrays as dense', function(assert) { argument
6577 …t.test('should flatten objects with a truthy `Symbol.isConcatSpreadable` value', function(assert) { argument
6598 QUnit.test('should work with extremely large arrays', function(assert) { argument
6617 QUnit.test('should work with empty arrays', function(assert) { argument
6627 QUnit.test('should support flattening of nested arrays', function(assert) { argument
6635 QUnit.test('should return an empty array for non array-like objects', function(assert) { argument
6646 QUnit.test('should return a wrapped value when chaining', function(assert) { argument
6680 …hodName + '` should supply each function with the return value of the previous', function(assert) { argument
6689 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return a new function', function(assert) { argument
6695 …methodName + '` should return an identity function when no arguments are given', function(assert) { argument
6710 ….test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a curried function and `_.head`', function(assert) { argument
6722 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should support shortcut fusion', function(assert) { argument
6764 …t('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with curried functions with placeholders', function(assert) { argument
6778 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return a wrapped value when chaining', function(assert) { argument
6796 QUnit.test('should be aliased', function(assert) { argument
6808 QUnit.test('should be aliased', function(assert) { argument
6822 …t.test('`_.' + methodName + '` iterates over inherited string keyed properties', function(assert) { argument
6843 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should iterate over `length` properties', function(assert) { argument
6986 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should provide correct iteratee arguments', function(assert) { argument
7014 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should treat sparse arrays as dense', function(assert) { argument
7060 …it.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not iterate custom properties on arrays', function(assert) { argument
7082 …'`_.' + methodName + '` should return a wrapped value when implicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
7098 ….' + methodName + '` should return an unwrapped value when implicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
7110 …'`_.' + methodName + '` should return a wrapped value when explicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
7129 …t('`_.' + methodName + '` iterates over own string keyed properties of objects', function(assert) { argument
7152 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return the collection', function(assert) { argument
7167 …dName + '` should use `isArrayLike` to determine whether a value is array-like', function(assert) { argument
7203 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should ignore changes to `length`', function(assert) { argument
7231 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should ignore added `object` properties', function(assert) { argument
7263 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should coerce primitives to objects', function(assert) { argument
7279 …n own ' + (isAssign ? '' : 'and inherited ') + 'string keyed source properties', function(assert) { argument
7291 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not skip a trailing function source', function(assert) { argument
7300 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not error on nullish sources', function(assert) { argument
7310 ….test('`_.' + methodName + '` should create an object when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
7331 …'`_.' + methodName + '` should work as an iteratee for methods like `_.reduce`', function(assert) { argument
7346 …' + methodName + '` should not return the existing wrapped value when chaining', function(assert) { argument
7364 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not treat `object` as `source`', function(assert) { argument
7378 …thodName + '` should not assign values that are the same as their destinations', function(assert) { argument
7402 …nit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should provide correct `customizer` arguments', function(assert) { argument
7445 …ethodName + '` should not treat the second argument as a `customizer` callback', function(assert) { argument
7466 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` can exit early when iterating arrays', function(assert) { argument
7485 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` can exit early when iterating objects', function(assert) { argument
7510 QUnit.test('should work with the "__proto__" key in internal data objects', function(assert) { argument
7527 QUnit.test('should treat "__proto__" as a regular key in assignments', function(assert) { argument
7554 QUnit.test('should not merge "__proto__" properties', function(assert) { argument
7569 QUnit.test('should not indirectly merge builtin prototype properties', function(assert) { argument
7587 QUnit.test('should not indirectly merge `Object` properties', function(assert) { argument
7604 QUnit.test('should accept a two dimensional array', function(assert) { argument
7614 QUnit.test('should accept a falsey `array`', function(assert) { argument
7628 QUnit.test('should not support deep paths', function(assert) { argument
7635 QUnit.test('should support consuming the return value of `_.toPairs`', function(assert) { argument
7642 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
7665 QUnit.test('should return the function names of an object', function(assert) { argument
7674 QUnit.test('should not include inherited functions', function(assert) { argument
7694 QUnit.test('should transform keys by `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
7701 QUnit.test('should use `_.identity` when `iteratee` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
7715 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
7722 QUnit.test('should only add values to own, not inherited, properties', function(assert) { argument
7733 QUnit.test('should work with a number for `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
7746 QUnit.test('should work with an object for `collection`', function(assert) { argument
7753 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
7779 QUnit.test('should return `true` if `value` > `other`', function(assert) { argument
7786 QUnit.test('should return `false` if `value` is <= `other`', function(assert) { argument
7801 QUnit.test('should return `true` if `value` >= `other`', function(assert) { argument
7810 QUnit.test('should return `false` if `value` is less than `other`', function(assert) { argument
7832 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should check for own properties', function(assert) { argument
7842 …'`_.' + methodName + '` should not use the `hasOwnProperty` method of `object`', function(assert) { argument
7849 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should support deep paths', function(assert) { argument
7863 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should coerce `path` to a string', function(assert) { argument
7882 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with `arguments` objects', function(assert) { argument
7888 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a non-string `path`', function(assert) { argument
7898 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should preserve the sign of `0`', function(assert) { argument
7912 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a symbol `path`', function(assert) { argument
7937 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should check for a key over a path', function(assert) { argument
7947 …test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return `true` for indexes of sparse values', function(assert) { argument
7960 …hodName + '` should return `true` for indexes of sparse values with deep paths', function(assert) { argument
7975 …'` should return `' + (isHas ? 'false' : 'true') + '` for inherited properties', function(assert) { argument
7986 …ld return `' + (isHas ? 'false' : 'true') + '` for nested inherited properties', function(assert) { argument
7997 …it.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return `false` when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
8012 … methodName + '` should return `false` for deep paths when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
8027 …' + methodName + '` should return `false` for nullish values of nested objects', function(assert) { argument
8043 …'`_.' + methodName + '` should return `false` over sparse values of deep paths', function(assert) { argument
8066 QUnit.test('should return the first element', function(assert) { argument
8072 QUnit.test('should return `undefined` when querying empty arrays', function(assert) { argument
8080 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
8089 QUnit.test('should be aliased', function(assert) { argument
8095 QUnit.test('should return an unwrapped value when implicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
8108 QUnit.test('should return a wrapped value when explicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
8121 QUnit.test('should not execute immediately when explicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
8134 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
8161 QUnit.test('should return the first argument given', function(assert) { argument
8181 …Unit.test('should work with ' + key + ' and return `true` for matched values', function(assert) { argument
8187 …it.test('should work with ' + key + ' and return `false` for unmatched values', function(assert) { argument
8193 QUnit.test('should work with ' + key + ' and floor `position` values', function(assert) { argument
8199 …d work with ' + key + ' and return an unwrapped value implicitly when chaining', function(assert) { argument
8210 …ould work with ' + key + ' and return a wrapped value when explicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
8227 QUnit.test('should work with a string ' + key + ' for `collection`', function(assert) { argument
8235 QUnit.test('should return `false` for empty collections', function(assert) { argument
8249 QUnit.test('should work with a string and a `fromIndex` >= `length`', function(assert) { argument
8271 QUnit.test('should match `NaN`', function(assert) { argument
8277 QUnit.test('should match `-0` as `0`', function(assert) { argument
8284 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like `_.every`', function(assert) { argument
8301 QUnit.test('should accept a falsey `array`', function(assert) { argument
8315 QUnit.test('should exclude last element', function(assert) { argument
8321 QUnit.test('should return an empty when querying empty arrays', function(assert) { argument
8327 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
8336 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
8375 QUnit.test('should work with an `end`', function(assert) { argument
8383 QUnit.test('should work with a `start` and `end`', function(assert) { argument
8392 QUnit.test('should treat falsey `start` as `0`', function(assert) { argument
8405 QUnit.test('should swap `start` and `end` when `start` > `end`', function(assert) { argument
8412 QUnit.test('should work with a floating point `n` value', function(assert) { argument
8421 QUnit.test('should coerce arguments to finite numbers', function(assert) { argument
8443 …Unit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return the intersection of two arrays', function(assert) { argument
8450 …test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return the intersection of multiple arrays', function(assert) { argument
8457 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return an array of unique values', function(assert) { argument
8464 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a single array', function(assert) { argument
8471 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with `arguments` objects', function(assert) { argument
8481 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should treat `-0` as `0`', function(assert) { argument
8494 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should match `NaN`', function(assert) { argument
8501 …Unit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with large arrays of `-0` as `0`', function(assert) { argument
8515 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with large arrays of `NaN`', function(assert) { argument
8522 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with large arrays of objects', function(assert) { argument
8532 …e + '` should treat values that are not arrays or `arguments` objects as empty', function(assert) { argument
8541 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return a wrapped value when chaining', function(assert) { argument
8560 QUnit.test('should accept an `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
8570 QUnit.test('should provide correct `iteratee` arguments', function(assert) { argument
8588 QUnit.test('should work with a `comparator`', function(assert) { argument
8598 QUnit.test('should preserve the sign of `0`', function(assert) { argument
8619 QUnit.test('should invert an object', function(assert) { argument
8629 QUnit.test('should work with values that shadow keys on `Object.prototype`', function(assert) { argument
8636 QUnit.test('should work with an object that has a `length` property', function(assert) { argument
8643 QUnit.test('should return a wrapped value when chaining', function(assert) { argument
8666 QUnit.test('should transform keys by `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
8678 QUnit.test('should use `_.identity` when `iteratee` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
8691 … QUnit.test('should only add multiple values to own, not inherited, properties', function(assert) { argument
8700 QUnit.test('should return a wrapped value when chaining', function(assert) { argument
8720 QUnit.test('should invoke a method on `object`', function(assert) { argument
8729 QUnit.test('should support invoking with arguments', function(assert) { argument
8738 QUnit.test('should not error on nullish elements', function(assert) { argument
8753 QUnit.test('should preserve the sign of `0`', function(assert) { argument
8766 QUnit.test('should support deep paths', function(assert) { argument
8777 …Unit.test('should invoke deep property methods with the correct `this` binding', function(assert) { argument
8787 QUnit.test('should return an unwrapped value when implicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
8799 QUnit.test('should return a wrapped value when explicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
8817 QUnit.test('should invoke a methods on each element of `collection`', function(assert) { argument
8826 QUnit.test('should support invoking with arguments', function(assert) { argument
8835 QUnit.test('should work with a function for `methodName`', function(assert) { argument
8847 QUnit.test('should work with an object for `collection`', function(assert) { argument
8856 QUnit.test('should treat number values for `collection` as empty', function(assert) { argument
8862 QUnit.test('should not error on nullish elements', function(assert) { argument
8874 QUnit.test('should not error on elements with missing properties', function(assert) { argument
8892 …Unit.test('should invoke deep property methods with the correct `this` binding', function(assert) { argument
8902 QUnit.test('should return a wrapped value when chaining', function(assert) { argument
8925 QUnit.test('should support shortcut fusion', function(assert) { argument
8952 QUnit.test('should return `true` for `arguments` objects', function(assert) { argument
8959 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non `arguments` objects', function(assert) { argument
8983 QUnit.test('should work with an `arguments` object from another realm', function(assert) { argument
9000 QUnit.test('should return `true` for arrays', function(assert) { argument
9006 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-arrays', function(assert) { argument
9030 QUnit.test('should work with an array from another realm', function(assert) { argument
9047 QUnit.test('should return `true` for array buffers', function(assert) { argument
9058 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non array buffers', function(assert) { argument
9083 QUnit.test('should work with array buffers from another realm', function(assert) { argument
9100 QUnit.test('should return `true` for array-like values', function(assert) { argument
9110 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-arrays', function(assert) { argument
9136 QUnit.test('should work with an array from another realm', function(assert) { argument
9157 QUnit.test('should return `true` for booleans', function(assert) { argument
9166 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-booleans', function(assert) { argument
9192 QUnit.test('should work with a boolean from another realm', function(assert) { argument
9209 QUnit.test('should return `true` for buffers', function(assert) { argument
9220 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-buffers', function(assert) { argument
9245 QUnit.test('should return `false` if `Buffer` is not defined', function(assert) { argument
9262 QUnit.test('should return `true` for dates', function(assert) { argument
9268 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-dates', function(assert) { argument
9292 QUnit.test('should work with a date object from another realm', function(assert) { argument
9309 QUnit.test('should return `true` for elements', function(assert) { argument
9320 QUnit.test('should return `true` for non-plain objects', function(assert) { argument
9330 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non DOM elements', function(assert) { argument
9355 QUnit.test('should return `false` for plain objects', function(assert) { argument
9366 QUnit.test('should work with a DOM element from another realm', function(assert) { argument
9383 QUnit.test('should return `true` for empty values', function(assert) { argument
9408 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-empty values', function(assert) { argument
9416 QUnit.test('should work with an object that has a `length` property', function(assert) { argument
9422 QUnit.test('should work with `arguments` objects', function(assert) { argument
9428 QUnit.test('should work with prototytpe objects', function(assert) { argument
9440 QUnit.test('should work with jQuery/MooTools DOM query collections', function(assert) { argument
9451 QUnit.test('should work with maps', function(assert) { argument
9467 QUnit.test('should work with sets', function(assert) { argument
9483 QUnit.test('should not treat objects with negative lengths as array-like', function(assert) { argument
9492 …ld not treat objects with lengths larger than `MAX_SAFE_INTEGER` as array-like', function(assert) { argument
9501 QUnit.test('should not treat objects with non-number lengths as array-like', function(assert) { argument
9507 QUnit.test('should return an unwrapped value when implicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
9518 QUnit.test('should return a wrapped value when explicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
9538 QUnit.test('should compare primitives', function(assert) { argument
9564 QUnit.test('should compare arrays', function(assert) { argument
9602 …treat arrays with identical values but different non-index properties as equal', function(assert) { argument
9632 QUnit.test('should compare sparse arrays', function(assert) { argument
9642 QUnit.test('should compare plain objects', function(assert) { argument
9671 QUnit.test('should compare objects regardless of key order', function(assert) { argument
9680 QUnit.test('should compare nested objects', function(assert) { argument
9714 QUnit.test('should compare object instances', function(assert) { argument
9733 QUnit.test('should compare objects with constructor properties', function(assert) { argument
9743 QUnit.test('should compare arrays with circular references', function(assert) { argument
9771 …nit.test('should have transitive equivalence for circular references of arrays', function(assert) { argument
9785 QUnit.test('should compare objects with circular references', function(assert) { argument
9813 …it.test('should have transitive equivalence for circular references of objects', function(assert) { argument
9827 QUnit.test('should compare objects with multiple circular references', function(assert) { argument
9849 QUnit.test('should compare objects with complex circular references', function(assert) { argument
9871 QUnit.test('should compare objects with shared property values', function(assert) { argument
9888 …test('should treat objects created by `Object.create(null)` like plain objects', function(assert) { argument
9905 QUnit.test('should avoid common type coercions', function(assert) { argument
9919 QUnit.test('should compare `arguments` objects', function(assert) { argument
9930 QUnit.test('should treat `arguments` objects like `Object` objects', function(assert) { argument
9944 QUnit.test('should compare array buffers', function(assert) { argument
9958 QUnit.test('should compare array views', function(assert) { argument
9985 QUnit.test('should compare buffers', function(assert) { argument
10000 QUnit.test('should compare date objects', function(assert) { argument
10011 QUnit.test('should compare error objects', function(assert) { argument
10039 QUnit.test('should compare functions', function(assert) { argument
10049 QUnit.test('should compare maps', function(assert) { argument
10081 QUnit.test('should compare maps with circular references', function(assert) { argument
10101 QUnit.test('should compare promises by reference', function(assert) { argument
10118 QUnit.test('should compare regexes', function(assert) { argument
10128 QUnit.test('should compare sets', function(assert) { argument
10160 QUnit.test('should compare sets with circular references', function(assert) { argument
10180 QUnit.test('should compare symbol properties', function(assert) { argument
10211 QUnit.test('should compare wrapped values', function(assert) { argument
10249 QUnit.test('should compare wrapped and non-wrapped values', function(assert) { argument
10270 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for `_.every`', function(assert) { argument
10277 QUnit.test('should not error on DOM elements', function(assert) { argument
10295 QUnit.test('should return `true` for like-objects from different documents', function(assert) { argument
10309 … QUnit.test('should return `false` for objects with custom `toString` methods', function(assert) { argument
10325 QUnit.test('should return an unwrapped value when implicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
10336 QUnit.test('should return a wrapped value when explicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
10353 QUnit.test('should provide correct `customizer` arguments', function(assert) { argument
10371 _.isEqualWith(object1, object2, function(assert) { argument
10381 QUnit.test('should handle comparisons when `customizer` returns `undefined`', function(assert) { argument
10389 QUnit.test('should not handle comparisons when `customizer` returns `true`', function(assert) { argument
10401 QUnit.test('should not handle comparisons when `customizer` returns `false`', function(assert) { argument
10413 QUnit.test('should return a boolean value even when `customizer` does not', function(assert) { argument
10430 QUnit.test('should ensure `customizer` is a function', function(assert) { argument
10440 QUnit.test('should call `customizer` for values maps and sets', function(assert) { argument
10495 QUnit.test('should return `true` for error objects', function(assert) { argument
10507 QUnit.test('should return `true` for subclassed values', function(assert) { argument
10513 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non error objects', function(assert) { argument
10537 QUnit.test('should return `false` for plain objects', function(assert) { argument
10543 QUnit.test('should work with an error object from another realm', function(assert) { argument
10566 QUnit.test('should return `true` for finite values', function(assert) { argument
10576 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-finite values', function(assert) { argument
10586 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-numeric values', function(assert) { argument
10606 QUnit.test('should return `false` for numeric string values', function(assert) { argument
10622 QUnit.test('should return `true` for functions', function(assert) { argument
10629 QUnit.test('should return `true` for async functions', function(assert) { argument
10635 QUnit.test('should return `true` for generator functions', function(assert) { argument
10641 QUnit.test('should return `true` for the `Proxy` constructor', function(assert) { argument
10652 QUnit.test('should return `true` for array view constructors', function(assert) { argument
10666 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-functions', function(assert) { argument
10696 QUnit.test('should work with a function from another realm', function(assert) { argument
10716 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return `true` for integer values', function(assert) { argument
10730 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-integer number values', function(assert) { argument
10743 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-numeric values', function(assert) { argument
10773 QUnit.test('should return `true` for lengths', function(assert) { argument
10783 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-lengths', function(assert) { argument
10799 QUnit.test('should return `true` for maps', function(assert) { argument
10810 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-maps', function(assert) { argument
10836 …est('should work for objects with a non-function `constructor` (test in IE 11)', function(assert) { argument
10849 QUnit.test('should work with maps from another realm', function(assert) { argument
10866 QUnit.test('should provide correct `customizer` arguments', function(assert) { argument
10887 _.isMatchWith(object1, object2, function(assert) { argument
10894 QUnit.test('should handle comparisons when `customizer` returns `undefined`', function(assert) { argument
10900 QUnit.test('should not handle comparisons when `customizer` returns `true`', function(assert) { argument
10911 QUnit.test('should not handle comparisons when `customizer` returns `false`', function(assert) { argument
10922 QUnit.test('should return a boolean value even when `customizer` does not', function(assert) { argument
10940 QUnit.test('should provide `stack` to `customizer`', function(assert) { argument
10955 QUnit.test('should ensure `customizer` is a function', function(assert) { argument
10965 QUnit.test('should call `customizer` for values maps and sets', function(assert) { argument
11019 QUnit.test('should return `true` for NaNs', function(assert) { argument
11026 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-NaNs', function(assert) { argument
11054 QUnit.test('should work with `NaN` from another realm', function(assert) { argument
11071 QUnit.test('should return `true` for native methods', function(assert) { argument
11081 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-native methods', function(assert) { argument
11105 QUnit.test('should work with native functions from another realm', function(assert) { argument
11122 QUnit.test('should throw an error if core-js is detected', function(assert) { argument
11137 QUnit.test('should detect methods masquerading as native (test in Node.js)', function(assert) { argument
11170 QUnit.test('should return `true` for nullish values', function(assert) { argument
11178 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-nullish values', function(assert) { argument
11211 QUnit.test('should work with nils from another realm', function(assert) { argument
11229 QUnit.test('should return `true` for `null` values', function(assert) { argument
11235 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non `null` values', function(assert) { argument
11262 QUnit.test('should work with nulls from another realm', function(assert) { argument
11279 QUnit.test('should return `true` for numbers', function(assert) { argument
11287 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-numbers', function(assert) { argument
11313 QUnit.test('should work with numbers from another realm', function(assert) { argument
11330 QUnit.test('should return `true` for objects', function(assert) { argument
11359 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-objects', function(assert) { argument
11372 QUnit.test('should work with objects from another realm', function(assert) { argument
11401 QUnit.test('should return `true` for objects', function(assert) { argument
11415 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-objects', function(assert) { argument
11428 QUnit.test('should work with objects from another realm', function(assert) { argument
11452 QUnit.test('should detect plain objects', function(assert) { argument
11466 … QUnit.test('should return `true` for objects with a `[[Prototype]]` of `null`', function(assert) { argument
11476 QUnit.test('should return `true` for objects with a `valueOf` property', function(assert) { argument
11482 …should return `true` for objects with a writable `Symbol.toStringTag` property', function(assert) { argument
11496 QUnit.test('should return `false` for objects with a custom `[[Prototype]]`', function(assert) { argument
11503 QUnit.test('should return `false` for DOM elements', function(assert) { argument
11513 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-Object objects', function(assert) { argument
11521 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-objects', function(assert) { argument
11537 …ould return `false` for objects with a read-only `Symbol.toStringTag` property', function(assert) { argument
11556 QUnit.test('should not mutate `value`', function(assert) { argument
11572 QUnit.test('should work with objects from another realm', function(assert) { argument
11589 QUnit.test('should return `true` for regexes', function(assert) { argument
11596 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-regexes', function(assert) { argument
11620 QUnit.test('should work with regexes from another realm', function(assert) { argument
11637 QUnit.test('should return `true` for sets', function(assert) { argument
11648 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-sets', function(assert) { argument
11674 …est('should work for objects with a non-function `constructor` (test in IE 11)', function(assert) { argument
11687 QUnit.test('should work with weak sets from another realm', function(assert) { argument
11704 QUnit.test('should return `true` for strings', function(assert) { argument
11711 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-strings', function(assert) { argument
11737 QUnit.test('should work with strings from another realm', function(assert) { argument
11754 QUnit.test('should return `true` for symbols', function(assert) { argument
11766 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-symbols', function(assert) { argument
11790 QUnit.test('should work with symbols from another realm', function(assert) { argument
11807 QUnit.test('should return `true` for typed arrays', function(assert) { argument
11822 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non typed arrays', function(assert) { argument
11847 QUnit.test('should work with typed arrays from another realm', function(assert) { argument
11875 QUnit.test('should return `true` for `undefined` values', function(assert) { argument
11882 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non `undefined` values', function(assert) { argument
11915 QUnit.test('should work with `undefined` from another realm', function(assert) { argument
11932 QUnit.test('should return `true` for weak maps', function(assert) { argument
11943 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non weak maps', function(assert) { argument
11969 …est('should work for objects with a non-function `constructor` (test in IE 11)', function(assert) { argument
11982 QUnit.test('should work with weak maps from another realm', function(assert) { argument
11999 QUnit.test('should return `true` for weak sets', function(assert) { argument
12010 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non weak sets', function(assert) { argument
12036 QUnit.test('should work with weak sets from another realm', function(assert) { argument
12053 QUnit.test('should return `false` for subclassed values', function(assert) { argument
12075 QUnit.test('should not error on host objects (test in IE)', function(assert) { argument
12103 QUnit.test('should provide arguments to `func`', function(assert) { argument
12113 QUnit.test('should return `_.identity` when `func` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
12128 …est('should return an iteratee created by `_.matches` when `func` is an object', function(assert) { argument
12136 QUnit.test('should not change `_.matches` behavior if `source` is modified', function(assert) { argument
12165 …ould return an iteratee created by `_.matchesProperty` when `func` is an array', function(assert) { argument
12180 QUnit.test('should support deep paths for `_.matchesProperty` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
12189 …t.test('should not change `_.matchesProperty` behavior if `source` is modified', function(assert) { argument
12218 …d return an iteratee created by `` when `func` is a number or string', function(assert) { argument
12230 QUnit.test('should support deep paths for `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
12239 …t.test('should work with functions created by `_.partial` and `_.partialRight`', function(assert) { argument
12257 QUnit.test('should use internal `iteratee` if external is unavailable', function(assert) { argument
12268 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
12307 QUnit.test('`_.countBy` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12320 QUnit.test('`_.differenceBy` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12333 QUnit.test('`_.dropRightWhile` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12346 QUnit.test('`_.dropWhile` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12359 QUnit.test('`_.every` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12372 QUnit.test('`_.filter` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12387 QUnit.test('`_.find` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12400 QUnit.test('`_.findIndex` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12413 QUnit.test('`_.findLast` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12426 QUnit.test('`_.findLastIndex` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12439 QUnit.test('`_.findKey` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12452 QUnit.test('`_.findLastKey` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12465 QUnit.test('`_.groupBy` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12478 QUnit.test('`_.intersectionBy` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12491 QUnit.test('`_.keyBy` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12504 QUnit.test('`` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12517 QUnit.test('`_.mapKeys` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12530 QUnit.test('`_.mapValues` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12543 QUnit.test('`_.maxBy` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12556 QUnit.test('`_.meanBy` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12569 QUnit.test('`_.minBy` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12582 QUnit.test('`_.partition` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12597 QUnit.test('`_.pullAllBy` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12610 QUnit.test('`_.reduce` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12623 QUnit.test('`_.reduceRight` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12636 QUnit.test('`_.reject` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12651 QUnit.test('`_.remove` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12667 QUnit.test('`_.some` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12680 QUnit.test('`_.sortBy` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12693 QUnit.test('`_.sortedIndexBy` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12708 QUnit.test('`_.sortedLastIndexBy` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12723 QUnit.test('`_.sumBy` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12736 QUnit.test('`_.takeRightWhile` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12749 QUnit.test('`_.takeWhile` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12762 QUnit.test('`_.transform` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12780 QUnit.test('`_.uniqBy` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12793 QUnit.test('`_.unionBy` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12806 QUnit.test('`_.xorBy` should use `_.iteratee` internally', function(assert) { argument
12827 QUnit.test('should return join all array elements into a string', function(assert) { argument
12833 QUnit.test('should return an unwrapped value when implicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
12846 QUnit.test('should return a wrapped value when explicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
12868 QUnit.test('should transform keys by `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
12880 QUnit.test('should use `_.identity` when `iteratee` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
12894 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
12903 QUnit.test('should only add values to own, not inherited, properties', function(assert) { argument
12914 QUnit.test('should work with a number for `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
12927 QUnit.test('should work with an object for `collection`', function(assert) { argument
12934 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
12961 ….' + methodName + '` should return the string keyed property names of `object`', function(assert) { argument
12969 …should ' + (isKeys ? 'not ' : '') + 'include inherited string keyed properties', function(assert) { argument
12983 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should treat sparse arrays as dense', function(assert) { argument
12994 …est('`_.' + methodName + '` should return keys for custom properties on arrays', function(assert) { argument
13005 … (isKeys ? 'not ' : '') + 'include inherited string keyed properties of arrays', function(assert) { argument
13018 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with `arguments` objects', function(assert) { argument
13031 …ethodName + '` should return keys for custom properties on `arguments` objects', function(assert) { argument
13047 …ot ' : '') + 'include inherited string keyed properties of `arguments` objects', function(assert) { argument
13063 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with string objects', function(assert) { argument
13071 …' + methodName + '` should return keys for custom properties on string objects', function(assert) { argument
13082 … ? 'not ' : '') + 'include inherited string keyed properties of string objects', function(assert) { argument
13095 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with array-like objects', function(assert) { argument
13104 …est('`_.' + methodName + '` should coerce primitives to objects (test in IE 9)', function(assert) { argument
13120 …('`_.' + methodName + '` skips the `constructor` property on prototype objects', function(assert) { argument
13137 …('`_.' + methodName + '` should return an empty array when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
13159 QUnit.test('should return the last element', function(assert) { argument
13165 QUnit.test('should return `undefined` when querying empty arrays', function(assert) { argument
13174 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
13183 QUnit.test('should return an unwrapped value when implicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
13194 QUnit.test('should return a wrapped value when explicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
13205 QUnit.test('should not execute immediately when explicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
13217 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
13242 QUnit.test('should lowercase as space-separated words', function(assert) { argument
13256 QUnit.test('should lowercase only the first character', function(assert) { argument
13270 QUnit.test('should return `true` if `value` is less than `other`', function(assert) { argument
13277 QUnit.test('should return `false` if `value` >= `other`', function(assert) { argument
13292 QUnit.test('should return `true` if `value` is <= `other`', function(assert) { argument
13301 QUnit.test('should return `false` if `value` > `other`', function(assert) { argument
13318 …test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return the index of the last matched value', function(assert) { argument
13324 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a positive `fromIndex`', function(assert) { argument
13330 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a `fromIndex` >= `length`', function(assert) { argument
13347 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a negative `fromIndex`', function(assert) { argument
13353 …t('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a negative `fromIndex` <= `-length`', function(assert) { argument
13366 ….test('`_.' + methodName + '` should treat falsey `fromIndex` values correctly', function(assert) { argument
13380 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should coerce `fromIndex` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
13396 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should accept a falsey `array`', function(assert) { argument
13410 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return `-1` for an unmatched value', function(assert) { argument
13424 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not match values on empty arrays', function(assert) { argument
13434 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should match `NaN`', function(assert) { argument
13452 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should match `-0` as `0`', function(assert) { argument
13467 QUnit.test('should map values in `collection` to a new array', function(assert) { argument
13477 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
13484 QUnit.test('should iterate over own string keyed properties of objects', function(assert) { argument
13496 QUnit.test('should use `_.identity` when `iteratee` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
13512 QUnit.test('should accept a falsey `collection`', function(assert) { argument
13526 QUnit.test('should treat number values for `collection` as empty', function(assert) { argument
13532 QUnit.test('should treat a nodelist as an array-like object', function(assert) { argument
13547 QUnit.test('should work with objects with non-number length properties', function(assert) { argument
13556 QUnit.test('should return a wrapped value when chaining', function(assert) { argument
13567 QUnit.test('should provide correct `predicate` arguments in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
13623 QUnit.test('should map keys in `object` to a new object', function(assert) { argument
13630 QUnit.test('should treat arrays like objects', function(assert) { argument
13637 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
13644 QUnit.test('should use `_.identity` when `iteratee` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
13667 QUnit.test('should map values in `object` to a new object', function(assert) { argument
13674 QUnit.test('should treat arrays like objects', function(assert) { argument
13681 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
13688 QUnit.test('should use `_.identity` when `iteratee` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
13712 …' + methodName + '` should iterate over own string keyed properties of objects', function(assert) { argument
13724 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should accept a falsey `object`', function(assert) { argument
13738 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return a wrapped value when chaining', function(assert) { argument
13753 QUnit.test('should not change behavior if `source` is modified', function(assert) { argument
13796 …methodName + '` should perform a deep comparison between `source` and `object`', function(assert) { argument
13819 …`_.' + methodName + '` should match inherited string keyed `object` properties', function(assert) { argument
13833 …test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not match by inherited `source` properties', function(assert) { argument
13849 …t('`_.' + methodName + '` should compare a variety of `source` property values', function(assert) { argument
13860 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should match `-0` as `0`', function(assert) { argument
13873 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should compare functions by reference', function(assert) { argument
13886 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a function for `object`', function(assert) { argument
13896 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a function for `source`', function(assert) { argument
13910 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a non-plain `object`', function(assert) { argument
13921 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should partial match arrays', function(assert) { argument
13936 …test('`_.' + methodName + '` should partial match arrays with duplicate values', function(assert) { argument
13945 QUnit.test('should partial match arrays of objects', function(assert) { argument
13957 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should partial match maps', function(assert) { argument
13987 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should partial match sets', function(assert) { argument
14017 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should match `undefined` values', function(assert) { argument
14036 …nit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should match `undefined` values on primitives', function(assert) { argument
14065 …it.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return `false` when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
14081 …('`_.' + methodName + '` should return `true` when comparing an empty `source`', function(assert) { argument
14095 …'` should return `true` when comparing an empty `source` to a nullish `object`', function(assert) { argument
14111 … '` should return `true` when comparing a `source` of empty arrays and objects', function(assert) { argument
14126 …nction that performs a deep comparison between a property value and `srcValue`', function(assert) { argument
14150 QUnit.test('should support deep paths', function(assert) { argument
14161 QUnit.test('should work with a non-string `path`', function(assert) { argument
14172 QUnit.test('should preserve the sign of `0`', function(assert) { argument
14192 QUnit.test('should coerce `path` to a string', function(assert) { argument
14212 QUnit.test('should match a key over a path', function(assert) { argument
14223 QUnit.test('should return `false` when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
14242 QUnit.test('should return `false` for deep paths when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
14261 QUnit.test('should return `false` if parts of `path` are missing', function(assert) { argument
14272 QUnit.test('should match inherited string keyed `srcValue` properties', function(assert) { argument
14286 QUnit.test('should not match by inherited `srcValue` properties', function(assert) { argument
14302 QUnit.test('should compare a variety of values', function(assert) { argument
14313 QUnit.test('should match `-0` as `0`', function(assert) { argument
14323 QUnit.test('should compare functions by reference', function(assert) { argument
14336 QUnit.test('should work with a function for `srcValue`', function(assert) { argument
14350 QUnit.test('should work with a non-plain `srcValue`', function(assert) { argument
14361 QUnit.test('should partial match arrays', function(assert) { argument
14376 QUnit.test('should partial match arrays with duplicate values', function(assert) { argument
14385 QUnit.test('should partial match arrays of objects', function(assert) { argument
14396 QUnit.test('should partial match maps', function(assert) { argument
14426 QUnit.test('should partial match sets', function(assert) { argument
14456 QUnit.test('should match `undefined` values', function(assert) { argument
14471 QUnit.test('should match `undefined` values of nested objects', function(assert) { argument
14487 QUnit.test('should match `undefined` values on primitives', function(assert) { argument
14510 …('should return `true` when comparing a `srcValue` of empty arrays and objects', function(assert) { argument
14523 QUnit.test('should not change behavior if `srcValue` is modified', function(assert) { argument
14552 QUnit.test('should return the largest value from a collection', function(assert) { argument
14558 QUnit.test('should return `undefined` for empty collections', function(assert) { argument
14573 QUnit.test('should work with non-numeric collection values', function(assert) { argument
14585 QUnit.test('should return the mean of an array of numbers', function(assert) { argument
14592 QUnit.test('should return `NaN` when passing empty `array` values', function(assert) { argument
14609 QUnit.test('should work with an `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
14619 QUnit.test('should provide correct `iteratee` arguments', function(assert) { argument
14631 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
14683 QUnit.test('should memoize results based on the first argument given', function(assert) { argument
14694 QUnit.test('should support a `resolver`', function(assert) { argument
14704 QUnit.test('should use `this` binding of function for `resolver`', function(assert) { argument
14718 …QUnit.test('should throw a TypeError if `resolve` is truthy and not a function', function(assert) { argument
14724 QUnit.test('should not error if `resolver` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
14739 QUnit.test('should check cache for own properties', function(assert) { argument
14761 QUnit.test('should cache the `__proto__` key', function(assert) { argument
14788 QUnit.test('should allow `_.memoize.Cache` to be customized', function(assert) { argument
14811 QUnit.test('should works with an immutable `_.memoize.Cache` ', function(assert) { argument
14842 QUnit.test('should enforce a max cache size of `MAX_MEMOIZE_SIZE`', function(assert) { argument
14866 QUnit.test('should merge `source` into `object`', function(assert) { argument
14900 QUnit.test('should merge sources containing circular references', function(assert) { argument
14922 QUnit.test('should work with four arguments', function(assert) { argument
14931 QUnit.test('should merge onto function `object` values', function(assert) { argument
14943 QUnit.test('should merge first source object properties to function', function(assert) { argument
14953 …QUnit.test('should merge first and second source object properties to function', function(assert) { argument
14963 QUnit.test('should not merge onto function values of sources', function(assert) { argument
14978 QUnit.test('should merge onto non-plain `object` values', function(assert) { argument
14990 QUnit.test('should treat sparse array sources as dense', function(assert) { argument
15005 QUnit.test('should merge `arguments` objects', function(assert) { argument
15029 QUnit.test('should merge typed arrays', function(assert) { argument
15072 QUnit.test('should assign `null` values', function(assert) { argument
15079 …should assign non array/buffer/typed-array/plain-object source values directly', function(assert) { argument
15095 QUnit.test('should clone buffer source values', function(assert) { argument
15111 QUnit.test('should deep clone array/typed-array/plain-object source values', function(assert) { argument
15139 QUnit.test('should not augment source objects', function(assert) { argument
15159 QUnit.test('should merge plain objects onto non-plain objects', function(assert) { argument
15177 …should not overwrite existing values with `undefined` values of object sources', function(assert) { argument
15184 …'should not overwrite existing values with `undefined` values of array sources', function(assert) { argument
15202 … QUnit.test('should skip merging when `object` and `source` are the same value', function(assert) { argument
15219 QUnit.test('should convert values to arrays when merging arrays of `source`', function(assert) { argument
15231 …nit.test('should not convert strings to arrays when merging arrays of `source`', function(assert) { argument
15240 QUnit.test('should not error on DOM elements', function(assert) { argument
15263 QUnit.test('should handle merging when `customizer` returns `undefined`', function(assert) { argument
15273 QUnit.test('should clone sources when `customizer` returns `undefined`', function(assert) { argument
15283 QUnit.test('should defer to `customizer` for non `undefined` results', function(assert) { argument
15293 QUnit.test('should provide `stack` to `customizer`', function(assert) { argument
15311 QUnit.test('should overwrite primitives with source object clones', function(assert) { argument
15321 QUnit.test('should pop the stack of sources for each sibling property', function(assert) { argument
15341 QUnit.test('should create a function that calls a method of a given object', function(assert) { argument
15353 QUnit.test('should work with deep property values', function(assert) { argument
15364 QUnit.test('should work with a non-string `path`', function(assert) { argument
15375 QUnit.test('should coerce `path` to a string', function(assert) { argument
15395 QUnit.test('should work with inherited property values', function(assert) { argument
15407 QUnit.test('should use a key over a path', function(assert) { argument
15418 QUnit.test('should return `undefined` when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
15435 … QUnit.test('should return `undefined` for deep paths when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
15452 QUnit.test('should return `undefined` if parts of `path` are missing', function(assert) { argument
15463 QUnit.test('should apply partial arguments to function', function(assert) { argument
15478 …Unit.test('should invoke deep property methods with the correct `this` binding', function(assert) { argument
15495 QUnit.test('should create a function that calls a method of a given key', function(assert) { argument
15507 QUnit.test('should work with deep property values', function(assert) { argument
15518 QUnit.test('should work with a non-string `path`', function(assert) { argument
15529 QUnit.test('should coerce `path` to a string', function(assert) { argument
15549 QUnit.test('should work with inherited property values', function(assert) { argument
15561 QUnit.test('should use a key over a path', function(assert) { argument
15572 QUnit.test('should return `undefined` when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
15588 … QUnit.test('should return `undefined` for deep paths when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
15604 QUnit.test('should return `undefined` if parts of `path` are missing', function(assert) { argument
15615 QUnit.test('should apply partial arguments to function', function(assert) { argument
15631 …Unit.test('should invoke deep property methods with the correct `this` binding', function(assert) { argument
15648 QUnit.test('should return the smallest value from a collection', function(assert) { argument
15654 QUnit.test('should return `undefined` for empty collections', function(assert) { argument
15669 QUnit.test('should work with non-numeric collection values', function(assert) { argument
15684 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with Date objects', function(assert) { argument
15693 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with extremely large arrays', function(assert) { argument
15700 ….' + methodName + '` should work when chaining on an array with only one value', function(assert) { argument
15718 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with an `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
15728 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
15742 …t.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work when `iteratee` returns +/-Infinity', function(assert) { argument
15790 QUnit.test('should mixin `source` methods into lodash', function(assert) { argument
15808 QUnit.test('should mixin chaining methods by reference', function(assert) { argument
15825 QUnit.test('should use a default `object` of `this`', function(assert) { argument
15838 QUnit.test('should accept an `object`', function(assert) { argument
15846 QUnit.test('should accept a function `object`', function(assert) { argument
15860 QUnit.test('should return `object`', function(assert) { argument
15871 QUnit.test('should not assign inherited `source` methods', function(assert) { argument
15881 QUnit.test('should accept an `options`', function(assert) { argument
15915 …uld not extend lodash when an `object` is given with an empty `options` object', function(assert) { argument
15923 QUnit.test('should not error for non-object `options` values', function(assert) { argument
15947 QUnit.test('should not return the existing wrapped value when chaining', function(assert) { argument
15971 QUnit.test('should produce methods that work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
15995 QUnit.test('should multiply two numbers', function(assert) { argument
16003 QUnit.test('should coerce arguments to numbers', function(assert) { argument
16023 QUnit.test('should sort by a single property by a specified order', function(assert) { argument
16030 QUnit.test('should sort by multiple properties by specified orders', function(assert) { argument
16037 …('should sort by a property in ascending order when its order is not specified', function(assert) { argument
16054 QUnit.test('should work with `orders` specified as string objects', function(assert) { argument
16071 QUnit.test('should transform each argument', function(assert) { argument
16078 QUnit.test('should use `_.identity` when a predicate is nullish', function(assert) { argument
16085 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
16092 QUnit.test('should work with `_.matches` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
16099 QUnit.test('should work with `_.matchesProperty` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
16106 …('should differentiate between `` and `_.matchesProperty` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
16116 QUnit.test('should flatten `transforms`', function(assert) { argument
16123 ….test('should not transform any argument greater than the number of transforms', function(assert) { argument
16130 QUnit.test('should not transform any arguments if no transforms are given', function(assert) { argument
16137 ….test('should not pass `undefined` if there are more transforms than arguments', function(assert) { argument
16144 QUnit.test('should provide the correct argument to each transform', function(assert) { argument
16155 QUnit.test('should use `this` binding of function for `transforms`', function(assert) { argument
16174 QUnit.test('should create a function that negates the result of `func`', function(assert) { argument
16183 QUnit.test('should create a function that negates the result of `func`', function(assert) { argument
16192 QUnit.test('should create a function that accepts multiple arguments', function(assert) { argument
16220 QUnit.test('should return the `lodash` function', function(assert) { argument
16233 QUnit.test('should restore `_` only if `lodash` is the current `_` value', function(assert) { argument
16247 QUnit.test('should work with a `root` of `this`', function(assert) { argument
16273 …hould return the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the Unix epoch', function(assert) { argument
16289 QUnit.test('should work with mocked ``', function(assert) { argument
16309 QUnit.test('should get the nth element of `array`', function(assert) { argument
16319 QUnit.test('should work with a negative `n`', function(assert) { argument
16329 QUnit.test('should coerce `n` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
16351 QUnit.test('should return `undefined` for empty arrays', function(assert) { argument
16364 QUnit.test('should return `undefined` for non-indexes', function(assert) { argument
16388 QUnit.test('should create a function that returns its nth argument', function(assert) { argument
16399 QUnit.test('should work with a negative `n`', function(assert) { argument
16410 QUnit.test('should coerce `n` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
16434 QUnit.test('should return `undefined` for empty arrays', function(assert) { argument
16441 QUnit.test('should return `undefined` for non-indexes', function(assert) { argument
16465 QUnit.test('should flatten `paths`', function(assert) { argument
16472 QUnit.test('should support deep paths', function(assert) { argument
16478 QUnit.test('should support path arrays', function(assert) { argument
16487 QUnit.test('should omit a key over a path', function(assert) { argument
16497 QUnit.test('should coerce `paths` to strings', function(assert) { argument
16503 QUnit.test('should return an empty object when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
16514 QUnit.test('should work with a primitive `object`', function(assert) { argument
16526 QUnit.test('should work with `arguments` object `paths`', function(assert) { argument
16532 QUnit.test('should not mutate `object`', function(assert) { argument
16548 QUnit.test('should work with a predicate argument', function(assert) { argument
16582 …+ methodName + '` should create an object with omitted string keyed properties', function(assert) { argument
16589 ….test('`_.' + methodName + '` should include inherited string keyed properties', function(assert) { argument
16598 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should preserve the sign of `0`', function(assert) { argument
16612 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should include symbols', function(assert) { argument
16644 …Unit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should create an object with omitted symbols', function(assert) { argument
16684 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with an array `object`', function(assert) { argument
16697 QUnit.test('should invoke `func` once', function(assert) { argument
16708 QUnit.test('should ignore recursive calls', function(assert) { argument
16722 QUnit.test('should not throw more than once', function(assert) { argument
16741 QUnit.test('should create a function that invokes `iteratees`', function(assert) { argument
16748 QUnit.test('should use `_.identity` when a predicate is nullish', function(assert) { argument
16755 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
16762 QUnit.test('should work with `_.matches` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
16769 QUnit.test('should work with `_.matchesProperty` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
16778 …('should differentiate between `` and `_.matchesProperty` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
16792 QUnit.test('should provide arguments to predicates', function(assert) { argument
16802 QUnit.test('should use `this` binding of function for `iteratees`', function(assert) { argument
16817 …('should create a function that returns `true` if all predicates return truthy', function(assert) { argument
16824 QUnit.test('should return `false` as soon as a predicate returns falsey', function(assert) { argument
16836 QUnit.test('should use `_.identity` when a predicate is nullish', function(assert) { argument
16845 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
16854 QUnit.test('should work with `_.matches` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
16863 QUnit.test('should work with `_.matchesProperty` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
16872 …('should differentiate between `` and `_.matchesProperty` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
16887 QUnit.test('should flatten `predicates`', function(assert) { argument
16894 QUnit.test('should provide arguments to predicates', function(assert) { argument
16907 QUnit.test('should use `this` binding of function for `predicates`', function(assert) { argument
16925 …('should create a function that returns `true` if any predicates return truthy', function(assert) { argument
16935 QUnit.test('should return `true` as soon as `predicate` returns truthy', function(assert) { argument
16947 QUnit.test('should return `false` if all predicates return falsey', function(assert) { argument
16957 QUnit.test('should use `_.identity` when a predicate is nullish', function(assert) { argument
16966 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
16975 QUnit.test('should work with `_.matches` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
16984 QUnit.test('should work with `_.matchesProperty` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
16993 …('should differentiate between `` and `_.matchesProperty` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
17008 QUnit.test('should flatten `predicates`', function(assert) { argument
17015 QUnit.test('should provide arguments to predicates', function(assert) { argument
17028 QUnit.test('should use `this` binding of function for `predicates`', function(assert) { argument
17048 QUnit.test('should pad a string to a given length', function(assert) { argument
17061 QUnit.test('should truncate pad characters to fit the pad length', function(assert) { argument
17068 QUnit.test('should coerce `string` to a string', function(assert) { argument
17089 QUnit.test('should pad a string to a given length', function(assert) { argument
17102 QUnit.test('should truncate pad characters to fit the pad length', function(assert) { argument
17108 QUnit.test('should coerce `string` to a string', function(assert) { argument
17129 QUnit.test('should pad a string to a given length', function(assert) { argument
17142 QUnit.test('should truncate pad characters to fit the pad length', function(assert) { argument
17148 QUnit.test('should coerce `string` to a string', function(assert) { argument
17172 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not pad if string is >= `length`', function(assert) { argument
17179 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should treat negative `length` as `0`', function(assert) { argument
17187 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should coerce `length` to a number', function(assert) { argument
17196 …Unit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should treat nullish values as empty strings', function(assert) { argument
17207 …methodName + '` should return `string` when `chars` coerces to an empty string', function(assert) { argument
17226 QUnit.test('should accept a `radix`', function(assert) { argument
17238 …ld use a radix of `10`, for non-hexadecimals, if `radix` is `undefined` or `0`', function(assert) { argument
17247 …should use a radix of `16`, for hexadecimals, if `radix` is `undefined` or `0`', function(assert) { argument
17258 QUnit.test('should use a radix of `10` for string with leading zeros', function(assert) { argument
17265 QUnit.test('should parse strings with leading whitespace', function(assert) { argument
17298 QUnit.test('should coerce `radix` to a number', function(assert) { argument
17306 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
17328 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` partially applies arguments', function(assert) { argument
17335 …thodName + '` creates a function that can be invoked with additional arguments', function(assert) { argument
17345 …ied arguments and the created function is invoked without additional arguments', function(assert) { argument
17354 …pplied arguments and the created function is invoked with additional arguments', function(assert) { argument
17361 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should support placeholders', function(assert) { argument
17379 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should use `_.placeholder` when set', function(assert) { argument
17396 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` creates a function with a `length` of `0`', function(assert) { argument
17405 ….test('`_.' + methodName + '` should ensure `new par` is an instance of `func`', function(assert) { argument
17419 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should clone metadata for created functions', function(assert) { argument
17435 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with curried functions', function(assert) { argument
17445 QUnit.test('should work with placeholders and curried functions', function(assert) { argument
17461 QUnit.test('should work as a deep `_.defaults`', function(assert) { argument
17490 QUnit.test('should work with combinations of partial functions', function(assert) { argument
17500 QUnit.test('should work with combinations of bound and partial functions', function(assert) { argument
17531 QUnit.test('should ensure `new combo` is an instance of `func`', function(assert) { argument
17545 QUnit.test('should work with combinations of functions with placeholders', function(assert) { argument
17570 …test('should work with combinations of functions with overlapping placeholders', function(assert) { argument
17595 QUnit.test('should work with recursively bound functions', function(assert) { argument
17609 QUnit.test('should work when hot', function(assert) { argument
17691 QUnit.test('should split elements into two groups by `predicate`', function(assert) { argument
17699 QUnit.test('should use `_.identity` when `predicate` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
17712 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
17721 QUnit.test('should work with a number for `predicate`', function(assert) { argument
17734 QUnit.test('should work with an object for `collection`', function(assert) { argument
17751 QUnit.test('should flatten `paths`', function(assert) { argument
17758 QUnit.test('should support deep paths', function(assert) { argument
17764 QUnit.test('should support path arrays', function(assert) { argument
17773 QUnit.test('should pick a key over a path', function(assert) { argument
17783 QUnit.test('should coerce `paths` to strings', function(assert) { argument
17789 QUnit.test('should return an empty object when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
17797 QUnit.test('should work with a primitive `object`', function(assert) { argument
17803 QUnit.test('should work with `arguments` object `paths`', function(assert) { argument
17815 QUnit.test('should work with a predicate argument', function(assert) { argument
17827 QUnit.test('should not treat keys with dots as deep paths', function(assert) { argument
17859 ….' + methodName + '` should create an object of picked string keyed properties', function(assert) { argument
17866 …nit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should pick inherited string keyed properties', function(assert) { argument
17876 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should preserve the sign of `0`', function(assert) { argument
17890 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should pick symbols', function(assert) { argument
17926 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with an array `object`', function(assert) { argument
17939 ….test('should create a function that plucks a property value of a given object', function(assert) { argument
17951 QUnit.test('should pluck deep property values', function(assert) { argument
17962 QUnit.test('should pluck inherited property values', function(assert) { argument
17974 QUnit.test('should work with a non-string `path`', function(assert) { argument
17985 QUnit.test('should preserve the sign of `0`', function(assert) { argument
17999 QUnit.test('should coerce `path` to a string', function(assert) { argument
18019 QUnit.test('should pluck a key over a path', function(assert) { argument
18030 QUnit.test('should return `undefined` when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
18047 … QUnit.test('should return `undefined` for deep paths when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
18064 QUnit.test('should return `undefined` if parts of `path` are missing', function(assert) { argument
18081 …nit.test('should create a function that plucks a property value of a given key', function(assert) { argument
18093 QUnit.test('should pluck deep property values', function(assert) { argument
18104 QUnit.test('should pluck inherited property values', function(assert) { argument
18119 QUnit.test('should work with a non-string `path`', function(assert) { argument
18130 QUnit.test('should preserve the sign of `0`', function(assert) { argument
18144 QUnit.test('should coerce `path` to a string', function(assert) { argument
18164 QUnit.test('should pluck a key over a path', function(assert) { argument
18175 QUnit.test('should return `undefined` when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
18191 … QUnit.test('should return `undefined` for deep paths when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
18207 QUnit.test('should return `undefined` if parts of `path` are missing', function(assert) { argument
18223 QUnit.test('should work with the same value for `array` and `values`', function(assert) { argument
18238 QUnit.test('should accept an `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
18250 QUnit.test('should provide correct `iteratee` arguments', function(assert) { argument
18269 QUnit.test('should work with a `comparator`', function(assert) { argument
18294 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should modify and return the array', function(assert) { argument
18304 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should preserve holes in arrays', function(assert) { argument
18316 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should treat holes as `undefined`', function(assert) { argument
18326 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should match `NaN`', function(assert) { argument
18341 QUnit.test('should modify the array and return removed elements', function(assert) { argument
18351 QUnit.test('should work with unsorted indexes', function(assert) { argument
18361 QUnit.test('should work with repeated indexes', function(assert) { argument
18371 QUnit.test('should use `undefined` for nonexistent indexes', function(assert) { argument
18381 QUnit.test('should flatten `indexes`', function(assert) { argument
18393 QUnit.test('should return an empty array when no indexes are given', function(assert) { argument
18408 QUnit.test('should work with non-index paths', function(assert) { argument
18430 QUnit.test('should preserve the sign of `0`', function(assert) { argument
18444 QUnit.test('should support deep paths', function(assert) { argument
18462 QUnit.test('should work with a falsey `array` when keys are given', function(assert) { argument
18485 QUnit.test('should return `0` or `1` when no arguments are given', function(assert) { argument
18495 QUnit.test('should support a `min` and `max`', function(assert) { argument
18507 QUnit.test('should support not providing a `max`', function(assert) { argument
18519 QUnit.test('should swap `min` and `max` when `min` > `max`', function(assert) { argument
18533 QUnit.test('should support large integer values', function(assert) { argument
18549 QUnit.test('should coerce arguments to finite numbers', function(assert) { argument
18561 QUnit.test('should support floats', function(assert) { argument
18572 QUnit.test('should support providing a `floating`', function(assert) { argument
18585 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
18612 …_.' + methodName + '` should infer the sign of `step` when only `end` is given', function(assert) { argument
18619 …ame + '` should infer the sign of `step` when only `start` and `end` are given', function(assert) { argument
18626 …nit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a `start`, `end`, and `step`', function(assert) { argument
18634 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should support a `step` of `0`', function(assert) { argument
18640 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a `step` larger than `end`', function(assert) { argument
18646 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a negative `step`', function(assert) { argument
18653 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should support `start` of `-0`', function(assert) { argument
18660 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should treat falsey `start` as `0`', function(assert) { argument
18673 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should coerce arguments to finite numbers', function(assert) { argument
18687 …st('`_.' + methodName + '` should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
18710 QUnit.test('should reorder arguments provided to `func`', function(assert) { argument
18717 QUnit.test('should work with repeated indexes', function(assert) { argument
18724 QUnit.test('should use `undefined` for nonexistent indexes', function(assert) { argument
18731 QUnit.test('should use `undefined` for non-index values', function(assert) { argument
18748 QUnit.test('should not rearrange arguments when no indexes are given', function(assert) { argument
18758 QUnit.test('should accept multiple index arguments', function(assert) { argument
18765 QUnit.test('should accept multiple arrays of indexes', function(assert) { argument
18772 QUnit.test('should work with fewer indexes than arguments', function(assert) { argument
18779 QUnit.test('should work on functions that have been rearged', function(assert) { argument
18796 …est('should use the first element of a collection as the default `accumulator`', function(assert) { argument
18802 …Unit.test('should provide correct `iteratee` arguments when iterating an array', function(assert) { argument
18821 …nit.test('should provide correct `iteratee` arguments when iterating an object', function(assert) { argument
18858 …test('should use the last element of a collection as the default `accumulator`', function(assert) { argument
18864 …Unit.test('should provide correct `iteratee` arguments when iterating an array', function(assert) { argument
18883 …nit.test('should provide correct `iteratee` arguments when iterating an object', function(assert) { argument
18922 …Unit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should reduce a collection to a single value', function(assert) { argument
18932 …e + '` should support empty collections without an initial `accumulator` value', function(assert) { argument
18947 …Name + '` should support empty collections with an initial `accumulator` value', function(assert) { argument
18961 … + methodName + '` should handle an initial `accumulator` value of `undefined`', function(assert) { argument
18968 …ollections when no `accumulator` is given (test in IE > 9 and modern browsers)', function(assert) { argument
18984 ….' + methodName + '` should return an unwrapped value when implicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
18995 …'`_.' + methodName + '` should return a wrapped value when explicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
19014 QUnit.test('should return elements the `predicate` returns falsey for', function(assert) { argument
19031 … methodName + '` should not modify the resulting value from within `predicate`', function(assert) { argument
19042 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
19048 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with `_.matches` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
19054 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not modify wrapped values', function(assert) { argument
19077 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
19099 …ethodName + '` should provide correct `predicate` arguments in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
19152 QUnit.test('should modify the array and return removed elements', function(assert) { argument
19162 QUnit.test('should provide correct `predicate` arguments', function(assert) { argument
19179 QUnit.test('should work with `_.matches` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
19187 QUnit.test('should work with `_.matchesProperty` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
19195 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
19203 QUnit.test('should preserve holes in arrays', function(assert) { argument
19218 QUnit.test('should treat holes as `undefined`', function(assert) { argument
19231 ….test('should not mutate the array until all elements to remove are determined', function(assert) { argument
19251 QUnit.test('should repeat a string `n` times', function(assert) { argument
19258 QUnit.test('should treat falsey `n` values, except `undefined`, as `0`', function(assert) { argument
19272 QUnit.test('should return an empty string if `n` is <= `0`', function(assert) { argument
19279 QUnit.test('should coerce `n` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
19287 QUnit.test('should coerce `string` to a string', function(assert) { argument
19294 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
19307 QUnit.test('should replace the matched pattern', function(assert) { argument
19323 QUnit.test('should invoke function values', function(assert) { argument
19329 QUnit.test('should invoke default function values', function(assert) { argument
19336 QUnit.test('should invoke nested function values', function(assert) { argument
19346 …Unit.test('should invoke deep property methods with the correct `this` binding', function(assert) { argument
19364 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should get string keyed property values', function(assert) { argument
19374 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should preserve the sign of `0`', function(assert) { argument
19387 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should get symbol keyed property values', function(assert) { argument
19401 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should get deep property values', function(assert) { argument
19411 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should get a key over a path', function(assert) { argument
19421 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not coerce array paths to strings', function(assert) { argument
19428 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not ignore empty brackets', function(assert) { argument
19435 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should handle empty paths', function(assert) { argument
19444 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should handle complex paths', function(assert) { argument
19459 …est('`_.' + methodName + '` should return `undefined` when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
19468 …hodName + '` should return `undefined` for deep paths when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
19484 …_.' + methodName + '` should return `undefined` if parts of `path` are missing', function(assert) { argument
19494 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should be able to return `null` values', function(assert) { argument
19504 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should follow `path` over non-plain objects', function(assert) { argument
19516 …'`_.' + methodName + '` should return the default value for `undefined` values', function(assert) { argument
19532 …t('`_.' + methodName + '` should return the default value when `path` is empty', function(assert) { argument
19548 QUnit.test('should apply a rest parameter to `func`', function(assert) { argument
19555 QUnit.test('should work with `start`', function(assert) { argument
19562 QUnit.test('should treat `start` as `0` for `NaN` or negative values', function(assert) { argument
19576 QUnit.test('should coerce `start` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
19583 QUnit.test('should use an empty array when `start` is not reached', function(assert) { argument
19590 QUnit.test('should work on functions with more than three parameters', function(assert) { argument
19609 QUnit.test('should reverse `array`', function(assert) { argument
19619 QUnit.test('should return the wrapped reversed `array`', function(assert) { argument
19639 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
19657 QUnit.test('should be lazy when in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
19684 QUnit.test('should work in a hybrid sequence', function(assert) { argument
19710 QUnit.test('should track the `__chain__` value of a wrapper', function(assert) { argument
19739 …est('`_.' + methodName + '` should return a rounded number without a precision', function(assert) { argument
19746 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a precision of `0`', function(assert) { argument
19753 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a positive precision', function(assert) { argument
19763 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a negative precision', function(assert) { argument
19770 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should coerce `precision` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
19785 …('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with exponential notation and `precision`', function(assert) { argument
19798 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should preserve the sign of `0`', function(assert) { argument
19811 …t('`_.' + methodName + '` should not return `NaN` for large `precision` values', function(assert) { argument
19825 …dName + '` should return `Infinity` given `Infinity` regardless of `precision`', function(assert) { argument
19847 …ame + '` should return `-Infinity` given `-Infinity` regardless of `precision`', function(assert) { argument
19869 ….' + methodName + '` should return `NaN` given `NaN` regardless of `precision`', function(assert) { argument
19897 QUnit.test('should not require a fully populated `context` object', function(assert) { argument
19914 QUnit.test('should use a zeroed `_.uniqueId` counter', function(assert) { argument
19942 QUnit.test('should return a random element', function(assert) { argument
19949 QUnit.test('should return `undefined` when sampling empty collections', function(assert) { argument
19963 QUnit.test('should sample an object', function(assert) { argument
19980 QUnit.test('should return an array of random elements', function(assert) { argument
19989 QUnit.test('should contain elements of the collection', function(assert) { argument
19997 QUnit.test('should treat falsey `size` values, except `undefined`, as `0`', function(assert) { argument
20011 QUnit.test('should return an empty array when `n` < `1` or `NaN`', function(assert) { argument
20019 QUnit.test('should return all elements when `n` >= `length`', function(assert) { argument
20028 QUnit.test('should coerce `n` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
20035 QUnit.test('should return an empty array for empty collections', function(assert) { argument
20049 QUnit.test('should sample an object', function(assert) { argument
20059 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
20072 QUnit.test('should work with a `customizer` callback', function(assert) { argument
20082 QUnit.test('should work with a `customizer` that returns `undefined`', function(assert) { argument
20102 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should set property values', function(assert) { argument
20114 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should preserve the sign of `0`', function(assert) { argument
20129 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should unset symbol keyed property values', function(assert) { argument
20144 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should set deep property values', function(assert) { argument
20156 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should set a key over a path', function(assert) { argument
20168 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not coerce array paths to strings', function(assert) { argument
20177 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not ignore empty brackets', function(assert) { argument
20186 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should handle empty paths', function(assert) { argument
20200 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should handle complex paths', function(assert) { argument
20217 …it.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should create parts of `path` that are missing', function(assert) { argument
20233 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not error when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
20250 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should overwrite primitives in the path', function(assert) { argument
20261 …t create an array for missing non-index property names that start with numbers', function(assert) { argument
20270 …thodName + '` should not assign values that are the same as their destinations', function(assert) { argument
20299 QUnit.test('should return a new array', function(assert) { argument
20305 QUnit.test('should contain the same elements after a collection is shuffled', function(assert) { argument
20312 QUnit.test('should shuffle small collections', function(assert) { argument
20315 var actual = lodashStable.times(1000, function(assert) { argument
20322 QUnit.test('should treat number values for `collection` as empty', function(assert) { argument
20336 …hould return the number of own enumerable string keyed properties of an object', function(assert) { argument
20342 QUnit.test('should return the length of an array', function(assert) { argument
20348 QUnit.test('should accept a falsey `object`', function(assert) { argument
20362 QUnit.test('should work with `arguments` objects', function(assert) { argument
20368 QUnit.test('should work with jQuery/MooTools DOM query collections', function(assert) { argument
20379 QUnit.test('should work with maps', function(assert) { argument
20395 QUnit.test('should work with sets', function(assert) { argument
20411 QUnit.test('should not treat objects with negative lengths as array-like', function(assert) { argument
20417 …ld not treat objects with lengths larger than `MAX_SAFE_INTEGER` as array-like', function(assert) { argument
20423 QUnit.test('should not treat objects with non-number lengths as array-like', function(assert) { argument
20437 …Unit.test('should use a default `start` of `0` and a default `end` of `length`', function(assert) { argument
20445 QUnit.test('should work with a positive `start`', function(assert) { argument
20452 QUnit.test('should work with a `start` >= `length`', function(assert) { argument
20460 QUnit.test('should treat falsey `start` values as `0`', function(assert) { argument
20472 QUnit.test('should work with a negative `start`', function(assert) { argument
20478 QUnit.test('should work with a negative `start` <= negative `length`', function(assert) { argument
20486 QUnit.test('should work with `start` >= `end`', function(assert) { argument
20494 QUnit.test('should work with a positive `end`', function(assert) { argument
20500 QUnit.test('should work with a `end` >= `length`', function(assert) { argument
20508 QUnit.test('should treat falsey `end` values, except `undefined`, as `0`', function(assert) { argument
20522 QUnit.test('should work with a negative `end`', function(assert) { argument
20528 QUnit.test('should work with a negative `end` <= negative `length`', function(assert) { argument
20536 QUnit.test('should coerce `start` and `end` to integers', function(assert) { argument
20548 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
20558 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
20603 …QUnit.test('should return `true` if `predicate` returns truthy for any element', function(assert) { argument
20610 QUnit.test('should return `false` for empty collections', function(assert) { argument
20624 QUnit.test('should return `true` as soon as `predicate` returns truthy', function(assert) { argument
20637 …nit.test('should return `false` if `predicate` returns falsey for all elements', function(assert) { argument
20644 QUnit.test('should use `_.identity` when `predicate` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
20666 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
20674 QUnit.test('should work with `_.matches` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
20682 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
20702 QUnit.test('should sort in ascending order by `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
20712 QUnit.test('should use `_.identity` when `iteratee` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
20726 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
20733 QUnit.test('should work with an object for `collection`', function(assert) { argument
20740 QUnit.test('should move `NaN`, nullish, and symbol values to the end', function(assert) { argument
20756 QUnit.test('should treat number values for `collection` as empty', function(assert) { argument
20762 QUnit.test('should coerce arrays returned from `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
20774 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
20817 …est('`_.' + methodName + '` should sort multiple properties in ascending order', function(assert) { argument
20824 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should support iteratees', function(assert) { argument
20831 …t('`_.' + methodName + '` should perform a stable sort (test in IE > 8 and V8)', function(assert) { argument
20840 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not error on nullish elements', function(assert) { argument
20850 …'`_.' + methodName + '` should work as an iteratee for methods like `_.reduce`', function(assert) { argument
20886 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return the insert index', function(assert) { argument
20900 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with an array of strings', function(assert) { argument
20914 …nit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should accept a nullish `array` and a `value`', function(assert) { argument
20927 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should align with `_.sortBy`', function(assert) { argument
20948 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should align with `_.sortBy` for nulls', function(assert) { argument
20958 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should align with `_.sortBy` for symbols', function(assert) { argument
20980 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should provide correct `iteratee` arguments', function(assert) { argument
20985 func([30, 50], 40, function(assert) { argument
20992 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
21001 …_.' + methodName + '` should support arrays larger than `MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH / 2`', function(assert) { argument
21037 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should perform a binary search', function(assert) { argument
21050 QUnit.test('should return unique values of a sorted array', function(assert) { argument
21066 QUnit.test('should split a string by `separator`', function(assert) { argument
21075 …QUnit.test('should return an array containing an empty string for empty values', function(assert) { argument
21088 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
21097 QUnit.test('should allow mixed string and array prototype methods', function(assert) { argument
21119 QUnit.test('should spread arguments to `func`', function(assert) { argument
21129 QUnit.test('should accept a falsey `array`', function(assert) { argument
21144 QUnit.test('should work with `start`', function(assert) { argument
21154 QUnit.test('should treat `start` as `0` for negative or `NaN` values', function(assert) { argument
21168 QUnit.test('should coerce `start` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
21184 QUnit.test('should uppercase only the first character of each word', function(assert) { argument
21200 QUnit.test('should return `true` if a string starts with `target`', function(assert) { argument
21206 QUnit.test('should return `false` if a string does not start with `target`', function(assert) { argument
21212 QUnit.test('should work with a `position`', function(assert) { argument
21218 QUnit.test('should work with `position` >= `length`', function(assert) { argument
21226 QUnit.test('should treat falsey `position` values as `0`', function(assert) { argument
21238 QUnit.test('should treat a negative `position` as `0`', function(assert) { argument
21247 QUnit.test('should coerce `position` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
21265 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should coerce `string` to a string', function(assert) { argument
21272 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should coerce `target` to a string', function(assert) { argument
21279 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should coerce `position` to a number', function(assert) { argument
21288 …should return `true` when `target` is an empty string regardless of `position`', function(assert) { argument
21318 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return ' + pair[1], function(assert) { argument
21337 QUnit.test('should subtract two numbers', function(assert) { argument
21345 QUnit.test('should coerce arguments to numbers', function(assert) { argument
21361 …me + '` should return `' + (isAddSub ? 0 : 1) + '` when no arguments are given', function(assert) { argument
21367 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with only one defined argument', function(assert) { argument
21375 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should preserve the sign of `0`', function(assert) { argument
21391 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should convert objects to `NaN`', function(assert) { argument
21398 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should convert symbols to `NaN`', function(assert) { argument
21410 ….' + methodName + '` should return an unwrapped value when implicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
21422 …'`_.' + methodName + '` should return a wrapped value when explicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
21443 QUnit.test('should work with an `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
21453 QUnit.test('should provide correct `iteratee` arguments', function(assert) { argument
21465 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
21482 …Unit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return the sum of an array of numbers', function(assert) { argument
21488 …st('`_.' + methodName + '` should return `0` when passing empty `array` values', function(assert) { argument
21500 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should skip `undefined` values', function(assert) { argument
21506 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not skip `NaN` values', function(assert) { argument
21512 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not coerce values to numbers', function(assert) { argument
21526 QUnit.test('should accept a falsey `array`', function(assert) { argument
21540 QUnit.test('should exclude the first element', function(assert) { argument
21546 QUnit.test('should return an empty when querying empty arrays', function(assert) { argument
21552 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
21561 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
21594 …('should not execute subsequent iteratees on an empty array in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
21625 QUnit.test('should take the first two elements', function(assert) { argument
21631 QUnit.test('should treat falsey `n` values, except `undefined`, as `0`', function(assert) { argument
21645 QUnit.test('should return an empty array when `n` < `1`', function(assert) { argument
21653 QUnit.test('should return all elements when `n` >= `length`', function(assert) { argument
21661 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
21670 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
21707 QUnit.test('should take the last two elements', function(assert) { argument
21713 QUnit.test('should treat falsey `n` values, except `undefined`, as `0`', function(assert) { argument
21727 QUnit.test('should return an empty array when `n` < `1`', function(assert) { argument
21735 QUnit.test('should return all elements when `n` >= `length`', function(assert) { argument
21743 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
21752 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
21795 QUnit.test('should take elements while `predicate` returns truthy', function(assert) { argument
21805 QUnit.test('should provide correct `predicate` arguments', function(assert) { argument
21817 QUnit.test('should work with `_.matches` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
21823 QUnit.test('should work with `_.matchesProperty` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
21829 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
21835 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
21853 QUnit.test('should provide correct `predicate` arguments in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
21915 QUnit.test('should take elements while `predicate` returns truthy', function(assert) { argument
21925 QUnit.test('should provide correct `predicate` arguments', function(assert) { argument
21937 QUnit.test('should work with `_.matches` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
21943 QUnit.test('should work with `_.matchesProperty` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
21948 QUnit.test('should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
21954 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
21972 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence with `take`', function(assert) { argument
21991 QUnit.test('should provide correct `predicate` arguments in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
22040 QUnit.test('should intercept and return the given value', function(assert) { argument
22059 …est('should intercept unwrapped values and return wrapped values when chaining', function(assert) { argument
22087 QUnit.test('should escape values in "escape" delimiters', function(assert) { argument
22101 …it.test('should not reference `_.escape` when "escape" delimiters are not used', function(assert) { argument
22108 QUnit.test('should evaluate JavaScript in "evaluate" delimiters', function(assert) { argument
22124 …pport "evaluate" delimiters with single line comments (test production builds)', function(assert) { argument
22133 … referencing variables declared in "evaluate" delimiters from other delimiters', function(assert) { argument
22142 QUnit.test('should interpolate data properties in "interpolate" delimiters', function(assert) { argument
22156 QUnit.test('should support "interpolate" delimiters with escaped values', function(assert) { argument
22165 …nit.test('should support "interpolate" delimiters containing ternary operators', function(assert) { argument
22174 … QUnit.test('should support "interpolate" delimiters containing global values', function(assert) { argument
22186 QUnit.test('should support complex "interpolate" delimiters', function(assert) { argument
22221 QUnit.test('should support ES6 template delimiters', function(assert) { argument
22229 QUnit.test('should support the "imports" option', function(assert) { argument
22236 QUnit.test('should support the "variable" options', function(assert) { argument
22254 QUnit.test('should support custom delimiters', function(assert) { argument
22275 QUnit.test('should support custom delimiters containing special characters', function(assert) { argument
22296 QUnit.test('should use a `with` statement by default', function(assert) { argument
22305 QUnit.test('should use `_.templateSettings.imports._.templateSettings`', function(assert) { argument
22325 QUnit.test('should fallback to `_.templateSettings`', function(assert) { argument
22341 QUnit.test('should ignore `null` delimiters', function(assert) { argument
22367 QUnit.test('should work without delimiters', function(assert) { argument
22374 QUnit.test('should work with `this` references', function(assert) { argument
22385 QUnit.test('should work with backslashes', function(assert) { argument
22394 QUnit.test('should work with escaped characters in string literals', function(assert) { argument
22405 QUnit.test('should handle \\u2028 & \\u2029 characters', function(assert) { argument
22412 QUnit.test('should work with statements containing quotes', function(assert) { argument
22425 QUnit.test('should work with templates containing newlines and comments', function(assert) { argument
22437 QUnit.test('should tokenize delimiters', function(assert) { argument
22446 QUnit.test('should evaluate delimiters once', function(assert) { argument
22457 QUnit.test('should match delimiters before escaping text', function(assert) { argument
22464 QUnit.test('should resolve nullish values to an empty string', function(assert) { argument
22480 QUnit.test('should return an empty string for empty values', function(assert) { argument
22495 QUnit.test('should parse delimiters without newlines', function(assert) { argument
22505 QUnit.test('should support recursive calls', function(assert) { argument
22514 QUnit.test('should coerce `text` to a string', function(assert) { argument
22523 QUnit.test('should not modify the `options` object', function(assert) { argument
22531 QUnit.test('should not modify `_.templateSettings` when `options` are given', function(assert) { argument
22543 QUnit.test('should not error for non-object `data` and `options` values', function(assert) { argument
22553 QUnit.test('should expose the source on compiled templates', function(assert) { argument
22567 QUnit.test('should expose the source on SyntaxErrors', function(assert) { argument
22578 QUnit.test('should not include sourceURLs in the source', function(assert) { argument
22599 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
22621 QUnit.test('should use a default `length` of `30`', function(assert) { argument
22627 QUnit.test('should not truncate if `string` is <= `length`', function(assert) { argument
22634 QUnit.test('should truncate string the given length', function(assert) { argument
22640 QUnit.test('should support a `omission` option', function(assert) { argument
22646 QUnit.test('should coerce nullish `omission` values to strings', function(assert) { argument
22653 QUnit.test('should support a `length` option', function(assert) { argument
22659 QUnit.test('should support a `separator` option', function(assert) { argument
22667 QUnit.test('should treat negative `length` as `0`', function(assert) { argument
22675 QUnit.test('should coerce `length` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
22684 QUnit.test('should coerce `string` to a string', function(assert) { argument
22691 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
22706 QUnit.test('should throttle a function', function(assert) { argument
22727 QUnit.test('subsequent calls should return the result of the first call', function(assert) { argument
22748 QUnit.test('should clear timeout when `func` is called', function(assert) { argument
22781 QUnit.test('should not trigger a trailing call when invoked once', function(assert) { argument
22799 …er a call when invoked repeatedly' + (index ? ' and `leading` is `false`' : ''), function(assert) { argument
22821 QUnit.test('should trigger a second throttled call as soon as possible', function(assert) { argument
22849 QUnit.test('should apply default options', function(assert) { argument
22867 QUnit.test('should support a `leading` option', function(assert) { argument
22877 QUnit.test('should support a `trailing` option', function(assert) { argument
22908 …not update `lastCalled`, at the end of the timeout, when `trailing` is `false`', function(assert) { argument
22933 QUnit.test('should work with a system time of `0`', function(assert) { argument
22979 ….test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not error for non-object `options` values', function(assert) { argument
22986 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should use a default `wait` of `0`', function(assert) { argument
23003 …t('`_.' + methodName + '` should invoke `func` with the correct `this` binding', function(assert) { argument
23022 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` supports recursive calls', function(assert) { argument
23053 …t.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work if the system time is set backwards', function(assert) { argument
23090 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should support cancelling delayed calls', function(assert) { argument
23110 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should reset `lastCalled` after cancelling', function(assert) { argument
23133 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should support flushing delayed calls', function(assert) { argument
23153 …`_.' + methodName + '` should noop `cancel` and `flush` when nothing is queued', function(assert) { argument
23176 QUnit.test('should coerce non-finite `n` values to `0`', function(assert) { argument
23184 QUnit.test('should coerce `n` to an integer', function(assert) { argument
23191 QUnit.test('should provide correct `iteratee` arguments', function(assert) { argument
23196 _.times(1, function(assert) { argument
23203 QUnit.test('should use `_.identity` when `iteratee` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
23216 …QUnit.test('should return an array of the results of each `iteratee` execution', function(assert) { argument
23222 QUnit.test('should return an empty array for falsey and negative `n` values', function(assert) { argument
23235 QUnit.test('should return an unwrapped value when implicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
23246 QUnit.test('should return a wrapped value when explicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
23263 QUnit.test('should convert objects to arrays', function(assert) { argument
23269 QUnit.test('should convert iterables to arrays', function(assert) { argument
23283 QUnit.test('should convert maps to arrays', function(assert) { argument
23297 QUnit.test('should convert strings to arrays', function(assert) { argument
23305 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
23332 QUnit.test('should convert whole string to lower case', function(assert) { argument
23346 QUnit.test('should convert whole string to upper case', function(assert) { argument
23363 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return a dense array', function(assert) { argument
23376 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should treat array-like objects like arrays', function(assert) { argument
23384 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return a shallow clone of arrays', function(assert) { argument
23392 …nit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with a node list for `collection`', function(assert) { argument
23416 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should convert values to integers', function(assert) { argument
23429 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should support `value` of `-0`', function(assert) { argument
23441 QUnit.test('should return a valid length', function(assert) { argument
23450 QUnit.test('should return `value` if a valid length', function(assert) { argument
23458 QUnit.test('should convert `-0` to `0`', function(assert) { argument
23472 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should preserve the sign of `0`', function(assert) { argument
23510 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should pass thru primitive number values', function(assert) { argument
23524 …`_.' + methodName + '` should convert number primitives and objects to numbers', function(assert) { argument
23555 …`_.' + methodName + '` should convert string primitives and objects to numbers', function(assert) { argument
23596 …it.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should convert binary/octal strings to numbers', function(assert) { argument
23617 …d convert invalid binary/octal strings to `' + (isToNumber ? 'NaN' : '0') + '`', function(assert) { argument
23636 …methodName + '` should convert symbols to `' + (isToNumber ? 'NaN' : '0') + '`', function(assert) { argument
23655 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should convert empty values to `0` or `NaN`', function(assert) { argument
23671 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should coerce objects to numbers', function(assert) { argument
23728 QUnit.test('should be aliased', function(assert) { argument
23740 QUnit.test('should be aliased', function(assert) { argument
23755 …est('`_.' + methodName + '` should create an array of string keyed-value pairs', function(assert) { argument
23764 … + (isToPairs ? 'not ' : '') + 'include inherited string keyed property values', function(assert) { argument
23778 …t.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should convert objects with a `length` property', function(assert) { argument
23787 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should convert maps', function(assert) { argument
23801 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should convert sets', function(assert) { argument
23815 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should convert strings', function(assert) { argument
23830 QUnit.test('should convert a string to a path', function(assert) { argument
23837 QUnit.test('should coerce array elements to strings', function(assert) { argument
23849 QUnit.test('should return new path array', function(assert) { argument
23855 QUnit.test('should not coerce symbols to strings', function(assert) { argument
23870 QUnit.test('should handle complex paths', function(assert) { argument
23877 QUnit.test('should handle consecutive empty brackets and dots', function(assert) { argument
23911 QUnit.test('should flatten inherited string keyed properties', function(assert) { argument
23923 QUnit.test('should convert `arguments` objects to plain objects', function(assert) { argument
23932 QUnit.test('should convert arrays to plain objects', function(assert) { argument
23947 QUnit.test('should treat nullish values as empty strings', function(assert) { argument
23960 QUnit.test('should preserve the sign of `0`', function(assert) { argument
23970 QUnit.test('should preserve the sign of `0` in an array', function(assert) { argument
23977 QUnit.test('should not error on symbols', function(assert) { argument
23992 QUnit.test('should not error on an array of symbols', function(assert) { argument
24007 QUnit.test('should return the `toString` result of the wrapped value', function(assert) { argument
24031 …object with the same `[[Prototype]]` as `object` when `accumulator` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
24071 QUnit.test('should create regular arrays from typed arrays', function(assert) { argument
24086 QUnit.test('should support an `accumulator` value', function(assert) { argument
24124 QUnit.test('should treat sparse arrays as dense', function(assert) { argument
24134 QUnit.test('should work without an `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
24140 …nit.test('should ensure `object` is an object before using its `[[Prototype]]`', function(assert) { argument
24162 …uld ensure `object` constructor is a function before using its `[[Prototype]]`', function(assert) { argument
24170 QUnit.test('should create an empty object when given a falsey `object`', function(assert) { argument
24187 ….test('should provide correct `iteratee` arguments when transforming an ' + key, function(assert) { argument
24207 QUnit.test('should create an object from the same realm as `object`', function(assert) { argument
24249 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should remove ' + parts + ' whitespace', function(assert) { argument
24258 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should coerce `string` to a string', function(assert) { argument
24267 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should remove ' + parts + ' `chars`', function(assert) { argument
24276 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should coerce `chars` to a string', function(assert) { argument
24286 …' + methodName + '` should return an empty string for empty values and `chars`', function(assert) { argument
24296 …ethodName + '` should work with `undefined` or empty string values for `chars`', function(assert) { argument
24306 …st('`_.' + methodName + '` should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
24316 ….' + methodName + '` should return an unwrapped value when implicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
24330 …'`_.' + methodName + '` should return a wrapped value when explicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
24360 QUnit.test('should account for astral symbols', function(assert) { argument
24419 QUnit.test('should account for combining diacritical marks', function(assert) { argument
24437 QUnit.test('should account for fitzpatrick modifiers', function(assert) { argument
24455 QUnit.test('should account for regional symbols', function(assert) { argument
24471 QUnit.test('should account for variation selectors', function(assert) { argument
24479 … QUnit.test('should account for variation selectors with fitzpatrick modifiers', function(assert) { argument
24497 QUnit.test('should match lone surrogates', function(assert) { argument
24508 QUnit.test('should match side by side fitzpatrick modifiers separately ', function(assert) { argument
24525 QUnit.test('should cap the number of arguments provided to `func`', function(assert) { argument
24532 QUnit.test('should not force a minimum argument count', function(assert) { argument
24539 QUnit.test('should use `this` binding of function', function(assert) { argument
24560 QUnit.test('should unescape entities in order', function(assert) { argument
24566 QUnit.test('should unescape the proper entities', function(assert) { argument
24572 QUnit.test('should handle strings with nothing to unescape', function(assert) { argument
24578 QUnit.test('should unescape the same characters escaped by `_.escape`', function(assert) { argument
24585 QUnit.test('should not unescape the "' + entity + '" entity', function(assert) { argument
24600 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return the union of two arrays', function(assert) { argument
24607 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return the union of multiple arrays', function(assert) { argument
24614 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should not flatten nested arrays', function(assert) { argument
24621 …ethodName + '` should ignore values that are not arrays or `arguments` objects', function(assert) { argument
24636 QUnit.test('should accept an `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
24646 QUnit.test('should provide correct `iteratee` arguments', function(assert) { argument
24658 QUnit.test('should output values from the first possible array', function(assert) { argument
24671 QUnit.test('should work with a `comparator`', function(assert) { argument
24681 QUnit.test('should output values from the first possible array', function(assert) { argument
24708 ….test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return unique values of an unsorted array', function(assert) { argument
24715 …nit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return unique values of a sorted array', function(assert) { argument
24722 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should treat object instances as unique', function(assert) { argument
24728 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should treat `-0` as `0`', function(assert) { argument
24735 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should match `NaN`', function(assert) { argument
24741 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with large arrays', function(assert) { argument
24757 …Unit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with large arrays of `-0` as `0`', function(assert) { argument
24768 …dName + '` should work with large arrays of boolean, `NaN`, and nullish values', function(assert) { argument
24784 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with large arrays of symbols', function(assert) { argument
24796 …st('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with large arrays of well-known symbols', function(assert) { argument
24827 …'`_.' + methodName + '` should distinguish between numbers and numeric strings', function(assert) { argument
24849 …uld perform an unsorted uniq when used as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
24871 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with an `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
24883 QUnit.test('should work with large arrays', function(assert) { argument
24895 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should provide correct `iteratee` arguments', function(assert) { argument
24907 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with `` shorthands', function(assert) { argument
24932 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with ' + key + ' for `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
24946 QUnit.test('should work with a `comparator`', function(assert) { argument
24955 QUnit.test('should preserve the sign of `0`', function(assert) { argument
24978 QUnit.test('should generate unique ids', function(assert) { argument
24981 var actual = lodashStable.times(1000, function(assert) { argument
24988 QUnit.test('should return a string value when not providing a `prefix`', function(assert) { argument
24994 QUnit.test('should coerce the prefix argument to a string', function(assert) { argument
25007 QUnit.test('should unset property values', function(assert) { argument
25017 QUnit.test('should preserve the sign of `0`', function(assert) { argument
25031 QUnit.test('should unset symbol keyed property values', function(assert) { argument
25046 QUnit.test('should unset deep property values', function(assert) { argument
25056 QUnit.test('should handle complex paths', function(assert) { argument
25071 QUnit.test('should return `true` for nonexistent paths', function(assert) { argument
25083 QUnit.test('should not error when `object` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
25100 QUnit.test('should follow `path` over non-plain objects', function(assert) { argument
25127 QUnit.test('should return `false` for non-configurable properties', function(assert) { argument
25152 … QUnit.test('should unzip arrays combining regrouped elements with `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
25164 QUnit.test('should provide correct `iteratee` arguments', function(assert) { argument
25176 QUnit.test('should perform a basic unzip when `iteratee` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
25196 QUnit.test('should work with a `customizer` callback', function(assert) { argument
25206 QUnit.test('should work with a `customizer` that returns `undefined`', function(assert) { argument
25222 …+ methodName + '` should invoke `updater` with the value on `path` of `object`', function(assert) { argument
25245 QUnit.test('should uppercase as space-separated words', function(assert) { argument
25259 QUnit.test('should uppercase only the first character', function(assert) { argument
25276 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should get string keyed values of `object`', function(assert) { argument
25285 …`_.' + methodName + '` should work with an object that has a `length` property', function(assert) { argument
25294 …' + (isValues ? 'not ' : '') + 'include inherited string keyed property values', function(assert) { argument
25308 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with `arguments` objects', function(assert) { argument
25327 QUnit.test('should return the difference of values', function(assert) { argument
25334 QUnit.test('should use strict equality to determine the values to reject', function(assert) { argument
25345 QUnit.test('should remove all occurrences of each value from an array', function(assert) { argument
25358 QUnit.test('should match words containing Latin Unicode letters', function(assert) { argument
25372 QUnit.test('should support a `pattern`', function(assert) { argument
25379 QUnit.test('should work with compound words', function(assert) { argument
25396 QUnit.test('should work with compound words containing diacritical marks', function(assert) { argument
25404 QUnit.test('should not treat contractions as separate words', function(assert) { argument
25428 QUnit.test('should not treat ordinal numbers as separate words', function(assert) { argument
25446 QUnit.test('should not treat mathematical operators as words', function(assert) { argument
25456 QUnit.test('should not treat punctuation as words', function(assert) { argument
25471 QUnit.test('should work as an iteratee for methods like ``', function(assert) { argument
25480 QUnit.test('should prevent ReDoS', function(assert) { argument
25502 QUnit.test('should create a wrapped function', function(assert) { argument
25512 QUnit.test('should provide correct `wrapper` arguments', function(assert) { argument
25525 QUnit.test('should use `_.identity` when `wrapper` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
25539 QUnit.test('should use `this` binding of function', function(assert) { argument
25558 …t('`_.' + methodName + '` should return the symmetric difference of two arrays', function(assert) { argument
25565 ….' + methodName + '` should return the symmetric difference of multiple arrays', function(assert) { argument
25575 …' + methodName + '` should return an empty array when comparing the same array', function(assert) { argument
25584 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return an array of unique values', function(assert) { argument
25594 …'`_.' + methodName + '` should return a new array when a single array is given', function(assert) { argument
25601 …Unit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should ignore individual secondary arguments', function(assert) { argument
25608 …ethodName + '` should ignore values that are not arrays or `arguments` objects', function(assert) { argument
25617 …QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return a wrapped value when chaining', function(assert) { argument
25629 … + methodName + '` should work when in a lazy sequence before `head` or `last`', function(assert) { argument
25653 QUnit.test('should accept an `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
25663 QUnit.test('should provide correct `iteratee` arguments', function(assert) { argument
25681 QUnit.test('should work with a `comparator`', function(assert) { argument
25701 …st('`_.' + methodName + '` should zip together key/value arrays into an object', function(assert) { argument
25708 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should ignore extra `values`', function(assert) { argument
25714 …test('`_.' + methodName + '` should assign `undefined` values for extra `keys`', function(assert) { argument
25720 …`_.' + methodName + '` should ' + (isDeep ? '' : 'not ') + 'support deep paths', function(assert) { argument
25729 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work in a lazy sequence', function(assert) { argument
25750 QUnit.test('should zip arrays combining grouped elements with `iteratee`', function(assert) { argument
25770 QUnit.test('should provide correct `iteratee` arguments', function(assert) { argument
25782 QUnit.test('should perform a basic zip when `iteratee` is nullish', function(assert) { argument
25826 QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with ' + key, function(assert) { argument
25835 …Unit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should work with tuples of different lengths', function(assert) { argument
25852 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should treat falsey values as empty arrays', function(assert) { argument
25864 …ethodName + '` should ignore values that are not arrays or `arguments` objects', function(assert) { argument
25871 … QUnit.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should support consuming its return value', function(assert) { argument
25884 …QUnit.test('should execute the chained sequence and returns the wrapped result', function(assert) { argument
25903 QUnit.test('should track the `__chain__` value of a wrapper', function(assert) { argument
25928 QUnit.test('should follow the iterator protocol ' + chainType, function(assert) { argument
25943 QUnit.test('should act as an iterable ' + chainType, function(assert) { argument
25958 …Unit.test('should use `_.toArray` to generate the iterable result ' + chainType, function(assert) { argument
25975 QUnit.test('should reset the iterator correctly ' + chainType, function(assert) { argument
25994 QUnit.test('should work in a lazy sequence ' + chainType, function(assert) { argument
26020 ….test('should clone the chained sequence planting `value` as the wrapped value', function(assert) { argument
26037 QUnit.test('should clone `chainAll` settings', function(assert) { argument
26053 QUnit.test('should reset iterator data on cloned sequences', function(assert) { argument
26078 QUnit.test('should remove elements from the end of `array`', function(assert) { argument
26098 QUnit.test('should accept falsey arguments', function(assert) { argument
26124 QUnit.test('should append elements to `array`', function(assert) { argument
26140 QUnit.test('should accept falsey arguments', function(assert) { argument
26166 QUnit.test('should remove elements from the front of `array`', function(assert) { argument
26186 QUnit.test('should accept falsey arguments', function(assert) { argument
26212 QUnit.test('should return the wrapped sorted `array`', function(assert) { argument
26228 QUnit.test('should accept falsey arguments', function(assert) { argument
26254 QUnit.test('should support removing and inserting elements', function(assert) { argument
26274 QUnit.test('should accept falsey arguments', function(assert) { argument
26300 QUnit.test('should prepend elements to `array`', function(assert) { argument
26316 QUnit.test('should accept falsey arguments', function(assert) { argument
26342 …Unit.test('should execute the chained sequence and extract the unwrapped value', function(assert) { argument
26359 QUnit.test('should return the `valueOf` result of the wrapped value', function(assert) { argument
26371 … QUnit.test('should stringify the wrapped value when used by `JSON.stringify`', function(assert) { argument
26383 QUnit.test('should be aliased', function(assert) { argument
26410 QUnit.test('`_(...).' + methodName + '` should return a new wrapper', function(assert) { argument
26464 QUnit.test('`_(...).' + methodName + '` should return a new wrapped value', function(assert) { argument
26584 ….' + methodName + '` should return an unwrapped value when implicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
26596 …..).' + methodName + '` should return a wrapped value when explicitly chaining', function(assert) { argument
26619 QUnit.test('should work with `arguments` objects', function(assert) { argument
26660 QUnit.test('should accept falsey primary arguments', function(assert) { argument
26673 QUnit.test('should accept falsey secondary arguments', function(assert) { argument
26717 …it.test('`_.' + methodName + '` should return an empty string for empty values', function(assert) { argument
26824 QUnit.test('should accept falsey arguments', function(assert) { argument
26857 QUnit.test('should return an array', function(assert) { argument
26883 QUnit.test('should throw an error for falsey arguments', function(assert) { argument
26906 QUnit.test('should use `this` binding of function', function(assert) { argument
26927 … QUnit.test('should not contain minified method names (test production builds)', function(assert) { argument