Lines Matching refs:js

1js-sequence-diagrams.svg)]( [![Build Status](https…
4 <>
19 ![Sample generated UML diagram](
23 ….com/typekit/webfontloader) (if you wish to use custom fonts), [underscore.js](http://underscorejs…
31 Run `bower install bramp/js-sequence-diagrams` and include the scripts below:
34 <script src="{{ bower directory }}/bower-webfontloader/webfont.js" />
35 <script src="{{ bower directory }}/snap.svg/dist/snap.svg-min.js" />
36 <script src="{{ bower directory }}/underscore/underscore-min.js" />
37 <script src="{{ bower directory }}/js-sequence-diagrams/dist/sequence-diagram-min.js" />
43 <link href="{{ bower directory }}/js-sequence-diagrams/dist/sequence-diagram-min.css" rel="styleshe…
64 <script src="{{ bower directory }}/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js" />
72 For full examples check out [the demo site](
124 <script src="{{ bower directory }}/raphael/raphael-min.js"></script>
133 …ensure the font is included via the HTML, or recompile after altering main.js. So far only the han…
167 * Bump version in src/main.js and bower.json
170 * ``git add -f src/main.js bower.json dist/*``
183 * Dozens of other issues on
188 via [GitHub](
192 This project makes use of [Jison](, snap.svg, underscore.js, and the…
200 * [flowchart.js]( A similar project that draws flow charts in…