Lines Matching refs:params

258 		$params = array();	//store all parameters needed for the render computing
259 $params['match'] = $match; //store the original matching string
260 $params['reg_err'] = false; //init needed for future comparison
261 $params['regex_output_matches'] = false; // default behavior if no $ (dollar) is used
262 $params['call_plugin_handler'] = false;
284 $params['regex_output_matches'] = array();
287 $params['regex_output_matches'] = explode( ',', substr($option,1) );
294 $params['call_plugin_handler'] = substr($option,1);
299 $params['page_limit'][] = $INFO['id']; //add current page to limiting
302 …$params['nmsp_limit'][] = substr($INFO['id'],0,strrpos($INFO['id'],":")+1); //add current namespac…
305 $params['nmsp_limit'][] = substr($option,1); //add to limiting namespace list
308 $params['page_limit'][] = substr($option,1); //add to limiting page list
313 $params['ignored_options'][] = $option; //restricting options will be ignored -> store them
317 $params['page_exclude'][] = $INFO['id']; //add current page to restricting
320 …$params['nmsp_exclude'][] = substr($INFO['id'],0,strrpos($INFO['id'],":")+1); //add current namesp…
323 $params['nmsp_exclude'][] = substr($option,1); //add to restricting namespace list
326 $params['page_exclude'][] = substr($option,1); //add to page restricting list
331 $params['bad_options'][] = $option; //store unknown options
338 $params['ndq_err'] = true; //store error
341 $params['ndq_err'] = false; //or correctness
344 $params['or_pattern'] = $pattern; //and store it as original one
347 $params['type'] = 'normal'; //type is normal
348 $params['cs'] = 'cs'; //case-sensitive
352 $params['type'] = 'normal'; //type is normal
353 $params['cs'] = 'not_cs'; //not case-sensitive
357 $params['type'] = 'regex'; //type is regex
358 $params['cs'] = ''; //no case sensitivity for regex
360 $params['reg_err'] = true; //store regex error
364 $params['type'] = 'undef';
366 $params['pattern'] = $pattern; //store the final pattern that we use for searching
367 return $params; //return with parameters
393 function report($data, &$renderer, $params){ argument
394 if( $params['cond_ok'] ) { //if the search has been done
397 if( !empty($params['call_plugin_handler']) ) {
408 if( preg_match( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/i', $params['call_plugin_handler'], $temp ) > 0 ) {
411 …ss.'"><span class="'.$badoptWarnErrorCssClass.'_pat">'.htmlspecialchars($params['call_plugin_handl…
416 if( plugin_isdisabled( $params['call_plugin_handler'] ) ) {
419 $params['call_plugin_handler'] = strtolower($params['call_plugin_handler']);
421 if( !plugin_isdisabled( $params['call_plugin_handler'] ) ) {
423 $xPlugin =& plugin_load('syntax', $params['call_plugin_handler'] );
429 …ss.'"><span class="'.$badoptWarnErrorCssClass.'_pat">'.htmlspecialchars($params['call_plugin_handl…
437 …ss.'"><span class="'.$badoptWarnErrorCssClass.'_pat">'.htmlspecialchars($params['call_plugin_handl…
447 …$renderer->doc .= htmlspecialchars($params['match']); //in all remaining cases, display the origin…
462 if( is_array($params['regex_output_matches']) && count($params['regex_output_matches']) == 0 ) {
463 $params['regex_output_matches'] = array(); // as default we will use all matches
478 …Plugin && $xPlugin->_searchpatternHandler( 'wholeoutput', $renderer, $data, $matches, $params ) ) {
487 …src">'.htmlspecialchars($params['or_pattern']).'</span><br /><span class="sp_src_params">'.$this->…
489 …') == 'disp' && (isset($params['page_limit']) || isset($params['nmsp_limit']) || isset($params['pa…
491 if(isset($params['page_limit']) || isset($params['nmsp_limit'])){ //if limiting type
493 if(isset($params['page_limit'])) {
494 foreach($params['page_limit'] as $page){
498 if(isset($params['page_limit'])) {
499 foreach($params['nmsp_limit'] as $nmsp){
505 if(isset($params['page_exclude']) || $params['nmsp_exclude']){ //if excluding type
507 if(isset($params['page_exclude']))
509 foreach($params['page_exclude'] as $page){
513 if(isset($params['nmsp_exclude']))
515 foreach($params['nmsp_exclude'] as $nmsp){
523 …if($params['ndq_err'] == true && $this->getConf('ndqerr') == 'warning'){ //if there is a ndq error…
526 …if(isset($params['bad_options']) && $this->getConf('badopt') == 'warning'){ //if an unknown option…
528 foreach($params['bad_options'] as $badopt){
533 …if(isset($params['ignored_options']) && $this->getConf('ignopt') == 'warning'){ //if an option has…
535 foreach($params['ignored_options'] as $ignopt){
543 if( is_array($params['regex_output_matches']) && count($params['regex_output_matches']) == 0 ) {
544 $params['regex_output_matches'] = array(); // as default we will use all matches
550 … $xPlugin->_searchpatternHandler( 'intable:whole', $renderer, $data, $matches, $params, $page ) ) {
554 … $xPlugin->_searchpatternHandler( 'intable:prefix', $renderer, $data, $matches, $params, $page );
558 …if( isset( $matches[$page] ) && is_array($params['regex_output_matches']) && count($params['regex_…
562 $regex_output_matches = $params['regex_output_matches'];
577 …in->_searchpatternHandler( 'intable:match', $renderer, $data, $matches, $params, $page, $match[$j]…
590 …if( !$xPlugin->_searchpatternHandler( 'intable:count', $renderer, $data, $matches, $params, $page,…
599 …if( !$xPlugin->_searchpatternHandler( 'intable:count', $renderer, $data, $matches, $params, $page,…
607 … $xPlugin->_searchpatternHandler( 'intable:suffix', $renderer, $data, $matches, $params, $page );
616 … $xPlugin->_searchpatternHandler( 'intable:prefix', $renderer, $data, $matches, $params, $page );
618 …Plugin->_searchpatternHandler( 'intable:noresult', $renderer, $data, $matches, $params, $page ) ) {
622 … $xPlugin->_searchpatternHandler( 'intable:suffix', $renderer, $data, $matches, $params, $page );
629params['ndq_err'] == true) || ($this->getConf('regerr') == 'error' && $params['reg_err'] == true) …
630 …$renderer->doc .= '<div class="sp_error"><span class="sp_error_pat">'.htmlspecialchars($params['ma…
632 … if($params['ndq_err'] == true && $this->getConf('ndqerr') == 'error'){ //if the error is ndq type
636 …if($params['type'] == 'regex' && $params['reg_err'] == true && $this->getConf('regerr') == 'error'…
640 …if(isset($params['bad_options']) && $this->getConf('badopt') == 'error'){ //if the error is a ba d…
642 foreach($params['bad_options'] as $badopt){
655 …$renderer->doc .= htmlspecialchars($params['match']); //in all remaining cases, display the origin…