Lines Matching refs:table

12 div.dokuwiki div.sp_main div.sp_main{	/* the div containing the result table (not the error message…
15 div.dokuwiki div.sp_main table.sp_main_table{ /*the table containing the results (not the error mes…
18 div.dokuwiki div.sp_main table.sp_main_table tr{ /*the rows of the table*/
21 div.dokuwiki div.sp_main table.sp_main_table th,
22 div.dokuwiki div.sp_main table.sp_main_table td{ /*the cells of the table*/
27 div.dokuwiki div.sp_main table.sp_main_table tr.sp_title{ /*the main title row of the table*/
30 div.dokuwiki div.sp_main table.sp_main_table th.sp_title{ /*the main title cell of the table*/
36 div.dokuwiki div.sp_main table.sp_main_table span.sp_src{ /*the pattern displayed in title*/
42 div.dokuwiki div.sp_main table.sp_main_table span.sp_src_params{ /*the search parameters displayed …
49 div.dokuwiki div.sp_main table.sp_main_table tr.sp_warning{ /*the warning row*/
52 div.dokuwiki div.sp_main table.sp_main_table td.sp_warning{ /*the warning cell*/
60 div.dokuwiki div.sp_main table.sp_main_table td.sp_warning ul { /*the list inside warning cells*/
67 div.dokuwiki div.sp_main table.sp_main_table td.sp_options { /*the options cell*/
72 div.dokuwiki div.sp_main table.sp_main_table td.sp_options ul { /*the inside options cell*/
79 div.dokuwiki div.sp_main table.sp_main_table tr.sp_col_head{ /*the column header row*/
82 div.dokuwiki div.sp_main table.sp_main_table th.sp_col_head{ /*the column header cells*/
85 div.dokuwiki div.sp_main table.sp_main_table tr.sp_result{ /*the result rows*/
88 div.dokuwiki div.sp_main table.sp_main_table td.sp_page{ /*the page name cells in results*/
92 div.dokuwiki div.sp_main table.sp_main_table td.sp_count{ /*the match number cells in results*/
95 div.dokuwiki div.sp_main table.sp_main_table td.sp_nores{ /*the "no result" cell*/