Lines Matching refs:is

22is mandatory, because the plugin logic depends on the information, if reveal is used on the page o…
24 Every new H1 or H2 section, that is 6 equal signs or 5 equal signs open per default a new slide hor…
58 … MathJax from the MathJax CDN directly whether the Dokuwiki MathJax plugin is installed or not. It…
65 Configuration is done in DokuWiki's configuration manager.
89 The default is white.
99 The default is false.
109 The default is false.
119 The default is false.
133 The default is fade.
143 The default is 2.
153 The default is false.
163 The default is false.
171 * Default is `960x700`
176 …e presentation to the next slide in milliseconds. If this is set to 0, automatic progression is di…
180 The default is 0.
190 The default is false.
269 - Full example - parameters are parsed dynamically like in CSS, the parameter order is not importan…
272is recognized by postfix `%` and `px` or by keywords `auto`, `contain` and `cover` (cover is the d…
273is recognized by keywords `top`, `bottom`, `left`, `right`, `center` (center is the default in Rev…
274 …- Background image repeat is recognized by the keyword `repeat` (no-repeat is the default in Revea…
334 - On a slideshow the content is wrapped into `<aside class="notes">` and invisible (only shown on s…
335 - Lists in notes are always NOT incremental, because the list is unvisible and you would have to pr…
368 …pend a `&print-pdf` to the URL. When you are able to edit the page, there is a export PDF link re…
370 For example if the URL of your DokuWiki reveal.js presentation is usually