Lines Matching refs:in

15 …onfig in the manual installat…
35 Edit in the file dokuwiki/lib/plugin/include/syntax/wrap.php in the function render the line
65 Configuration is done in DokuWiki's configuration manager.
158 Show image borders (default in Reveal.js). Boolean:
168 Base size of the slides in pixels - slides will bee zoomed to fit in the available space
176 Automatically move the presentation to the next slide in milliseconds. If this is set to 0, automat…
178 * Numeric value to wait in milliseconds
200 …* dokuwiki plugin wrap's `<wrap lo></wrap>` and `<WRAP lo></WRAP>` produce also in the presentatio…
223 All other options are also overwritable in a wiki page by using the URL query parameter syntax:
227 …be numeric (1 or 0). If you want to be able to change the options directly in the URL after the pr…
268 - `---->` opens a new slide with the default transition in the default speed (open previous slides …
269in CSS, the parameter order is not important and whitespaces are not allowed because we split all …
272 …nd `px` or by keywords `auto`, `contain` and `cover` (cover is the default in Reveal.js) - example…
273 …om`, `left`, `right`, `center` (center is the default in Reveal.js) or alternative by x,y values i…
274 …- Background image repeat is recognized by the keyword `repeat` (no-repeat is the default in Revea…
276 …de`, `slide`, `convex`, `concave` or `zoom` followed by optional postfix `-in` or `-out` for diffe…
281 …n" to "special horizontal rule driven" - headers are no longer interesting in this mode for slide …
290 …ompany's logo or similar things. Footers are most conveniently added using in addition the dokuwik…
312 no-footer as option in background definition
335 - Lists in notes are always NOT incremental, because the list is unvisible and you would have to pr…
374 you would have to change this manually in the address bar of your browser to
379 After that the presentation looks weird in the browser but can be printed via you browser's print f…