Lines Matching refs:Add

12 * Add the ability to run the LDAP server / client over a UNIX socket.
13 * Add the ability to run the LDAP server over an SSL / TLS only socket.
14 * Add the ability for the server to handle client paging requests via a handler.
15 * Add a helper factory method for creating a proxy LDAP server.
19 * Add integration tests for the LDAP server / proxy.
28 * Add initial SASL support with a limited set of mechanisms (DIGEST-MD5, CRAM-MD5, PLAIN, ANONYMOUS).
42 * Add a DirSync helper class for Active Directory.
43 * Add Active Directory specific controls: ExpectedEntryCount, SetOwner, ADPolicyHints, ShowDeleted, ShowRecycled
44 * Add a range retrieval helper class to make it easier to work with ranged results from Active Directory.
45 * Add a "rename()" convenience method to the LdapClient.
46 * Add a "move()" convenience method to the LdapClient.
47 * Add a "getDescription()" method to the Attribute class to retrieve the attribute with all options.
48 * Add a "getOptions()" method the the Attribute class to iterate through options for an attribute.
49 * Add a "fromArray" method to make constructing entry objects from arrays sound more natural.
55 * Add more complete documentation for working with Entry objects.
60 * Add a create convenience method to the LdapClient to create a single LDAP entry.
61 * Add a read convenience method to the LdapClient to return a single LDAP entry.
62 * Add an update convenience method to the LdapClient to update a single LDAP entry.
63 * Add a delete convenience method to the LdapClient to delete a single LDAP entry.
70 * Add an LDAP URL parser / object based on RFC 4516.
73 * Add magic methods to Entry objects for attribute access.
74 * Add an idle_timeout setting to the LDAP server. Default to 600 seconds.
82 * Add a compare() operation method helper to the LdapClient.