Lines Matching refs:width

70                     width : 208,
91 width : '',
174 width: content.width(),
184 …_.resizePopup(popupData.width, popupData.height, additionalContent.innerHeight(), image, false, po…
208 width: content.width(),
255 … _.resizePopup(popupData.width, popupData.height, null, content, true, popupData.hasNextPrevious);
359 var prevWidth = content.width();
362 offsetElement.css({width:'auto', height: 'auto'});
364 var width = offsetElement.naturalWidth() || offsetElement.outerWidth();
368 offsetElement.css({width:prevWidth, height: prevHeight});
370 return {width: width, height: height};
373 …_.resizePopup = function(width, height, additionalHeight, offsetElement, isPageContent, needsNextP… argument
375 internal.log("Initial Size: " + width + " " + height);
378 if ( offsetElement && !width && !height) {
380 width = optimalSize.width;
384 internal.log("OffsetElement Size: " + width + " " + height);
385 width = parseInt(width) || ($(window).width() * 0.7);
388 var ratio = width / height;
390 var maxWidth = ( $(window).width() * 0.99 ) - 40;
395 internal.log("After Additional Content Size: " + width + " " + height);
400 width = (height - additionalHeight) * ratio;
402 width += 20; // For the scroller Bar that will apear;
406 if ( width > maxWidth ) {
407 width = maxWidth;
409 height = width / ratio + additionalHeight;
417 xOffset += ($(window).width() - width) * 0.5;
419 internal.log("Final Size: " + width + " " + height);
425 width : width,
430 width : '',
437 width : width,
704 $.fn.naturalWidth = function() { return img(this.src).width; };