Lines Matching refs:new

7 ¤ = structure change or important new feature
8 * = less important new feature or change
217 ¤ new class function resetObject() should be used to reset
333 (thanks publicØwoktiny*com for code for new internal method)
364 ¤ phpThumb now follows HTTP redirects (status=302) to new
432 * Added new fsockopen() section in SafeURLread()
457 * Enable creating new images with PATH_INFO style call
559 ¤ Added new configuration & compatability checker
610 * Bugfix: [#1398327] 'new' got broken (1x1 images)
707 ¤ Included new file phpThumb.demo.random.php to select a
786 the new (faster) cache retrieval method with Location
807 ¤ Added new filters:
860 overwriting. Please migrate your old settings to the new
863 ¤ Added new filters:
918 - 'config_nooffsitelink_require_refer' is a new option
924 - 'high_security_enabled' if set to true enabled new
930 ¤ Added new parameter "new" (phpThumb.php only) which can
931 create a new image without using "src" parameter. Set
932 "&new=<b>|<o>" where <b> is the background hex color,
935 ¤ Added new filters:
983 * Added new filter parameter 'fltr' that is an array and
1204 * Added new section to phpthumb.config.php where you can
1236 * Added new parameter 'down' where you can specify a
1248 * Included new file phpThumb.demo.cacheconvert.php to
1285 * Added new configuration variable 'config_temp_directory'
1290 * Added new configuration variable
1299 * Added new configuration variable 'config_disable_debug'
1478 * Updated cache filenames to reflect new parameters,
1481 new cached versions will be created.