Lines Matching refs:text

748 …var text = "<html><head><title>pgn4web PGN source</title><link rel='icon' sizes='16x16' href='pawn…
749 if (oneGameOnly) { text += fullPgnGame(currentGame) + "\n\n"; }
750 else { for (var ii = 0; ii < numberOfGames; ++ii) { text += fullPgnGame(ii) + "\n\n"; } }
751 text += "\n</pre>\n</body></html>";
753 pgnWin.document.write(text);
847 …var text = "<html><head><title>pgn4web FEN string</title><link rel='icon' sizes='16x16' href='pawn…
849 text += "[Event \"" + ((CurrentVar ? "" : gameEvent[currentGame]) || "?") + "\"]\n";
850 text += "[Site \"" + ((CurrentVar ? "" : gameSite[currentGame]) || "?") + "\"]\n";
851text += "[Date \"" + ((CurrentVar ? "" : gameDate[currentGame]) || "????.??.??") + "\"]\n";
852 text += "[Round \"" + ((CurrentVar ? "" : gameRound[currentGame]) || "?") + "\"]\n";
853 text += "[White \"" + ((CurrentVar ? "" : gameWhite[currentGame]) || "?") + "\"]\n";
854 text += "[Black \"" + ((CurrentVar ? "" : gameBlack[currentGame]) || "?") + "\"]\n";
855 text += "[Result \"" + ((CurrentVar ? "" : gameResult[currentGame]) || "*") + "\"]\n";
858 text += "[SetUp \"1\"]\n" + "[FEN \"" + thisFEN + "\"]\n";
860 …if (gameVariant[currentGame] !== "") { text += "[Variant \"" + gameVariant[currentGame] + "\"]\n";…
861 if (addGametext) { text += "\n" + movesStr + "\n"; }
862 text += "</pre>\n</body></html>";
864 fenWin.document.write(text);
1342 var theObj, moveId, text, ii, clockString, clockRegExp, clockMatch;
1360text = '<SPAN CLASS="comment">' + strippedMoveComment(showThisMove+1, CurrentVar, true).replace(/\…
1361 } else { text = ''; }
1362 theObj.innerHTML = text;
1367 text = whiteToMove ? 'white' : 'black';
1369 if (theObj = document.getElementById("GameSideToMove")) { theObj.innerHTML = text; }
1417 text = '<SPAN CLASS="move notranslate">' + gameResult[currentGame] + '</SPAN>';
1419 text = "";
1421 text = printMoveText(showThisMove+1, CurrentVar, (CurrentVar !== 0), true, false);
1423 theObj.innerHTML = text;
1428 text = '';
1433text += ' ' + printMoveText(showThisMove+1, children[ii], (children[ii] !== 0), true, false);
1437 theObj.innerHTML = text;
1443 text = printMoveText(showThisMove, CurrentVar, (CurrentVar !== 0), true, false);
1445text = '<SPAN CLASS="move notranslate">' + (Math.floor((showThisMove+1)/2) + 1) + (((showThisMove+…
1446 } else { text = ''; }
1447 theObj.innerHTML = text;
1452 text = '';
1457text += ' ' + printMoveText(showThisMove, siblings[ii], (siblings[ii] !== 0), true, false);
1461 theObj.innerHTML = text;
1576 function fixCommonPgnMistakes(text) { argument
1577text = text.replace(/[\u00A0\u180E\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000]/g," "); // some spaces to plain…
1578 text = text.replace(/\u00BD/g,"1/2"); // "half fraction" to "1/2"
1579 text = text.replace(/[\u2010-\u2015]/g,"-"); // "hyphens" to "-"
1580 text = text.replace(/\u2024/g,"."); // "one dot leader" to "."
1581 text = text.replace(/[\u2025-\u2026]/g,"..."); // "two dot leader" and "ellipsis" to "..."
1582 text = text.replace(/\\"/g,"'"); // fix [Opening "Queen\"s Gambit"]
1583 return text;
1949 var res = LOAD_PGN_FAIL, text, theObj;
1957 text = document.getElementById(textareaId).value;
1959 text = document.getElementById(textareaId).innerHTML;
1961 if (text.indexOf('\n') < 0) { text = text.replace(/((\[[^\[\]]*\]\s*)+)/g, "\n$1\n"); }
1963 if (text.indexOf('"') < 0) { text = text.replace(/(&quot;)/g, '"'); }
1967 if (pgnHeaderTagRegExp.test(text) === false) { text = emptyPgnHeader + "\n" + text; }
1969 if ( pgnGameFromPgnText(text) ) {
2094 function myAlertFEN(FenString, text) { argument
2095 myAlert("error: invalid FEN in game " + (currentGame+1) + ": " + text + "\n" + FenString, true);