Lines Matching refs:replace

36   customTag = customTag.replace(/\W+/g, "");
50 customTag = customTag.replace(/\W+/g, "");
53 …customTag + '\\s+((?:,?(?:"[^"]*"|[^,\\]]*))*)\\s*\\]'))) { tag = matches[1].replace(/\s+$/, ""); }
228 colRowList = colRowList.toUpperCase().replace(/[^A-Z0-9]/g,"");
676 return detectJavascriptLocation().replace(/pgn4web(|-compacted|\.min)\.js$/, "pgn4web-help.html");
1239 …move = move.replace(/[^a-wyzA-WYZ0-9#-]*/g, ''); // patch: pgn notation: remove/add '+' 'x' '=' ch…
1240 if (move.match(/^[Oo0]/)) { move = move.replace(/[o0]/g, 'O').replace(/O(?=O)/g, 'O-'); }
1241 move = move.replace(/ep/i, '');
1360 …LASS="comment">' + strippedMoveComment(showThisMove+1, CurrentVar, true).replace(/\sID="[^"]*"/g, …
1577 …text = text.replace(/[\u00A0\u180E\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000]/g," "); // some spaces to plain…
1578 text = text.replace(/\u00BD/g,"1/2"); // "half fraction" to "1/2"
1579 text = text.replace(/[\u2010-\u2015]/g,"-"); // "hyphens" to "-"
1580 text = text.replace(/\u2024/g,"."); // "one dot leader" to "."
1581 text = text.replace(/[\u2025-\u2026]/g,"..."); // "two dot leader" and "ellipsis" to "..."
1582 text = text.replace(/\\"/g,"'"); // fix [Opening "Queen\"s Gambit"]
1587 var res = pgnHeader[gameNum] ? pgnHeader[gameNum].replace(/^[^[]*/g, "") : "";
1588 res = res.replace(/\[\s*(\w+)\s*"([^"]*)"\s*\][^[]*/g, '[$1 "$2"]\n');
1590 res += pgnGame[gameNum] ? pgnGame[gameNum].replace(/(^[\s]*|[\s]*$)/g, "") : "";
1601 pgnText = pgnText.replace(/(^|\n)%.*(\n|$)/g, "\n");
1961 if (text.indexOf('\n') < 0) { text = text.replace(/((\[[^\[\]]*\]\s*)+)/g, "\n$1\n"); }
1963 if (text.indexOf('"') < 0) { text = text.replace(/(&quot;)/g, '"'); }
2101 …var FenString = typeof(startingFEN) != "string" ? FenStringStart : startingFEN.replace(/\\/g, "/")…