Lines Matching refs:be

31 PGN is not intended to be a general purpose standard that is suitable for every
61 that can be deciphered without too much difficulty, but at the same time
73 history and be able to handle probable needs of the future. The design
76 1) The details of the system must be publicly available and free of unnecessary
78 typical chess software developers and users should be able to understand most
81 2) The details of the system must be non-proprietary so that users and software
87 3) The system must work for a variety of programs. The format should be such
88 that it can be used by chess database programs, chess publishing programs,
92 4) The system must be easily expandable and scalable. The expansion ability
93 must include handling data items that may not exist currently but could be
95 new country names.) The system should be scalable in that it must not have any
100 5) The system must be international. Chess software users are found in many
101 countries and the system should be free of difficulties caused by conventions
139 both PGN import and export formats are designed to be readable by humans, there
140 is no recommendation that either of these be an ultimate mode of chess data
145 computer aided interaction and publishing should be explored to provide a high
153 language. A program that can read PGN data should be able to handle the
167 PGN programs on the same computing system should be exactly equivalent, byte
173 Export format should also be used for archival storage. Here, "archival"
174 storage is defined as storage that may be accessed by a variety of computing
186 convention. Some systems may just not be able to handle an archival PGN text
201 capability is available, it is likely to be at least two orders of magnitude
207 A PGN game represented using export format is said to be in "reduced export
249 critical commentary or string values in game data that may be referenced in
320 characters that represents a basic semantic unit. Tokens may be separated from
404 For PGN import format, there may be zero or more white space characters between
420 Some tag values may be composed of a sequence of items. For example, a
428 Tag Roster, see below) will not change; they will always be string values.
430 values for non-STR tag pairs. Use of these expanded tag values will likely be
476 The Event tag value should be reasonably descriptive. Abbreviations are to be
477 avoided unless absolutely necessary. A consistent event naming should be used
498 appear as the tag value. A comma may be used to separate a city from a region.
537 round number is inappropriate, then the field should be a single hyphen
543 round identifier can be made from a sequence of integer round numbers separated
563 should be a space. Wherever an initial appears, the very next character should
564 be a period.) If the name is unknown, a single question mark should appear as
699 the source. English is chosen over other languages because it appears to be
734 is probably the best that can be done for now. A later section of this
735 document gives alternative piece letters, but these should be used only for
771 First, if the moving pieces can be distinguished by their originating files,
775 Second (when the first step fails), if the moving pieces can be distinguished
785 attacks of the same piece type to the same square. An example of this would be
789 (nonchecking) knight moves would be "Nce2" and "Nge2". However, if the white
821 SAN moves can be as short as two characters (e.g., "d4"), or as long as seven
824 the SAN rules seem complicated, be assured that the earlier notation systems of
836 data appearing in export format is in all cases guaranteed to be importable
857 movetext, it would be replaced with the two adjacent symbols "Qxa8 $2".
865 The non-negative integer must be from zero to 255 in value.
873 may be legally played by first unplaying the move that appears immediately
874 prior to the RAV. Because the RAV is a recursive construct, it may be nested.
902 (White or Black) tag, then there will be corresponding multiple fields in any
925 Federation) ratings. Similar tag names can be constructed for other rating
938 "human" should be used for a person while the value "program" should be used
1066 considered to be implicitly repeated for further control periods as needed.
1079 control period of 40 moves in 2 1/2 hours would be represented as "40/9000".
1082 It should only be used for the last descriptor in a TimeControl tag value. It
1085 would be represented with a TimeControl tag value of "300".
1088 It should only be used for the last descriptor in a TimeControl tag value and
1094 be given by "4500+60" in the TimeControl tag value.
1097 control period. It should only be used for the last descriptor in a
1105 sandclock may be used. An example sandclock specification for a common three
1108 Additional TimeControl field kinds will be defined as necessary.
1169 These are tags that can be briefly described and that doon't fit well inother
1195 software designers as a placeholder value and should probably not be used in
1206 Note: the number assignments listed below should be considered preliminary in
1207 nature; they are likely to be changed as a result of reviewer feedback.
1355 File names chosen for PGN data should be both informative and portable. The
1356 directory names and arrangements should also be chosen for the same reasons and
1359 Some of suggested file and directory names may be difficult or impossible to
1393 or incomplete Date tag pair data are to be avoided. Any question mark
1394 characters in a Date tag value will be treated as zero digits for collation
1397 Large quantities of PGN data arranged by chronological order should be
1452 day of the month. Query characters used for unknown date digit values will be
1477 expected to be available in the near future. The entries are presented in
1481 information may be included here in this section.
1489 Some PGN software is freeware and can be gotten from ftp sites and other
1504 information about this archive can be gotten from its administrator, Chris
1517 export and can be used to "regularize" PGN data into reduced export format by
1522 sometimes appear months apart. Suggestions and comments should be directed to
1534 comments should be directed to its author, Keith Fuller (
1540 the ICS (Internet Chess Server). It can be found at the ftp
1543 Suggestions and comments should be directed to its author, John Aronson
1546 should be directed to its author, Tony Acero (
1558 comments should be directed to its author, Tim Mann (
1567 Suggestions and comments should be directed to its author, Anjo Anjewierden
1576 very first program to use EPD. Suggestions and comments should be directed to
1599 Assistant" will be able to use the PGN standard as an import and export option.
1618 programs. It may also be PGN capable as well.
1633 programs from different authors performing different types of tasks can be
1644 setting "Positive for White" must be set to "N". This makes BOOKUP work
1647 requires this option to be set to "Y"; but this really means that, if true,
1648 HIARCS needs to be adjusted to use the "right" centipawn evaluation convention.
1664 It may also be PGN capable as well. More details will appear here as they
1684 Schiller and they can be contacted via e-mail (
1689 The program "MV2PGN" can be used to convert game data generated by both current
1724 described in this document. Versions of Slappy the Database will be provided
1728 Slappy may also be useful to those who have a full feature program who also
1731 Suggestions and comments should be directed to its author, Steven J. Edwards
1755 The program "icsconv" can be used to convert Internet Chess Server games, both
1769 be obtained from:
1776 The ideas behind CHESSOP can be seen in CHESSOPN (alias CHESSOPG), a free
1793 The utility "pgn2opg" can be used to convert PGN files into a text format used
1796 correct PGN input properly. The file can be found in the pub/chess/PGN/Tools
1815 custom, some of the following may be incorrect or outdated. Corrections and
1816 extensions should be sent via e-mail to the PGN coordinator whose address
2008 many hours of tedious data entry can be saved. Additionally, a position
2009 notation can be useful for page layout programs and for confirming position
2012 Many interesting chess problem sets represented using FEN can be found at the
2022 some cases, the description could be eighty or more characters in length and so
2052 future castling that may of may not be possible at the moment due to blocking
2060 which appear will be ordered first uppercase before lowercase and second
2069 immediately followed by a rank digit. Obviously, the rank digit will be "3"
2070 following a white pawn double advance (Black is the active color) or else be
2145 Like FEN, EPD can also be used for general position description. However,
2146 unlike FEN, EPD is designed to be expandable by the addition of new operations
2149 Many interesting chess problem sets represented using EPD can be found at the
2159 some cases, the description could be eighty or more characters in length and so
2192 future castling that may or may not be possible at the moment due to blocking
2200 which appear will be ordered first uppercase before lowercase and second
2209 immediately followed by a rank digit. Obviously, the rank digit will be "3"
2210 following a white pawn double advance (Black is the active color) or else be
2231 An opcode is an identifier that starts with a letter character and may be
2232 followed by up to fourteen more characters. Each additional character may be a
2256 be played. All other opcodes that allow for more than one operand should have
2262 should be represented using SAN. If a different representation is used, there
2263 is no guarantee that the EPD will be read correctly during subsequent
2267 require that an integer operand must be within a given range; the details are
2270 sign may be used for indicating a non-negative value, but such use is not
2274 Some opcodes may require that a floating point operand must be within a given
2286 mnemonics will also all be at least two characters in length.
2289 programs should start with an upper case letter. This is so they may be easily
2290 distinguished should they be inadvertently be encountered by other programs.
2291 When a such a "private" opcode be demonstrated to be widely useful, it should
2292 be brought into the official list (appearing below) in a lower case form.
2301 new opcodes should be sent to the PGN standard coordinator listed near the
2309 be quite large for some extended searches and so use of (at least) a long (four
2317 be quite large for some extended searches and so use of (at least) a long (four
2324 from the current position, that are to be avoided in the opinion of the EPD
2349 be null.
2355 be handled prior to all other opcodes, then opcode "c1" (if present), and so
2396 mating material. Any other position known to be a certain forced draw also has
2403 to be delivered by the active color for the indicated position. It always
2405 For example, a position known to be a "mate in three" would have an operation
2495 Winning Chess Sacrifices and Combinations_ would be "WCSAC.0757" while the
2515 operands, each of which may be of any type. The operation involves no
2563 move is the move to be played from the position.
2611 registers to be null.
2617 will be handled prior to all other opcodes, then opcode "v1" (if present), and
2711 environment. This means that PGC files may be transferred among systems using
2714 PGC files should be used only when the use of PGN is impractical due to time
2733 values are stored using two's complement representation. Integers may be
2759 Moves can be organized into sequences and sets. A move sequence is an ordered
2764 ordinal data. The length header is an unsigned integer that may be a byte or a
2766 bytes. Most move sequences can be represented using just a byte header; these
2773 sets are be represented using just a byte header; these are called "mvset-1"
2781 character data. The length header is an unsigned integer that may be a byte, a
2783 following character bytes. Most strings can be represented using just a byte
2804 can't be adequately represented in reduced export format. There are eight
2856 corresponding "general game data end" record are considered to be part of the
2859 game construct is to be used as an alternative to record type 0x01 in those
2868 (and earlier appearing) "general game data begin" record are considered to be
2889 rav-begin/data/rav-end structures can be nested.
2899 pair. The rav-begin/data/rav-end structures can be nested.